77 research outputs found

    The Effects of Gibberellic Acid and Auxin Hormones on Heliotropism in Sunflowers

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    Sunflowers are one of many different plant species that are able to track and face the sun in order to optimize the amount of sunlight they are exposed to. This process of orienting towards the sun is called Heliotropism. Sunflowers are able to effectively orient themselves towards the sun because the growth rate on the East and West side of the stem alternates depending on the time of day. At dawn, the East facing stem will grow at a faster rate than the West facing side, resulting in the flower orienting towards the West. This alternating and uneven growth is what allows the sunflower to track the sun during the day and reorient at night to face the East in preparation for sunrise. Not much is known about the biological processes that induce heliotropism. In our study, we focused on two known growth inducing hormones in plants that are present in sunflowers, Gibberellic Acid and Auxin, and their importance to heliotropism. Because of their prevalence in sunflowers and their known ability to induce growth in plants, we hypothesized that Gibberellic Acid (GA) and an Auxin hormone, Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA), play a significant role in sunflower’s ability to perform heliotropism

    Multiple Cytokines Are Released When Blood from Patients with Tuberculosis Is Stimulated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigens

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection may cause overt disease or remain latent. Interferon gamma release assays (IGRAs) detect Mtb infection, both latent infection and infection manifesting as overt disease, by measuring whole-blood interferon gamma (IFN-γ) responses to Mtb antigens such as early secreted antigenic target-6 (ESAT-6), culture filtrate protein 10 (CFP-10), and TB7.7. Due to a lack of adequate diagnostic standards for confirming latent Mtb infection, IGRA sensitivity for detecting Mtb infection has been estimated using patients with culture-confirmed tuberculosis (CCTB) for whom recovery of Mtb confirms the infection. In this study, cytokines in addition to IFN-γ were assessed for potential to provide robust measures of Mtb infection.Cytokine responses to ESAT-6, CFP-10, TB7.7, or combinations of these Mtb antigens, for patients with CCTB were compared with responses for subjects at low risk for Mtb infection (controls). Three different multiplexed immunoassays were used to measure concentrations of 9 to 20 different cytokines. Responses were calculated by subtracting background cytokine concentrations from cytokine concentrations in plasma from blood stimulated with Mtb antigens.Two assays demonstrated that ESAT-6, CFP-10, ESAT-6+CFP-10, and ESAT-6+CFP-10+TB7.7 stimulated the release of significantly greater amounts of IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-8, MCP-1 and MIP-1β for CCTB patients than for controls. Responses to combination antigens were, or tended to be, greater than responses to individual antigens. A third assay, using whole blood stimulation with ESAT-6+CFP-10+TB7.7, revealed significantly greater IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IP-10, MCP-1, MIP-1β, and TNF-α responses among patients compared with controls. One CCTB patient with a falsely negative IFN-γ response had elevated responses with other cytokines.Multiple cytokines are released when whole blood from patients with CCTB is stimulated with Mtb antigens. Measurement of multiple cytokine responses may improve diagnostic sensitivity for Mtb infection compared with assessment of IFN-γ alone

    Function of Arabidopsis hexokinase-like1 as a negative regulator of plant growth

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    A recent analysis of the hexokinase (HXK) gene family from Arabidopsis revealed that three hexokinase-like (HKL) proteins lack catalytic activity, but share about 50% identity with the primary glucose (glc) sensor/transducer protein AtHXK1. Since the AtHKL1 protein is predicted to bind glc, although with a relatively decreased affinity, a reverse genetics approach was used to test whether HKL1 might have a related regulatory function in plant growth. By comparing phenotypes of an HKL1 mutant (hkl1-1), an HXK1 mutant (gin2-1), and transgenic lines that overexpress HKL1 in either wild-type or gin2-1 genetic backgrounds, it is shown that HKL1 is a negative effector of plant growth. Interestingly, phenotypes of HKL1 overexpression lines are generally very similar to those of gin2-1. These are quantified, in part, as reduced seedling sensitivity to high glc concentrations and reduced seedling sensitivity to auxin-induced lateral root formation. However, commonly recognized targets of glc signalling are not apparently altered in any of the HKL1 mutant or transgenic lines. In fact, most, but not all, of the observed phenotypes associated with HKL1 overexpression occur independently of the presence of HXK1 protein. The data indicate that HKL1 mediates cross-talk between glc and other plant hormone response pathways. It is also considered Whether a possibly decreased glc binding affinity of HKL1 could possibly be a feedback mechanism to limit plant growth in the presence of excessive carbohydrate availability is further considered

