1,467 research outputs found

    Invasion of Hurricane-Disturbed Scrub Communities on Barrier Islands in Mississippi: a Battle Between Native and Non-Native Ecosystem Engineers

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    Some communities may resist invasion because they are dominated by ecosystem engineers. If these dominant species are removed by some catastrophic disturbance, they can be replaced by invasive species that will dramatically alter the ecosystem in a way that may prevent its recovery. I tested several hypotheses related to this idea within barrier island scrub communities dominated by Florida rosemary (Ceratiola ericoides Michx.). Hurricanes represent a major source of disturbance to coastal Florida rosemary communities, and individual rosemary shrubs in three populations recently impacted by major hurricanes were not protected from the storm surge at higher elevation. Unlike inland populations of rosemary more likely to be affected by fire, some individuals in coastal populations resprouted following hurricane damage and may reproduce at an earlier age. After Hurricane Katrina, which caused widespread mortality of rosemary and other dune species on Horn and Petit Bois Islands, Mississippi, an invasive grass, Panicum repens L. (torpedograss), began encroaching upon the dunes from its previous habitat in adjacent swards. Previous studies have shown that rosemary inhibits the growth of native bunchgrasses via allelopathy, and I demonstrated in two greenhouse experiments that rosemary may be capable of mild alleopathic inhibition of torpedograss aboveground growth. Comparing pre-storm data to torpedograss abundance and Florida rosemary recruitment after the hurricane revealed that after an initial increase, torpedograss density on the dunes declined as the native community recovered. Torpedograss did not threaten rosemary seedling recruitment, perhaps due to persistent soil effects associated with the pre-storm presence of adult rosemary shrubs; therefore it appears that Florida rosemary\u27s removal by the hurricane contributed to encroachment by torpedograss, but that torpedograss did not sufficiently alter the dune habitat to prevent community recovery. An increase in hurricane frequency or intensity could change the outcome of this interaction. Although it is an aggressive wetland invader, torpedograss may play a more opportunistic role in xeric systems. During a fourteen-month study at Archbold Biological Station, populations of torpedograss adjacent to pasture were increasing, while those adjacent to scrub were declining. Roadside populations of torpedograss therefore represented propagule sinks rather than sources at this location

    Pursuing a Business Fraud RICO Claim

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    Biotech - the End of Big Pharma? Given the risks of investments in biotechnology and pharmaceutical stocks, have the returns exceeded what would be predicted by financial asset pricing models?

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    The objective of this thesis is to investigate whether biotech and pharma stocks have exceeded the returns of what would be predicted by financial asset pricing models. More specifically, we examine whether the stocks in these sectors have delivered positive abnormal returns. We study value-weighted biotech portfolios and pharma portfolios with return data from January 2010 to June 2022. We limit the analysis to stocks in developed countries. We apply the Fama-French five-factor model, in which the dependent variable is the excess return over the risk-free rate. The estimated alphas determine the existence of abnormal returns. We study different regions, time periods and comparable sector indices in our main analysis. We also conduct a robustness analysis with results from other multi-factor models, as well as portfolios with annually rebalancing and equally-weighting. We find significantly positive alphas for the value-weighted biotech portfolio in Europe and the equally-weighted biotech portfolio in developed countries, i.e., these portfolios deliver positive abnormal returns. We discuss the potential of R&D as a systematic risk factor that can explain the abnormal return. We do not find any significant abnormal returns for the pharma portfolios. Moreover, we find that both biotech and pharma stocks are positively exposed to the market factor and negatively exposed to the value factor. Additionally, the biotech portfolio is positively exposed to the size factor and negatively exposed to the profitability factor. The pharma portfolio is positively exposed to the investment factor.nhhma

    The Dynamics of Reforms in the Delivery of Public Services and Management Controls in an Irish Local Authority During a Period of Austerity

