86 research outputs found

    Statistički pokazatelji religioznosti i revitalizacija pravoslavlja: stvarnost ili mit

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    U ovom radu autor pokušava da religioznost i vezanost ljudi za pravoslavlje i pravoslavnu crkvu prikaže imajući na umu prvenstveno statističke podatke iz brojnih javnomnjenjskih i socioloških istraživanja u Srbiji i Rusiji. Pre iznošenja ovih podataka autor raspravlja o mogućnostima i ograničenjima sociološkog, kvantitavnog i anketnog pristupa religijskom fenomenu, a zatim iznosi mnoštvo statističkih podataka o različitim aspektima povezanosti sa religijom i crkvom. Ovi podaci se iznose grupisani u tri celine: podaci koji se odnose na samoidentifikaciju sa religijom i crkvom, zatim podaci o verovanju u dogmatsko jezgro pravoslavlja, i na kraju – podaci o crkvenosti stanovništva. U zaključku ovog teksta, autor na temelju pomenute iskustvene evidencije daje presek stanja povezanosti stanovništva Srbije i Rusije sa pravoslavljem i Srpskom i Ruskom pravoslavnom crkvom

    Оспоравања секуларизационе парадигме и десекуларизација савременог света и српског друштва

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    В статье автор приводит несколько замечаний, касающихся сложившихся концепций секуляризации, которые разрабатывались мировой социологией религии в в 60-х и 70-х годах прошлого века. Затем автор обсуждает недостаточно обозначенную и систематизованную на сегодняшний день в современной социологии религии концепцию десекуляризации. Основываясь на анализе религиозных изменений, и в первую очередь в сербском обществе, автор показывает, как проявляется десекуляризация общества

    Andrija Krešić: religija i ateizam (lični podsticaji i izazovi)

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    U tekstu se bavim podsticajima koje sam pronašao u tekstovima Andrije Krešića, a koji su me kao mladog sociologa opredelili prema trajnijem proučavanju religijskog fenomena. Ono što sam u Krešićevim tekstovima pročitao sredinom osamdesetih godina prošlog veka, u značajnoj meri je uticalo na izbor tema kojima ću se baviti u svom profesionalnom pozivu sociologa religije sve do danas. Tri su teme koje potcrtavam u ovom radu: poraz ranohrišćanske svesti i organizacije u kasnijem razvoju hrišćanstva kao nove religije, sekularizacija, tj. uzmicanje teocentrizma pred antropocentrizmom, što će obeležiti sociologiju religije u drugoj polovini XX veka i neke transistorijske konstante ljudskog života koje problematizuju čoveka kao homo religiosusa

    Introduction: Religious Change - Traditional and Non-traditional Religiosity

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    Статистика религиозности граждан Сербии

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    Desecularized society as an indicator of the vitality of religion

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    The author aims to show that the forecasts of some theorists, philosophers and sociologists about the secularization and inevitable disappearance and marginalization of religion in the process of modernization of society, did not come true. Religion as a social institution has survived and has indicated its return to society and its importance not only for the individual but also for the collective consciousness and action. Deterministic frameworks of the processes of religious changes toward desecularization of society are the result of important changes in society itself: on the one hand the religious traditions acquire political significance and importance in the society, while on the other side they deprivatize faith and behavior of individuals, which can be considered as representing the crucial elements of the process of desecularization of society. These examples compelled the authors like David Martin and Peter Berger to review their theories about secularization of society during 1960s and 1970s, by presenting new ideas about desecularization of society or by limiting the theory of secularization to Western Europe countries only

    Contemporary Religiousness of University Students and Desecularization of Serbian Society

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    In the first part of this paper the author is trying to place contemporary religiousness of Serbian university students both into the wider context of the religious nsituation in Europe and the world and into the context of the sociological theory of (de)secularization of the world and of the postsocialist Serbian society. In the second part of the paper the author states and analyzes the data about Serbian students’ commitment to religion and church

    Desecularization of the Serbian Society

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    The paper consists of two parts: in the first one the author discusses two theoretical approaches to the interpretation of desecularization of the Serbian society. In the second part the author presents empirical data on the current religiosity of the citizens of Serbia based on the results of a systematic and representative sociological research study of religiosity of Serbian citizens conducted by the researchers of the Christian Cultural Centre in Belgrade in 2010