    EvoChromo: towards a synthesis of chromatin biology and evolution

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    Over the past few years, interest in chromatin and its evolution has grown. To further advance these interests, we organized a workshop with the support of The Company of Biologists to debate the current state of knowledge regarding the origin and evolution of chromatin. This workshop led to prospective views on the development of a new field of research that we term ‘EvoChromo’. In this short Spotlight article, we define the breadth and expected impact of this new area of scientific inquiry on our understanding of both chromatin and evolution

    Cholangiocyte organoids can repair bile ducts after transplantation in the human liver.

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    Organoid technology holds great promise for regenerative medicine but has not yet been applied to humans. We address this challenge using cholangiocyte organoids in the context of cholangiopathies, which represent a key reason for liver transplantation. Using single-cell RNA sequencing, we show that primary human cholangiocytes display transcriptional diversity that is lost in organoid culture. However, cholangiocyte organoids remain plastic and resume their in vivo signatures when transplanted back in the biliary tree. We then utilize a model of cell engraftment in human livers undergoing ex vivo normothermic perfusion to demonstrate that this property allows extrahepatic organoids to repair human intrahepatic ducts after transplantation. Our results provide proof of principle that cholangiocyte organoids can be used to repair human biliary epithelium

    The Effects of Governmental Protected Areas and Social Initiatives for Land Protection on the Conservation of Mexican Amphibians

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    Traditionally, biodiversity conservation gap analyses have been focused on governmental protected areas (PAs). However, an increasing number of social initiatives in conservation (SICs) are promoting a new perspective for analysis. SICs include all of the efforts that society implements to conserve biodiversity, such as land protection, from private reserves to community zoning plans some of which have generated community-protected areas. This is the first attempt to analyze the status of conservation in Latin America when some of these social initiatives are included. The analyses were focused on amphibians because they are one of the most threatened groups worldwide. Mexico is not an exception, where more than 60% of its amphibians are endemic. We used a niche model approach to map the potential and real geographical distribution (extracting the transformed areas) of the endemic amphibians. Based on remnant distribution, all the species have suffered some degree of loss, but 36 species have lost more than 50% of their potential distribution. For 50 micro-endemic species we could not model their potential distribution range due to the small number of records per species, therefore the analyses were performed using these records directly. We then evaluated the efficiency of the existing set of governmental protected areas and established the contribution of social initiatives (private and community) for land protection for amphibian conservation. We found that most of the species have some proportion of their potential ecological niche distribution protected, but 20% are not protected at all within governmental PAs. 73% of endemic and 26% of micro-endemic amphibians are represented within SICs. However, 30 micro-endemic species are not represented within either governmental PAs or SICs. This study shows how the role of land conservation through social initiatives is therefore becoming a crucial element for an important number of species not protected by governmental PAs

    Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection.

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    Although machine learning (ML) has shown promise across disciplines, out-of-sample generalizability is concerning. This is currently addressed by sharing multi-site data, but such centralization is challenging/infeasible to scale due to various limitations. Federated ML (FL) provides an alternative paradigm for accurate and generalizable ML, by only sharing numerical model updates. Here we present the largest FL study to-date, involving data from 71 sites across 6 continents, to generate an automatic tumor boundary detector for the rare disease of glioblastoma, reporting the largest such dataset in the literature (n = 6, 314). We demonstrate a 33% delineation improvement for the surgically targetable tumor, and 23% for the complete tumor extent, over a publicly trained model. We anticipate our study to: 1) enable more healthcare studies informed by large diverse data, ensuring meaningful results for rare diseases and underrepresented populations, 2) facilitate further analyses for glioblastoma by releasing our consensus model, and 3) demonstrate the FL effectiveness at such scale and task-complexity as a paradigm shift for multi-site collaborations, alleviating the need for data-sharing