16 research outputs found

    Dynamics of IL-4 and IFN-γ cytokine profile under the influence of combined allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) in patients with polynosis and combined sensitization to pollen and household allergens.

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    The article presents the results of the clinical evaluation of the  cytokine profile  (IL-4, IFN-γ) in combined allergen-specific ASIT immunotherapy in patients with polynosis and combined sensitization to pollen and household allergens. Studies were conducted in 49 patients aged 19-57 years (24 women and 25 men) suffering from polynosis from 1 to 38 years. Patients underwent an allergological examination, including history taking, diagnostic skin tests - prick test, immunological studies of blood by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and allergic component diagnosis ALEX, on the basis of which polysensitization to pollen and household allergens was revealed in all patients. All patients underwent pre-season ASIT. The main group of 31 patients received a combined ASIT with solutions of pollen and household allegens. 18 patients of the comparison group received ASIT only with pollen allergens. The observation groups were comparable by sex, age, and disease duration. Studies were conducted during the period of remission of the disease before the onset of ASIT and 1 year after. It was found that under the influence of combined ASIT, an immunospecific effect was observed in patients with a significant decrease in the level of IL-4 in simultaneous increase in the production of interferon-gamma by 59.8%, which indicates the activation of the process of switching the immune response from Th-2 to Th-1 cells. The positive results of clinical and immunological studies convincingly prove the advantages and effectiveness of the use of ASIT in patients with polynosis and combined sensitization to pollen and household allergens

    The biology of Simulium erythrocephalum and S. chelevini (Diptera, Simuliidae): Morpho-logical, ecological and molecular data

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    The subgenus Boophthora is a typical Palearctic taxon, which includes only 6 species, among them. Simulium erythrocephalum has a transpalearctic distribution. In Europe, Adler notes only the species S. erythrocephalum, and Yankovsky – two species S. (Boophthora) erythrocephalum and S. (Boophthora) chelevini. According to morphological characteristics, these species differ in their life stages. We have studied the development of S. erythrocephalum and S. chelevini from three rivers of Volyn region, Ukraine (Styr, Chornoguzka, Putylivka) from 2017 to 2019. We used the EPPO PM7 / 129 standard. Collected samples, 615-bp fragments of the COI gene were sequenced from five individuals of S. erythrocephalum and five individuals of S. chelevini and compared with four samples of S. erythrocephalum from the GenBank. We obtained the nucleotide sequence of S. chelevini. All of the S. erythrocephalum samples from Ukraine had 692 bases, the S. erythrocephalum samples from Armenia had 673 bases. S. erythrocephalum and S. chelevini did not have any intraspecific variations. These intraspecific variations were not larger than the interspecific variations. It has been proved that the populations of S. erythrocephalum and S. chelevini from medium and small rivers of Volyn do not differ in biological, behavioural and genetic characteristics. Comparison of S. erythrocephalum and S. chelevini life stages showed clear differences in 20 morphological features, which are probably manifestations of phenotypic variability. Comparison of species with data from the GenBank from Spain and Armenia on the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene confirmed the opinion that S. erythrocephalum and S. chelevini are one species. On the phylogenetic tree, the data are not grouped, there is no clear separation of the clades. Bootstrap values are 95–100%, which may indicate a significant similarity of all studied samples and the lack of isolation of individual morphotypes from Volyn, Spain and Armenia. To finally confirm the taxonomic position of these two species, additional research is needed covering more individuals from different parts of Europe and analysis of more genes

    Comparative analysis of vitamin D contents in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C and healthy.

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    From scientific literature it is known that vitamin D helps maintain the most important functions of the immune system, there is evidence of its role in inflammatory and metabolic diseases of the liver, including infection with hepatitis C. Aim – to study vitamin D status in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C compared to the healthy ones. We examined 100 patients with chronic viral hepatitis C (main group) and 30 patients without hepatitis C virus (control group). Level of 25 (OH) D in serum was studied by immunochemical method with electrochemiluminescent detection. To verify the diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency, a classification (M.F. Holick, 2011), adopted by the International Institute of Medicine and the Committee of Endocrinologists for clinical practice guidelines, was used. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 44% of people with chronic viral hepatitis C in the main group (mean hydroxycalciferol – 14.36±4.12 ng/ml. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 6,6% in the control group (mean 17,5±8,52 ng/ml). The average vitamin D deficiency in the main group was slightly lower than that in the control group. Factors that affect the metabolism of vitamin D in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C include a lack of vitamin D in blood serum

    Comparative analysis of vitamin D contents in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C and healthy.