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    The purpose of this study, is to investigate the dynamics of reforms (i.e. why and how) in the delivery of public services and management controls in an Irish local authority, paying particular attention to the role of a newly appointed CEO and austerity measures. The case study method is adopted. Several complementary socio-political theoretical lenses are adopted to give greater emphasis to agency and structure including concepts such as institutional entrepreneurship, institutional contradictions, institutional change, organisational change and power. Such theoretical pluralism illuminates the complex nature of public service reforms in an Irish local authority, as it sought to realise services efficiency targets in times of austerity. This study makes important contributions to research on public service deliveries and management controls. As far as its author is aware, this study is the first of its kind to detail the unfolding journey of reform in the delivery of services and management controls in an Irish local authority that faced the significant challenges of austerity. Hence, for this reason alone the research contributes significantly towards the development of new knowledge in this important area. Furthermore, an in-depth process-oriented account of a purposeful institutional entrepreneur, utilising management accounting information, power and communication, in reforming the delivery of public services and management controls, is provided. Also revealed is how external factors, such as the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent central government funding cuts, enabled rather than constrained, institutional entrepreneurship. In addition, the case findings informed, how in conditions of austerity, the fundamentals of budgetary control became easier to enforce

    "Arisierung" im österreichischen Buchhandel

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    Im Jahre 1938, sofort nach dem Einmarsch der Deutschen, kam ein Auto mit Hitlerjungen besetzt, welche einen Teil des Bücherbestandes verschleppt und geplündert haben.“ (WStLA, Volksgericht, A 1, Vg Vr – Strafakten: Vg 1 Vr 5194/46). Kurz nach dem „Anschluss“ Österreichs an das nationalsozialistische Deutschland, entluden sich angestaute Neid- und Hassgefühle in spontanen Aktionen. Juden wurden beschimpft und öffentlich denunziert. „Wilde Arisierungen“ ohne gesetzliche Legitimation standen auf der Tagesordnung. Der Begriff „Arisierung“ stammt aus dem NS-Jargon und bedeutete eine Umstrukturierung des Eigentums. Jüdischer Besitz wurde in „arischen“ (nicht-jüdischen) Besitz überführt. Zunächst beraubten Privatpersonen „wild“ und selbstherrlich ihre jüdischen Mitmenschen. Später, nachdem mit Einführung der Nürnberger Rassegesetze in Österreich „Jude“ als Begriff definiert wurde, erließen die politischen Führungsmächte eine Gesetzesflut, um die „Arisierung“ staatlich zu lenken. Mit Hilfe neuer Institutionen, Gremien und Apparate entstand ein engmaschiges nationalsozialistisches Netzwerk, in dem jeder Person ein bestimmter Platz eingeräumt wurde. „Arier“ und Juden vergleichbar mit Marionetten, an deren Fäden die nationalsozialistischen Führungsmächte zogen. „Arisierungen“ vollzogen sich in allen Lebensbereichen und Wirtschaftszweigen. Gegenstand der Diplomarbeit ist der österreichische Buchhandel und seine Bedeutung nach dem „Anschluss“. Ein kurzer Exkurs zu den Jahren 1933 bis 1938 – eine Zeit voller wirtschaftlicher Missstände und Bücherverbote - liefert Erklärungen, warum der „Anschluss“ im österreichischen Buchhandel positiv aufgenommen wurde. In der Hoffnung auf wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung wurden schnell die Fahnen gewechselt und die nationalsozialistische Richtung eingeschlagen. Der wirtschaftliche Erfolg blieb dennoch aus. Der Kommissarische Leiter Karl Berger versuchte die Schuld der tristen Wirtschaftslage auf die Juden abzuwälzen. Von ihm kamen auch konkrete Vorschläge, wie die Wirtschaft angekurbelt werden könnte. Sein Erfolgsrezept bestand im „Gesundschrumpfen“ (Hall 1985, 386) der jüdischen Überbelegung. Das System bewies aber, dass eine Person wenig ausrichten konnte und wieder wurde eine neue Institution geschaffen. Fortan regulierte die Reichsschrifttumskammer – Landesstelle Österreich gemeinsam mit der Vermögensverkehrsstelle die „Arisierungsprozesse“. Alle Anträge mussten erst geprüft und bestätigt werden. Erst dann wurden „Ariseure“ als „Akteure“ eingesetzt und dort, wo Betriebe überflüssig waren, Liquidationen vorgenommen. Eine einzigartige Position im „Arisierungsprozess“ gelang Johannes Katzler, der die Buchhandlung Alois Reichmann „arisierte“ und die Waren- und Buchbestände sechs anderer Firmen in diese „arisierte“ Buchhandlung, seinen Stammsitz, verfrachtete

    Conditioned Reinforcing Effects of a Remifentanil-Paired Stimulus in the Rat.

