44,204 research outputs found

    Robot computer problem solving system

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    The conceptual, experimental, and practical phases of developing a robot computer problem solving system are outlined. Robot intelligence, conversion of the programming language SAIL to run under the THNEX monitor, and the use of the network to run several cooperating jobs at different sites are discussed

    Stellar Population Effects on the Inferred Photon Density at Reionization

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    The relationship between stellar populations and the ionizing flux with which they irradiate their surroundings has profound implications for the evolution of the intergalactic medium. We quantify the ionizing flux arising from synthetic stellar populations which incorporate the evolution of interacting binary stars. We determine that these show ionizing flux boosted by 60 per cent at 0.05 < Z < 0.3 Z_sun and a more modest 10-20 per cent at near-Solar metallicities relative to star-forming populations in which stars evolve in isolation. The relation of ionizing flux to observables such as 1500A continuum and ultraviolet spectral slope is sensitive to attributes of the stellar population including age, star formation history and initial mass function. For a galaxy forming 1 M_sun yr^{-1}, observed at > 100 Myr after the onset of star formation, we predict a production rate of photons capable of ionizing hydrogen, N_ion = 1.4 x 10^{53} s^{-1} at Z = Z_sun and 3.5 x 10^{53} s^{-1} at 0.1 Z_sun, assuming a Salpeter-like initial mass function. We evaluate the impact of these issues on the ionization of the intergalactic medium, finding that the known galaxy populations can maintain the ionization state of the Universe back to z ~ 9, assuming that their luminosity functions continue to M_UV = -10, and that constraints on the intergalactic medium at z ~ 2 - 5 can be satisfied with modest Lyman continuum photon escape fractions of 4 - 24 per cent depending on assumed metallicity.Comment: 17 pages, accepted by MNRAS. BPASS models can be found at http://bpass.auckland.ac.nz

    The Deep Lens Survey Transient Search I : Short Timescale and Astrometric Variability

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    We report on the methodology and first results from the Deep Lens Survey transient search. We utilize image subtraction on survey data to yield all sources of optical variability down to 24th magnitude. Images are analyzed immediately after acquisition, at the telescope and in near-real time, to allow for followup in the case of time-critical events. All classes of transients are posted to the web upon detection. Our observing strategy allows sensitivity to variability over several decades in timescale. The DLS is the first survey to classify and report all types of photometric and astrometric variability detected, including solar system objects, variable stars, supernovae, and short timescale phenomena. Three unusual optical transient events were detected, flaring on thousand-second timescales. All three events were seen in the B passband, suggesting blue color indices for the phenomena. One event (OT 20020115) is determined to be from a flaring Galactic dwarf star of spectral type dM4. From the remaining two events, we find an overall rate of \eta = 1.4 events deg-2 day-1 on thousand-second timescales, with a 95% confidence limit of \eta < 4.3. One of these events (OT 20010326) originated from a compact precursor in the field of galaxy cluster Abell 1836, and its nature is uncertain. For the second (OT 20030305) we find strong evidence for an extended extragalactic host. A dearth of such events in the R passband yields an upper 95% confidence limit on short timescale astronomical variability between 19.5 < R < 23.4 of \eta_R < 5.2. We report also on our ensemble of astrometrically variable objects, as well as an example of photometric variability with an undetected precursor.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Variability data available at http://dls.bell-labs.com/transients.htm

    A multiwavlength study of PSR B0628-28: The first overluminous rotation-powered pulsar?

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    The ROSAT source RX J0630.8-2834 was suggested by positional coincidence to be the X-ray counterpart of the old field pulsar PSR B0628-28. This association, however, was regarded to be unlikely based on the computed energetics of the putative X-ray counterpart. In this paper we report on multiwavelength observations of PSR B0628-28 made with the ESO/NTT observatory in La Silla, the Jodrell Bank radio observatory and XMM-Newton. Although the optical observations do not detect any counterpart of RX J0630.8-2834 down to a limiting magnitude of V=26.1 mag and B=26.3 mag, XMM-Newton observations finally confirmed it to be the pulsar's X-ray counterpart by detecting X-ray pulses with the radio pulsar's spin-period. The X-ray pulse profile is characterized by a single broad peak with a second smaller peak leading the main pulse component by ~144 degree. The fraction of pulsed photons is (38 +- 7)% with no strong energy dependence in the XMM-Newton bandpass. The pulsar's X-ray spectrum is well described by a single component power law with photon index 2.63^{+0.23}_{-0.15}, indicating that the pulsar's X radiation is dominated by non-thermal emission processes. A low level contribution of thermal emission from residual cooling or from heated polar caps, cannot be excluded. The pulsar's spin-down to X-ray energy conversion efficiency is obtained to be ~16% for the radio dispersion measure inferred pulsar distance. If confirmed, PSR B0628-28 would be the first X-ray overluminous rotation-powered pulsar identified among all ~1400 radio pulsars known today.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Find a paper copy with higher resolution images at ftp://ftp.xray.mpe.mpg.de/people/web/astro-ph-0505488_rev2.pd

    Enhanced gravity-wave activity and interhemispheric coupling during the MaCWAVE/MIDAS northern summer program 2002

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    We present new sensitivity experiments that link observed anomalies of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere at high latitudes during the MaCWAVE/MIDAS summer program 2002 to enhanced planetary Rossby-wave activity in the austral winter troposphere. &lt;P style=&quot;line-height: 20px;&quot;&gt; We employ the same general concept of a GCM having simplified representations of radiative and latent heating as in a previous study by Becker et al.&amp;nbsp;(2004). In the present version, however, the model includes no gravity wave (GW) parameterization. Instead we employ a high vertical and a moderate horizontal resolution in order to describe GW effects explicitly. This is supported by advanced, nonlinear momentum diffusion schemes that allow for a self-consistent generation of inertia and mid-frequency GWs in the lower atmosphere, their vertical propagation into the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, and their subsequent dissipation which is induced by prescribed horizontal and vertical mixing lengths as functions of height. &lt;P style=&quot;line-height: 20px;&quot;&gt; The main anomalies in northern summer&amp;nbsp;2002 consist of higher temperatures than usual above 82 km, an anomalous eastward mean zonal wind between 70 and 90 km, an altered meridional flow, enhanced turbulent dissipation below 80 km, and enhanced temperature variations associated with GWs. These signals are all reasonably described by differences between two long-integration perpetual model runs, one with normal July conditions, and another run with modified latent heating in the tropics and Southern Hemisphere to mimic conditions that correspond to the unusual austral winter&amp;nbsp;2002. The model response to the enhanced winter hemisphere Rossby-wave activity has resulted in both an interhemispheric coupling through a downward shift of the GW-driven branch of the residual circulation and an increased GW activity at high summer latitudes. Thus a quantitative explanation of the dynamical state of the northern mesosphere and lower thermosphere during June-August&amp;nbsp;2002 requires an enhanced Lorenz energy cycle and correspondingly enhanced GW sources in the troposphere, which in the model show up in both hemispheres

    Opportunity for All: How the American Public Benefits From Internet Access at U.S. Libraries

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    Examines the use of free computer and Internet access in public libraries, by income level, age, race/ethnicity, and online activity. Explores libraries' role as a community resource for social media, education, employment, e-government, and other areas
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