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    From scientific literature it is known that vitamin D helps maintain the most important functions of the immune system, there is evidence of its role in inflammatory and metabolic diseases of the liver, including infection with hepatitis C. Aim – to study vitamin D status in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C compared to the healthy ones. We examined 100 patients with chronic viral hepatitis C (main group) and 30 patients without hepatitis C virus (control group). Level of 25 (OH) D in serum was studied by immunochemical method with electrochemiluminescent detection. To verify the diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency, a classification (M.F. Holick, 2011), adopted by the International Institute of Medicine and the Committee of Endocrinologists for clinical practice guidelines, was used. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 44% of people with chronic viral hepatitis C in the main group (mean hydroxycalciferol – 14.36±4.12 ng/ml. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 6,6% in the control group (mean 17,5±8,52 ng/ml). The average vitamin D deficiency in the main group was slightly lower than that in the control group. Factors that affect the metabolism of vitamin D in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C include a lack of vitamin D in blood serum

    Formation of the Mathematical Culture Pupils of Primary School by Using Terminological Direction Exercises

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    У статті досліджено проблему формування математичних знань та математичної культури учнів початкової школи, пошуку шляхів її реалізації у практиці навчання; проаналізовано процес формування в учнів основних понять та базових і спеціальних предметних компетенцій під час вивчення змістових ліній освітньої галузі «Математика» у початковій школі; аргументовано необхідність сприймання учнями нової інформації та вільного відтворення здобутих математичних знань словесно, усно й письмово, графічно, схематично, за допомогою буквеної символіки; аргументовано потребу здійснення переходів від зображення до образу, від словесного опису до символу і, навпаки, від символу до поняття (терміну); описано поетапну реалізацію під час освітнього процесу стратегічних навчальних дій вчителя початкової школи для розвитку математичної культури учнів; розкрито значення формування логіки індуктивно-дедуктивних міркувань та загального математичного стилю мислення дітей молодшого шкільного віку, формування навичок оперування математичними поняттями, розуміння математичної мови; розкрито роль збагачення усного та письмового математичного мовлення учнів початкової школи, збагачення їх математичного словника, формування умінь користуватися математичною термінологією та відповідною символікою; аргументовано організацію навчально-пізнавальної діяльності учнів за різними формами роботи; розкрито методичні особливості використання вправ з термінологічним спрямуванням як окремого типу дидактичного матеріалу, які передбачають виконання арифметичних дій над натуральними числами та величинами, на читання та запис математичних виразів, рівнянь, нерівностей та інших математичних записів та дають змогу швидко і ефективно організовувати навчальну діяльність учнів на різних етапах уроку, лаконічно математичною мовою формулювати умову завдання, подавати відповідь і навчати учнів математично коректно висловлювати думку; наведено приклади вправ з термінологічним спрямуванням під час вивчення нумерації натуральних чисел та арифметичних дій над ними.The article examines the problem of formation of mathematical knowledge and mathematical culture of pupils in primary schools, to find ways for its implementation in the practice of teaching; analyzed the process of formation of students ' basic concepts and core and specific subject competences in the study of the meaningful lines of the educational field "Mathematics" in elementary school; argued the need for the perception of the students new information and a free playback of the received mathematical knowledge verbally, both orally and in writing, graphically, schematically, using a letter symbol; arguments need to make transitions from image to image, from verbal descriptions to the symbol and back symbol to the concept (term) is described for the phased implementation during the educational process of strategic educational activities of an elementary school teacher for the development of mathematical culture of students; reveals the significance of the logic of inductive-deductive reasoning and General mathematical way of thinking of children of primary school age, the skills of operating with mathematical concepts, understanding mathematical language; the role of enrichment of oral and written mathematical speech of elementary school students enrich their math vocabulary, skills to use mathematical terminology and appropriate symbols; reasoned organization of educational-cognitive activity of students in various forms of work; revealed methodological features of using exercise terminology direction as a separate type of didactic material that involve arithmetic on numbers and variables to read and write mathematical expressions, equations, and other mathematical records and allow you to quickly and effectively organize the learning activities of students at different stages of the lesson, simple mathematical language to formulate the problem, to file the answer and to teach students the mathematically correct to Express an opinion; the examples of exercises with terminological direction in the study of the numbering of natural numbers and arithmetic operations on them

    Теорія та практика менеджменту безпеки

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    У збірнику подано тези доповідей та виступів учасників Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої питанням теорії менеджменту безпеки, безпеки особистості, прикладним аспектам забезпечення соціальної, екологічної, економічної безпеки підприємств, питанням механізму забезпечення соціоекологоекономічної безпеки регіону, проблемам забезпечення національної безпеки

    Dynamics of IL-4 and IFN-γ Cytokine Profile Under the Influence of Combined Allergen-specific Immunotherapy (ASIT) in Patients with Polynosis and Combined Sensitization to Pollen and Household Allergens.

