1,613 research outputs found

    Non-interleaved FFS design

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    The requirements on the Final Focusing System (FFS) for a new linear collider has lead to lattice designs where chromaticity is corrected either locally or non-locally. Here, we present the status of an alternative lattice design developed for the current CLIC 500GeV beam parameters where chromaticity is corrected upstream the Final Doublet (FD) and the geometrical components in the vertical plane are corrected locally. The diagnose of this design showed to possible variations two the lattice : the second order dispersion and its derivative with respect to ss must be cancelled before the FD, or some dispersion must be tolerated at the sextupole located inside the FD.Comment: Talk presented at the International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS14), Belgrade, Serbia, 6-10 October 201

    Dynamique des faisceaux dans la section finale de focalisation du futur collisionneur linéaire

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    The exploration of new physics in the “Tera electron-Volt” (TeV) scale with precision measurements requires lepton colliders providing high luminosities to obtain enough statistics for the particle interaction analysis. In order to achieve design luminosity values, linear colliders feature nanometer beam spot sizes at the Interaction Point (IP).Three main issues to achieve the beam size demagnification in the Final Focus Section (FFS) of the accelerator are the chromaticity correction, the synchrotron radiation effects and the correction of the lattice errors.This thesis considers two aspects for linear colliders: push the limits of linear colliders design, in particular the chromaticity correction and the radiation effects at 3 TeV, and the instrumentation and experimental work on beam stabilization in a test facility.A new chromaticity correction scheme, called non-interleaved, is proposed to the local and non-local chromaticity corrections for CLIC. This lattice is designed and diagnosed, where the main issue in the current state of lattice design is the non-zero second order dispersion in the Final Doublet (FD) region where a strong sextupole is used to correct the remaining geometrical components.The radiation effect can be evaluated by tracking particles through the lattice or by analytical approximations during the design stage of the lattices. In order to include both, radiation and optic parameters, during the design optimization process, two particular radiation phenomena are reviewed: the Oide effect and the radiation caused by bending magnets .The analytical result of the radiation in bending magnets in was generalized to the case with non-zero alpha and non-zero dispersion at the IP, required during the design and luminosity optimization process. The closed solution for one dipole and one dipole with a drift is compared with the tracking code PLACET, resulting in the improvement of the tracking code results.The Oide effect sets a limit on the vertical beamsize due to the radiation in the final quadrupole. Only for CLIC 3 TeV this limit is significant, therefore two possibilities are explored to mitigate its contribution to beam size: double the length and reduce the QD0 gradient, or the integration of a pair of octupoles before and after QD0.Part of the requirements of the FFS for new linear accelerators are tested in The Accelerator Test Facility (ATF). The beam size reduction using the local chromaticity correction is explored by an extension of the original design, called ATF2 with two goals: achieve 37 nm of vertical beam size at the IP, and the stabilization of the IP beam position at the level of few nanometres. Since 2014 beam size of 44 nm are achieved as a regular basis at charges of about 0.1 × 10^10 particules per bunch.A set of three cavities (IPA, IPB and IPC), two upstream and one downstream of the nominal IP and on top of separate blocks of piezo-electric movers, were installed and are used to measure the beam trajectory in the IP region, thus providing enough information to reconstruct the bunch position and angle at the IP. These will be used to for beam stabilization and could detect beam drift/jitter beyond the tolerable margin and undetected optics mismatch affecting the beam size measurements. The specifications required of 1 nm resolution over 10 μm dynamic range at 1.0 × 10 10 particules per bunch with the ATF2 nominal optics have not been yet achieved.The minimum resolution achieved is just below 50 nm at 0.4 × 10^10 particules per bunch with a set of electronics impossing a noise limit on resolution of 10 nm per cavity. The dynamic range is 10 μm at 10 dB attenuation and 0.4 × 10^10 particules per bunch, indicating the need to upgrade theelectronics. The integration to the ATF tuning instruments is ongoing. Nonetheless, feedback has been tested resulting in reduction of beam jitterdown to 67 nm, compatible with resolution.L’exploration d’une nouvelle physique à l’échelle d’énergie des « Tera electron Volt » (TeV) nécessite de collisionner des leptons dans de grands accélérateurs linéaires à grande luminosité. Ces collisionneurs linéaires requiert une taille de faisceau à l’echelle nanométrique au Point d’Interaction (IP).Parmi les multiples effets participant à la degradation de la luminosité, la correction de la chromaticité, l’effet du rayonnement synchrotronique et la correction des erreurs dans la ligne sont parmi les trois effets à maîtriser afin de réduire la taille du faisceau dans la Section Finale de Focalisation (FFS).Cette these propose un nouveau schéma de correction de la chromaticitè que l’on appelera “non-entrelacé”, appliqué ici au projet CLIC. Lors de l’implementation de cette nouvelle methode, il a été mis en evidence que le probléme principal est la dispersion de deuxième ordre au Doublet Final (FD), qui traverse un sextupole utilisé pour annuler les composantes géometriques restantes.L’effet du rayonnement peut être evalué par méthode de tracking des particules ou par des approximations analytiques. Afin d’inclure ces effets du rayonnement et les paramétres optiques de la ligne pendant la conception et le processus d’optimisation, l’effet Oide et le rayonnement dû aux aimants dipolaires ont été etudiés.Le résultat analytique du rayonnement synchrotronique dans les aimants dipolaires fut generalisé dans les cas avec alpha et dispersion non-nulles à l’IP. Cette généralisation est utilisée pour améliorer le code de simulation PLACET.Le rayonnement dans les aimants quadripolaires finaux imposent une limite à la taille verticale minimale du faiceau, connu comme l’effet Oide. Celui-ci est uniquement important à 3 TeV, donc deux possibilités sont explorées pour atténuer sa contribution dans la taille du faisceau : doubler la longueur et réduire le gradient du dernièr quadripole (QD0), ou integrer une paire d’aimants octupolaires, un en amont et un en aval du QD0.Une partie des exigences du FFS pour les nouveaux collisionneurs linéaire à leptons est testée expérimentalement dans l’« Accelerator Test Facility » (ATF). La réduction de la taille du faisceau d’électrons en utilisant le schéma local de correction de la chromaticité est explorée dans une extension de la ligne originale, appellé ATF2, oú deux buts furent fixés : atteindre 37 nm de taille verticale du faisceau à l’IP, et stabiliser de l’ordre du nanomètre la position verticale du faisceau à l’IP. Depuis 2014, une taille de 44 nm avec un nombre de particules d’environ 0.1 × 10^10 par paquet est atteint de manière regulière.Des cavités radio-frequence seront utilisées pour la stabilisation du faisceau, et également pour détecter le déplacement/les fluctuations du faisceau au dehors la marge tolerable pour le systéme de mesure, ainsi que des erreurs non detectées dans l’optique.Un set de trois cavités furent installées et sont utilisées pour mesurer la trajectoire du faiceau dans la région de l’IP, fournissant ainsi des informations pour reconstruire la position et l’angle à l’IP. Les specifications pour l’optique nominale d’ATF2, i.e. 1 nm de résolution sur 10 μm de gamme dynamique à un nombre de particules de 1.0 × 10^10 par paquet, n’ont pas encore été atteint.La meilleur résolution atteinte jusqu’ici correspond à 50 nm pour 0.4 × 10^10 particules par paquet, où le bruit de l’éléctronique impose une limite de 10 nm par cavité sur la résolution. La gamme dynamique est de 10 μm à 0.4 × 10^10 particules par paquet et 10 dB d’attenuation du signal des cavités, nécéssitant de mettre l’électronique à niveau. Le test du système d’asservissement pour stabiliser le faisceau a atteint une réduction de la fluctuation jusqu’a 67 nm, compatible avec la résolution des cavités

