19 research outputs found

    Endogenous synthesis of fatty acids in the mammary gland and milk fat depression in dairy ewes

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    La autora de esta memoria ha disfrutado de una ayuda del programa JAE Predoc para la formación del personal investigador del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) cofinanciada por el Fondo Social Europeo. Los trabajos que componen esta memoria han sido financiados por los Ministerios de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN; AGL2008-04805) y de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO; AGL2011-23700).[EN] Fat is the most variable component of milk in dairy ruminants, its amount and composition being affected basically by the consumed diet. Thus, its fatty acid (FA) profile is the result of a complex interaction between nutrients and ruminal and mammary metabolism. Among FA present in ewe milk fat, it is worth mentioning the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) because of its potential beneficial effects on human health. The cis-9, trans-11 CLA present in milk has a double origin: on the one side, ruminal through the action of local microbiota, and on the other side, endogenous in the mammary gland, through the ∆9-desaturase enzyme (SCD). In the ewe, as well as in other dairy ruminants, the ∆9-desaturase would be the main responsible for the synthesis of milk long-chain FA with a double bound in the cis-9 position (e.g., cis-9 18:1 from 18:0, and cis-9, trans-11 18:2 from trans-11 18:1). However, information on this topic is still scant. With the aim of trying to determine the endogenous synthesis of those FA in the ovine mammary gland, it was carried out a trial in which sterculic acid, a powerful and specific ∆9-desaturase inhibitor, was administered to a group of 6 lactating ewes. Animals were monitored for a 15-day experimental period, which included a 5-day pretreatment period, a 5-day treatment period, and a 5-day posttreatment period. During the treatment period, ewes received 0.5 g/day of sterculic acid, delivered intravenously in 4 equal doses at 6-hour intervals. Throughout the whole experiment, animals were fed pasture to supply mainly α-linolenic acid and minimize the amount of milk cis-9, trans-11 18:2 of ruminal origin. Results showed a decrease in the milk content of those FA arising from SCD action (e.g., cis-9 10:1, cis-9 14:1, cis-9 16:1, cis-9 18:1, and cis-9, trans-11 18:2) together with an increase in the enzyme substrates (e.g., 14:0, 18:0, and trans-11 18:1). Concentration of some other milk FA, further to previously reported substrates of SCD (e.g., cis-15 18:1, and trans-11, trans-15 18:2) were also increased by sterculic acid administration, whereas concentration of its products were decreased (e.g., cis-9, cis-15 18:2, and cis-9, trans-11, trans-15 18:3). The inhibition of the ∆9-desaturase reached 70% and allowed to estimate that 63% of cis-9 18:1 and 74% of cis-9, trans-11 18:2 present in milk fat arise from endogenous synthesis.Another interesting aspect related to the cis-9 18:1 is the role that this FA plays in the maintenance of milk fat fluidity. In fact, the lack of 18:0 for the endogenous synthesis of cis-9 18:1 has been indicated to be able to explain the milk fat depression (MFD) observed in animals fed marine lipids, because the decrease of this 18:1 isomer would increase the melting point, making milk fat secretion more complicated. Very long-chain n-3 FA, abundant in marine lipids, are well known inhibitors of the last step of ruminal biohydrogenation, which causes a decrease in the amount of 18:0 leaving the rumen that is the substrate for cis-9 18:1 synthesis in the mammary gland. Furthermore, based on previous results in lactating ewes receiving a diet that was supplemented with marine microalgae (MA), it was hypothesized the possibility of an adaptation of the rumen microbiota to the consumption of marine lipids that allowed a gradual recovery of milk fat percentage. Based on these points, a second experimental trial was conducted to study the persistency of the response of 36 lactating ewes to the supplementation of their diet with MA. This response was measured in terms of animal performance and milk composition, with especial focus on milk FA profile in general and on those FA related to MFD in particular. Animals were distributed in 6 lots of 6 ewes/lot and allocated to 2 treatments: 3 