19 research outputs found

    Compact size uni-planer small metamaterial-inspired antenna for UWB applications

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    NoIn this paper, low profile planar Metamaterial-Inspired coplanar fed waveguide antenna is presented for WLAN and Ultra-Wideband applications. The antenna is based on a simple strip loaded to a rectangular patch and zigzag E-shape metamaterial-inspired unit cell. The idea behind the proposed antenna is to enable miniaturization effect. The proposed antenna can provide dual band operation, the first one is a Wi-Fi band at 2.45 GHz having impedance bandwidth of 150MHz, the second one is an ultra wide band extended from 4.2 GHz to 6.5 GHz. Two antennas are designed and fabricated with and without metamaterial-inspired loading. The simulated and measured results regarding Return loss (S11), Gain and Radiation pattern are discussed

    Performance evaluation of ZF and MMSE equalizers for wavelets V-Blast

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    NoIn this work we present the work on the equalization algorithms to be used in future orthogonally multiplexed wavelets based multi signaling communication systems. The performance of ZF and MMSE algorithms has been analyzed using SISO and MIMO communication models. The transmitted electromagnetic waves were subjected through Rayleigh multipath fading channel with AWGN. The results showed that the performance of both of the above mentioned algorithms is the same in SISO channel but in MIMO environment MMSE has better performance

    Liquid level monitoring using passive RFID tags

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    NoTank flooding have become major causes of pollution both in residential and industrial areas majorly caused by overflows of water(mostly residential) and volatile poisonous industrial liquids from the storage tanks. An effective way of avoiding this problem will be by deploying some mechanism to monitor liquid level at each point in time and escalating unusual liquid levelsto a pump control circuit or to the relevant authorities for prompt action to avoid a flooding occurrence. This paper presents a low cost power efficient liquid level monitoring technique. Passive RFID tags are designed modelled and deployed, the signal variation from the Alien Reader Software are used to effectively estimate the level of liquid in any surface or underground tank. The experimental set up is presented and an expository presentation is made of the passive tag design, modelled and simulated and adopted for same application