259 research outputs found

    Implicit Theories and Self-efficacy in an Introductory Programming Course

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    Contribution: This study examined student effort and performance in an introductory programming course with respect to student-held implicit theories and self-efficacy. Background: Implicit theories and self-efficacy shed a light into understanding academic success, which must be considered when developing effective learning strategies for programming. Research Questions: Are implicit theories of intelligence and programming, and programming-efficacy related to each other and student success in programming? Is it possible to predict student course performance using a subset of these constructs? Methodology: Two consecutive surveys (N=100 and N=81) were administered to non-CS engineering students in I\c{s}{\i}k University. Findings: Implicit theories and self-beliefs are interrelated and correlated with effort, performance, and previous failures in the course and students explain failure in programming course with "programming-aptitude is fixed" theory, and also that programming is a difficult task for themselves.Comment: Programming Education. 8 page

    Microestructura de quesos blancos turcos bajos en grasa producidos industrialmente, influencia de la homogenización de la crema

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    The microstructure and fat globule distribution of reduced and low fat Turkish white cheese were evaluated. Reduced and low fat cheeses were manufactured from 1.5% and 0.75% fat milk respectively which were standardized unhomogenized and homogenized cream in a dairy plant. Homogenized and non-homogenized creams and cheese whey were analyzed for fat globule distribution and cheese samples were also analyzed for microstructure characteristics. According to the results, the homogenization of cream decreased the size of fat globules; and showed that a large number of fat particles were dispersed in the in matrix and improved the lubrication of cheese microstructure. According to the micrographs for the fat, which was not removed, they exhibited a more extended matrix with a few small fat globules compared to the defatted micrographs. Homogenization of cream produces small fat globules and unclustured fat globules were found in the resulting whey. These results are important for dairy processors for using cream homogenization as a processing tool at the industrial level.Se estudia la microestructura y distribución de los glóbulos de grasa de quesos blancos turcos bajos en grasa. Quesos con reducida y baja cantidad en grasa fueron fabricados conteniendo entre el 1,5% y 0,75% de grasa de leche, respectivamente, y con cremas homogeneizadas y no homogeneizadas, en una planta de lácteos. Las cremas homogeneizadas y no homogeneizadas y el suero de los quesos se analizaron para determinar la distribución de los glóbulos de grasa y también se analizaron las características de la microestructura de muestras de queso. De acuerdo con los resultados, la homogeneización de la crema reduce el tamaño de los glóbulos de grasa, mostrando un gran número de partículas de grasa dispersa en la matriz de caseína que mejoró la lubricación de la microestructura del queso. De acuerdo con las micrografías de la grasa que no se elimina, estas exhiben una matriz más amplia en la que hay pocos glóbulos de grasa en comparación con las micrografías de las muestras desgrasadas. La homogenización de la crema produce pequeños glóbulos de grasa y el suero resultante contiene glóbulos de grasa no incrustados. Estos resultados son importantes para los procesadores de productos lácteos, y muestran la utilidad de la homogeneización de crema como una herramienta del procesamiento a nivel industrial

    Profinite completion of Grigorchuk's group is not finitely presented

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    In this paper we prove that the profinite completion G^\mathcal{\hat G} of the Grigorchuk group G\mathcal{G} is not finitely presented as a profinite group. We obtain this result by showing that H^2(\mathcal{\hat G},\field{F}_2) is infinite dimensional. Also several results are proven about the finite quotients G/StG(n)\mathcal{G}/ St_{\mathcal{G}}(n) including minimal presentations and Schur Multipliers

    A heuristic procedure for a single-item dynamic lot sizing problem

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    An O(T) heuristic proceudre for a single-item dynamic lot sizing problem is introduced in this paper. The algorithm tries to establish the regeneration points of the problem whether either the production or the beginning inventory must be equal to zero. The proposed algorithm is very easy to implement and compares very favourably with the existing heuristic procedures. © 1988

