105 research outputs found

    Chapter Il Piccolo Masaccio e le Terre Nuove. Creativity and Computer Graphics for Museum Edutainment

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    Since its opening, the Museum of the New Towns, housed in the Palazzo di Arnolfo in San Giovanni Valdarno, has dedicated a particular attention to the relationship with its audiences. In this context, the video “Il piccolo Masaccio e le Terre Nuove” has the purpose of bringing children and young people, in particular, closer to the museum main themes. The video presents a series of very different techniques, such as live shots, taken also by drone, Computer Graphics, 2D drawings executed with a tablet, drawings sketched with traditional techniques, such as India ink and watercolours, and digital videos taken from Google Earth

    AlĂ©ria – Mare Stagno

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    Depuis 2015, la fouille programmĂ©e, rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  quelques pas de l’embouchure actuelle de l’étang de Diane, se dĂ©roule au lieu-dit Mare Stagno. Cette opĂ©ration portait sur un Ă©tablissement littoral qui a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©gagĂ© intĂ©gralement (fig. 1). La premiĂšre campagne (2015) avait permis de faire les sondages exploratoires qui vit l’exhumation des premiĂšres maçonneries sous des couches de remblais fortement perturbĂ©es par les labours rĂ©cents. La deuxiĂšme campagne (2016) avait principalement portĂ© sur la..

    Humoral immune response to SARS-CoV-2 in five different groups of individuals at different environmental and professional risk of infection

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    It is partially unknown whether the immune response to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) infection persists with time. To address this issue, we detected the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in different groups of individuals previously diagnosed with COVID-19 disease (group 1 and 2), or potentially exposed to SARS-CoV-2 infection (group 3 and 4), and in a representative group of individuals with limited environmental exposure to the virus due to lockdown restrictions (group 5). The primary outcome was specific anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the different groups assessed by qualitative and quantitative analysis at baseline, 3 and 6 months follow-up. The seroconversion rate at baseline test was 95% in group 1, 61% in group 2, 40% in group 3, 17% in group 4 and 3% in group 5. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed male gender, close COVID-19 contact and presence of COVID-19 related symptoms strongly associated with serological positivity. The percentage of positive individuals as assessed by the qualitative and quantitative tests was superimposable. At the quantitative test, the median level of SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels measured in positive cases retested at 6-months increased significantly from baseline. The study indicates that assessing antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 through qualitative and quantitative testing is a reliable disease surveillance tool

    A simplified genomic profiling approach predicts outcome in metastatic colorectal cancer

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    The response of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) to the first-line conventional combination therapy is highly variable, reflecting the elevated heterogeneity of the disease. The genetic alterations underlying this heterogeneity have been thoroughly characterized through omic approaches requiring elevated efforts and costs. In order to translate the knowledge of CRC molecular heterogeneity into a practical clinical approach, we utilized a simplified Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) based platform to screen a cohort of 77 patients treated with first-line conventional therapy. Samples were sequenced using a panel of hotspots and targeted regions of 22 genes commonly involved in CRC. This revealed 51 patients carrying actionable gene mutations, 22 of which carried druggable alterations. These mutations were frequently associated with additional genetic alterations. To take into account this molecular complexity and assisted by an unbiased bioinformatic analysis, we defined three subgroups of patients carrying distinct molecular patterns. We demonstrated these three molecular subgroups are associated with a different response to first-line conventional combination therapies. The best outcome was achieved in patients exclusively carrying mutations on TP53 and/or RAS genes. By contrast, in patients carrying mutations in any of the other genes, alone or associated with mutations of TP53/RAS, the expected response is much worse compared to patients with exclusive TP53/RAS mutations. Additionally, our data indicate that the standard approach has limited efficacy in patients without any mutations in the genes included in the panel. In conclusion, we identified a reliable and easy-to-use approach for a simplified molecular-based stratification of mCRC patients that predicts the efficacy of the first-line conventional combination therapy

    AlĂ©ria – Mare Stagno

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    Le site romain de Mare Stagno se situe Ă  290 m au sud de la tour gĂ©noise dite de Diane, au centre du cordon de terre qui sĂ©pare l’étang de Diane de la mer. L’emplacement est donc bien choisi : Ă  quelques centaines de mĂštres de l’embouchure originelle de l’étang et Ă  moins de 3 km d’AlĂ©ria, le terroir offrait de nombreuses possibilitĂ©s agricoles et la proximitĂ© de la ville apportait une main-d’Ɠuvre abondante et un marchĂ© actif. L’établissement est aujourd’hui bien circonscrit. Le bĂątiment Ă©tu..

    Données anthracologiques du site de Saint-Gibrien «DerriÚre les Grands Clos» (Néolithique moyen II- La TÚne B1-C2)

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    In: Langry-François F. (dir.), Saint-Gibrien, Marne « DerriÚre les Grands Clos ». Rapport de fouille, Inrap Grand Est Nor

    Les analyses des objets en bois du puits d’époque gallo-romaine

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    In: Buchsenschutz, O., Cribellier C. (dir.), Fouille programmée de Saint-Ambroix. Puits gallo-romain. Rapport de la campagne 2010 au MinistÚre de la Cultur
