28 research outputs found

    Aktiv pÄ dagtid: Fra Ä overleve til Ä leve igjen

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    En betydelig andel av befolkningen stÄr utenfor arbeidslivet, noe som kan gi omfattende sosiale konsekvenser for den enkelte og store omkostninger for samfunnet. Aktiv PÄ Dagtid (APD) tilbyr aktiviteter for personer som mottar trygdeytelser fra NAV og er et ubeskyttet mosjonskonsept som driftes i mange kommuner og av ulike aktÞrer rundt om i landet. I Agderfylkene driftes APD av Aust-Agder idrettskrets, i samarbeid med Arendal, Grimstad, Lillesand og RisÞr kommuner der man har tilbudet for personer mellom 16-70 Är som stÄr helt eller delvis utenfor arbeidslivet og er som sÄdan et lokalt folkehelseprosjekt. Opplevelse av bedret helse og tilfredshet i hverdagen er et vesentlig mÄl i APD. MÄlet i dette prosjektet var Ä undersÞke hvordan APD i de nevnte Agderkommunene kan bidra til livskvalitet og arbeidsdeltakelse hos personer som stÄr utenfor eller delvis utenfor arbeidslivet. Dette prosjektet benyttet seg av salutogenese som et teoretisk konsept. Denne rapporten legger vekt pÄ endringer i mental og fysisk helse, mestringsstrategier og livskvalitet. TilnÊrming er basert pÄ metodetriangulering. Den kvantitative delen bestÄr av spÞrreskjemaer bestÄende av egendefinerte spÞrsmÄl og standardiserte instrumenter. Til tross for langvarig sykdom og dÄrlig helsestatus bidrar aktivitetene pÄ Aktiv pÄ Dagtid til Ä Þke mestringsevnen og livskvaliteten til deltakerne. Ikke alle deltakerne har som et mÄl Ä komme tilbake til arbeidslivet, men deltakelse i seg selv har stor nytte bÄde for personene det gjelder, for familien deres og Þkonomisk for samfunnet.Aktiv pÄ dagtid: Fra Ä overleve til Ä leve igjenpublishedVersio

    Understanding the relationship between subjective health complaints and satisfaction with life for people in prevocational training in Norway

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    Background and aim: In Norway, a large part of the population is dependent on disability benefits. The main reasons for this are related to long-term musculoskeletal pain and psychological complaints. Prevocational rehabilitation, aimed at increasing participation in working life, targets people in need of a sheltered vocational environment. This group has been found to report a very high level of health complaints. Therefore, a better understanding of the psychological mechanisms affecting satisfaction with life for people who experience subjective health complaints could be important for tailoring more optimal vocational rehabilitation initiatives for these individuals. This study aimed to investigate the possible mediator role of basic psychological need satisfaction, described in self-determination theory, in the relationship between subjective health complaints and satisfaction with life. Methods: A total of 201 adult participants attending prevocational training on care farms in Norway answered a questionnaire, including demographic questions and standardised instruments on subjective health complaints, basic psychological need satisfaction and satisfaction with life. Analyses were conducted using a structural equation model. Results: Most of the participants had been out of work for more than one year, had a high prevalence of subjective health complaints and a low level of satisfaction with life. The structural equation model showed that basic psychological need satisfaction mediated the negative association between psychological health complaints and satisfaction with life. Conclusion: The results indicate that even though health complaints remain, prevocational programs can counteract some of the negative associations between subjective health complaints and satisfaction with life by creating contexts that support basic psychological needs that are important for well-being and functioning. Providing clients with understanding, guidance, positive feedback, meaningful tasks and a close, supportive social community, has been found to facilitate satisfaction of basic psychological needs in prevocational training on care farmspublishedVersio

    Oxytocin levels and self-reported anxiety during interactions between humans and cows

