234 research outputs found

    Sex differences in the association between infant markers and later autistic traits

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    BACKGROUND: Although it is well established that the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is higher in males than females, there is relatively little understanding of the underlying mechanisms and their developmental time course. Sex-specific protective or risk factors have often been invoked to explain these differences, but such factors are yet to be identified. METHODS: We take a developmental approach, using a prospective sample of 104 infants at high and low familial risk for ASD, to characterise sex differences in infant markers known to predict emerging autism symptoms. We examine three markers previously shown to be associated with later autistic social-communication symptoms: the Autism Observation Scale for Infants (AOSI) total score, attention disengagement speed and gaze following behaviour. Our aim was to test whether sex differences were already present in these markers at 1 year of age, which would suggest sex-specific mechanisms of risk or protection. RESULTS: While no sex differences were found in any of the three markers investigated, we found sex differences in their relationship to 3-year autism traits; all three markers significantly predicted later autism traits only in the boys. CONCLUSIONS: Previously identified ‘early autism markers’ were associated with later autism symptoms only in boys. This suggests that there may be additional moderating risk or protective factors which remain to be identified. Our findings have important implications for prospective studies in terms of directly testing for the moderating effect of sex on emerging autistic traits

    A homogeneous method for investigation of methylation-dependent protein–protein interactions in epigenetics

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    Methylation of lysine residues on the tails of histone proteins is a major determinant of the transcription state of associated DNA coding regions. The interplay among methylation states and other histone modifications to direct transcriptional outcome is referred to as the histone code. In addition to histone methyltransferases and demethylases which function to modify the methylation state of lysine sidechains, other proteins recognize specific histone methylation marks essentially serving as code readers. While these interactions are highly specific with respect to site and methylation state of particular lysine residues, they are generally weak and therefore difficult to monitor by traditional assay techniques. Herein, we present the design and implementation of a homogeneous, miniaturizable, and sensitive assay for histone methylation-dependent interactions. We use AlphaScreen, a chemiluminescence-based technique, to monitor the interactions of chromodomains (MPP8, HP1β and CHD1), tudor domains (JMJD2A) and plant homeodomains (RAG2) with their cognate trimethyllysine histone partners. The utility of the method was demonstrated by profiling the binding specificities of chromo- and tudor domains toward several histone marks. The simplicity of design and the sensitive and robust nature of this assay should make it applicable to a range of epigenetic studies, including the search for novel inhibitors of methylation-dependent interactions

    Acute taurine supplementation enhances thermoregulation and endurance cycling performance in the heat

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    This study investigated the effects of oral taurine supplementation on cycling time to exhaustion at a fixed-intensity and thermoregulation in the heat. In a double-blind, randomised crossover design, 11 healthy males participated in a time to exhaustion test in the heat (35°C, 40% RH), cycling at the power output associated with ventilatory threshold, 2 h after ingesting: Taurine (50 mg kg-1) or placebo (3 mg kg-1 maltodextrin). Core and mean skin temperature, mean sweat rate, heart rate, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), thermal comfort and thermal sensation were measured during exercise and blood lactate concentration (B[La]) was measured after exercise. Taurine supplementation increased time to exhaustion by 10% (25.16 min vs. 22.43 min, p = 0.040), end sweat rate by 12.7% (687 nL min-1 vs. 600 nL min-1, p = 0.034) and decreased B[La] by 16.5% (5.75 mmol L-1 vs. 6.85 mmol L-1, p = 0.033). Core temperature was lower in the final 10% of the time to exhaustion (38.5°C vs. 38.1°C, p = 0.049). Taurine supplementation increased time to exhaustion and local sweating, while decreasing RPE and core temperature in the later stages of exercise, as well as reducing post-exercise B[La]. This study provides the evidence of taurine's role in thermoregulatory processes. These findings have implications for the short-term preparation strategies of individuals exercising in the heat. Based on these findings, a single dose of taurine 2 h prior to training or competition would provide an ergogenic and thermoregulatory effect

    The AT-hook of the Chromatin Architectural Transcription Factor High Mobility Group A1a Is Arginine-methylated by Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 6

