744 research outputs found

    Predicting the effects of basepair mutations in DNA-protein complexes by thermodynamic integration

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    AbstractThermodynamically rigorous free energy methods in principle allow the exact computation of binding free energies in biological systems. Here, we use thermodynamic integration together with molecular dynamics simulations of a DNA-protein complex to compute relative binding free energies of a series of mutants of a protein-binding DNA operator sequence. A guanine-cytosine basepair that interacts strongly with the DNA-binding protein is mutated into adenine-thymine, cytosine-guanine, and thymine-adenine. It is shown that basepair mutations can be performed using a conservative protocol that gives error estimates of ∼10% of the change in free energy of binding. Despite the high CPU-time requirements, this work opens the exciting opportunity of being able to perform basepair scans to investigate protein-DNA binding specificity in great detail computationally


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    The United States is facing a seemingly overwhelming problem of how to dispose of its solid waste. For disposal solutions to be viable, they must be environmentally sound and economically viable. Processing waste newspapers for farm-animal bedding offers a successful partial solution that meets both criteria. Centralized newspaper chopping is found to cost less than on-farm chopping. Both chopped and unchopped waste newspapers can be economically transported considerable distances. The use of waste newspapers for animal bedding is economically attractive at the farm level and can provide a partial solution to the solid-waste disposal problem.Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Conventional Synapses for Unconventional Cells

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    Powerful synapses between climbing fibers (CF) and Purkinje cells are crucial to cerebellar motor learning. In this issue of Neuron, Lin and colleagues provide compelling evidence for the existence of direct synaptic contacts between CFs and NG2-expressing glia cells, adding to the intrigue of neuro-glial interactions

    Geschlechtsunterschiede in Motivation und Strategiesystematik beim selbstregulierten Erlernen eines Computerprogramms

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    Seit den 1980er Jahren fällt dem Computer sowohl in Beruf und Bildung als auch in der Freizeit eine wachsende Bedeutung zu (z.B. Rheinberg & Tramp, 2006). Häufig ist es für Computernutzer erforderlich, sich Computerkenntnisse selbstständig und ohne explizite Anleitung anzueignen (Richter, Naumann & Horz, 2010). Männer und Frauen erleben dabei den Umgang mit dem Computer unterschiedlich; diese Unterschiede können in Lern- und Leistungsdifferenzen resultieren (z.B. Baloğlu & Çevik, 2008). Zur Erklärung potenzieller Lern- und Leistungsunterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern wurde in der Arbeit das kognitiv-motivationale Prozessmodell zugrunde gelegt. Das Modell erlaubt es, Leistungsunterschiede prozessnah über die aktuelle Motivation, das Flow-Erleben und die Strategiesystematik zu erklären. In Studie 1 (N = 18) wurde ein Beobachtungssystem zur Erfassung von optimalen und suboptimalen Explorationsstrategien am Computer entwickelt. In Studie 2 (N = 33) und 3 (N = 92) wurde im Rahmen eines quasiexperimentellen Designs getestet, ob sich weibliche und männliche Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften in Strategiesystematik, Motivation und Leistung beim selbstregulierten Erlernen des Programms SPSS unterscheiden. Die Teilnehmer hatten nach einer kurzen Einführung in die Benutzeroberfläche von SPSS die Aufgabe, mehrere Statistikaufgaben mit SPSS zu lösen. Die Ergebnisse der Studien erbrachten zum Teil inkonsistente Befunde: Über die Studien hinweg zeigten sich keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede in der Motivation vor Beginn der Aufgabenbearbeitung. In Studie 2 ergaben sich jedoch Geschlechtsunterschiede in der aktuellen Motivation und der Strategiesystematik während des Bearbeitungsprozesses sowie in der Leistung. Frauen erreichten dabei niedrigere Werte bzw. weniger Punkte. In beiden Studien standen die aktuelle Motivation, das Flow-Erleben sowie die Strategiesystematik modellkonform in Beziehung mit der Leistung. Die Ergebnisse und die Methodik der Arbeit wurden abschließend kritisch diskutiert

    An English-language adaptation of the Interpersonal Trust Short Scale (KUSIV3)

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    The Interpersonal Trust Short Scale - the English-language adaptation of the Kurzskala Interpersonelles Vertrauen (KUSIV3) - measures interpersonal trust as a psychological disposition with just three items (completion time ~ 30 s). The items of the German-language source version were translated into English using the TRAPD approach. Our empirical validation based on a heterogeneous quota sample in the UK shows that all the reliability coefficients of the English-language adaptation and its correlations with external variables are satisfactory and comparable to those of the German-language source version. Moreover, the results of measurement invariance testing suggest that metric measurement invariance of the scale holds when comparing the UK and Germany, implying the comparability of correlations based on the latent factors across the two nations. As an ultra-short scale, KUSIV3 lends itself to the assessment of interpersonal trust particularly in survey contexts in which assessment time or questionnaire space are limited. It is applicable in a variety of research disciplines, including psychology, sociology, and economics