lots were fed the control diet, consisting of a total mixed ration (40:60 forage:concentrate ratio) supplemented with 25 g of sunflower oil/kg of dry matter, and the remaining 3 lots were fed the same diet but supplemented with 8 g of MA/kg of dry matter. Milk production and composition, including FA profile, were analyzed before (day 0) and after 6, 12, 18, 24, 34, 44, and 54 days of treatment. Diet supplementation with MA did not affect milk yield, but decreased milk fat content. Differences in the latter were detected from day 18 onward and reached -17% at the end of the experiment (i.e., on day 54). Compared with the control diet, MA consumption caused a reduction in milk 18:0 and its desaturation product, cis-9 18:1, that lasted for the whole experimental period. Additionally, inclusion of MA in the diet enhanced the milk content of trans FA, particularly trans-10 18:1 (which was related to the persistency of MFD), and trans-11 18:1, cis-9, trans-11 18:2, trans-10, cis-12 18:2, trans-9, cis-11 18:2, and C20-22 n-3 polyunsaturated FA, mainly 22:6 n-3. Overall, the persistency of the responses did not allow to accept the original hypothesis of the ruminal microbiota adaptation to the dietary supply of very long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated FA. Even though nutrition represents the main factor affecting milk fat yield, there is still very scant available information on the potential relationship between diet and regulation of genes involved in lipid metabolism in dairy ewes. This relationship has been studied in the bovine during MFD, but is still unknown in the ovine, especially when the MFD has been induced by marine lipid consumption. Therefore, using the animals involved in the second trial, a study was conducted to investigate changes in the mRNA abundance of candidate genes involved in lipid metabolism in the mammary gland, the subcutaneous adipose tissue and the liver in response to long-term (8 weeks) MFD induced by MA. To this end, 11 animals, 5 from the control and 6 from the MA treatments, were euthanized at the end of the study (day 54), and samples of mammary gland, adipose tissue, and liver were harvested and analyzed by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR.There was no effect of MA on mammary and adipose tissue expression of genes encoding proteins required for FA uptake and activation (ACSS2, LPL), intracellular FA transport (FABP3, FABP4), de novo FA synthesis (ACACA, FASN), esterification (DGAT1, DGAT2, LPIN1), desaturation (SCD), elongation (ELOVL6), lipid droplet formation (ADFP, BTN1A1, XDH), and transcriptional regulation (INSIG1, MED1, PPARG, RXRA, SCAP, SREBF1, THRSP). In the hepatic tissue, addition of MA did not affect the expression of ß-oxidation- and lipoprotein-related genes (ACOX1, APOB, CPT1A, PPARA, RXRA), but it up-regulated hepatic HMGCS2, which controls ketogenesis. The concentration of plasma ß-hydroxybutyrate, NEFA, glucose, triacylglycerol, growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor 1, insulin, and leptin was not different between groups at d 54. However, it cannot be discarded that transcriptional changes were established during earlier stages of the feeding treatment, similarly to what occurred in the milk FA profile (Trial II), and it was more complicated to detect them in the long-term. Overall, the results show the complexity of the key factors involved in the development of MFD and highlight the need for further research in dairy ewes, because the topic is still full of uncertainties.[ES] La grasa es el componente más variable de la leche de los rumiantes, dependiendo su contenido y composición básicamente de la dieta consumida. Así, el perfil de ácidos grasos (AG) es el resultado de una compleja interacción entre los nutrientes y el metabolismo ruminal y mamario. Entre los AG de la grasa láctea de oveja cabe destacar el ácido linoléico conjugado (CLA) por sus efectos potencialmente beneficiosos en la salud humana. El cis-9, trans-11 CLA que aparece en la leche tiene un doble origen: por una parte ruminal, mediante la acción de la microbiota local, y por otra endógena en la glándula mamaria, por medio de la enzima ∆9-desaturasa (o SCD). En la oveja, al igual que en otros rumiantes lecheros, la ∆9-desaturasa sería la principal responsable de la síntesis de los AG de cadena larga con doble enlace en posición cis-9 que se encuentran en la leche (p. ej., el cis-9 18:1 a