20 research outputs found

    Bütçe açığının cari işlemler üzerindeki etkileri: Teori ve uygulama

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    In this study, we examine if there is a linkage between the budget deficit (BD) and current account deficit (CAP). Traditional theory asserts that the BD leads to CAD, given that government expenditures are fixed. As disposable income increases due to BD (i.e., due to tax-cuts given that there is no corresponding reduction in government spending), consumers will choose to spend most of the increase in their disposable income. This will cause interest rates to increase via increase (rightward shift) in Investment-Saving (IS) curve. As a result of this, the domestic currency appreciates and net exports decline. Thus, BD causes CAD. The new Classical approach, on the other hand, argues that government debt or tax reductions imply future tax liabilities. This approach assumes that infinitely-lived consumers foresee the future tax liabilities, and, that consumers with rational expectations, therefore, will not increase their consumption level even if their income increases due to government debt or tax-cuts. Thus, there is no link between BAD and CD. In this study, the analyses were carried out by estimating current account equations using time series data for Turkey, Singapore and the USA. The result of this study demonstrates that the budget balance has had no significant impact on current account balance

    Bütçe açığının cari işlemler üzerindeki etkileri: Teori ve uygulama

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    In this study, we examine if there is a linkage between the budget deficit (BD) and current account deficit (CAP). Traditional theory asserts that the BD leads to CAD, given that government expenditures are fixed. As disposable income increases due to BD (i.e., due to tax-cuts given that there is no corresponding reduction in government spending), consumers will choose to spend most of the increase in their disposable income. This will cause interest rates to increase via increase (rightward shift) in Investment-Saving (IS) curve. As a result of this, the domestic currency appreciates and net exports decline. Thus, BD causes CAD. The new Classical approach, on the other hand, argues that government debt or tax reductions imply future tax liabilities. This approach assumes that infinitely-lived consumers foresee the future tax liabilities, and, that consumers with rational expectations, therefore, will not increase their consumption level even if their income increases due to government debt or tax-cuts. Thus, there is no link between BAD and CD. In this study, the analyses were carried out by estimating current account equations using time series data for Turkey, Singapore and the USA. The result of this study demonstrates that the budget balance has had no significant impact on current account balance

    Razlike u vremenu provedenom ispred ekrana između sveučilišnih studenata u Turskoj kao pokazatelj sjedilačkog stila života i neaktivnosti

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the screen time differences as an indicator of sedentary lifestyle in terms of some socio-demographic variables among university students. A total of 2209 university student (Mage = 20.80, SD = 1.61 years) participated in this study. The demographic information and screen time data were collected by using a survey form. The screen time refers to the combined time spent on watching TV/video, watching/playing/working on a computer, and playing video games. Two x three factorial ANOVA revealed significant gender and socio-economic status differences in the screen time. The male students and those with a high socio-economic status had higher screen time. In addition, one-way ANOVA showed significant screen time differences in terms of parental education level and place of residence (p < .001). The students living in dormitories and those whose parents had lower education level had lower screen time. Also, the students who had an opportunity to access technological devices in their place of residence and in their bedrooms had higher screen time than the students who did not have these facilities (p<.001). The screen time as a sedentary behavior among university students is quite high and these findings can be taken into account as a warning indicating increases in the sedentary lifestyle of these young adults.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi, na uzorku sveučilišnih studenata, razlike u vremenu provedenom ispred ekrana kao pokazatelju sjedilačkog stila života s obzirom na neke društveno-demografske varijable. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 2209 sveučilišnih studenata (Mdob = 20,80, SD = 1,61 godina). Demografski podaci i podaci o vremenu provedenom ispred ekrana prikupljeni su s pomoću anketnog obrasca. Vrijeme provedeno ispred ekrana odnosi se na kombinaciju vremena provedenog gledajući televiziju/video, gledajući računalo/igrajući se/radeći na njemu, te igrajući videoigre. 2 x 3 faktorska ANOVA otkrila je značajne razlike u vremenu provedenom ispred ekrana prema spolu i društveno-ekonomskom statusu. Kod studenata muškog spola i onih s visokim društveno-ekonomskim statusom zabilježene su više vrijednosti. Jednosmjerna ANOVA dodatno je pokazala značajne razlike s obzirom na obrazovanje roditelja i mjesto stanovanja (p < ,001). Studenti u studentskim domovima i oni čiji su roditelji na niskoj obrazovnoj razini imaju niže vrijednosti za vrijeme provedeno ispred ekrana. Također, studenti koji imaju mogućnost pristupa tehnološkim uređajima u svom domu i vlastitoj sobi imaju više vrijednosti od onih koji nemaju takve mogućnosti (p<,001). Vrijednost zabilježena za vrijeme provedeno ispred ekrana kao pokazatelj sjedilačkog ponašanja kod sveučilišnih studenata sasvim je visoka, pa se rezultati mogu uzeti u obzir kao upozorenje koje ukazuje na uzlazni trend s obzirom na sjedilački stil života mladih odraslih

