525 research outputs found

    Valparaiso University College of Engineering SatNOGS Open-Sourced Satellite Ground Station: UHF and VHF Antenna Theory and Construction

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    This project cooperates with the international open-sourced SatNOGS project in order to create and operate a satellite communications ground station at Valparaiso University, located in Valparaiso, Indiana. SatNOGS is an open source ground station, optimized for modularity, and is built from readily available and affordable tools and resources. The long term goal of SatNOGS is to establish a world-wide network of operator-less ground stations. As part of implementing the SatNOGS project at Valparaiso University, Thomas Biedron and Jonathan Clabuesch are designing and building 70-centimeter and 2-meter antennas for the project. The goal of our poster presentation is to inform attendees about satellite signal theory and its application in antenna design and construction. As this is an open-source project, our final design and step-by-step implementations will also be posted to the SatNOGS website to be used by those who follow us in similar pursuits

    High-gain free-electron lasers and harmonic generation

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    A possible experiment at LEUTL to characterize surface roughness Wakefield effects

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    An Examination of Unsteady Airloads on a UH-60A Rotor: Computation Versus Measurement

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    An unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes solver for unstructured grids is used to simulate the flow over a UH-60A rotor. Traditionally, the computed pressure and shear stresses are integrated on the computational mesh at selected radial stations and compared to measured airloads. However, the corresponding integration of experimental data uses only the pressure contribution, and the set of integration points (pressure taps) is modest compared to the computational mesh resolution. This paper examines the difference between the traditional integration of computed airloads and an integration consistent with that used for the experimental data. In addition, a comparison of chordwise pressure distributions between computation and measurement is made. Examination of this unsteady pressure data provides new opportunities to understand differences between computation and flight measurement


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    In this paper testing for revealing data structure based on a hybrid approach has been presented. The hybrid approach used during the testing suggests defining a pre-clustering hypothesis, defining a pre-clustering statistic and assuming the homogeneity of the data under pre-defined hypothesis, applying the same clustering procedure for a data set of interest, and comparing results obtained under the pre-clustering statistic with the results from the data set of interest. The pros and cons of the hybrid approach have been also considered.W pracy tej przedstawiono testowanie występowania struktury danych w oparciu o podejście hybrydowe. Podejście to, podczas testowania wymaga zdefiniowania hipotezy wstępnego klastrowania; założenia homogeniczności danych na podstawie zdefiniowanej „statystyki”; zastosowania tej samej procedury klastrowania dla interesującego zbioru danych oraz porównania wyników uzyskanych na podstawie statystyki z wynikami uzyskanymi z interesującego nas zbioru danych. Zalety i wady podejścia hybrydowego zostały również rozważone


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    Nowadays wireless sensor networks have gained much popularity due to their flexibility. This progress has enabled the use of sensor nodes on an unprecedented scale and opened new opportunities for the so-called ubiquitous computerization. The total freedom of nodes distribution within the wireless sensor network (WSN), where the wireless characteristic is one of the greatest advantages of WSN, implies its greatest weaknesses. To overcome this challenge specialized routing protocols, such as many different version of LEACH, were ushered in so as to make effective use of the energy of the nodes themselves. This article aims to show the functioning of a new author’s solution, called IIS-LEACH, which uses redundancy as a basic element in increasing the reliability of WSN networks.W dzisiejszych czasach bezprzewodowe sieci czujników zyskują coraz to większą popularność ze względu na swoją elastyczność. Postęp ten, umożliwił zastosowanie węzłów sensorowych na niespotykaną dotąd skalę i otworzył nowe możliwości dla tzw. wszechobecnej komputeryzacji.  Całkowita dowolność w rozmieszczeniu węzłów jak i jego bezprzewodowy charakter, stanowiący jedną z największych zalet wykorzystania bezprzewodowych sieci sensorowych, implikuje jego największą słabość – ograniczania  związane z mobilnymi źródłami zasilania oraz nowymi problemami w zachowaniu niezawodności sieci. W celu efektywnego wykorzystania energii węzłów, zaczęto stosować wyspecjalizowane protokoły routingu takie jak LEACH. Celem tego artykułu będzie pokazanie nowe,  zmodyfikowanej wersji tego protokołu o nazwie ISS-LEACH


