31 research outputs found

    Rak czy kiła krtani, polityka czy błędna diagnoza – problem choroby cesarza Fryderyka III

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    The case history of the German emperor Frederick III, who died of laryngeal cancer in 1888, is briefly reported. In spite of fact, that the German laryngologists the patient’s pathologic changes diagnosed as laryngeal cancer in early stage, the ultimate diagnosis was made too late for surgery to have any effect. This delay was due to the differences in opinions between the attending laryngologists; particularly between that of the English prominent laryngologist Morell Mackenzie and the Germans, prof. Gerhardt and prof. Bergmann. The roles of the British Queen Victoria as well as her daughter, the wife of Prince Frederick, the princess Victoria, in decisions about the treatment of the disease, are discussed. The behavior and the personality of Sir Morell Mackenzie played also a very important role in the course of the disease. Some medical facts and symptoms render it probable that syphilis was the underlying reason for the development of cancer. Crown Prince Frederick was a pipe smoker for at least 30 years before he died at the age of 57 years, so it may be possible, that the Emperor’s laryngeal cancer was induced by tobacco. There are some suggestions, that the premature death of the King of Prussia and German Emperor Frederick III could be a critical turning point in European’s history

    Przetoka skórno-gardłowa jako powikłanie po laryngektomii – wciąż aktualny problem kliniczny

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    Background. Pharyngocutaneous fistula following laryngectomy is a serious complication, and its incidence varies from 4% to 65%. The study’s objective was to determine the incidence of post laryngectomy fistulas in patients operated in our department to establish whether specific factors predispose to fistula formation. Methods. A retrospective study was performed in 573 patients who underwent laryngectomy. Results. Between 1989 and 1999, 835 cases of laryngeal carcinoma were diagnosed, 690 were treated surgically, 573 of them underwent laryngectomy in our department. Of these patients, 545 (95,1%) had total laryngectomy, while 28 (4,9%) partial laryngectomy. In 538 cases the laryngectomy was combined with radical or functional neck dissection. The presence of early postoperative fistula was established in 65 of the 573 patients (11,3%). Our study could not verify reports that any specific factors were significantly related to fistula formation, the only factors that did show statistical significance were the preoperative patient’s general health status and the kind of postoperative antibiotic therapy. Conclusions. On the base of literature review, the authors compare results obtained in the last decade of the 20 century with results obtained earlier. Although the incidence of post-laryngectomy pharyngocutaneous fistulas decreased in comparison with the fistula rate observed earlier, the problem is still unresolved, and the fistulae remain a serious complication of larynx oncology surgery

    Wpływ zabiegu depentynizacji, stosowanego w produkcji win jabłkowych na ich jakość, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zawartości metanolu

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    It is demonstrated that to obtain a colloidally stable apple wine it is necessary to perform depectinization at least once, best in the pulp. A second or third depectinization is not advisable since the result is an increased methanol content on the finished product, and this is not necessary to ensure colloidal stability of wine. It is also shown that a full fermentation of sugar in the must gives wines of better quality than the application of partical additional fortification does.Przeprowadzono badania nad wpływem zabiegu depektynizacji stosowanego w różnych etapach procesu technologicznego produkcji win jabłkowych otrzymywanych metodą pełnej fermentacji nastawów oraz częściowej ich fermentacji i dodatkowej alkoholizacji na niektóre cechy wina, a zwłaszcza stabilność koloidalną oraz zawartość metanolu. Ponadto, starano się ustalić optymalny sposób depektynizacji miazgi jabłkowej, moszczu lub wina, z jednej strony z punktu widzenia racjonalnego wykorzystania preparatów pektynolitycznych i z drugiej zapewnienia stabilności koloidalnej gotowego produktu. Do produkcji wina użyto jabłek przemysłowych różnych odmian o zróżnicowanym stopniu dojrzałości, a proces depektynizacji prowadzono przy użyciu dwu różnych preparatów pektynolitycznych: Pektopolu P produkcji Zakładów Przemysłu Owocowo-Warzywnego w Jaśle oraz Panzymu Super produkcji Bechringer Sohn (RFN). Obydwa preparaty scharakteryzowano pod względem ogólnej aktywności. pektynolitycznej, aktywności podstawowych enzymów pektynolitycznych oraz zawartości suchej masy i białka. Z miazgi jabłkowej pozyskiwano moszcze w trzech wariantach: po depektynizacji preparatami Pektopolem p Panzymem Super oraz bez stosowania tego zabiegu. Otrzymane moszcze przeanalizowano pod względem podstawowego składu chemicznego a otrzymane z nich wina poddano szczegółowej charakterystyce jakościowej obejmującej następujące oznaczenia: ekstraktu ogółem i bezcukrowego, cukrów bezpośrednio-redukujących ogółem i sacharozy alkoholu etylowego, kwasowości ogólnej i lotnej, dwutlenku siarki form: wolnej związanej i całkowitej, metanolu, popiołu, glicerolu aldehydów, acetali oraz estrów. Ponadto wina poddano próbie na stabilność koloidalną. Uzyskane wyniki badań oraz ich analiza pozwalają na sformułowanie kilku ważnych dla praktyki winiarskiej wniosków, z których najważniejsze jest stwierdzenie, że w celu otrzymania stabilnego kolidalnie wina jabłkowego wystarczające jest zastosowanie jednokrotnego zabiegu depektonizacji, najlepiej w miazdze, gdyż w tym przypadku osiąga się większe wydobycie moszczu, a także zadowalającą stabilność koloidalną gotowego produktu. Stosowanie dwu- lub trzykrotnego zabiegu depektynizacji nie powinno być stosowane, gdyż nie polepsza stabilności kolidalnej gotowego produktu, a przyczynia się do nagromadzenia w nim większych ilości metanolu

