1,690 research outputs found

    Intergroup conspiracy beliefs and anti-Asian aggression during COVID-19: The role of intergroup emotions, ingroup identification and norms

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    Although the intergroup-character of conspiracy beliefs has been identified previously, and emotions have recently been found to explain the relationship between conspiracy beliefs and aggression, no study has investigated the role of intergroup-emotions, ingroup norms, and ingroup identification in connection to intergroup conspiracy beliefs (ICB), and verbal racial aggression (VRA) against the Chinese during COVID- 19. Therefore, we examined whether ingroup norms, depending on identification with the Portuguese, moderated the direct association between ICB and VRA. Furthermore, we investigated whether the indirect link between ICB and VRA, via intergroup-emotions was moderated by ingroup identification on Path A, and whether the indirect link was moderated by ingroup norms, depending on identification on Path B. To test these hypotheses, we assessed VRA in a bystander chat-scenario and conducted a mixed experimental/correlational study with 161 Portuguese participants (Mage = 26.2, SD = 9.3). After assessing ICB, intergroup-emotions and identification, participants were randomly assigned to conspiracy-opposing, -supporting, or unrelated ingroup norms. Finally, VRA was assessed. Results revealed that ICB was associated to VRA, but ingroup norms and identification did not moderate this relationship. Further, we found that ICB was associated to negative intergroup-emotions, however, this relationship was not moderated by identification. Moreover, we did find that negative intergroup-emotions were related to VRA and while we did find that ingroup norms and identification moderated the relationship between negative intergroup-emotions and VRA we did not find a moderated mediation. This study provides important insight into the associations between ICB and VRA and the intergroup character of ICB.Prévios estudos focam o carácter intergrupal das crenças conspiratórias e as emoções para explicar ligações entre crenças conspiratórias e a agressão. Porém, nenhum estudo investigou o papel das emoções intergrupais, das normas do endogrupo e da identificação grupal, em relação às crenças conspiratórias intergrupais (ICB), e da agressão racial verbal (VRA) contra os chineses durante a COVID-19. Examinámos se as normas do endogrupo, dependentes da identificação como portugueses, moderavam a associação direta entre ICB e VRA. Investigámos se a ligação indireta entre ICB e VRA, através de emoções entre grupos, era moderada pela identificação grupal no Caminho A, e se a ligação indireta era moderada pelas normas intergrupais, dependendo da identificação no Caminho B. Para tal, avaliámos a VRA num cenário de chat e realizámos um estudo de métodos experimental/correlacional com 161 participantes portugueses (M age = 26,2, SD = 9,3). Avaliamos o ICB, as emoções intergrupais e a identificação. Os participantes foram aleatoriamente atribuídos a conspirações-oposição, -apoio, ou normas de grupo não relacionadas. Finalmente, o VRA foi avaliado. Os resultados revelaram associação da ICB à VRA sem moderação das normas e identificação intergrupais. Além disso, descobrimos associação entre ICB e as emoções intergrupais negativas sem moderação pela identificação. Encontramos, ainda, a relação entre emoções negativas intergrupais e ARV. Também descobrimos que as normas intergrupais e a identificação moderaram a relação entre as emoções negativas intergrupais e a ARV, porém não encontrarmos uma mediação moderada. Fornecemos importantes perspetivas sobre as associações ICB e VRA e o carácter intergrupal do ICB

    On the monotone stability approach to BSDEs with jumps: Extensions, concrete criteria and examples

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    We show a concise extension of the monotone stability approach to backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) that are jointly driven by a Brownian motion and a random measure for jumps, which could be of infinite activity with a non-deterministic and time inhomogeneous compensator. The BSDE generator function can be non convex and needs not to satisfy global Lipschitz conditions in the jump integrand. We contribute concrete criteria, that are easy to verify, for results on existence and uniqueness of bounded solutions to BSDEs with jumps, and on comparison and a-priori LL^{\infty}-bounds. Several examples and counter examples are discussed to shed light on the scope and applicability of different assumptions, and we provide an overview of major applications in finance and optimal control.Comment: 28 pages. Added DOI https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-22285-7_1 for final publication, corrected typo (missing gamma) in example 4.1

