15 research outputs found

    Analysing the distance decay of community similarity in river networks using Bayesian methods

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    The distance decay of community similarity (DDCS) is a pattern that is widely observed in terrestrial and aquatic environments. Niche-based theories argue that species are sorted in space according to their ability to adapt to new environmental conditions. The ecological neutral theory argues that community similarity decays due to ecological drift. The continuum hypothesis provides an intermediate perspective between niche-based theories and the neutral theory, arguing that niche and neutral factors are at the opposite ends of a continuum that ranges from competitive to stochastic exclusion. We assessed the association between niche-based and neutral factors and changes in community similarity measured by Sorensen’s index in riparian plant communities. We assessed the importance of neutral processes using network distances and flow connection and of niche-based processes using Strahler order differences and precipitation differences. We used a hierarchical Bayesian approach to determine which perspective is best supported by the results. We used dataset composed of 338 vegetation censuses from eleven river basins in continental Portugal. We observed that changes in Sorensen indices were associated with network distance, flow connection, Strahler order difference and precipitation difference but to different degrees. The results suggest that community similarity changes are associated with environmental and neutral factors, supporting the continuum hypothesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    BetaBayes—A Bayesian Approach for Comparing Ecological Communities

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    Ecological communities change because of both natural and human factors. Distinguishing between the two is critical to ecology and conservation science. One of the most common approaches for modelling species composition changes is calculating beta diversity indices and then relating index changes to environmental changes. The main difficulty with these analyses is that beta diversity indices are paired comparisons, which means indices calculated with the same community are not independent. Mantel tests and generalised dissimilarity modelling (GDM) are two of the most commonly used statistical procedures for analysing such data, employing randomisation tests to consider the data’s dependence. Here, we introduce a Bayesian model-based approach called BetaBayes that explicitly incorporates the data dependence. This approach is based on the Bradley– Terry model, which is a widely used approach for modelling paired comparisons that involves building a standard regression model containing two varying intercepts, one for each community involved in the beta diversity index, that capture their respective contributions. We used BetaBayes to analyse a famous dataset collected in Panama that contains information on multiple 1 ha plots from the rain forests of Panama. We calculated the Bray–Curtis index between all pairs of plots, analysed the relationship between the index and two covariates (geographic distance and elevation), and compared the results of BetaBayes with those from the Mantel test and GDM. BetaBayes has two distinctive features. The first is its flexibility, which allows the user to quickly change it to fit the data structure; namely, by adding varying effects, incorporating spatial autocorrelation, and modelling complex nonlinear relationships. The second is that it provides a clear path for performing model validation and model improvement. BetaBayes avoids hypothesis testing, instead focusing on recreating the data generating process and quantifying all the model configurations that are consistent with the observed datainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proposta de sistema de exercícios para a determinação dos esforços em treliças apartir do método dos nós

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    The purpose of the exercise system for determining the stresses in the lattice bars from the knot method is that the lattice loading is performed at the nodes. In design theory, the bars of a single trellis are subjected only to normal stresses (traction or compression), these bars being straight members that are undeform able, joined at their end by us (joints) considered to be perfect. These elements are very thin and can withstand little lateral loading, therefore, the loads must be applied preferably in the various nodes and not in the straight elements, leaving the structural elements that constitute them required only by normal efforts. If there is a need to apply a load between two nodes or when it is necessary to apply a distributed load on a truss, it is necessary to provide a load transfer system for the truss knots. This method consists of successively isolating each of the nodes, marking the active and reactive outer forces, and the normal stresses of the bars competing therewith. The normal stresses of the bars will thus be determined as forces that guarantee the equilibrium of the node. If the trellis is in balance, all your nodes are.Resumo O objectivo da proposta do sistema de exercícios para a determinação dos esforços nas barras de treliças apartir do método dos nós, é pelo facto do carregamento numa treliça se realizar nos nós. Na teoria de projecto, as barras de uma treliça simples são sujeitas somente a esforços normais (tracção ou compressão), sendo estas barra elementos rectos indeformáveis, unidos na sua extremidade por nós (articulações) consideradas perfeitas. Estes elementos são bastante esbeltos podendo suportar pouca carga lateral, assim sendo, as cargas devem ser aplicadas preferencialmente nos vários nós e não nos elementos rectos, ficando os elementos estruturais que as constituem solicitados apenas por esforços normais. Se houver necessidade de se aplicar uma carga entre dois nós ou quando for necessário aplicar uma carga distribuída numa treliça, é preciso prever um sistema de transmissão de cargas para os nós da treliça. Este método consiste em isolar sucessivamente cada um dos nós, marcar as forças exteriores, activas e reactivas, e os esforços normais das barras que nele concorrem. Os esforços normais das barras serão assim determinados como forças que garantem o equilíbrio do nó. Se a treliça está em equilíbrio, todos os seus nós também o estão

    Microsporum canis en gatos dermatológicamente sanos en Temuco, Chile

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    Background: Microsporum canis is the most common cause of feline dermatophytosis and the most pathogenic fungus isolated from the skin and hair of healthy cats. Cats are considered to be the natural reservoir and infection sourse of this disease in human and domestic animals. Aims: Knowing the M. canis frequency in the dermatological healthy cat population of Temuco city, Chile. Methods: Fifty cat samples were collected irrespective sex or race. Cats' ages were between 2 months and 12 years old, and the animals were treated at the Veterinary Clinical Hospital of the Universidad Católica de Temuco, or in three private clinics from this city. Tissue and hair samples were collected using two sampling techniques: hair extracting tweezers and the Mariat & Tapia method. For the clinical diagnosis, the Wood's lamp was used. Hairs were microscopically observed followed by a culture using Sabouraud agar and Lactrimel agar. M.canis was isolated in 30 cats (60%). Results: There were no statistically significative differences when parameters such as age, sex and race were taking into account. Differences between the use of Sabouraud agar and Lactrimel agar were not registered. It was determined that the Mariat & Tapia method was able to detect more dermatophytes than the collecting tweezers method. These differences were statistically significative. Conclusions: The percentage of M. canis isolation obtained in this work remarks the role of healthy cats in the transmission of these dermatophytes to humans and other animals. © 2008 Revista Iberoamericana de Micología

    Estudio del comportamiento a la combustión de diferentes tejidos como ropas protectoras.