    Rehabilitacja chorych po laryngektomii – wizja a realizacja

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    Universality, early initiation, complexity and continuity – should be the main attributes of rehabilitation in patients after laryngectomy. The authors discuss the problem of universality and accessibility of rehabilitation in Poland. A great role in realization of this attributes played since 20 years the Polish Society of Laryngectomees. Till now the governmental help and the participation of the National Health Fund for the patients after laryngectomy is very limited. The early rehabilitation should be started before the operation and a particular note must be taken to the patient’s changed vital situation after the surgical treatment. The complexity of the rehabilitation must cover the whole spectrum of rehabilitation; it means voice and speech therapy, the improvement of respiratory system function, the problems of respiratory air conditioning and the psychological as well as social psychological aspects. The authors describe a model of such a complex rehabilitation that can be provided in health resorts. In the postoperative period the role of the laryngectomee clubs and associations is very important to assure the continuity of rehabilitation


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    THE SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN PRE- AND POSTNATAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN LARYNX. Fourteen diameters, generally characterizing the larynxes of Poles from the 4th fetal month to the 90th year of life were analysed. The authors' material consisted of 200 normal fetuses. Postnatal material (956 specimes) was reinterpreted after recounting data from literature

    Preparing the Landscape for Invasion: Accelerating the Evolution of Resistance

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    Restoration of forests devastated by nonnative invaders often dominates the attention of forest mangers and their actions. However, taking a broader view of the invasion beyond the crisis areas reveals opportunities where proactive management can alter the outcome of the invasion in threatened areas. Proactive management moves past the idea of protecting the hosts from exposure to the established non-native invader and shifts toward facilitating naturalization by preparing the landscape to sustain critical ecosystem function into the future in the presence of the invader. Increasing the frequencies of durable resistance or tolerance traits within tree populations is accepted as a promising avenue for the co-existence of native tree species and non-native pathogens. Therefore the objective of proactive intervention is use silviculture to position the ecosystem to facilitate the evolution of pathogen-resistance in the tree populations upon invasion (Schoettle and Sniezko 2007*). Diversifying the age class structure by stimulating regeneration in the healthy forest will provide a larger population size for resistance selection upon invasion and simultaneous selection in both the younger and older cohorts. Accelerating the generation time and natural selection process through silvicultural treatments will reduce the ecological consequences of mortality in any one cohort and increases the potential for development of durable resistance within the population while maintaining broad genetic diversity. Introduction of stock with heritable resistance into stands that are not yet invaded by the nonnative pathogen would also increase the frequency of resistance on the landscape and accelerate the evolution of resistance. In addition, proactive artificial regeneration will reduce the window of time, after invasion, when the stands regeneration capability is comprise by mortality of the mature trees (Schoettle and Sniezko 2007*). This poster will discuss proactive silvicultural options for managing (1) high elevation 5-needle pines threatened by Cronartium ribicola (white pine blister rust) and (2) Port-Orford-cedar stands at risk for impacts from Phytophthora lateralis. [*Schoettle, AW and RA Sniezko (2007) Proactive intervention to sustain high elevation pine ecosystems threatened by white pine blister rust. Journal of Forest Research 12(5): 327-336. Available at: http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/9v91t44278w74430 /fulltext.pdf