815 research outputs found

    xDAWN algorithm to enhance evoked potentials: application to brain-computer interface.

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    International audienceA brain-computer interface (BCI) is a communication system that allows to control a computer or any other device thanks to the brain activity. The BCI described in this paper is based on the P300 speller BCI paradigm introduced by Farwell and Donchin . An unsupervised algorithm is proposed to enhance P300 evoked potentials by estimating spatial filters; the raw EEG signals are then projected into the estimated signal subspace. Data recorded on three subjects were used to evaluate the proposed method. The results, which are presented using a Bayesian linear discriminant analysis classifier , show that the proposed method is efficient and accurate

    Perturbation des profils Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tiques suite Ă  une perte temporaire du maintien de la mĂ©thylation de l’ADN dans les cellules embryonnaires

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    Chez l’embryon prĂ©coce, une vague de reprogrammation majeure survient et permet de rĂ©initialiser les profils de mĂ©thylation d’ADN de l’ensemble du gĂ©nome. Lors de cette reprogrammation, les rĂ©gions diffĂ©rentiellement mĂ©thylĂ©es (DMRs) (i.e., gĂšnes empreintes) doivent toutefois ĂȘtre protĂ©gĂ©es de la dĂ©mĂ©thylation par une action continue de DNMT1 (MĂ©thyltransfĂ©rase d’ADN 1) pour assurer le dĂ©veloppement adĂ©quat de l’épigĂ©nome du fƓtus. Sachant que l’induction d’une perte temporaire d’expression de Dnmt1 dans un modĂšle de cellules souches embryonnaires de souris entraĂźne la perte permanente des patrons de mĂ©thylation d’ADN aux rĂ©gions DMRs et DMR-like, mon projet de recherche vise Ă  comprendre pourquoi ces rĂ©gions sont incapables de retrouver leurs patrons de mĂ©thylation d’ADN initiaux. Notre hypothĂšse est qu’une adaptation Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tique (i.e. rĂ©arrangement erronĂ© de certaines modifications d’histones) survient aux rĂ©gions rĂ©gulatrices de l’expression des gĂšnes (promoteurs et enhancers) et empĂȘche directement ou indirectement le retour au paysage Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tique initial aux rĂ©gions affectĂ©es. L’objectif du projet est donc de prĂ©cisĂ©ment dĂ©finir comment la perte temporaire de Dnmt1 remodĂšle le paysage Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tique aux rĂ©gions promotrices (H3K4me3, H3K27me3, H3K27ac, H3K4me1, H3K9me3, mĂ©thylation d’ADN) et comment les adaptations Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tiques sont associĂ©es avec des changements de l’expression des gĂšnes (ex : gĂšnes des rĂ©gions DMRs et DMRs-like).In early embryos, a major reprogramming wave occurs and permits to reset DNA methylation profiles genome-wide. During the reprogramming wave, differentially methylated regions (DMRs) (imprinted genes) must be protected from demethylation by the continuous action of DNMT1 (DNA Methyltransferase 1) to ensure the proper development of the foetal epigenome. As the induction of a temporary loss of Dnmt1 expression in a mouse embryonic stem cell model leads to permanent losses of DNA methylation at DMR and DMR-like regions, my project aims to understand why those regions are unable to re-establish their initial DNA methylation patterns. Our hypothesis is that an epigenetic adaptation (erroneous rearrangement of certain histone modifications) occurs at regulatory regions controlling gene expression (promoters and enhancers) and impede directly or indirectly the affected regions to return to their initial epigenetic landscape. The goal of this project is thus to define how the temporary loss of Dnmt1 remodels the epigenetic landscape at promoter regions (H3K4me3, H3K27me3, H3K27ac, H3K4me1, H3K9me3, DNA methylation) and how the epigenetic adaptations are associated with changes in gene expression (ex: genes in DMR and DMR-like regions)

    Optimisation de la culture de microalgues pour la production de biodiésel

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    Affiche prĂ©sentĂ©e dans le cadre du colloque de l'ARC "La gestion de la propriĂ©tĂ© intellectuelle : courants de pensĂ©e et facteurs de succĂšs", lors du 81e CongrĂšs de l'Acfas Ă  l'UniversitĂ© Laval, le 8 mai 2013.Le troisiĂšme prix a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©cernĂ© Ă  Marc-Olivier BĂ©liveau, Virginie Bertrand-Lehouillier, Jessica Carrier et Joannie Tremblay au concours des Prix Ă©tudiants 2012-2013 de l'ARC.Dans l’optique de production de biodiĂ©sel, notre projet consistait Ă  Ă©valuer des conditions de culture de microalgues influençant la croissance et la production lipidique. Les souches Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus sp. et Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata ont Ă©tĂ© cultivĂ©es dans diffĂ©rents milieux, dont des eaux usĂ©es, en version immobilisĂ©e tout comme en suspension. En plus d’avoir comparĂ© les biomasses obtenues, des analyses en contenu lipidique des cultures ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es par coloration in situ et quantification par fluorescence

    Accompagnement dans l’apprentissage de l’argumentation par une Ă©quipe pluridisciplinaire : quels effets sur les acteurs?

