73 research outputs found

    Revisión de modelos de evaluación del impacto de la formación en el ámbito sanitario: de lo general a lo específico

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo hacer una revisión de los modelos de evaluación del impacto de la formación en ámbito sanitario. Esta revisión comenzará por los modelos más generales de evaluación para, a continuación, continuar con los modelos más utilizados en la evaluación del impacto de la formación en el ámbito sanitario

    Determinación del impacto de la formación continua en el sector sanitario: diseño de un modelo de relaciones entre dimensiones

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    The objective of this article is to approach a thematic as complex as the evaluation of the impact is. To determine the impact which the training courses produce, it is of vital importance for the ones in charge of planning and of distributing the courses of continuous training, since the evaluation of the impact, like so, is the key for the decision making. The measurement of the impact of the training, usually, it is made on the basis of three criteria: first the satisfaction; secondly, the use of the training that the user does; and, thirdly, the economic repercussion of the training

    Determinación del impacto de la formación continua en el sector sanitario: diseño de un modelo de relaciones entre dimensiones

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    The objective of this article is to approach a thematic as complex as the evaluation of the impact is. To determine the impact which the training courses produce, it is of vital importance for the ones in charge of planning and of distributing the courses of continuous training, since the evaluation of the impact, like so, is the key for the decision making. The measurement of the impact of the training, usually, it is made on the basis of three criteria: first the satisfaction; secondly, the use of the training that the user does; and, thirdly, the economic repercussion of the training


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    Monereo, C. y Pozo, J.I. (2011). La identidad en psicología de la educación. Necesidad, utilidad y límites. Madrid: Narcea, 251 páginas. ISBN: 978-84-277-1747-3. DL:M-10.349-2011. (Recensión de Chantal Biencinto López) Corradini, M. (2011). Crear. Cómo se desarrolla una mente creativa. Madrid:Narcea, 106 páginas. ISBN: 978-84-277-1734-3. D.L: M-9298-2011. (Recensión de Elvira Carpintero Molina) 

    Programa SOU esTUtutor en el aula: desarrollo de estrategias de aprendizaje y participación entre estudiantes

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    Depto. de Investigación y Psicología en EducaciónFac. de EducaciónFALSEsubmitte

    La necesaria imbricación entre aprendizaje y formación. El simulador situativo como tecnología adecuada para la formación de formadores.

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    The way to focus the learning has undergone important modifications throughout the history of the education. If in the traditional model protagonism were represented by the content to transmit and the person in charge to do it now (teacher) it will fall to which learn (student) and to the method. The change with respect to the traditional model piloted by the New School was in lending priority to the methods or forms to make on the contents or forms to know. From then will be more important the knowledge to make that the knowledge in himself. For that reason the activities will have like purpose of learning methods. Of this form, the education will have to be based on the respect to the interests and necessities of the people who learn, using active methods, developing the autonomy, the critical spirit and the cooperation of these

    Soft Skills assessment through virtual environments in the university sector : A narrative review

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    The paper presents a narrative on the state of the question about the teaching and assessment of generic soft skills through Virtual Environments (VEs) in universities, based on consultation of scientific journals in electronic and printed format published between 2000 and 2014, as well as research projects focused on the development of generic skills through VEs. The paper summarises the theoretical and empirical contributions as a way of providing a greater insight into a line of research that began barely a decade ago. Soft skills related to student training, when combined with specific skills, enable better performance in personal, academic, social and organisational settings. This premise implies the need to consider the development of new methodologies for teaching, learning and assessment of soft skills. Results include the value of soft skills in training university students, as well as the development of innovative projects focused on the provision of teaching and assessment procedures that are feasible and effective for the achievement of soft skills assessment in VEs

    Evaluación del impacto del diploma metodología de investigación en clínica (Evaluation of the impact of clinic research methodology diploma)