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    The HMGA1a protein belongs to the high mobility group A (HMGA) family of architectural nuclear factors, a group of proteins that plays an important role in chromatin dynamics. HMGA proteins are multifunctional factors that associate both with DNA and nuclear proteins that have been involved in several nuclear processes, such as transcriptional regulation, viral integration, DNA repair, RNA processing, and chromatin remodeling. The activity of HMGA proteins is finely modulated by a variety of post-translational modifications. Arginine methylation was recently demonstrated to occur on HMGA1a protein, and it correlates with the apoptotic process and neoplastic progression. Methyltransferases responsible for these modifications are unknown. Here we show that the protein arginine methyltransferase PRMT6 specifically methylates HMGA1a protein both in vitro and in vivo. By mass spectrometry, the sites of methylation were unambiguously mapped to Arg(57) and Arg(59), two residues which are embedded in the second AT-hook, a region critical for both protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions and whose modification may cause profound alterations in the HMGA network. The in vivo association of HMGA and PRMT6 place this yet functionally uncharacterized methyltransferase in the well established functional context of the chromatin structure organization

    Interaction of Proliferation Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) with c-Abl in Cell Proliferation and Response to DNA Damages in Breast Cancer

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    Cell proliferation in primary and metastatic tumors is a fundamental characteristic of advanced breast cancer. Further understanding of the mechanism underlying enhanced cell growth will be important in identifying novel prognostic markers and therapeutic targets. Here we demonstrated that tyrosine phosphorylation of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is a critical event in growth regulation of breast cancer cells. We found that phosphorylation of PCNA at tyrosine 211 (Y211) enhanced its association with the non-receptor tyrosine kinase c-Abl. We further demonstrated that c-Abl facilitates chromatin association of PCNA and is required for nuclear foci formation of PCNA in cells stressed by DNA damage as well as in unperturbed cells. Targeting Y211 phosphorylation of PCNA with a cell-permeable peptide inhibited the phosphorylation and reduced the PCNA-Abl interaction. These results show that PCNA signal transduction has an important impact on the growth regulation of breast cancer cells

    Histone peptide microarray screen of chromo and Tudor domains defines new histone lysine methylation interactions

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    Additional file 6: Figure S4. CHD7 chromodomain histone peptide microarray. A) Representative array images of CHD7 chromodomain showing peptide binding indicated in red (right panel). The peptide tracer is shown in green (left panel). Positive antibody controls are outlined in white. B) Scatter plot of the relative binding of CHD7 chromodomain from two independent peptide arrays. All modified and unmodified H4 (1–23) peptides are shown in red. All other peptides are shown in black. C) Relative binding to the indicated histone peptides from one representative array. Data were normalized to the most intense binding and the average and standard deviation of triplicate spots is shown

    TIE2-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of H4 regulates DNA damage response by recruiting ABL1

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    DNA repair pathways enable cancer cells to survive DNA damage induced after genotoxic therapies. Tyrosine kinase receptors (TKRs) have been reported as regulators of the DNA repair machinery. TIE2 is a TKR overexpressed in human gliomas at levels that correlate with the degree of increasing malignancy. Following ionizing radiation, TIE2 translocates to the nucleus, conferring cells with an enhanced nonhomologous end-joining mechanism of DNA repair that results in a radioresistant phenotype. Nuclear TIE2 binds to key components of DNA repair and phosphorylates H4 at tyrosine 51, which, in turn, is recognized by the proto-oncogene ABL1, indicating a role for nuclear TIE2 as a sensor for genotoxic stress by action as a histone modifier. H4Y51 constitutes the first tyrosine phosphorylation of core histones recognized by ABL1, defining this histone modification as a direct signal to couple genotoxic stress with the DNA repair machinery

    CARM1 and Paraspeckles Regulate Pre-implantation Mouse Embryo Development

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    Nuclear architecture has never been carefully examined during early mammalian development at the stages leading to establishment of the embryonic and extra-embryonic lineages. Heterogeneous activity of the methyltransferase CARM1 during these stages results in differential methylation of histone H3R26 to modulate establishment of these two lineages. Here we show that CARM1 accumulates in nuclear granules at the 2- to 4-cell stage transition in the mouse embryo, with the majority corresponding to paraspeckles. The paraspeckle component Neat1 and its partner p54nrb are required for CARM1’s association with paraspeckles and for H3R26 methylation. Conversely, CARM1 also influences paraspeckle organization. Depletion of Neat1 or p54nrb results in arrest at the 16- to 32-cell stage, with elevated expression of transcription factor Cdx2, promoting differentiation into the extra-embryonic lineage. This developmental arrest occurs at an earlier stage than following CARM1 depletion, indicating that paraspeckles act upstream of CARM1 but also have additional earlier roles in fate choice