    Clinical results of carotid artery stenting versus carotid endarterectomy

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    Objective: To review our results of carotid artery stenting (CAS) and carotid endarterectomy (CEA). Methods: We evaluated the medical records of patients undergoing carotid artery revascularization procedure, between 2001 and 2013 in Baskent University Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. Carotid artery stenting or CEA procedures were performed in patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis (=70%) or symptomatic stenosis (=50%). Demographic data, procedural details, and clinical outcomes were recorded. Primary outcome measures were in 30-day stroke/transient ischemic attacks (TIA)/amaurosis fugax or death. Secondary outcome measures were nerve injury, bleeding complications, length of stay in hospital, stroke, restenosis (ICA patency), and all-cause death during long-term follow-up. Results: One hundred ninety-four CEA and 115 CAS procedures were performed for symptomatic and/or asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis. There is no significant differences 30-day mortality and neurologic morbidity between CAS (13%) and CEA procedures (7.7%). Length of stay in hospital were significantly longer in CEA group (p=0.001). In the post-procedural follow up, only in symptomatic patients, restenosis rate was higher in the CEA group (p=.045). The other endpoints did not differ significantly. Conclusions: Endovascular stent treatment of carotid artery atherosclerotic disease is an alternative for vascular surgery, especially for patients that are high risk for standard CEA. The increasing experience, development of cerebral protection systems and new treatment protocols increases CAS feasibility

    A rare benign disorder mimicking metastasis on radiographic examination: a case report of osteopoikilosis

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    Osteopoikilosis (OPK) is a rare, autosomal dominant bone disorder, characterized by multiple, discrete round or ovoid radio densities scattered throughout the axial and appendicular skeleton. OPK is usually asymptomatic but rarely there may be slight articular pain and joint effusions. OPK is generally diagnosed incidentally on radiographic examinations and may mimic different bone pathologies, including bone metastases. Radionuclide bone scan has a critical role in distinguishing OPK from osteoblastic bone metastases. In this case report, we present a young man with right hip pain due to OPK, whose plain radiogram and computerized tomography findings thought cancer metastasis

    Massive retroperitoneal tubercular abscess mimicking a leaking abdominal aortic aneurysm: a case report

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    In spite of being a common diagnosis in the patients of Asian origin, atypical presentations of tuberculosis may pose diagnostic challenges. We report a huge prevertebral abscess in a 30-year-old female, mimicking a leaking aortic aneurysm. The patient was managed successfully by emergency decompression and stabilization. The issues related to poor patient compliance to chemotherapy and management of atypical presentations of spinal tuberculosis are discussed here

    Yield gap analysis: modelling of achievable yields at farm level.

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    This chapter quantifies the potential yields and yield gaps between the potential and the actual yields obtained by the farmers for the major rainfed crops grown in the selected countries in South and South East Asia (India, Thailand and Vietnam), SSA and the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region, where food security is increasingly threatened because of expected increase in population and degradation of natural resources. This analysis is expected to help identify the opportunities and constraints for yield improvement with the implementation of the improved crop production and natural resource management technologies for the rainfed regions

    The role of specific biomarkers, as predictors of post-operative complications following flexible ureterorenoscopy (FURS), for the treatment of kidney stones: a single-centre observational clinical pilot-study in 37 patients

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    Abstract: Background: The number of patients diagnosed and subsequently treated for kidney stones is increasing, and as such the number of post-operative complications is likely to increase. At present, little is known about the role of specific biomarkers, following flexible ureterorenoscopy (FURS) for the surgical treatment of kidney stones. The main aim of the study was to evaluate the role of kidney and infection biomarkers, in patients undergoing FURS. Methods: Included were 37 patients (24 males, 13 females), who underwent elective FURS, for the treatment of kidney stones. Venous blood samples were collected from each patient: pre-operatively, and at 30 min, 2 and 4 h post-operatively. Changes to kidney (NGAL, Cystatin-C) and infection (MPO, PCT) biomarkers was quantified by means of ELISA, Biomerieux mini-vidas and Konelab 20 analysers. Results: Four patients developed post-operative complications (3 - UTIs with urinary retention, 1 - urosepsis. NGAL concentration increased significantly following FURS (p = 0.034). Although no significant changes were seen in Cystatin C, MPO and PCT (p ≥ 0.05) some key clinical observation were noted. Limiting factors for this study were the small number of patients recruited and restriction in blood sampling beyond 4 h. Conclusions: Although not confirmative, changes seen to biomarkers such as Cystatin C, NGAL and MPO in our observational clinical pilot-study may warrant further investigation, involving larger cohorts, to fully understand the role of these biomarkers and their potential association with post-operative complications which can develop following FURS