437 research outputs found

    Client Preferences for Counselor Characteristics: Attitudes Towards Handicapped

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    The objective of this research was to constructively replicate the research of Brabham and Thoreson (1973) and Mitchell and Frederickson (1975) that led to the conclusion that handicapped counselors are preferred. Subjects were 337 male and female volunteers enrolled in psychology 101 which was taught during the Fall Quarter, 1984, at Utah State University. All subjects were asked to indicate their preference when considering 20 hypothetical problem situations for one counselor from among six photographs of handicapped and non-handicapped counselors. The 20 situations consisted of three types (personal, vocational, and educational). Each subject\u27s score was the total number of times that the subject selected a handicapped counselor. T-tests for independent means were conducted to determined whether or not the group had a statistically significant preference for either handicapped or non-handicapped counselor when the subjects were considering all problems together and when subjects were considering specific problem types. Results indicate that subjects have no significant preference for either handicapped or non-handicapped counselor when all problems were considered. For Personal problems subjects preferred handicapped counselors. For vocational problems subjects preferred non-handicapped counselors. For educational problems subjects had no statistical significant preference. Interpretation of the results suggested preference for a handicapped or non-handicapped counselor is differentially affected by the problem type. It was recommended that much research remains to measure the magnitude of these preferences and the influence of these preferences on the process and outcome of therapy

    Prods and Pleas: Limited Government in an Era of Unlimited Harm

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    Asylum Essentials:The U.S. Asylum Program Needs More Resources, Not Restrictions

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    The public debate surrounding passage of the REAL ID Act by the House of Representatives on February 10 has raised the question of whether or not the U.S. asylum system is vulnerable to infiltration by foreign terrorists. Sponsors of the legislation, which now moves to the Senate for consideration, claim the Act would enhance security by making it more difficult for asylum seekers to prove their cases. However, the realities of asylum processing and the impact of reforms to the asylum system over the past decade point to a need for more resources rather than new restrictions. Abuses of the asylum system, including the most notorious cases cited by supporters of the REAL ID Act, have resulted primarily from applicants getting lost in bureaucratic backlogs or from over-worked Asylum Officers not having sufficient time to closely scrutinize the stories and evidence presented by asylum seekers. The integrity of the asylum system is enhanced by sufficient staffing and funding to allow the thorough and timely adjudication of asylum cases, and adequate training of the immigration inspectors who first come into contact with asylum seekers. Current law already denies asylum to individuals who have engaged in terrorist activity, committed serious crimes, or who may pose a danger to national security.1 And asylum applicants already undergo extensive security checks. The critical issue is whether or not the Asylum Officers who are assigned to review asylum claims have the time and resources they need to efficiently and effectively determine who is a legitimate refugee. The provisions of the REAL ID Act that would raise the bar for all asylum applicants do nothin

    Rethinking America's Illegal Drug Policy

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    This paper provides a critical review of the empirical and theoretical literatures on illegal drug policy, including cross-country comparisons, in order to evaluate three drug policy regimes: criminalization, legalization and “depenalization.” Drawing on the experiences of various states, as well as countries such as Portugal and the Netherlands, the paper attempts to identify cost-minimizing policies for marijuana and cocaine by assessing the differing ways in which the various drug regimes would likely change the magnitude and composition of the social costs of each drug. The paper updates and evaluates Jeffrey Miron’s 1999 national time series analysis of drug prohibition spending and the homicide rate, which underscores the lack of a solid empirical base for assessing the theoretically anticipated crime drop that would come from drug legalization. Nonetheless, the authors conclude that given the number of arrests for marijuana possession, and the costs of incarceration and crime systemic to cocaine criminalization, the current regime is unlikely to be cost-minimizing for either marijuana or cocaine.

    Cut-sets and Cut-vertices in the Zero-Divisor Graph of ∏Zni

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    We examine minimal sets of vertices which, when removed from a zero-divisor graph, separate the graph into disconnected subgraphs. We classify these sets for all direct products of Γ ∏Zn

    Facilitating Pre-Service Teachers to Engage Emergent Bilinguals in Productive Struggle

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    This study utilized a multiple case study with qualitative research to examine how Pre-service teachers (PSTs) might engage Emergent Bilinguals (EBs) in productive struggle—grappling to solve problems (Warshauer, 2015). The researchers created a rubric based on Warshauer’s (2015) case study to record the types of questions PSTs asked as they tutored fourth grade EBs. Warshauer (2015) claimed PSTs should allow students more wait time and ask questions. She referred to such questions as affordance and probing guidance, which facilitates productive struggle. In order to discover more about the PSTs’ thinking, the researchers interviewed the PSTs before and after their first, third, and seventh lesson. The researchers’ findings are that the PSTs struggled to incorporate more affordance and probing guidance-based questions as the semester progressed. However, PSTs use of telling based questions decreased during the semester. Another finding was two of the EBs spoke only English at the beginning of the semester, but later used code switching during the lessons. Perhaps the students felt more comfortable with their surroundings, and speaking in Spanish helped facilitate them to engage in productive struggle. Furthermore, PSTs utilized culturally relevant teaching strategies during their lessons and created an environment to encourage positive mindsets for learning mathematics. Implications are teacher educators should teach PSTs how to engage all students in productive struggle