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    In the 21st century wireless sensor networks have gained much popularity due to their flexibility. This progress has enabled the use of sensor nodes on an unprecedented scale and opened new opportunities for the so-called ubiquitous computerization. The total freedom of nodes distribution within the wireless network, where the wireless characteristic is one of the greatest advantages of the use of wireless sensor networks, implies its greatest weakness, i.e. the limitation of mobile power sources. To overcome this challenge specialized routing protocols, such as LEACH, were ushered in for making the effective use of the energy of the nodes themselves. The purpose of this article is to show how the life of a sensor network depends on the number of nodes equipped with a mobile limited power source.W XXI wieku sieci czujników bezprzewodowych zyskały bardzo dużą popularność przede wszystkim ze względu na swoją elastyczność. Szybki rozwój oraz postępy w tej dziedzinie umożliwiły wykorzystanie czujników na bezprecedensową skalę i otworzyły nowe możliwości dla tzw. wszechobecnej komputeryzacji. Całkowita swoboda rozmieszczenie węzłów w sieci bezprzewodowej, jest jedną z największych zalet zastosowania tej technologii. Niestety atut ten jest ten przyczyną największej słabości bezprzewodowych sieci sensorowych tj. zapewnieniem wydajnego, bezprzewodowego źródła zasilania. Jednym ze sposobów sprostowania temu wyzwaniu było opracowanie specjalistycznych protokołów routingu takich jak LEACH, których celem było efektywne wykorzystanie mobilnych źródeł energii umieszczonych w samych węzłach. Badanie przeprowadzone i opisane w tej publikacji ukazuje wpływ liczebności węzłów na życie badanej sieci sensorowej z wykorzystaniem protokołu LEACH


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    In this paper the analysis of k-specified (namely k-means) crisp data partitioning pre-clustering algorithm’s termination criterion performance is described. The results have been analyzed using the clustering validity indices. Termination criterion allows analyzing data with any number of clusters. Moreover, introduced criterion in contrast to the known validity indices enables to analyze data that make up one cluster.W przedstawionym artykule została pokazana analiza wstępnej klasteryzacji danych w oparciu o partycjonowanie (algorytm k-średnich) w połączeniu z logiką dwuwartościową. Dodatkowo, zostało przedstawione kryterium zatrzymania klasteryzacji, które umożliwia analizowanie danych z dowolną liczbą klastrów. Otrzymane wyniki badań zostały przeanalizowane przy użyciu wewnętrznych indeksów walidacji. Wprowadzone kryterium w przeciwieństwie do znanych indeksów walidacji umożliwia analizę danych, które tworzą jeden klaster

    Rotor Airloads Prediction Using Unstructured Meshes and Loose CFD/CSD Coupling

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    The FUN3D unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes solver for unstructured grids has been modified to allow prediction of trimmed rotorcraft airloads. The trim of the rotorcraft and the aeroelastic deformation of the rotor blades are accounted for via loose coupling with the CAMRAD II rotorcraft computational structural dynamics code. The set of codes is used to analyze the HART-II Baseline, Minimum Noise and Minimum Vibration test conditions. The loose coupling approach is found to be stable and convergent for the cases considered. Comparison of the resulting airloads and structural deformations with experimentally measured data is presented. The effect of grid resolution and temporal accuracy is examined. Rotorcraft airloads prediction presents a very substantial challenge for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Not only must the unsteady nature of the flow be accurately modeled, but since most rotorcraft blades are not structurally stiff, an accurate simulation must account for the blade structural dynamics. In addition, trim of the rotorcraft to desired thrust and moment targets depends on both aerodynamic loads and structural deformation, and vice versa. Further, interaction of the fuselage with the rotor flow field can be important, so that relative motion between the blades and the fuselage must be accommodated. Thus a complete simulation requires coupled aerodynamics, structures and trim, with the ability to model geometrically complex configurations. NASA has recently initiated a Subsonic Rotary Wing (SRW) Project under the overall Fundamental Aeronautics Program. Within the context of SRW are efforts aimed at furthering the state of the art of high-fidelity rotorcraft flow simulations, using both structured and unstructured meshes. Structured-mesh solvers have an advantage in computation speed, but even though remarkably complex configurations may be accommodated using the overset grid approach, generation of complex structured-mesh systems can require months to set up. As a result, many rotorcraft simulations using structured-grid CFD neglect the fuselage. On the other hand, unstructured-mesh solvers are easily able to handle complex geometries, but suffer from slower execution speed. However, advances in both computer hardware and CFD algorithms have made previously state-of-the-art computations routine for unstructured-mesh solvers, so that rotorcraft simulations using unstructured grids are now viable. The aim of the present work is to develop a first principles rotorcraft simulation tool based on an unstructured CFD solver