    Dynamic Behaviour of a Two-Stage Cycloidal Speed Reducer of a New Design Concept

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    Traditional cycloidal speed reducers (with two cycloid discs per one stage, mutually turned by an angle of 180°) are well known for their remarkable dynamic stability. This paper analyses dynamic behaviour of a two-stage cycloidal speed reducer of a new concept, in which only one cycloid disc is used for each stage in order to further enhance its compactness. Lagrange’s displacement equations have been used to develop independent dynamic models for both the first and the second stage (six degrees of displacement freedom for the first stage, and eight degrees of displacement freedom for the second stage). A normal force acting at the contact of the cycloid disc teeth and the corresponding ring gear roller has been taken as an excitation force. For the newly designed two-stage cycloidal speed reducer, systems of differential displacement equations of the first and second stage have been solved using the Matlab – Simulink software package. A comprehensive analysis of the obtained diagrams of elastic dynamic contact forces of the first and second stage has revealed a certain analogy. In terms of dynamics, the cycloid disc of the second stage behaves similarly to the cycloid disc of the first stage. Since these cycloid discs are mutually turned by an angle of 180°, it can be concluded that from the aspect of the cycloid disc load, the two-stage cycloidal speed reducer of a new design concept exhibits good dynamic balance and stability

    Religious Changes in Postsocialism (A Comparative Analysis in the Cases of Yugoslavia and Russia)

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    Krajem 80-ih i početkom 90-ih godina na religijskim i konfesionalnim prostorima svih postsocijalističih društava, pa i na dominantno pravoslanim prostorima Jugoslavije (Srbije I Crne Gore) i Rusije, sociologija religije je otrkrila u svojim brojnim iskustvenim istraživanjima religioznosti i vezanosti za religiju i crkvu, više ili manje izražene religijske promene. Smatrajući da se radi o procesu koji je posebno značajan kao istraživački izazov za socilogije religije u zemljama tzv. postsocijallizma, predmet ovog istraživanja je određen kao utvrđivanje karaktera, stanja i smera religijskih promena na pravoslavno dominantnim prostorima Jugoslavije i Rusije aktuelnim u poslednjem desetleću burnih sicijalno-političkih previranja u njima. U ovako određenom predmetu istraživanja, glavni zadatak istraživanja jeste u identifikovanju i preispitivanju osnovnih tendecija u religijskim promenama. Oslanjajući se na obiman empririjski materijal o pomenutim promenama u radu se čini pokušaj preciznog detektovanja obima tih promena u različitim sferama religijskog, duhovnog i društvenog života ljudi u tzv. postsocijalističkoj transformaciji društvu (tranziciji). Precizan opis navedenih promena polazi od preciznog opisa religijske situacije u navedenim društvima u vreme socijalizma. Zato ovaj rad uzima u obzir dve vremenske i sadržainske tačke analize religijske situacije: vremensku i opštedruštvenu ravan položaja religija i crkava i stanja religioznosti ljudi u socijalizmu i vremenske i opštedruštvene okvire delovanja crkava i stanje religioznosti ljudi u postsocijalizmu. Preciznom opisu navedenih promena prethodi teorijska rasprava o osnovnim pojmovima istraživanja, kao što su pojmovi religije, (de)sekularizacije, i tranzicije. Cilj istraživanja, naravno, nije samo utvrđivanje obima i smera promena religioznosti građana, nego je jedan od glavnih ciljeva istraživanja pokušaj smeštanja navedenih religijskih promena u odgovarajući društveni kontekst od koga se polazi u njihovoj teorijskoj eksplikaciji...At the end of 80s and the beginning of 90s the sociology of religion, in its numerous experience-based research of religiousness and attachment to religion and church, detected some more of less evident religious shanges in all postsocialist societies, including predominantly Orthodox countries of Yugoslavia (Serbia nad Montenegro) and Russia. Considering it to be a process of special significance and a research challenge to the sociology of religion, the subject of this research has been defined as the assessment of the character, state and direction of religious shanges in predominantly Orthodox countries of Yugoslavia and Russia which became apperent in those coutries during the socially and politically turbulent last decade. With the subject of the research being defined in that way, the main goal of the research has been to identify nad examine the main tendencies of religious changes. Relying on the large empirical material on the above mentioned changes, this paper has made on attempt do detect the precise scope of those changes in different domains of religious, spiritual and social lives of the majority of people during the so-called “social transformation of society” (or transition). The precise description of the above mentioned changes derives from the precise description of the religious situations it the above mentioned countries during the period of socialism. That is why in this paper I have taken into account two temporal and material items of the analiysis of the religious situation: a temporal and general sicial position of religions and charches and the state of religiousness with people living in socialism on one side and temporal and general social boundaries of church activities and the state of religiousness with people living in postsocialism on the other. The precise description of the above mentioned changes is preceded by a theoretical discussion on the basic nations of the research, namely religion, (de)secularisation and transition. Of course, the goal of the research has not been just to determine the scope and the direction of the changes in religiousness of the citizens, but also to try to set the religious changes in question into the proper socioal context which is the starting point in their theoretical explication..