partir de 18:0 y el cis-9, trans-11 18:2 a partir de trans-11 18:1). Sin embargo, la información al respecto es todavía escasa. Con el objetivo de intentar cuantificar la síntesis endógena de estos AG en la glándula mamaria del ovino, se llevó a cabo una prueba en la que se administró ácido estercúlico, un potente y específico inhibidor de la SCD, a un grupo de 6 ovejas en lactación. Los animales se controlaron durante un periodo experimental de 15 días, dividido en tres de 5 días cada uno: pretratamiento, tratamiento y postratamiento. Durante el periodo de tratamiento, las ovejas recibieron una dosis diaria de 0,5 g de ácido estercúlico, que se administró por vía endovenosa cada 6 horas (i. e., 4 veces al día). A lo largo de todo el ensayo experimental, los animales se alimentaron con pasto fresco para proporcionar una dieta rica en ácido linolénico y minimizar el aporte ruminal de cis-9, trans-11 18:2. Los resultados mostraron una reducción en el contenido de aquellos AG que se originan por acción de la ∆9-desaturasa (p. ej., cis-9 10:1, cis-9 14:1, cis-9 16:1, cis-9 18:1 y cis-9, trans-11 18:2), junto con un aumento de aquellos que constituyen su sustrato (p. ej., 16:0, 18:0 y trans-11 18:1). La concentración de otros AG, que hasta el momento no se conocían como sustratos de la SCD (p. ej., el cis-15 18:1 y el trans-11, trans-15 18:2), también aumentó tras la administración de ácido estercúlico, mientras que disminuyó la de sus productos (el cis-9, cis-15 18:2 y el cis-9, trans-11, trans-15 18:3). La inhibición de la ∆9-desaturasa alcanzó un 70% y permitió estimar que la síntesis endógena del cis-9 18:1 representaba el 63% de lo que aparecía en la leche y la del cis-9, trans-11 18:2 el 74%.Otro aspecto relacionado con el cis-9 18:1 es el papel que este AG juega en el mantenimiento de la fluidez de la grasa de la leche. De hecho, se considera que la escasez de 18:0 para la síntesis endógena de cis-9 18:1 podría explicar la depresión de la grasa láctea (MFD) que se observa en animales que consumen lípidos de origen marino, ya que la caída de este isómero 18:1 aumentaría el punto de fusión, dificultando así la secreción de la grasa en la leche. Los AG n-3 de cadena muy larga, abundantes en los lípidos marinos, son conocidos inhibidores del último paso de la biohidrogenación ruminal, lo cual provoca una disminución de la cantidad de 18:0 que abandona el rumen y que representa el sustrato necesario para la formación de cis-9 18:1 en la glándula mamaria. Por otro lado, basándose en resultados previos obtenidos en ovejas en lactación cuya dieta se suplementaba con microalgas marinas (MA), se planteó la hipótesis de una adaptación de la microbiota ruminal al aporte de lípidos marinos que permitiera una recuperación gradual del porcentaje de grasa de la leche. A partir de estos puntos, se llevó a cabo una segunda prueba experimental para estudiar la persistencia de la respuesta de 36 ovejas en lactación a la suplementación de su dieta con MA. Dicha respuesta se midió en términos de rendimiento productivo y composición de la leche, con especial interés en el perfil lipídico en general y en los AG relacionados con la MFD en particular. Los animales fueron divididos en 6 lotes de 6 ovejas cada uno y asignados a 2 tratamientos experimentales: 3 lotes recibieron la dieta control, que consistió en una ración completa mezclada con una relación forraje:concentrado 40:60 y que contenía 25 g de aceite de girasol/kg de materia seca, y los otros 3 recibieron la misma dieta control pero suplementada con 8 g MA/kg de materia seca. La producción, composición y perfil lipídico de la leche se analizaron antes (día 0) y tras 6, 12, 18, 24, 34, 44 y 54 días de tratamiento.La suplementación de la dieta con microalgas no afectó a la producción de leche, pero redujo su contenido de grasa, lo cual resultó evidente a partir del día 18 y alcanzó un -17% al final del experimento (día 54). Comparado con el grupo control, el consumo de MA causó una reducción en la concentración de 18:0 y del producto de su desaturación, el cis-9 18:1, que persistió durante todo el ensayo. Además, en la leche procedente de las ovejas alimentadas con MA se observó un aumento de AG de conformación trans, especialmente del trans-10 18:1 (lo cual se relacionó con la persistencia de la MFD), así como del trans-11 18:1, el cis-9, trans-11 18:2, el trans-10, cis-12 18:2 y el trans-9, cis-11 18:2, junto con el aumento de AG n-3 de 