    Properties of InGaN deposited on Glass at Low Temperature

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    We have investigated the properties of InGaN grown at low temperature on glass substrates by a plasma enhanced MBE process. The goal of this study was to evaluate the potential of InGaN as an oxide-free, transparent conductor material which could be deposited at or slightly above room temperature with minimal interaction or damage to the underlying material. InxGa1−xN films deposited on glass, even without substrate heating, are highly crystalline, but the crystallinity as measured by x-ray degrades at x 0.5) is conductive due to its high electron concentration. InN electron Hall mobilities > 20 cm2/Vs when grown at 400°C, and ~ 7 cm2/Vs on unheated substrates were obtained. The addition of GaN degraded the electrical properties of the films to a greater extent than it improved the transparency. As a result, the best transparent conductor films were pure InN which, when deposited at 400°C, were half as transparent in the green as an indium tin oxide film having the same sheet resistanc

    Comparison of energy efficiency determination methods for the induction motors

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    In the paper the effects on the induction motor efficiency determination due to the introduction of the EU, USA, Canada, Japan and Russian Standards have been analyzed and discussed. Industrial induction motor has been tested and a comparison between the efficiencies determined by various National Standards has been presented. In addition, the motor efficiencies have been compared with the efficiency classes defined by the EU Standardization

    Feasibility Demonstration Of Back-To-Back Method For Induction Traction Motors Testing

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    The authors present the feasibility demonstration of energy-saving back-to-back test method implementation for induction traction motors testing. The results of theoretical and physical modeling that support the energy effectiveness and usefulness of the proposed back-to-back method are presented in the article. The effectivity ratio of the test circuit has been calculated due to con-firm the energy effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method, and also authors identified a number of advantages of the back-to-back method for high power induction traction motors

    El sitio de Pucunayoj en el altiplano de Sama (Depto. Tarija, Bolivia): excavaciones en un sitio Yavi-Chicha Tardío

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    En el presente trabajo, se describen los resultados de la investigación arqueológica llevada a cabo en 2003 en el sitio de Pucunayoj, ubicado en el altiplano de Sama del departamento de Tarija, Bolivia. Se trata de un asentamiento asociado al período de los Desarrollos Regionales y principalmente a la fase inka. Sin embargo, durante las excavaciones se encontraron restos de ocupación humana que datan del período Formativo. Como ejemplo de esta prolongada historia de ocupación se logró excavar un entierro humano, alrededor de 13.000 tiestos cerámicos en basureros especiales y abundantes restos óseos. Los resultados de la investigación demuestran y confirman las continuidades culturales y las relaciones interregionales de un sitio Yavi-Chicha tardío y ofrecen diferentes posibilidades de respuestas culturales de los pobladores de este sitio al impacto inkaico.AbstractPucunayoj: Excavation of a Late Yavi-Chicha Site on the Altiplano of Sama (Tarija, Bolivia). This article describes the results of archaeological research at the site of Pucunayoj, located on the altiplano de Sama in the department of Tarija, Bolivia, in 2003. Pucunayoj is associated mainly with regional pre-Hispanic developments and the Inka period. Nevertheless, during excavations we found evidence of human occupation from the formative period onwards. The findings confirming a prolonged history of occupation include a human burial, more than 13.000 ceramic fragments located in special waste areas and large quantities of animal bones. The results of the investigation reveal and confirm the cultural continuities and integration, and the interregional relationships at a late Yavi-Chicha site and offer several possible cultural answers of the local population when confronting the impact of the Inka.RésuméLe site de Pucunayoj sur l'altiplano de Sama (Département de Tarija, Bolivie): fouilles sur un site Yavi-Chicha Tardif. Cet article présente les résultats des recherches archéologiques menées en 2003 sur le site archéologique de Pucunayoj, situé sur l'altiplano de Sama dans le département de Tarija, en Bolivie. Jusqu'alors le site de Pucunayoj avait été associé principalement à la période préhispanique tardive ainsi qu'à la période Inca.Toutefois pendant les fouilles nous avons trouvé des traces d'occupation humaine depuis la période formative. Les découvertes confirmant cette plus longue histoire d'occupation incluent une inhumation humaine, plus de 13.000 fragments céramiques trouvés dans des amas de déchets regroupés dans une zone spéciale et de grandes quantités d'os d'animaux. Les résultats des recherches montrent les continuités culturelles et l'intégration dans un panorama chronologique de longue durée, ainsi que les relations interrégionales avec le site Yavi-Chicha tardif. Ils offrent plusieurs possibilités de réponses culturelles de la population locale en confrontation avec l'impact de l'entité Inca