41,240 research outputs found

    Dipolar SLEs

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    We present basic properties of Dipolar SLEs, a new version of stochastic Loewner evolutions (SLE) in which the critical interfaces end randomly on an interval of the boundary of a planar domain. We present a general argument explaining why correlation functions of models of statistical mechanics are expected to be martingales and we give a relation between dipolar SLEs and CFTs. We compute SLE excursion and/or visiting probabilities, including the probability for a point to be on the left/right of the SLE trace or that to be inside the SLE hull. These functions, which turn out to be harmonic, have a simple CFT interpretation. We also present numerical simulations of the ferromagnetic Ising interface that confirm both the probabilistic approach and the CFT mapping.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    International cooperation and the reform of public procurement policies

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    The decision not to launch negotiations in the World Trade Organization (WTO) on three of the Singapore Issues in the so-called July 2004 package provides an opportunity to revisit the knowledge base on which proposals for further international collective action may be drawn. This paper examines the available evidence on public procurement practices in developing countries that could be relevant to further multilateral rule making on state purchasing. Although there is considerable agreement on ends (efficient, non-corrupt, and transparent public purchasing systems), little information is available on means and, in particular, on the effective and replicable strategies that developing countries can adopt to improve their public procurement systems. A concerted effort to substantially add to the knowledge base on public procurement reforms in developing countries, through targeted research and international exchange of information on implemented procurement policies and outcomes, is critical to identifying areas where further binding multilateral disciplines may be beneficial.Government Procurement,Corruption&Anitcorruption Law,Public Sector Corruption&Anticorruption Measures,Pharmaceuticals&Pharmacoeconomics,Business in Development

    A note on the power divergence in lattice calculations of ΔI=1/2\Delta I = 1/2 KππK\to\pi\pi amplitudes at MK=MπM_{K}=M_{\pi}

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    In this note, we clarify a point concerning the power divergence in lattice calculations of ΔI=1/2\Delta I = 1/2 KππK\to\pi\pi decay amplitudes. There have been worries that this divergence might show up in the Minkowski amplitudes at MK=MπM_{K}=M_{\pi} with all the mesons at rest. Here we demonstrate, via an explicit calculation in leading-order Chiral Perturbation Theory, that the power divergence is absent at the above kinematic point, as predicted by CPS symmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Tests of non-standard electroweak couplings of right-handed quarks

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    The standard model can be interpreted as the leading order of a Low-Energy Effective Theory (LEET) invariant under a higher non linearly realized symmetry SnatSU(2)W×U(1)YS_{nat}\supset SU(2)_W \times U(1)_Y equipped with a systematic power counting. Within the minimal version of this ``not quite decoupling'' LEET, the dominant non-standard effect appears at next-to-leading order (NLO) and is a modification of the couplings of fermions to W and Z. In particular, the coupling of right-handed quarks to Z is modified and a direct coupling of right-handed quarks to W emerges. Charged right-handed lepton currents are forbidden by an additional discrete symmetry in the lepton sector originally designed to suppress Dirac neutrino masses. A complete NLO analysis of experimental constraints on these modified couplings is presented. Concerning couplings of light quarks, the interface of the electroweak tests with QCD aspects is discussed in detail.Comment: 56 pages, 14 figures, v2: references added, minor modifications in the text, accepted for publication in JHE

    Government procurement : Market access, transparency, and multilateral trade rules

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    The authors examine the effects on national welfare and market access of two public procurement practices-discrimination against foreign suppliers of goods and services and nontransparency of the procedures used to allocate government contracts to firms. Both types of policies have become prominent in international trade negotiations, including the Doha Round of the World Trade Organization (WTO) trade talks. Traditionally, the focus of international trade agreements has been on market access. However, many developing countries have opposed the launch of negotiations to extend the principle of nondiscrimination to procurement. As a result, the current focus in the Doha Round is on an effort to launch discussions on agreeing to principles of transparency in procurement. While transparency will not constrain the ability of governments to discriminate in favor of domestic firms, it could nonetheless improve market access by reducing corruption. The authors assess and compare the impact of eliminating discrimination and fostering greater domestic competition in procurement markets and enhancing transparency in state contracting. Their analysis concludes that greater domestic competition on procurement markets and greater transparency will improve economic welfare. But there is no clear-cut effect on market access of ending discrimination or improving transparency. This mismatch between market access and welfare effects may account for the slower progress in negotiating procurement disciplines in trade agreements than for traditional border measures such as tariffs, given that market access is the driving force behind trade agreements.Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Markets and Market Access,Decentralization,Labor Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Markets and Market Access,Access to Markets,TF054105-DONOR FUNDED OPERATION ADMINISTRATION FEE INCOME AND EXPENSE ACCOUNT

