16 research outputs found

    Slope Movement Indication and Evaluation its Trajectory and Amount from the Tree Growth Shape

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    Import 02/11/2016Bakalářská práce se zabývá metodou stanovení velikosti pohybu svahových hmot, která spočívá v měření a vyhodnocení zakřivení kmene stromu, z něhož se odvozuje hodnota rychlosti svahového pohybu. Práce rozebírá kinematiku pohybu stromu unášeného pohybující se svahovou hmotou, který je současně i příčinnou křivého růstu kmene stromu. Dále uvádí princip výpočtu hodnoty rychlosti svahového pohybu a praktický způsob zjišťování - měření křivosti kmene stromu, včetně prostředků k měření a postup měření. Metoda je aplikována v lokalitě, v níž se vyskytují stromy, z jejichž charakteru zakřivení kmene lze usuzovat na latentní – plouživý (creep) svahový pohyb. Ze zpracovaných naměřených dat jsou odvozeny hodnoty rychlosti svahového pohybu v dané lokalitě.This thesis deals with the method of determining the size of the slope mass movement, which is based on the measurement and evaluation of the curvature of the tree trunk from which derives the value of the speed of slope movement. The thesis analyzes kinematics tree entrained moving slope material, which is also the cause of crooked growth of the tree. It also states the principle of calculating the rate of slope movement and practical way to survey - measuring the curvature of the tree trunk, including the means for measurement and the measurement procedure. The method is applied on the area on which there are trees on the nature of the curvature of the strain can be deduced latent - creeper slope movement. From the processed measured data are derived velocity value produced movement in the area.224 - Katedra geotechniky a podzemního stavitelstvívelmi dobř

    An Overview of Suitable No Dig Methods for Gas Pipeline Installation and Specifying Conditions of Their Implementation

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá bezvýkopovými metodami vhodnými pro pokládku plynového potrubí a má za úkol celou problematiku zpřehlednit. Sepisuje technické druhy plynových vedení v závislosti na tlaku v potrubí, klasifikuje je a popisuje používané druhy konstrukcí a materiály. Práce se rovněž zabývá obecně závaznými podmínkami pro umístění, vedení a výstavbu plynovodů a obsahuje informace potřebné k jejich bezpečné pokládce - krytí a ochranná pásma. Jsou uvedeny a popsány veškeré v dnešní době známé a nejvíce používané bezvýkopové metody, jejich použití, výhody a nevýhody, vhodné a nevhodné určení z hlediska geologie. V diplomové práci je zpracována návrhová studie technologie provedení plynového potrubí pod korytem řeky Dřevnice, kdy bylo navrženo provedení výstavby plynovodu metodou směrového vrtání - HDD.The diploma thesis is concerned with No Dig Methods suitable for the laying of gas pipeline and clarifies the whole issue. It describes the technical types of gas pipelines in relation to the pressure in the pipeline, classifies them and describes used types of constructions and materials. The thesis is also concerned with generally binding conditions for the placing, lining and construction of gas pipelines and contains the information necessary for their safe laying - protection and protective zones. There are mentioned all the current No Dig Methods, their usage, advantages and disadvantages, suitable and unsuitable determination from the point of view of geology. In the thesis is processed design study of the technology of the gas pipeline laying under the riverbed of river Dřevnice, where the making of the gas pipeline construction was designed by using the method of horizontal directional drilling.224 - Katedra geotechniky a podzemního stavitelstvívelmi dobř

    Consideration of stiffness of wall layers is decisive for patient-specific analysis of carotid artery with atheroma

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    The paper deals with the impact of chosen geometric and material factors on maximal stresses in carotid atherosclerotic plaque calculated using patient-specific finite element models. These stresses are believed to be decisive for the plaque vulnerability but all applied models suffer from inaccuracy of input data, especially when obtainedin vivoonly. One hundred computational models based onex vivoMRI are used to investigate the impact of wall thickness, MRI slice thickness, lipid core and fibrous tissue stiffness, and media anisotropy on the calculated peak plaque and peak cap stresses. The investigated factors are taken as continuous in the range based on published experimental results, only the impact of anisotropy is evaluated by comparison with a corresponding isotropic model. Design of Experiment concept is applied to assess the statistical significance of these investigated factors representing uncertainties in the input data of the model. The results show that consideration of realistic properties of arterial wall in the model is decisive for the stress evaluation; assignment of properties of fibrous tissue even to media and adventitia layers as done in some studies may induce up to eightfold overestimation of peak stress. The impact of MRI slice thickness may play a key role when local thin fibrous cap is present. Anisotropy of media layer is insignificant, and the stiffness of fibrous tissue and lipid core may become significant in some combinations

    Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging reveals tract‐specific microstructural correlates of electrophysiological impairments in non‐myelopathic and myelopathic spinal cord compression

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    ABSTRACT: Background and purpose: Non- myelopathic degenerative cervical spinal cord compres-sion (NMDC) frequently occurs throughout aging and may progress to potentially irre-versible degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM). Whereas standard clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and electrophysiological measures assess compression sever-ity and neurological dysfunction, respectively, underlying microstructural deficits still have to be established in NMDC and DCM patients. The study aims to establish tract- specific diffusion MRI markers of electrophysiological deficits to predict the progression of asymptomatic NMDC to symptomatic DCM. Methods: High-resolution 3 T diffusion MRI was acquired for 103 NMDC and 21 DCM patients compared to 60 healthy controls to reveal diffusion alterations and relation-ships between tract-specific diffusion metrics and corresponding electrophysiological measures and compression severity. Relationship between the degree of DCM disability, assessed by the modified Japanese Orthopaedic Association scale, and tract-specific mi-crostructural changes in DCM patients was also explored. Results: The study identified diffusion-derived abnormalities in the gray matter, dor-sal and lateral tracts congruent with trans-synaptic degeneration and demyelination in chronic degenerative spinal cord compression with more profound alterations in DCM than NMDC. Diffusion metrics were affected in the C3-6 area as well as above the com-pression level at C3 with more profound rostral deficits in DCM than NMDC. Alterations in lateral motor and dorsal sensory tracts correlated with motor and sensory evoked po-tentials, respectively, whereas electromyography outcomes corresponded with gray mat-ter microstructure. DCM disability corresponded with microstructure alteration in lateral columns. Conclusions: Outcomes imply the necessity of high- resolution tract-specific diffusion MRI for monitoring degenerative spinal pathology in longitudinal studies

    HARDI-ZOOMit protocol improves specificity to microstructural changes in presymptomatic myelopathy

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    ABSTRACT: Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) proved promising in patients with non-myelopathic degenerative cervical cord compression (NMDCCC), i.e., without clinically manifested myelopathy. Aim of the study is to present a fast multi-shell HARDI-ZOOMit dMRI protocol and validate its usability to detect microstructural myelopathy in NMDCCC patients. In 7 young healthy volunteers, 13 age-comparable healthy controls, 18 patients with mild NMDCCC and 15 patients with severe NMDCCC, the protocol provided higher signal-to-noise ratio, enhanced visualization of white/gray matter structures in microstructural maps, improved dMRI metric reproducibility, preserved sensitivity (SE = 87.88%) and increased specificity (SP = 92.31%) of control-patient group differences when compared to DTI-RESOLVE protocol (SE = 87.88%, SP = 76.92%). Of the 56 tested microstructural parameters, HARDI-ZOOMit yielded significant patient-control differences in 19 parameters, whereas in DTI-RESOLVE data, differences were observed in 10 parameters, with mostly lower robustness. Novel marker the white-gray matter diffusivity gradient demonstrated the highest separation. HARDI-ZOOMit protocol detected larger number of crossing fibers (5–15% of voxels) with physiologically plausible orientations than DTI-RESOLVE protocol (0–8% of voxels). Crossings were detected in areas of dorsal horns and anterior white commissure. HARDI-ZOOMit protocol proved to be a sensitive and practical tool for clinical quantitative spinal cord imaging

    Utilization of terahertz spectroscopy for optical behavior determination of recycled modified HDPE

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    Little research was done to investigate possible utilization of irradiated materials after the end of their lifetime. This research paper deals with the possible utilization of irradiated high-density polyethylene (HDPEx) after its service life. Irradiated HDPE was used as filler into the virgin low-density polyethylene (LDPE). Three material combinations were investigated (powder/powder, granules/powder and granules/grit) and influence of the filler on optical behavior was measured. Terahertz spectroscopy at wide range of frequencies was used for refractive index determination. According to measured data there is significant influence by the amount of the filler. Moreover influence of particle size was also observed. All three combinations have similar curve courses; however the most consistent results were achieved at the powder/powder combination. Behavior of virgin LDPE and virgin HDPE is in correlation with previous findings

