1,016 research outputs found


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    AbstrakMasih tingginya angka putus sekolah di Kota Bitung menjadi suatu indicator masih lemahnya kinerja Dinas terkait yaitu Dinas Pendidikan melalui strategi yang diterapkan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui strategi Dinas Pendidikan dalam menekan angka anak putus sekolah di Kota Bitung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Informan penelitian sebanyak 11 (sebelas) informan yaitu 1 orang Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bitung, 4 orang UPT Dinas Pendidikan di Kecamatan, 3 orang Kepala Sekolah tingkat SD, tingkat SMP, dan tingkat SMA, dan 3 orang masyarakat khususnya orang tua anak putus sekolah. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipakai yaitu Teknik Observasi, Teknik Wawancara, Teknik Dokumentasi, dan Studi Pustaka, Teknik Analisa Data yang dipakai yaitu data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara bersamaan dengan proses pengumpulan data, proses analisis yang dilakukan merupakan suatu proses yang cukup panjang. Data dari hasil wawancara yang diperoleh kemudian dicatat dan dikumpulkan sehingga menjadi sebuah catatan lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian melalui hasil pengamatan, pengumpulan data dan proses wawancara yang penelti lakukan, maka penelitian mengenai strategi Dinas Pendidikan dalam menekan angka anak putus sekolah di Kota Bitung yaitu strategi sudah cukup baik dalam menekan angka anak putus sekolah, antara lain : Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam menekan angka Anak Putus Sekolah yakni berupa gerakan penuntasan wajib belajar 12 tahun sebagai wujud pemenuhan hak dasar masyarakat sesuai visi dan misi pembangunan Kota Bitung, Pemberian bantuan dana, Pemberian beasiswa pendidikan bagi masyarakat miskin, Program BSM (Bantuan Siswa Miskin), Program PIP (Program Indonesia Pintar), Program MaMa CEPAT (Cerdas Peduli Anak Tidak Sekolah), dan Sosialisasi kepada masyarakat.Kata kunci : Strategi, Dinas Pendidikan, Anak Putus Sekolah

    The Nature of Deliberation According to St. Thomas Aquinas

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    Measurement invariance of big-five factors over the life span: ESEM tests of gender, age, plasticity, maturity, and la dolce vita effects.

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    This substantive-methodological synergy applies evolving approaches to factor analysis to substantively important developmental issues of how five-factor-approach (FFA) personality measures vary with gender, age, and their interaction. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) conducted at the item level often do not support a priori FFA structures, due in part to the overly restrictive assumptions of CFA models. Here we demonstrate that exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), an integration of CFA and exploratory factor analysis, overcomes these problems with the 15-item Big Five Inventory administered as part of the nationally representative British Household Panel Study (N14,021; age: 15-99 years,Mage 47.1). ESEM fitted the data substantially better and resulted in much more differentiated (less correlated) factors than did CFA. Methodologically, we extended ESEM (introducing ESEM-within-CFA models and a hybrid of multiple groups and multiple indicators multiple causes models), evaluating full measurement invariance and latent mean differences over age, gender, and their interaction. Substantively the results showed that women had higher latent scores for all Big Five factors except for Openness and that these gender differences were consistent over the entire life span. Substantial nonlinear age effects led to the rejection of the plaster hypothesis and the maturity principle but did support a newly proposed la dolce vita effect in old age. In later years, individuals become happier (more agreeable and less neurotic), more self-content and self-centered (less extroverted and open), more laid back and satisfied with what they have (less conscientious, open, outgoing and extroverted), and less preoccupied with productivity

    Közművelődési jelenségek és jelentések. Az ÁMK

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    Many classroom climate studies suffer from 2 critical problems: They (a) treat climate as a student-level (L1) variable in single-level analyses instead of a classroom-level (L2) construct in multilevel analyses; and (b) rely on manifest-variable models rather than on latent-variable models that control measurement error at L1 and L2, and sampling error in the aggregation of L1 ratings to form L2 constructs. On the basis of an analysis of 2,541 students in Grades 5 or 6 from 89 classrooms, the authors demonstrate doubly latent multilevel structural equation models that overcome both of these problems. The results show that L2 classroom climate (a higher-order factor representing classroom mastery goal orientation, challenge, and teacher caring) had positive effects on self-efficacy and achievement. The authors conclude with a discussion of related issues (e.g., the meaning of L2 constructs vs. L1 residuals, the dimensionality of climate constructs at L2) and guidelines for future research

    Guiding principles for the design of a chemical vapor deposition process for highly crystalline transition metal dichalcogenides

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    Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) for advanced logic transistor technologies are deposited by various modifications of the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method using a wide variety of precursors. Being a major electrical performance limiter, the TMD crystal grain size strongly differs between the various CVD precursor chemistries from nano- to millimeter-sized crystals. However, it remains unclear how the CVD precursor chemistry affects the nucleation density and resulting TMD crystal grain size. This work postulates guiding principles to design a CVD process for highly crystalline TMD deposition using a quantitative analytical model benchmarked against literature. The TMD nucleation density reduces favorably under low supersaturation conditions, where the metal precursor sorption on the starting surface is reversible and the corresponding metal precursor desorption rate exceeds the overall deposition rate. Such reversible precursor adsorption guarantees efficient long-range gas-phase lateral diffusion of precursor species in addition to short-range surface diffusion, which vitally increases crystal grain size. As such, the proposed model explains the large spread in experimentally observed TMD nucleation densities and crystal grain sizes for state-of-the-art CVD chemistries. Ultimately, it empowers the reader to interpret and modulate precursor adsorption and diffusion reactions through designing CVD precursor chemistries compatible with temperature sensitive application schemes