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    Dans le cadre du Cursus Master IngĂ©nieur (CMI) de Biologie SantĂ© Environnement (BSE) dĂ©veloppĂ© Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Lorraine en France, une Ă©quipe pluridisciplinaire propose aux Ă©tudiants de premiĂšre annĂ©e de cette formation une ActivitĂ© de Mise en Situation (AMS). Par groupe de trois ou quatre, ils/elles doivent effectuer une recherche de documentation scientifique sur un sujet de sociĂ©tĂ© liĂ© aux sciences pour ensuite Ă©laborer un argumentaire pro- et anti- qui sera prĂ©sentĂ© oralement. L’équipe pĂ©dagogique accompagne les Ă©tudiants tout au long du processus, dans l’objectif de favoriser l’intĂ©gration et la rĂ©ussite des nouveaux Ă©tudiants. Il s’agit aussi de renforcer des compĂ©tences construites au lycĂ©e, notamment des compĂ©tences informationnelles afin de faciliter l’appropriation de la littĂ©racie universitaire. L’article examine la question des effets de ce dispositif d’accompagnement sur les Ă©tudiants et les accompagnants. L’analyse des rĂ©sultats des Ă©tudiants, de leurs rĂ©ponses Ă  une enquĂȘte d’auto-Ă©valuation, de celles des tuteurs lors d’entretiens semi-directifs indique que cette AMS contribue Ă  l’acquisition de compĂ©tences et au dĂ©veloppement de l’autonomie des Ă©tudiants. Les enseignants tĂ©moignent d’un changement de posture dans leur rĂŽle d’accompagnant, changement qui transforme aussi leurs pratiques professionnelles dans d’autres cours.Within the framework of a master’s degree in Biological, Health and Environmental Engineering developed at the University of Lorraine in France, a multidisciplinary team offers first year students a Situational Awareness Activity (AMS). In groups of three or four, the students have to carry out scientific documentation research on a societal subject related to science and develop pro and con arguments that are then presented orally. The pedagogical team accompanies the students throughout the process, with the aim of fostering the integration and success of new students. It is also a question of reinforcing the skills built up in high school, in particular informational skills in order to facilitate the appropriation of university literacy. The article examines the effects of this support system on the students and their tutors. The analysis of the students' results, their answers to a self-evaluation survey and those of the tutors during semi-directive interviews indicate that this AMS contributes to the acquisition of skills and the development of students' autonomy. The teachers report a change of stance in their role as tutors, a change that also transforms their professional practices in other courses

    Electrospray Ionization and samples complexity in Meta-metabolomics: a biomarker or a suppressed ion?

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    International audienceIntroductionElectrospray Ionization is one of the most utilized ionization techniques for LC-MS-based metabolomics [1]. However, it presents several drawbacks, e.g. the ion suppression phenomenon, causing ion intensity decrease [2]. The occurrence of the phenomenon is higher if the sample is more complex. Thus, studying samples with different complexities may lead to consider some non-significant molecular features as markers of discrimination. This is due to ion suppression in samples with higher complexity.Material and MethodsThe issue is reported in an environmental context [3,4]. The study is performed on control non-spiked sediment samples and sediments spiked with a complex biopesticide; Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis. Meta-metabolome (endometabolome + xenometabolome) is extracted with QuEChERS method, then analyzed by LC-QToF in order to perform untargeted metabolic profiling, to discover the biomarkers of exposure. This to understand the pesticide impact on spiked sediments compared to control sediments.Results and DiscussionResults revealed several markers with lower intensity in the spiked group. They were co-eluting with multi-charged xenometabolites. Hence, these markers are either less concentrated due to a biological impact, or suppressed by the co-eluted molecules. Thus, to discriminate between biomarkers and suppressed ions, samples are diluted and analyzed. In fact, as dilution decreases the ion suppression, suppressed features are no more significantly discriminant between the two groups of samples.References[1] Bedair et al. 2008. Trends Anal. Chem. 27(3):238–250[2] Antignac et al. 2005. Anal. Chim. Acta. 529(1–2):129–136[3] Patil et al. 2016. Sci. Total Environ. 566–567:552–558[4] Salvia et al. 2018. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 25(30):29841–2984

    Radiographic Outcomes of Adult Spinal Deformity Correction : A Critical Analysis of Variability and Failures Across Deformity Patterns

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    Study Design: Multicenter, prospective, consecutive, surgical case series from the International Spine Study Group. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of surgical treatment in restoring spinopelvic (SP) alignment. Summary of Background Data: Pain and disability in the setting of adult spinal deformity have been correlated with global coronal alignment (GCA), sagittal vertical axis (SVA), pelvic incidence/lumbar lordosis mismatch (PI-LL), and pelvic tilt (PT). One of the main goals of surgery for adult spinal deformity is to correct these parameters to restore harmonious SP alignment. Methods: Inclusion criteria were operative patients (age greater than 18 years) with baseline (BL) and 1-year full-length X-rays. Thoracic and thoracolumbar Cobb angle and previous mentioned parameters were calculated. Each parameter at BL and 1 year was categorized as either pathological or normal. Pathologic limits were: Cobb greater than 30 , GCA greater than 40 mm, SVA greater than 40 mm, PI-LL greater than 10 , and PT greater than 20 . According to thresholds, corrected or worsened alignment groups of patients were identified and overall radiographic effectiveness of procedure was evaluated by combining the results from the coronal and sagittal planes. Fondation Paristech, ISS

    THz Magneto-electric atomic rotations in the chiral compound Ba3_3NbFe3_3Si2_2O14_{14}

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    We have determined the terahertz spectrum of the chiral langasite Ba3_3NbFe3_3Si2_2O14_{14} by means of synchrotron-radiation measurements. Two excitations are revealed that are shown to have a different nature. The first one, purely magnetic, is observed at low temperature in the magnetically ordered phase and is assigned to a magnon. The second one persits far into the paramagnetic phase and exhibits both an electric and a magnetic activity at slightly different energies. This magnetoelectric excitation is interpreted in terms of atomic rotations and requires a helical electric polarization