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    Se realizó el Análisis Térmico Diferencial (ATD) y Termogravimétrico (TG) en atmósfera de aire a muestras de tejidos utilizadas como prendas protectoras para la extinción de incendios. Las muestras utilizadas son las siguientes: -Muestras de tejido de algodón con tratamiento retardante a la combustión con resina ureafutfural con distintos tipos de condensación. -Muestras de tejido de algodón blanqueadas sin tratamiento de acabado. -Muestras de tejido Nomex. -Muestra de tejido de algodón con tratamiento retardante a la combustión importada. Se caracterizaron las muestras por medio de análisis físico-mecánicos y se determinó el comportamiento a la combustión por medio de la determinación de la superficie quemada. Se pudo constatar que las muestras de tejido Nomex y las que presentan el tratamiento urea-urfural son las que más retardan el proceso de combustión. Se estudió además la influencia del tiempo de condensación en las propiedades térmicas del tejido con el tratamiento urea-futfural llegándose a la conclusión de que a mayor tiempo de condensación de la resina se obtienen los mejores resultados.Differential Thermal Analysis and Differential Thermogravimetric Analysis were carried out in samples of fabrics, air exposed, as protecthe wear in fire extinction. Samples used were: -Cotton fabric with a retarding treatment to combustion with urea-furfural resin and different condensation times. -Cotton fabric bleached but without finishing treatment. -Nomex fabric. -Cotton fabric with a retarding agent to combustion. Samples were characterized by physico-mechanical analysis and the behaviour to combustion was examined by determining the burnt sutface. Nomex samples as well as samples treated with urea-furfural retard most the combustion process. The influence of the condensation time on the thermal properties of the fabric with the urea-futfural treatment was studied, the conclusion found being that the best results are achieved with the largest condensation time.Nous avons réalisé l'Analyse Thermique Différentielle (ATD) et Thermogravimétrique (TG) atmosphere d'air sur des échantillons de tissus utilisés comme vetements protecteurs pour l'extinction d'incendies. Les échantillons utilisés sont les suivants: -Échantillons de tissu en coton traités avec un produit qui retarde la combustion, à base de résine urée-futfural a différents taux de condensation. -Échantillons de tissu Nomex. -Échantillon de tissu en coton traité avec un produit qui retarde la combustion importée. Les échantillons ont été caractérisés par des analyses physico-mécaniques et le comportement a la combustion a été mesuré en déterminant la superficie brúlée. Nous avons pu constater que les échantillons de tissu Nomex et les échantillons soumis a un traitement urée-furfural sont ceux qui retardent le plus la combustion. Nous avons également étudié l'influence du temps de condensaiion sur les propriétés thermiques du tissu soumis à un traitement urée-furfural et en avons conclu que plus le temps de condensation de la résine est important meilleurs sont les résultats.Peer Reviewe

    Literature review methodology for scientific and information management, through its structuring and systematization

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    This paper presents a methodology to find, organize and analyze the information in any field of research, thereby facilitating the acquisition of the available information and the identification of the main authors, the number of publications per year, the main areas of work and the future trends in a proposal topic. It is also, showns an application of the methodology for the topic "Frequency Response Analysis with the transformer in service (FRA on-line)"

    Caracterización del proceso de formación profesional del trabajador egipcio en la antigüedad. (Original)

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    The article provides a characterization of the professional formation process of workers in ancient Egypt, assuming a professional pedagogical approach.  The scientific novelty of the study is based on the fact that the characterization of the process object of investigation is carried out from a group of variables which take into account the social groups that gave form to that old civilization, as well as the different professions and occupations that were performed by such groups and the educative conceptions that sustained their preparation. In the investigation, the analysis of documents, Analysis-synthesis and the Historic- logic methods were used. The results of the research have been applied in the teaching –learning process of the post graduate course ¨Foundation and Current Problems of the Professional Pedagogy ¨which is being developed at the University of Holguin, favoring the formation of a historic-professional culture in its candidates. This study also contributes to the comprehension of the scientific character of the professional pedagogy as one of its important branches, at the time of approaching its object of study from its historicity.En el artículo se realiza una caracterización del proceso de formación profesional de los trabajadores en el Antiguo Egipto y se asume para ello un enfoque pedagógico profesional. La novedad científica del estudio radica en que la caracterización del proceso objeto de investigación. Se realiza desde un grupo de variables que consideran las clases sociales que estructuraban esa civilización, así como las profesiones y oficios que ejercían dichas clases y las concepciones educativas que sustentaron su preparación. En la investigación se emplearon los métodos de revisión de documentos, el análisis y la síntesis y el análisis histórico lógico. Los resultados del estudio se han aplicado en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del Curso de Fundamentos y Problemas Actuales de la Pedagogía Profesional de la Maestría en Pedagogía Profesional que se desarrolla en la Universidad de Holguín, favoreciendo con ello la formación de una cultura histórica profesional de los maestrantes. El estudio, además contribuye a la comprensión del carácter científico de la Pedagogía Profesional como rama de la Pedagogía al abordar su objeto de estudio desde su historicidad

    jpuig en ula.ve

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