    Screen-Printed Chipless Wireless Temperature Sensor

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    A chipless wireless sensor for temperature monitoring is described in this work. The sensor is fabricated by screen printing of an RLC circuit on a flexible substrate. The sensing element is a resistive carbon paste with positive temperature coefficient placed in a small area in the interconnection between the inductor and the capacitor. This sensing layer modifies the resonance frequency of the circuit when the temperature varies. We also show the influence of the sensor sensitivity with respect to the reading distance

    Resolving the order parameter of High-Tc_{c} Superconductors through quantum pumping spectroscopy

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    The order parameter of High-Tc_{c} superconductors through a series of experiments has been quite conclusively demonstrated to not be of the normal swaves-wave type. It is either a pure dx2y2d_{x^{2}-y^{2}}-wave type or a mixture of a dx2y2waved_{x^{2}-y^{2}}-wave with a small imaginary swaves-wave or dxywaved_{xy}-wave component. In this work a distinction is brought out among the four types, i.e., swaves- wave, dx2y2waved_{x^{2}-y^{2}}- wave, dx2y2+iswaved_{x^{2}-y^{2}}+is - wave and dx2y2+idxywaved_{x^{2}-y^{2}}+id_{xy}- wave types with the help of quantum pumping spectroscopy. This involves a normal metal double barrier structure in contact with a High-Tc_{c} superconductor. The pumped current, heat and noise show different characteristics with change in order parameter revealing quite easily the differences among these.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, Manuscript revised with new material on d+id' cas

    UHF Printed Sensor for Force Detection

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    In this contribution, we show the advances in the direction of designing Radiofrequency Identification (RFID) antennas with sensing capabilities. In this particular case, we have integrated a force/pressure sensor made of a silicon-based organic polymer in one of the arms of a dipole antenna made of silver paste. The sensor response to external forces modifies the resonance frequency of the dipole antenna that can be detected by an external RFID reader, building up a wireless force sensor system.Pervasive Electronics Advanced Research Laboratory(PEARL), Department of Electronics and Computer Technology, University of Granada Institute for Nanoelectronics, Technical University of Munic

    Ta/CoFeB/MgO analysis for low power nanomagnetic devices

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    The requirement of high memory bandwidth for next-generation computing systems moved the attention to the development of devices that can combine storage and logic capabilities. Domain wall-based spintronic devices intrinsically combine both these requirements making them suitable both for non-volatile storage and computation. CoPt and CoNi were the technology drivers of perpendicular Nano Magnetic Logic devices (pNML), but for power constraints and depinning fields, novel CoFeBMgO layers appear more promis- ing. In this paper, we investigate the Ta2CoFeB1MgO2Ta3 stack at the simulation and experimental level, to show its potential for the next generation of magnetic logic devices. The micromagnetic simulations are used to support the experiments. We focus, first, at the experimental level measuring the switching field distribution of patterned magnetic islands, Ms via VSM and the domain wall speed on magnetic nanowires. Then, at the simulation level, we focus on the magnetostatic analysis of magnetic islands quantifying the stray field that can be achieved with different layout topologies. Our results show that the achieved coupling is strong enough to realize logic computation with magnetic islands, moving a step forward in the direction of low power perpendicularly magnetized logic devices

    Ga+ Ion Irradiation-Induced Tuning of Artificial Pinning Sites to Control Domain Wall Motion