    Clinical features of winter sports injuries: A prospective single center study

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    Introduction: This study aimed to present the epidemiological and clinical effects of skiing training and use of protective equipment on skiing, sledding and snowboarding injuries. Methods: The patients were evaluated in two groups according to both their skiing experience and use of protective equipment. The characteristics of the patients, such as age, gender, injury area, and injury type were statistically evaluated according to the groups. Results: A total of 191 patients, 68 (35.6%) female and 123 (64.4%) male, were evaluated. There was a significant difference between the patients with and without skiing experience (P=0.001). When the patients were evaluated according to the presence of protective equipment, 25 (59.5%) patients who had no experience did not wear protective equipment, and this rate was statistically significant compared to the experienced group (P=0.001). Concerning the diagnoses of the patients according to injury areas, joint dislocation and soft tissue trauma were mostly detected in the upper extremities, bone fractures in the lower extremities and organ injury in the thorax. Conclusion: Shoulder and wrist traumas were the most common injuries among the patients with previous skiing experience while tibial fractures were mostly seen in those without such experience. Tibia fractures were mostly observed in the patients using protective equipment, and skin incisions in those that did not use protective equipment. Therefore, in winter sports injuries, patients’ skiing experience and protective equipment use should be questioned and more attention should be paid to the above-mentioned injuries

    2000 ve 2001 Krizleri Sonrasında Türk Bankacılık Sisteminde Yeniden Yapılandırma Olayı

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    Finansal sistem içerisinde önemli bir paya sahip olan bankacılık sektörü, özellikle Türkiye’nin de içerisinde bulundugu gelismekte olan ülkelerde ekonominin isleyisi açısından hayati bir konuma sahiptir. Bu nedenle bankacılık sektöründe meydana gelen krizlerin ülke ekonomilerine verecegi zararı en aza indirgemek önemlidir. Türkiye’de Kasım 2000 ve Subat 2001 tarihlerinde yasanan finansal krizlerin ardından saglıklı bir bankacılık sistemi olusturmak icin bankacılık sektörü yeniden yapılandırma programı yürürlüge konulmustur. Bu programın temel amacı sektördeki kırılganlıkları ortadan kaldırarak mali ve operasyonel açıdan güçlü ve gelismis bir bankacılık sektörü meydana getirmek olarak belirtilmistir. Bu çalısmada, Türk bankacılık sektörünün 2000’li yılların basında yasadıgı krizlerin etkisinden kurtulmak ve sektöre olan güveni yeniden tesis etmek için uygulamaya konulan yeniden yapılandırma programı ve kullanılan enstrümanlar incelenmistir. Dört kesimden olusan çalısmanın birinci kesiminde arastırma hakkında açıklamalar yapılmıstır. kinci kesimde ise, Arastırma hakkında daha önce yapılan çalısmalar incelenmis, ve Yeniden Yapılandırma Programı öncesi gelismelere deginilmistir. Üçüncü kesimde ise, Türk bankacılık sektörünün yeniden yapılandırılmasını gerektiren sorunları ile 2000 ve 2001 krizlerinin sektöre olan etkileri incelenmis ve Türk bankacılık sektörünün yeniden yapılandırılması ve yeniden yapılandırma sonrası görünümü degerlendirilmistir. Dördüncü ve son kesimde ise, genel degerlendirme yapılmıs, ve öneri ve bulgular sunulmustur