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    When environmental stimuli are paired with a primary reinforcer (e.g., food, certain drugs), these stimuli may become conditioned reinforcers capable of maintaining behavior in the absence of the primary reinforcer. Drug-associated conditioned reinforcers are thought to contribute significantly to human drug abuse and dependence; however, few studies have characterized specifically the conditioned reinforcing effects of drug-paired stimuli, controlling for other, confounding associative and nonassociative processes that can change behavior. The present experiments, therefore, assessed the conditioned reinforcing effects of a stimulus paired with the potent, short-acting mu-opioid agonist, remifentanil, using a behaviorally stringent new-response acquisition procedure. First, in Pavlovian conditioning (PAV) sessions, rats received response-independent IV injections of remifentanil and presentations of a light-noise stimulus. In paired PAV groups, injections and stimulus presentations always co-occurred. In random PAV control groups, injections and stimulus presentations occurred independently of each other. Next, in instrumental acquisition (ACQ) test sessions, rats could respond in an active nose-poke that produced the stimulus alone or an inactive nose-poke that had no scheduled consequences. Rats acquired nose-poking (i.e., active > inactive) after paired PAV, but not random PAV. These results show responding was (1) not due to association of the nose-poke with remifentail, (2) sensitive to the Pavlovian contingency between the stimulus and remifentanil, and (3) sensitive to the instrumental contingency between a nose-poke and the stimulus. After, thus, validating the behavioral procedure, the effects of the dopamine D3 receptor-preferring agonist, pramipexole, on responding with the remifentanil-paired stimulus was assessed. Dopamine D2-like receptor agonists can enhance new-response acquisition with food-paired conditioned reinforcers, but this effect has not, to my knowledge, been previously demonstrated with drug-paired stimuli. When pretreatments of saline or pramipexole were given before ACQ sessions, pramipexole dose-dependently increased active responding without changing inactive responding. Control animals given pramixpole after random PAV did not acquire nose-poking. The response-enhancing effects of pramipexole were attenuated by the D2 receptor-preferring antagonist, L-741,626, but not the D3 receptor-preferring antagonist, SB-277011A. D2 activity may, therefore, be particularly important for responding with conditioned reinforcement. Together, these experiments demonstrate that new-response acquisition can provide a valid, practically useful measure of opioid-associated conditioned reinforcement.PhDPsychologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/99853/1/jwbertz_1.pd

    Efficacy of Trabectedin in Patients with Advanced or Metastatic Alveolar Soft-Part Sarcoma

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    Background: Alveolar soft-part sarcoma (ASPS) is a rare sarcoma often occurring in young patients that is characterized by the unbalanced translocation der(17)t(X;17) (p11;q25). Although itusuallyshowsan indolent clinical course, the prognosis is usually poor in advanced disease. Since standard chemotherapy regimens used in soft-tissue sarcomas lack efficacy in ASPS, new therapeutic options are needed. We investigated the efficacy of trabectedin, which has demonstrated activity in a variety of cancer types including some of the most prevalent translocation-related sarcomas. Patients and Methods: 7 patients with metastatic or advanced ASPS treated with trabectedin in the Sarcoma Center Berlin-Brandenburg and the University Hospital of Greifswald were analyzed for median progression-free survival (mPFS), overall survival (OS), and therapy-related toxicity. Results: In 6 patients with documented disease progression, disease stabilization was reached with trabectedin; only 1 patient experienced progressive disease. The mPFS and OS were 7 months and 21 months, respectively, since the start of trabectedin treatment. Overall, no severe Common Toxicity Criteria (CTC) grade 3 or 4 toxicity was observed. Conclusions: The poor prognosis of patients with ASPS has so far been due to the unavailability of effective systemic treatments. Trabectedin can be considered the only currently registered drug with clinical activity in this disease

    Building Common Ground: Public Engagement, Promising Practices

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    With increasing frequency, people in both the government and civic spheres are asked to find and use evidence-based solutions for community problems: solutions that have been proven to produce effective results. Public sector employees often lack the resources and time to mine for promising practices to address challenges their cities and towns are facing. In response to this need, Fels Research & Consulting Group created the Promising Practice series, which compiles public sector solutions on timely subjects in accessible reports. This report is the fourth in the Promising Practices series. To view the Promising Practices series, visit: www.fels.upenn.edu/Consulting-Publication