    An Unsupervised Autoencoder Developed from Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (DCE)-MRI Datasets for Classification of Acute Tumor Response in an Animal Model

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    Purpose/Objective(s): Recent studies have shown that vascular parameters of brain tumors derived from DCE-MRI may act as potential biomarkers for radiation-induced acute effects. However, accurate characterization of the spatial regions affected by radiation therapy (RT) remains challenging. Here, we introduce an unsupervised adaptive model for classification and ranking of the RT-affected regions in an animal model of cerebral U-251n tumors. Materials/Methods: Twenty-three immune-compromised-RNU rats were implanted with human U251n cancer cells to form an orthotopic glioma (IACUC #1509). For each rat, 28 days after implantation, two DCE-MRI studies (Dual Gradient Echo, DGE, FOV: 32 × 32 mm2, TR/(TE1-TE2) = 24 ms/(2 ms-4 ms), flip angle = 18°, 400 acquisitions, 1.55 sec interval with Magnevist contrast agent, CA injection at ∼ 24 sec) were performed 24h apart using a 7T MRI scanner. A single 20 Gy stereotactic radiation exposure was performed before the second MRI, which was acquired 1-6.5 hrs after RT. DCE-MRI analysis was done using a model selection technique to distinguish three different brain regions as follows: Normal vasculature (Model 1: No leakage, only plasma volume, vp, is estimated), leaky tumor tissues with no back-flux to the vasculature (Model 2: vp and forward volumetric transfer constant, Ktrans, are estimated), and leaky tumor tissues with back-flux (Model 3: vp, Ktrans, and interstitial volume fraction, ve, are estimated). Normalized time traces of DCE-MRI information (24 pre, and 24 post-RT for each rat, total of 64108 training datasets) of tumors and their soft surrounding normal tissues were extracted from the 3 different model regions. To eliminate high-dimensional data similarity, an unsupervised autoencoder (AE) was trained to map out the model-derived data into a feature space (latent variables, N=10). For each model, the pre and post RT latent variables were compared (by appropriate tests of significance: ANOVA/Welch, CI=95%) to reveal RT-discriminant features. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to compare the decoded data to rank the effect of RT on different models. Results: The time trace of DCE-MRI information of rat brain in normal (Model 1, non-leaky) and highly permeable (Model 3) regions are less impacted by RT (Higher correlation between pre and post RT: r= 0.8518, p\u3c0.0001 and r= 0.9040, p\u3c0.0001 for Model 1 and Model 3, respectively) compared to the peritumoral regions pertaining to Model 2 (r= 0.8077, p\u3c0.0001). Conclusion: This pilot study suggests that among different brain regions, peritumoral zones (infiltrative tumor borders with enhanced rim) are highly affected by RT. Spatial assessment of RT-affected brain regions can play a key role in optimization of treatment planning in cancer patients, but presents a challenging task in conventional DCE-MRI. This study represents an important step toward classification and ranking the RT-affected brain spatial regions according to their vascular response following hypofractionated RT

    High-Resolution Mapping of Evolutionary Trajectories in a Phage

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    Experimental evolution in rapidly reproducing viruses offers a robust means to infer substitution trajectories during evolution. But with conventional approaches, this inference is limited by how many individual genotypes can be sampled from the population at a time. Low-frequency changes are difficult to detect, potentially rendering early stages of adaptation unobservable. Here we circumvent this using short-read sequencing technology in a fine-grained analysis of polymorphism dynamics in the sentinel organism: a single-stranded DNA phage ΦX174. Nucleotide differences were educed from noise with binomial filtering methods that harnessed quality scores and separate data from brief phage amplifications. Remarkably, a significant degree of variation was observed in all samples including those grown in brief 2-h cultures. Sites previously reported as subject to high-frequency polymorphisms over a course of weeks exhibited monotonic increases in polymorphism frequency within hours in this study. Additionally, even with limitations imposed by the short length of sequencing reads, we were able to observe statistically significant linkage among polymorphic sites in evolved lineages. Additional parallels between replicate lineages were apparent in the sharing of polymorphic sites and in correlated polymorphism frequencies. Missense mutations were more likely to occur than silent mutations. This study offers the first glimpse into “real-time” substitution dynamics and offers a robust conceptual framework for future viral resequencing studies