20-22C, principalmente el 22:6 n-3. En conjunto, la persistencia de la respuesta no permitió aceptar la hipótesis de una adaptación de la microbiota ruminal al aporte dietario de AG n-3 de cadena muy larga. Por otra parte, aunque la nutrición representa el principal factor regulador de la producción de grasa láctea, es aún muy escasa la información disponible sobre la posible relación entre la dieta y la regulación de los genes implicados en el metabolismo lipídico en ovejas lecheras. Esta relación se ha estudiado en el vacuno durante la MFD, pero es todavía muy desconocida en el ovino, especialmente cuando el síndrome ha sido inducido por el consumo de lípidos marinos. Por lo tanto, a partir de los animales de la segunda prueba, se planteó un estudio para analizar los cambios en la abundancia de ARNm de los principales genes candidatos involucrados en el metabolismo lipídico en el tejido mamario, la grasa subcutánea y el hígado, en respuesta a la MFD causada en ovejas lecheras por la ingestión de MA durante 8 semanas. Para ello, se utilizaron 11 animales, 5 del tratamiento control y 6 del MA, que fueron sacrificados al final del ensayo (día 54). Se tomaron muestras de glándula mamaria, tejido adiposo e hígado y los análisis se llevaron a cabo mediante PCR cuantitativa con transcriptasa inversa. No se observó ninguna diferencia entre los dos tratamientos en la abundancia de ARNm de los genes que codifican las principales proteínas de la glándula mamaria y del tejido adiposo necesarias para la captación y activación de los AG (ACSS2, LPL), transporte intracelular (FABP3, FABP4), síntesis de novo (ACACA, FASN), esterificación (DGAT1, DGAT2, LPIN1), desaturación (SCD), elongación (ELOVL6), formación de la gota lipídica (ADFP, BTN1A1, XDH) y regulación transcripcional (INSIG1, MED1, PPARG, RXRA, SCAP, SREBF1, THRSP). En el tejido hepático, el consumo de MA no afectó a la expresión de los genes responsables de la ß-oxidación y de la síntesis de lipoproteínas (ACOX1, APOB, CPT1A, PPARA, RXRA), si bien indujo un aumento en la expresión de HMGCS2, un gen relacionado con la cetogénesis. Por su parte, tampoco las concentraciones plasmáticas de ß-hidroxibutirato, AG libres, glucosa, triglicéridos, hormona del crecimiento, factor de crecimiento insulínico tipo I, insulina y leptina se vieron afectadas de forma significativa por la ingestión de microalgas durante 54 días. En todo caso, no se puede descartar que los cambios en el transcriptoma se produjeran relativamente pronto tras el consumo de MA, al igual que ocurrió con el perfil lipídico de la leche (segunda prueba) y fuera más complicado detectarlos a largo plazo. En conjunto, los resultados muestran la complejidad de los factores determinantes del desarrollo del síndrome de baja grasa en la leche y subrayan la importancia de continuar la investigación en el ovino lechero, ya que las incertidumbres al respecto son aún numerosas.La autora de esta memoria ha disfrutado de una ayuda del programa JAE Predoc para la formación del personal investigador del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) cofinanciada por el Fondo Social Europeo. Los trabajos que componen esta memoria han sido financiados por los Ministerios de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN; AGL2008-04805) y de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO; AGL2011-23700).Bichi, E.; Toral, P. G.; Hervas, G.; Frutos, P.; Gómez-Cortés, P.; Juárez, M.; de la Fuente, M. A. (2012). Inhibition of Delta(9)-desaturase activity with sterculic acid: Effect on the endogenous synthesis of cis-9 18:1 and cis-9, trans-11 18:2 in dairy sheep. Journal of Dairy Science 95 (9): 5242-5252 . American Dairy Science Association. http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2012-5349Bichi, E.; Hervas, G.; Toral, P.G.; Loor, J.J.; Frutos, P. (2013). Milk fat depression induced by dietary marine algae in dairy ewes: Persistency of milk fatty acid composition and animal performance responses. Journal of Dairy Science 96: 524-532. American Dairy Science Association. http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2012-5875Bichi, E.; Frutos, P.; Toral, P.G.; Keisler, D.; Hervas, G.; Loor, J.J.(2013). Dietary marine algae and its influence on tissue gene network expression during milk fat depression in dairy ewes. Animal Feed Science and Technology 186: 36-44. Elsevier. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2013.09.010Peer reviewe