    Quantum Field Theory on Spacetimes with a Compactly Generated Cauchy Horizon

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    We prove two theorems which concern difficulties in the formulation of the quantum theory of a linear scalar field on a spacetime, (M,g_{ab}), with a compactly generated Cauchy horizon. These theorems demonstrate the breakdown of the theory at certain `base points' of the Cauchy horizon, which are defined as `past terminal accumulation points' of the horizon generators. Thus, the theorems may be interpreted as giving support to Hawking's `Chronology Protection Conjecture', according to which the laws of physics prevent one from manufacturing a `time machine'. Specifically, we prove: Theorem 1: There is no extension to (M,g_{ab}) of the usual field algebra on the initial globally hyperbolic region which satisfies the condition of F-locality at any base point. In other words, any extension of the field algebra must, in any globally hyperbolic neighbourhood of any base point, differ from the algebra one would define on that neighbourhood according to the rules for globally hyperbolic spacetimes. Theorem 2: The two-point distribution for any Hadamard state defined on the initial globally hyperbolic region must (when extended to a distributional bisolution of the covariant Klein-Gordon equation on the full spacetime) be singular at every base point x in the sense that the difference between this two point distribution and a local Hadamard distribution cannot be given by a bounded function in any neighbourhood (in MXM) of (x,x). Theorem 2 implies quantities such as the renormalized expectation value of \phi^2 or of the stress-energy tensor are necessarily ill-defined or singular at any base point. The proofs rely on the `Propagation of Singularities' theorems of Duistermaat and H\"ormander.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX, uses latexsym and amsbsy, no figures; updated version now published in Commun. Math. Phys.; no major revisions from original versio

    A Lattice Study of the Gluon Propagator in Momentum Space

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    We consider pure glue QCD at beta=5.7, beta=6.0 and beta=6.3. We evaluate the gluon propagator both in time at zero 3-momentum and in momentum space. From the former quantity we obtain evidence for a dynamically generated effective mass, which at beta=6.0 and beta=6.3 increases with the time separation of the sources, in agreement with earlier results. The momentum space propagator G(k) provides further evidence for mass generation. In particular, at beta=6.0, for k less than 1 GeV, the propagator G(k) can be fit to a continuum formula proposed by Gribov and others, which contains a mass scale b, presumably related to the hadronization mass scale. For higher momenta Gribov's model no longer provides a good fit, as G(k) tends rather to follow an inverse power law. The results at beta=6.3 are consistent with those at beta=6.0, but only the high momentum region is accessible on this lattice. We find b in the range of three to four hundred MeV and the exponent of the inverse power law about 2.7. On the other hand, at beta=5.7 (where we can only study momenta up to 1 GeV) G(k) is best fit to a simple massive boson propagator with mass m. We argue that such a discrepancy may be related to a lack of scaling for low momenta at beta=5.7. {}From our results, the study of correlation functions in momentum space looks promising, especially because the data points in Fourier space turn out to be much less correlated than in real space.Comment: 19 pages + 12 uuencoded PostScript picture

    Staggered Chiral Perturbation Theory and the Fourth-Root Trick

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    Staggered chiral perturbation theory (schpt) takes into account the "fourth-root trick" for reducing unwanted (taste) degrees of freedom with staggered quarks by multiplying the contribution of each sea quark loop by a factor of 1/4. In the special case of four staggered fields (four flavors, nF=4), I show here that certain assumptions about analyticity and phase structure imply the validity of this procedure for representing the rooting trick in the chiral sector. I start from the observation that, when the four flavors are degenerate, the fourth root simply reduces nF=4 to nF=1. One can then treat nondegenerate quark masses by expanding around the degenerate limit. With additional assumptions on decoupling, the result can be extended to the more interesting cases of nF=3, 2, or 1. A apparent paradox associated with the one-flavor case is resolved. Coupled with some expected features of unrooted staggered quarks in the continuum limit, in particular the restoration of taste symmetry, schpt then implies that the fourth-root trick induces no problems (for example, a violation of unitarity that persists in the continuum limit) in the lowest energy sector of staggered lattice QCD. It also says that the theory with staggered valence quarks and rooted staggered sea quarks behaves like a simple, partially-quenched theory, not like a "mixed" theory in which sea and valence quarks have different lattice actions. In most cases, the assumptions made in this paper are not only sufficient but also necessary for the validity of schpt, so that a variety of possible new routes for testing this validity are opened.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figures. v3: minor changes: improved explanations and less tentative discussion in several places; corresponds to published versio

    On the effects of (partial) quenching on penguin contributions to K-> pi pi

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    Recently, we pointed out that chiral transformation properties of strong penguin operators change in the transition from unquenched to (partially) quenched QCD. As a consequence, new penguin-like operators appear in the (partially) quenched theory, along with new low-energy constants, which should be interpreted as a quenching artifact. Here, we extend the analysis to the contribution of the new low-energy constants to the K^0 -> pi^+ pi^- amplitude, at leading order in chiral perturbation theory, and for arbitrary (momentum non-conserving) kinematics. Using these results, we provide a detailed discussion of the intrinsic systematic error due to this (partial) quenching artifact. We also give a simple recipe for the determination of the leading-order low-energy constant parameterizing the new operators in the case of strong LRLR penguins.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, minor correction