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    The present article has as objective to present/display the results of a evaluative study made by the departament MIDE of the UCM in collaboration with the Council of Health, in order to determine the impact of the diploma <<Methodology of Investigation in Clinic>> distributed by the CUSP. This program, from its creation for 6 years, it comes making evaluations on the operation process of the same one, analyzing the levels of satisfaction of its assistants (reaction evaluation), as well as of its learnings. With this study it was wanted to go further on and to know which were the effects that it was having on the professional activity of the students who had attended it and to be able to state if the last objectives of this program (improvement of the investigating and welfare capacity of the sanitary professionals) were fulfilled.El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de un estudio evaluativo realizado por el departamento MIDE de la UCM en colaboración con la Consejería de Salud, para determinar el impacto del diploma <<Metodología de Investigación en Clínica>> impartido por el CUSP. Dicho programa, desde su creación hace 6 años, viene haciendo evaluaciones sobre el proceso de funcionamiento del mismo, analizando los niveles de satisfacción de sus asistentes (evaluación de reacción), así como de sus aprendizajes. Con este estudio se quería ir más allá y conocer cuáles eran los efectos que estaba teniendo sobre la actividad profesional de los alumnos que lo habían cursado y poder constatar si los objetivos últimos de este programa (mejora de la capacidad investigadora y asistencial de los profesionales sanitarios) se cumplían

    La necesaria imbricación entre aprendizaje y formación. El simulador situativo como tecnología adecuada para la formación de formadores.

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    The way to focus the learning has undergone important modifications throughout the history of the education. If in the traditional model protagonism were represented by the content to transmit and the person in charge to do it now (teacher) it will fall to which learn (student) and to the method. The change with respect to the traditional model piloted by the New School was in lending priority to the methods or forms to make on the contents or forms to know. From then will be more important the knowledge to make that the knowledge in himself. For that reason the activities will have like purpose of learning methods. Of this form, the education will have to be based on the respect to the interests and necessities of the people who learn, using active methods, developing the autonomy, the critical spirit and the cooperation of these

    La evaluación del proyecto SOU-estuTUtor: percepción de los mentores como punto de referencia para la mejora de un programa de mentoría universitaria para estudiantes de primero

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    The introduction of new degrees in the Faculty of Education and the relevance of educational guidance comes to them, as a compulsory subject in all four grades started from 2009-2010, gives the opportunity to return and boost the University Guidance Service (UGS) as a means of consistency with the profile of their education and professional development of its students. The aim of the paper focuses on the evaluation of the results after the first year of implementing a peer mentoring project, SOU-estuTUtor Project, developed from UGS with all degree students of the Faculty of Education for Students new entrants. Program has been evaluated through the perception and satisfaction of the mentors on the organization, training, skills developed and adapted to the needs of students. After one academic year of implementation, the results show, on the one hand, the satisfaction and commitment of those involved and the partial response to the needs of the students served, as well as the optimization of the personal resources of the university but also some limitations that make it necessary to review the mentoring program in terms of control and duration of the process.La implantación de los nuevos grados universitarios en la Facultad de Educación y la relevancia que la orientación educativa cobra en ellos, como asignatura obligatoria en los cuatro grados iniciados desde el curso 2009-2010, da la oportunidad de continuar e impulsar el Servicio de Orientación Universitaria (SOU) como medio de coherencia con el perfil de sus estudios y el desarrollo profesional de sus estudiantes. El objetivo del artículo se centra en la evaluación de los resultados obtenidos tras un primer año de implementación de un proyecto de mentoría entre compañeros, el Proyecto SOU-estuTUtor, desarrollado desde el SOU con estudiantes de todas las titulaciones de la Facultad de Educación para estudiantes de nuevo ingreso. Se ha evaluado el programa a través de la percepción y satisfacción de los mentores sobre la organización, formación, competencias desarrolladas y adaptación a las necesidades de los estudiantes. Después de un curso académico de implementación, los resultados ponen en evidencia, por un lado, la satisfacción y compromiso de los implicados y la respuesta parcial a las necesidades de los estudiantes atendidos, así como la optimización de los recursos personales de la institución universitaria pero también algunas limitaciones que hacen necesario revisar el programa de mentoría en cuanto a la supervisión y duración del proceso