    Software development in short telco projects: ¿How to make agile work areas involved?

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    Este artículo describe una empresa de tecnología y la “metodología” o las interacciones que debe realizar para desarrollar aplicaciones de software. Dichas aplicaciones le permiten crear productos simples, o pequeñas mejoras a los productos ya existentes de manera “rápida”. Se exponen las mejores metodologías de desarrollo de software ágil; y por medio de un estudio interno se evalúa la pertinencia o no de implementar alguna de las mencionadas metodologías de desarrollo ágil de software en el proceso.This paper describes a technology company and the "methodology" or interactions to be performed to develop software applications. These apps let you create simple products, or small improvements to existing products "quick" way. The best methodologies of agile software development are discussed; and through an internal study the relevance or not to implement any of the above methods of agile software development process is evaluated

    Completeness and Nonclassicality of Coherent States for Generalized Oscillator Algebras

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    The purposes of this work are (1) to show that the appropriate generalizations of the oscillator algebra permit the construction of a wide set of nonlinear coherent states in unified form; and (2) to clarify the likely contradiction between the nonclassical properties of such nonlinear coherent states and the possibility of finding a classical analog for them since they are P-represented by a delta function. In (1) we prove that a class of nonlinear coherent states can be constructed to satisfy a closure relation that is expressed uniquely in terms of the Meijer G-function. This property automatically defines the delta distribution as the P-representation of such states. Then, in principle, there must be a classical analog for them. Among other examples, we construct a family of nonlinear coherent states for a representation of the su(1,1) Lie algebra that is realized as a deformation of the oscillator algebra. In (2), we use a beam splitter to show that the nonlinear coherent states exhibit properties like anti-bunching that prohibit a classical description for them. We also show that these states lack second order coherence. That is, although the P-representation of the nonlinear coherent states is a delta function, they are not full coherent. Therefore, the systems associated with the generalized oscillator algebras cannot be considered `classical' in the context of the quantum theory of optical coherence.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, minor changes, misprints correcte