    Utilization of PLC in Processing and Expedition of CO2

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    Import 01/09/2009Ve své práci se zabývám využitím PLC techniky (Siemens S7) při zpracování, skladování a expedici kapalného CO2. Konkrétně se jedná o středisko firmy Linde Gas a.s. se sídlem v Litvínově. Zaměřuji se na tyto 3 hlavní části: Typy PLC, komunikaci mezi jednotlivými PLC, použití vizualizačního SW (IFix) a typy I/O signálů. Využití regulačních obvodů při zpracování na kapalný CO2, kde jsem navrhnul vlečný regulátor pro řízení výkonu kompresorů. Tímto vlečným regulátorem by mělo dojít k úspoře elektrické energie a také ke zvýšení produkce, jelikož výkon kompresorů bude automaticky reagovat na změnu tlaku a množství surového CO2 na vstupu. Popis sekvence tankování autocisteren – vypracoval jsem CPM diagram a Gant diagram, z nichž mohly vyplynout možné časové úspory.In my Thesis I am pointing at usage of PLC technics (Siemens S7) by process, storage and expedition of liquid CO2. Particulary it means centre of Linde Gas a.s. company based in Litvínov. I am focusing on this 3 main parts: Types of PLC, communication between each PLCs, usage of visulation SW (IFix) and types of I/O signals. Usage of regulation circuits while processing into liquid CO2, in which I designed cascade regulator for controling performance of compressors. This cascade regulator should lead to electric energy saving and increase of production, because performance of compressors will react in automatic to change pressure and amount CO2 on input Subscription of the cartank loading sequence – I made CPM diagram and Gant diagram, which should produce time reserve of.Prezenční545 - Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízenívýborn

    Production Control System Upgrade, LCO2

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    Import 04/07/2011Ve své diplomové práci jsem v úvodní kapitole provedl analýzu řídícího systému výrobny LCO2 firmy Linde Gas a.s. se sídlem v Litvínově. Poukázal jsem na nedostatky a chyby, které vyplynuly touto analýzou a jeho každodenním používáním. Poté jsem v následujících třech kapitolách věnovaným regulátorům a sekvencím, nově přidaným analogovým vstupům a vizualizačním schématům navrhnul a provedl úpravy, které by měly vést k nápravě nedostatků vyplývajících z analýzy řídícího systému a ke zvýšení efektivity provozu. Následně jsem zhodnotil přínos úprav a nových prvků řídícího systému na kvalitu řízení. Nakonec jsem provedl závěrečné shrnutí své diplomové práce.In the initial chapter of my diploma thesis I conducted an analysis of the control system of the liquid CO2 plant in Linde Gas Inc., based in Litvínov. I pointed out the deficiencies and mistakes caused by the daily use of the control system. Furthermore, in the three following chapters dealing with regulators, sequences, new analog inputs and visualization diagrams, I proposed and made some changes which should lead to the deficiencies correction - taken from the analysis of the control systém - and to the efficiency enhancement of the plant operation. I assessed the effects of the changes and new elements of the control system on the operation quality. Then I summarized the diploma thesis points.Prezenční545 - Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízenívýborn

    On a Certain Generalized Functional Equation for Set-Valued Functions

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    The aim of the paper is to generalize results by Sikorska on some functional equations for set-valued functions. In the paper, a tool is described for solving a generalized type of an integral-functional equation for a set-valued function F:X→cc(Y), where X is a real vector space and Y is a locally convex real linear metric space with an invariant metric. Most general results are described in the case of a compact topological group G equipped with the right-invariant Haar measure acting on X. Further results are found if the group G is finite or Y is Asplund space. The main results are applied to an example where X=R2 and Y=Rn, n∈N, and G is the unitary group U(1)

    Proof of sodalite structures in geopolymers

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    Byla studována nová metoda důkazu existence sodalitové struktury v připravených geopolymerech. Z literatury je známo, že geopolymery mají strukturu, která je podobná přírodnímu zeolitu sodalitu. Sodalitovou strukturu má také přírodní minerál ultramarín, který je charakteristický svým modrým zbarvením. Na základě toho, že přírodní zeolit sodalit i minerál ultramarín mají shodnou strukturu, bylo připraveno činidlo, které způsobuje změnu barvy připraveného geopolymeru, jestliže jsou v něm přítomny sodalitové struktury. Připravené geopolymery byly studovány pomocí XRD a FTIR spektroskopie před a po aplikaci činidla.A new method providing the existence of the sodalite structure in prepared geopolymers has been studied. From the literature is it known, that geopolymers have analogical structure as natural zeolite - sodalite. The natural mineral ultramarine, that is characteristic for its blue colour, has the sodalite structure as well. An agent was prepared based on the same structure that has ultramarine and natural zeolite - sodalite. In case of existence of the sodalite structures, the agent causes change of the colour of the prepared geopolymers. Prepared geopolymers were studied using XRD a FTIR spectroscopy before and after application of the agent