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    The article presents the results of the clinical evaluation of the cytokine profile (IL-4, IFN-γ) in combined allergen-specific ASIT immunotherapy in patients with polynosis and combined sensitization to pollen and household allergens. Studies were conducted in 49 patients aged 19-57 years (24 women and 25 men) suffering from polynosis from 1 to 38 years. Patients underwent an allergological examination, including history taking, diagnostic skin tests - prick test, immunological studies of blood by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and allergic component diagnosis ALEX, on the basis of which polysensitization to pollen and household allergens was revealed in all patients. All patients underwent pre-season ASIT. The main group of 31 patients received a combined ASIT with solutions of pollen and household allegens. 18 patients of the comparison group received ASIT only with pollen allergens. The observation groups were comparable by sex, age, and disease duration. Studies were conducted during the period of remission of the disease before the onset of ASIT and 1 year after. It was found that under the influence of combined ASIT, an immunospecific effect was observed in patients with a significant decrease in the level of IL-4 in simultaneous increase in the production of interferon-gamma by 59.8%, which indicates the activation of the process of switching the immune response from Th-2 to Th-1 cells. The positive results of clinical and immunological studies convincingly prove the advantages and effectiveness of the use of ASIT in patients with polynosis and combined sensitization to pollen and household allergens

    Study of modification of zinc status of laboratory animals in conditions of low-dose action of lead and zinc in various forms.

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    Последние годы Венес устойчивая тенденция к • Регистрация ОбъявленияКомпанииМеванияСкидкиФорумДобавить техногенную нагрузку на окружающую среду Тесно коррелирует сек с ухудшением состояния журнала о низкодозированные изолированные и комбинированные эффекты различных форм свинца и цинка в условиях эксперимента. Для эксперимента половозрелых крыс Вистар с массой тела 150-170 г были выбраны, с последующей инг рандомизации в шести экспериментальных и контрольной группе Одной, восемь крыс в каждой из Одной . Полученная данные и их комплексный анализ позволяет в полной мере предполагает образование био  Наши результаты соответствуют данным исследователям о остеозащитных свойствах цинка под действием даже НИЗКИЕ ДОЗЫ свинец, особенно ЕГО наноаквалатная форма (цитрат цинк)

    Analysis of the Dynamics of Clinical Indicators in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis with Sensitization to Pollen and Household Allergens Using Combined Allergen-specific Immunotherapy

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of combined allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) in patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) with combined sensitization to pollen and household allergens. To achieve this goal, 49 patients with AR of working age were examined – 35.5±1.5 years with clinical manifestations of seasonal rhinoconjunctival syndrome with a long period of 9.2±1.1 years, among which there were 25 (51.0%) males and 24 (49%) females. All patients were divided into 2 homogeneous groups by age, sex, duration of the disease, the average number of etiologically significant allergens: the main one – 31 patients who received combined ASIT with solutions of pollen and household allergens and a comparison group – 18 patients for whom only pollen allergens were used. Allergological examination included anamnesis, skin tests with pollen allergens (wormwood, ragweed, quinoa, corn, etc.) and household (house dust, mites, epidermal agents) and / or molecular research methods using the ALEX technology. The quantitative integral assessment of the intensity of AR clinical symptoms was calculated as a total score for the main symptoms. The maximum score for the severity of nasal symptoms – 12, eye - 6, total – 18. The results obtained and their analysis indicate that under the influence of ASIT pollen and household allergens in patients there is a significant and reliable decrease in the intensity of clinical manifestations of seasonal rhinoconjunctive syndrome: nasal manifestations – by 52,2%, conjunctival – by 60%, integral – by 54.3% and an increase of 2.2 times in the percentage of patients in the main group with the disappearance or minimization of clinical symptoms of the disease after treatment compared with patients from the comparison group, which convincingly proves and confirms high efficiency of the selected type of therapy in patients with AR in combination with sensitization to pollen and household allergens