    Rediscovery of the poorly known lichen-mantis Pogonogaster tristani Rehn, 1918 (MANTODEA: THESPIDAE, OLIGONICINAE) in Costa Rica and ecological notes

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    En el presente trabajo se divulga el redescubrimiento de la poco conocida mantisliquen Pogonogaster tristani Rehn, 1918 para una nueva localidad en Costa Rica, después de 96 años en ser descrita. Se incluyen notas relativas a la diagnosis de la especie, el conocimiento del macho, el hábitat natural y comportamiento.In this paper the rediscovery of the little known Lichen-Mantis Pogonogaster tristani Rehn, 1918 from a new location in Costa Rica, 96 years of being described, is published. Notes concerning the diagnosis of the species, knowledge of the male, the natural habitat and behavior are included

    Pubis angelical: una estrategia de saturación.

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    Fil: Blanco, Oscar. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Compromiso Institucional por la Calidad en la Gestión Universitaria, el caso de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora

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    El presente trabajo, enmarcado en la temática de Gestión Estratégica, tiene como objetivo evidenciar la evolución institucional de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, en la incorporación de un valor como la Calidad en la Gestión Universitaria. Frente a la sanción de la Ley N° 24.521/95 de Educación Superior, que incorpora en el Sistema Universitario Argentino el proceso de autoevaluación y evaluación externa por pares de las Instituciones que lo componen, el Consejo Académico de la Facultad, en una actitud proactiva, aprueba por unanimidad someterse a las instancias evaluatorias. Las restricciones normativas impiden ejecutar tal decisión, ante lo cual, y nuevamente por unanimidad, la Facultad de Ingeniería aprueba la decisión de certificar su Proceso de Enseñanza de las Carreras de Ingeniería (función académica y gestión) por la Norma ISO 9001-Ed. 1994. Diseñado el Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad, el Manual, los Procedimientos, los Instructivos, los Formularios, y el Plan de Capacitación del RRHH que involucró a toda la Comunidad Universitaria, se inició su implementación efectiva en 1997. En 1999, se logra la certificación ISO 9001 por un Ente Certificador Externo, en el año 2000 se amplía el alcance de la certificación incorporando la función extensión, obtiene el Premio Nacional a la Calidad para el Sector Público en el Año 2001, logrando en 2003 y 2006 cumplir satisfactoriamente con el Proceso de Acreditación de las Carreras de Ingeniería por la CONEAU, aquello que en 1995 lo inició en el camino de la Calidad

    Interplay between Riccati, Ermakov and Schroedinger equations to produce complex-valued potentials with real energy spectrum

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    Nonlinear Riccati and Ermakov equations are combined to pair the energy spectrum of two different quantum systems via the Darboux method. One of the systems is assumed Hermitian, exactly solvable, with discrete energies in its spectrum. The other system is characterized by a complex-valued potential that inherits all the energies of the former one, and includes an additional real eigenvalue in its discrete spectrum. If such eigenvalue coincides with any discrete energy (or it is located between two discrete energies) of the initial system, its presence produces no singularities in the complex-valued potential. Non-Hermitian systems with spectrum that includes all the energies of either Morse or trigonometric Poeschl-Teller potentials are introduced as concrete examples.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    La Nación católica durante la Regeneración (1886-1900): perspectivas historiográficas

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    El presente artículo adelanta un balance historiográfico sobre el período de la Regeneración en Colombia (1880-1900), para posteriormente, someterlos a discusión y ofrecer otra perspectiva histórica. De los estudios existentes, el artículo se interesa por una parte, por aquellos análisis que se han centrado en la imposibilidad de la nación colombiana y por la otra, por los que afirman la existencia de una Nación Católica colombiana desde la Regeneración hasta la Constitución política de 1991; posteriormente, adelanta algunas críticas y preguntas acerca de la posibilidad de llevar a cabo un estudio del proyecto nacional regenerador en Colombia teniendo en cuenta los aportes de la historia intelectual y del estudios actuales del Estado Nación.Palabras clave: Regeneración, Catolicismo político, Iglesia Católica Violencia política, Intransigencia, Estado Nación.The present article advances a historiography balance on the period of the Regeneration in Colombia (1880-1900), it stops later on, to subject them to discussion and to offer another historical perspective. Of the existent studies, the article is interested on one hand, for those analyses that have been interested in the impossibility of the Colombian nation and for the other one, for those that affirm the existence of a Colombian Catholic Nation from the Regeneration until the political Constitution of 1991; later on, it advances some you criticize and you ask about the possibility of carrying out a study of the project national regenerator in Colombia keeping in mind the contributions of the intellectual history and of the current studies of the State Nation.Keywords: Regeneration, political Catholicism, Church Catholic, Political Violence, Intransigence, State Nation