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    Introduction: Positive social interactions with farm animals may have therapeutic benefits on humans by increasing brain oxytocin secretion, as inferred from circulating oxytocin levels. The aim of this observational study was to investigate acute changes in human plasma oxytocin levels and state anxiety associated with interactions with dairy cows. Methods: Data were collected from 18 healthy female nursing students who performed stroking and brushing of an unfamiliar cow for 15 min. Blood samples were drawn before entering the cowshed (T1, baseline), and after 5 (T2) and 15 (T3) min of interaction with a cow. At T1 and T3, the students filled out the Norwegian version of the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-State Subscale (STAI-SS). Results: Across participants, no significant changes in average plasma oxytocin concentration were detected between time points (p>0.05). There was, however, a modest decline in the STAI-SS scores between T1 and T3 (p=0.015) and a positive correlation between the change in individual level of state anxiety between T1 and T3 and the change in OT concentration of the same individual between T2 and T3 (p = 0.045). Discussion: The results suggest that friendly social interactions with cows are beneficial in lowering state anxiety, but any relationship with release of OT into the circulation was complex and variable across individuals. The acute reduction in state anxiety lends support to the value of interacting with farm animals in the context of Green Care for people with mental health challenges

    GĂ„rden som arena for tilpasset opplĂŠring: Erfaringer med gĂ„rd–skole-tilbud i et inkluderingsperspektiv

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    Tilpasset opplĂŠring pĂ„ gĂ„rdsbruk Ă©n eller flere dager i uken er et tilbud til enkelte elever pĂ„ ungdomstrinnet som har vansker med Ă„ nyttiggjĂžre seg ordinĂŠr opplĂŠring i klassen. I lys av teori om inkludering har vi undersĂžkt erfaringer til ansatte ved skoler og gĂ„rdbrukere som samarbeider om opplĂŠringstilbud pĂ„ gĂ„rd. Det ble gjennomfĂžrt 17 semistrukturerte intervju med gĂ„rdbrukere og kontaktlĂŠrere, rĂ„dgiver og skoleledere i kommunal oppvekstenhet ved fem ulike gĂ„rd–skole-tilbud fra Østlandet, Vestlandet og Midt-Norge. Informantenes erfaringer ble sett i lys av Haugs (2014) teori om inkludering og Lave og Wengers (2003) teori om situerte praksisfellesskap. Informantenes erfaringer viste at relasjonsarbeid og fellesskapsbygging foregĂ„r parallelt med samarbeid om meningsfulle og nyttige arbeidsoppgaver pĂ„ gĂ„rden, som ble tilpasset den enkelte elevs forutsetninger og interesser. Informantene erfarte ogsĂ„ at opplĂŠringstilbud pĂ„ gĂ„rd skapte muligheter for nye vennskap for elevene. Tilbudene kan oppleves bĂ„de inkluderende og segregerende. VĂ„r studie viser at inklusjon i smĂ„ fellesskap pĂ„ gĂ„rden kan vĂŠre et viktig supplement til inkludering i basisklassen, som en utvidelse av tiltak om tilpasset opplĂŠring i fellesskolen.publishedVersio

    Oxytocin levels and self-reported anxiety during interactions between humans and cows

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    IntroductionPositive social interactions with farm animals may have therapeutic benefits on humans by increasing brain oxytocin secretion, as inferred from circulating oxytocin levels. The aim of this observational study was to investigate acute changes in human plasma oxytocin levels and state anxiety associated with interactions with dairy cows.MethodsData were collected from 18 healthy female nursing students who performed stroking and brushing of an unfamiliar cow for 15 min. Blood samples were drawn before entering the cowshed (T1, baseline), and after 5 (T2) and 15 (T3) min of interaction with a cow. At T1 and T3, the students filled out the Norwegian version of the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-State Subscale (STAI-SS).ResultsAcross participants, no significant changes in average plasma oxytocin concentration were detected between time points (p>0.05). There was, however, a modest decline in the STAI-SS scores between T1 and T3 (p=0.015) and a positive correlation between the change in individual level of state anxiety between T1 and T3 and the change in OT concentration of the same individual between T2 and T3 (p = 0.045).DiscussionThe results suggest that friendly social interactions with cows are beneficial in lowering state anxiety, but any relationship with release of OT into the circulation was complex and variable across individuals. The acute reduction in state anxiety lends support to the value of interacting with farm animals in the context of Green Care for people with mental health challenges