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    Domain-wall-based devices are considered one of the candidates for the next generation of storage memories and nanomagnetic logic devices due to their unique properties, such as nonvolatility, scalability, and low power consumption. Field or current-driven domain walls require a regular and controlled motion along the track in which they are stored in order to maintain the information integrity during operation. However, their dynamics can vary along the track due to film inhomogeneities, roughness of the edges, and thermal fluctuations. Consequently, the final position of the domain walls may be difficult to predict, making difficult the development of memory and logic applications. In this paper, we demonstrate how Ga+ ion irradiation can be used to locally modify the material properties of the Ta/ CoFeB/MgO thin film, creating regions in which the domain wall can be trapped, namely motion barriers. The aim is to push the domain wall to overcome thin-film inhomogeneities effects, while stopping its motion at artificially defined positions corresponding to the irradiated regions. Increasing the driving force strength, the domain wall can escape, allowing the shifting between consecutive irradiated regions. In this way, the correct positioning of the domain walls after the motion is ensured. The study shows that the driving force strength, namely current density or magnetic field amplitude, needed to overcome the irradiated regions depends on the ion dose. These results show a reliable approach for domain wall manipulation, enabling a precise control of the domain wall position along a track with synchronous motion

    Over-Stretching Tolerant Conductors on Rubber Films by Inkjet-Printing Silver Nanoparticles for Wearables

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    The necessity to place sensors far away from the processing unit in smart clothes or artificial skins for robots may require conductive wirings on stretchable materials at very low-cost. In this work, we present an easy method to produce wires using only commercially available materials. A consumer grade inkjet printer was used to print a wire of silver nanoparticles with a sheet resistance below 1 W/sq. on a non-pre-strained sheet of elastic silicone. This wire was stretched more than 10,000 times and was still conductive afterwards. The viscoelastic behavior of the substrate results in a temporarily increased resistance that decreases to almost the original value. After over-stretching, the wire is conductive within less than a second. We analyze the swelling of the silicone due to the ink’s solvent and the nanoparticle film on top by microscope and SEM images. Finally, a 60 mm long stretchable conductor was integrated onto wearables, and showed that it can bear strains of up to 300% and recover to a conductivity that allows the operation of an assembled LED assembled at only 1.8 V. These self-healing wires can serve as wiring and binary strain or pressure sensors in sportswear, compression underwear, and in robotic applications.This work has been partially supported the TUM Graduate School (TUM GS), and the European Union through the fellowship H2020-MSCA-IF-2017 794885-SELFSENS. Additionally, this work was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Technical University of Munich within the Open Access Publishing Funding Programme

    Screen Printed Security-Button for Radio Frequency Identification Tags

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    Radio frequency identi cation (RFID) security is a relevant matter. The wide spread of RFID applications in the general society and the persistent attempts to safeguard it con rm it, especially since its use involves payments and the store or transmission of sensitive information. In this contribution, we present an innovative solution for improving the security of RFID passive tags through the use of a screen printed button, that allows the reception and transmission only when a certain level of physical pressure normal to its plane is applied. The materials and fabrication technology used demonstrate an easy to implement and cost-effective system, valuable in several scenarios where the user has straight contact with the tags and where its usage is direct and intentional.This work was supported by the fellowship under Grant 2020-MSCA-IF-2017-794885-SELFSENS

    Fabrication of low cost and low impact RH and temperature sensors for the Internet of Environmental-Friendly Things

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    Given the increasing number of connected devices as a consequence of the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution, the issue of the removal and recycling of electronics is becoming more and more urgent. In this context, biodegradable electronics is expected to be one of the biggest technological revolutions to tackle this problem. Following this direction, in this work we present the fabrication and characterization of temperature and humidity sensors based on biodegradable materials with the goal of making their removal easier as well as reducing their environmental impact. In particular, these multi-sensing devices were fabricated following a screen-printing process using a carbon-based paste and a conjugated polymer, both on paper and on a water soluble substrate. The results are more than promising and show how with our biodegradable sensors it is possible to obtain a sensitivity of 1 dec/20%RH to moisture content and around 0.04%/°C sensitivity to temperature. It is demonstrated that the simplicity and flexibility of the fabrication approach followed in this work paves the way to a set of new “green” IoT nodes that could be extended to wide range of sensing applications