    Síntesis endógena de ácidos grasos en la glándula mamaria y síndrome de baja grasa en la leche en ovejas = Endogenous synthesis of fatty acids in the mammary gland and milk fat depression in dairy ewes = Sintesi endogena di acidi grassi nella ghiandola mammaria e sindrome di scarso grasso nel latte di pecora

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    208 p.La tesis estudia los ácidos grasos (AG) presentes en la leche de los rumiantes. Se intentó cuantificar la síntesis endógena de los AG en la glándula mamaria del ovino mediante la administración de ácido estercúlico a ovejas en lactación. Asimismo, se estudió cómo podía afectar al porcentaje de grasa de la leche una suplementación de la dieta con microalgas marinas. Por último, partiendo del mencionado cambio en la alimentación se trató de analizar su efecto sobre la regulación de los genes implicados en el metabolismo lipídico en ovejas lechera

    Effect of the dietary supplementation with sunflower and fish oils on the rumen bacterial communities in dairy sheep

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    1 page.-- Contributed to: 13th Seminar of the FAO-CIHEAM Sub-Network on Sheep and Goat Nutrition: Challenging strategies to promote sheep and goat sector in the current global context (León,Spain, oct 14-16, 2009).In ruminants, the dietary addition of lipid sources rich in linoleic acid, such as sunflower oil (SO), and long-chain PUFA, such as fish oil (FO), has proved to increase the milk concentration of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which exerts important benefits to human health. Milk fatty acid (FA) profile is dependent on the ruminal FA biohydrogenation, the rumen microbial composition being therefore a key factor to increase the milk contents of beneficial FA. To study the effect of the dietary supplementation with SO and/or FO on the rumen bacterial communities of dairy sheep, thirty-two lactating ewes were divided in eight lots and offered a high concentrate diet, supplemented or not with lipids (2% SO, SO diet; 1% FO, FO diet; 2% SO + 1% FO, SOFO diet; and 0% oil, Control diet; 2 lots/diet), for 21 days. Rumen contents were sampled 3h after the morning feeding and approximately 10 ml from each lot mixed and immediately frozen at -80ºC for DNA analysis using the terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism technique (tRFLP). The SOFO diet altered the rumen bacterial communities compared with the other treatments. Remarkably, the combination of both oils gave a lower proportion of a fragment compatible with bacteria of the order Clostridiales, which includes some of the best known biohydrogenating bacteria, and a higher percentage of two other fragments that might be formed by bacteria belonging to the Clostridial cluster IX (e.g. Mitsuokella), some of which can metabolize unsaturated FA. Changes in the rumen microbiota due to the supplementation with SO+FO might be partially responsible for variations in the milk fatty acid profile, such as the reduction of the stearic acid content. Although some effects caused by the SO or FO diets were similar to those reported for SOFO, the lower oil content of the former diets might have prevented the changes to be significant.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Junta de Castilla y León; CSIC; Universidad de León; Caja España; Laboratorios Syva; INATEGA; Ayuntamiento de León; Facultad de Veterinaria, León.Peer reviewe

    Cómo aumentar el contenido en CLA de la leche de los rumiantes

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    5 páginas, 2 gráficas.El ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) posee potencial anticancerígeno, antiarteriosclerótico, antidiabético e inmunoestimulador, y puesto que la principal fuente de CLA en la dieta humana es la leche de los rumiantes y sus derivados, es interesante aumentar su contenido en estos productos.Peer reviewe

    Supplementation of the diet of dairy ewes with sunflower oil and tannins: 2. Effect on milk fatty acid composition

