48 research outputs found

    La fracture de fatigue : facteurs de risque et perspectives d'identification

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    Revue générale sur les fractures de fatigue : physiopathologie, épidémiologie, diagnostic, facteurs de risque bimécaniques (densité osseuse, géométrie osseuse...), physiologiques (remodelage osseux, souplesse musculaire...), hormonaux, nutritionnels... Présentation des récentes investigations de la micro-architecture osseuse, par l'analyse fractale sur radiographie osseuse, pour la détection des sujets à risque

    Composition corporelle et densité minérale osseuse chez des garçons et des filles prépubères : effet de 13 semaines d'entraînement en endurance

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    Communication brève : effets d'un programme d'entraînement de 13 semaines, d'une durée équivalente à des cycles de travail en école primaire (exercice de course à pied pendant 1 h, 3 x par semaine), sur la composition corporelle et la densité minérale osseuse d'enfants de 10-11 ans

    The role of muscle strength & activation patterns in patellofemoral pain

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    To investigate the extent to which quadriceps muscle activation and strength are responsible for patellofemoral pain. A pain on–off switch system synchronized with a force transducer and surface electromyography was utilized on 32 volunteer patellofemoral pain patients during maximal isometric and squat exercises. There were 26 patients out of the 32 tested who complained of pain during the squat or isometric test, of these 20 subjects presented a significant advantage for the vastus lateralis compared to the vastus medialis obliquis activation and 12 patients had decreased quadriceps strength of the symptomatic compared to the non symptomatic leg. All patients who demonstrated weak vastus medialis obliquis activation during the isometric exercise possessed the same symptoms during the squat. On the other hand, 9 patients who showed diminished vastus medialis obliquis activation during the squat displayed equal activation between the vastus medialis obliquis and the vastus lateralis during the isometric task. With regard to the timing for the onset of muscle activation, there were only 4 patients who had a difference (P=0.03) between the symptomatic (0.042s) and non-symptomatic legs (0.011s). Causes for patellofemoral pain vary and are not necessarily a result of quadriceps strength deficit or vastus medialis obliquis activation weakness. Patellofemoral pain patients who possess lower vastus medialis obliquis activation compared to the vastus lateralis do not necessarily have quadriceps weakness while patients presenting with quadriceps strength deficits do not always have an imbalance between vastus medialis obliquis and vastus lateralis activation