139 research outputs found

    Articulated Pose Estimation Using Hierarchical Exemplar-Based Models

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    Exemplar-based models have achieved great success on localizing the parts of semi-rigid objects. However, their efficacy on highly articulated objects such as humans is yet to be explored. Inspired by hierarchical object representation and recent application of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) on human pose estimation, we propose a novel formulation that incorporates both hierarchical exemplar-based models and DCNNs in the spatial terms. Specifically, we obtain more expressive spatial models by assuming independence between exemplars at different levels in the hierarchy; we also obtain stronger spatial constraints by inferring the spatial relations between parts at the same level. As our method strikes a good balance between expressiveness and strength of spatial models, it is both effective and generalizable, achieving state-of-the-art results on different benchmarks: Leeds Sports Dataset and CUB-200-2011.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Stochastic Dynamics for Video Infilling

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    In this paper, we introduce a stochastic dynamics video infilling (SDVI) framework to generate frames between long intervals in a video. Our task differs from video interpolation which aims to produce transitional frames for a short interval between every two frames and increase the temporal resolution. Our task, namely video infilling, however, aims to infill long intervals with plausible frame sequences. Our framework models the infilling as a constrained stochastic generation process and sequentially samples dynamics from the inferred distribution. SDVI consists of two parts: (1) a bi-directional constraint propagation module to guarantee the spatial-temporal coherence among frames, (2) a stochastic sampling process to generate dynamics from the inferred distributions. Experimental results show that SDVI can generate clear frame sequences with varying contents. Moreover, motions in the generated sequence are realistic and able to transfer smoothly from the given start frame to the terminal frame. Our project site is https://xharlie.github.io/projects/project_sites/SDVI/video_results.htmlComment: Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2020

    A Theoretical Analysis of the Conditions for Unambiguous Node Localization in Sensor Networks

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    In this paper we provide a theoretical foundation for the problem of network localization in which some nodes know their locations and other nodes determine their locations by measuring distances or bearings to their neighbors. Distance information is the separation between two nodes connected by a sensing/communication link. Bearing is the angle between a sensing/communication link and the x-axis of a node's local coordinate system. We construct grounded graphs to model network localization and apply graph rigidity theory and parallel drawings to test the conditions for unique localizability and to construct uniquely localizable networks. We further investigate partially localizable networks