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    3 páginas, 1 figura, 1 tabla.-- Trabajo presentado a las XIV Jornadas sobre Producción Animal (AIDA) (Zaragoza, 17-18 de mayo de 2011).Fourteen Assaf ewes in mid lactation were used to examine the effect of the addition of a mixture of two extracts of condensed and hydrolysable tannins to a diet containing sunflower oil, on milk fatty acid (FA) profile. All sheep received a total mixed ration based on alfalfa hay and a concentrate (F:C 40:60), supplemented with 20 g of sunflower oil/kg dry matter (DM) plus 0 (Control) or 10 (TAN) g of tannins/kg DM. Milk FA profile was analysed on days 0, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 27 on treatments. Addition of tannins did not significantly alter the concentration of the major FA classes in milk (i. e., saturates, monounsaturates, and polyunsaturates), had very limited effects on the proportion of particular FA, and was not able to enhance milk VA and RA enrichment above that achieved with sunflower oil supplementation. Temporal changes in the milk FA composition were characterized by an increase in unsaturated FA with 18 carbons (mainly cis-9 and trans-11 18:1, but with no variation in the low levels of trans-10 18:1) and a concomitant reduction in most short and medium chain saturates (6:0 to 12:0 and 16:0; P<0.05) attributable to the presence of sunflower oil in the diet. The low dose, the type of tannins, or both, may have been responsible for the lack of significant changes in milk FA profile.Peer reviewe

    Como aumentar os níveis de CLA no leite dos ruminantes

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    6 páginasO ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) possui potencial anti-cancerígeno, anti-arteriosclerótico, anti-diabético e imunoestimulador. Uma vez que a principal fonte de CLA na dieta humana é o leite de ruminantes e seus derivados, é interessante aumentar o seu conteúdo nestes produtos.Peer reviewe

    Tannins as feed additives to modulate ruminal biohydrogenation: effects on animal performance, milk fatty acid composition and ruminal fermentation in dairy ewes fed a diet containing sunflower oil

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    8 páginas, 4 tablas.In vitro studies have suggested that feeding tannins to ruminants can favourably alter ruminal biohydrogenation of dietary linoleic acid, enhancing accumulation of trans-11 18:1 (VA, vaccenic acid) in the rumen and thereby the content of some human health promoting fatty acids, such as VA and cis-9 trans-11 18:2 (rumenic acid, RA), in dairy or meat products. However, reports on impacts of these phenolic compounds on milk fatty acid (FA) profile are very limited and inconsistent. Therefore, fourteen Assaf ewes in mid lactation were used to examine effects of addition of a mixture (1:1, w/w) of two commercial oenological extracts of quebracho condensed tannins (CT) and chestnut hydrolysable tannins (HT) to a diet containing sunflower oil (SO) on animal performance, milk yield and composition, and ruminal fermentation. All sheep received a total mixed ration based on alfalfa hay and a concentrate (400:600), supplemented with 20 g of SO/kg dry matter (DM) plus 0 (Control; n = 7) or 10 (TAN; n = 7)g of tannins/kg DM. Milk production and composition was analyzed on days 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 and 27 on treatments, and milk FA profile on days 0, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 27. Neither DM intake nor milk, or its component, yield was affected by TAN treatment. Similarly, addition of the extract of tannins to a SO containing ration did not alter concentrations of the major FA classes in milk (i.e., saturates, monounsaturates, and polyunsaturates), had very limited effects on the proportion of particular FA, and was not able to enhance milk VA and RA enrichment above that achieved with SO supplementation. Temporal changes in milk FA composition were characterized by an increase in unsaturated FA with 18 carbons, mainly cis and trans 18:1, and a concomitant reduction in most short and medium chain saturates (6:0 to 12:0 and 16:0; P<0.05) attributable to the presence of SO in the diet. Addition of tannins did not affect ruminal fermentation parameters (i.e., pH, lactate, ammonia, and total volatile fatty acid concentrations) measured after 28 days. Reasons for the lack of effects of either type (quebracho CT and chestnut HT) or amount of tannins in the diet are discussed.The authors thank the research farm staff for their help in the field work and C. Delavaud (INRA, Clermont-Ferrand-Theix, France) for useful discussion during the identification of milk fatty acids. They also thank Prof. K.J. Shingfield (MTT Agrifood Research Finland) for helpful comments and revision of the manuscript. P.G. Toral and E. Bichi were granted fellowships from the CSIC (I3P and JAE Programmes, respectively).Peer reviewe