3,620 research outputs found

    Smallholder Household Maize Production and Marketing Behavior in Zambia: Implications for Policy

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    CSO/MACO nationally-representative rural surveys provide important insights on smallholder crop marketing behavior from the 2001 and 2004 harvests. Only about 25 percent of smallholder farmers in Zambia sold maize in both seasons, and about 15-20 percent of smallholders sold fresh horticulture as well as groundnuts, with 11-13 percent selling cassava. From 6-10 percent of farmers produced and sold cotton. Overall, Zambian smallholder agriculture has become more diversified over the past decade, with maize, cassava, groundnuts, cotton, horticultural crops, and animal products all becoming important sources of cash revenue as well as production for home consumption (except, of course, cotton). Importantly in both seasons studied, horticulture crop sales are roughly equivalent to the value of maize sales nationwide There is substantial variation in farm income and off-farm income across small farm households, owing to disparities in landholding size, other productive assets, and variables affecting access to markets. Two percent of all smallholder farms nationwide accounted for over 40% of all the maize sold by smallholder households in Zambia in 2000/01 and 2003/04. This same two percent of smallholder households also accounted for about 17% and 20% of the total value of all crop sales of the smallholder sector. Poverty reduction policy options are severely constrained by these production and marketing patterns especially if operating though programs that raise market prices for sellers and buyers.food security, food policy, Zambia, maize, production, marketing, Crop Production/Industries, Q20,

    An exploratory randomised controlled trial comparing telephone and hospital follow-up after treatment for colorectal cancer

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    Aim:  Following treatment for colorectal cancer it is common practice for patients to attend hospital clinics at regular intervals for routine monitoring, although debate persists on the benefits of this approach. Nurse-led telephone follow-up is effective in meeting information and psycho-social needs in other patient groups. We explored the potential benefits of nurse-led telephone follow-up for colorectal cancer patients. Method:  Sixty-five patients were randomised to either telephone or hospital follow-up in an exploratory randomised trial. Results:  The telephone intervention was deliverable in clinical practice and acceptable to patients and health professionals. Seventy-five percent of eligible patients agreed to randomization. High levels of satisfaction were evident in both study groups. Appointments in the hospital group were shorter (median 14.0 minutes) than appointments in the telephone group (median 28.9 minutes). Patients in the telephone arm were more likely to raise concerns during consultations. Conclusion:  Historical approaches to follow-up unsupported by evidence of effectiveness and efficiency are not sustainable. Telephone follow-up by specialist nurses may be a feasible option. A main trial comparing hospital and telephone follow-up is justified although consideration needs to be given to trial design and practical issues related to the availability of specialist nurses at study locations

    Un indicador visual de la madurez fisiológica de habichuelas de inflorescencia indeterminada

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    Two indeterminate breeding lines, L-227 and RAB 205, were planted during two growing seasons for the purpose of identifying a visual indicator of physiological maturity of dry beans which could be used in the field. Ten-plant samples were taken at 2-day intervals beginning approximately 8 weeks after emergence to determine seed dry weight accumulation and number of green, yellow, and brown pods. In order to identify a stage of pod development which coincided with maximum accumulation of seed dry weight, the number of green, yellow and brown pods per plant was estimated with polinomial regression equations. Coefficients of determination for the number of yellow pods were relatively low, ranging from 0.52 to 0.77, whereas the coefficients of determination for most equations for green and brown pod numbers were near 0.9, indicating that the number of both green and brown pods may be useful as indicators of the occurrence of physiological maturity. Physiological maturity of L-227 occurred when plants had developed 1 to 2 green pods and 12 to T4 brown pods, whereas physiological maturity of RAB 205 occurred when 2 green pods and 8 brown pods were present on each plant. In the field, the number of green pods would be a better visual indicator of physiological maturity than the number of brown pods because fewer green pods have to be counted and because the green pods are on top of the plant.Dos líneas indeterminadas de habichuela, L-227 y RAB 205, se sembraron en dos estaciones del año para identificar un indicador visual de la etapa de madurez fisiológica que pudiera usarse en el campo. Muestras de 10 plantas se tomaron cada 2 días para determinar la acumulación de materia seca en el grano y el número de vainas verdes, amarillas y secas. Se usaron ecuaciones de regresión lineales, cuadráticas y cúbicas para determinar el número de vainas verdes, amarillas y secas que coincidian con el punto de máxima acumulación de peso seco en el grano. Los coeficientes de determinación para el número de vainas amarillas fueron relativamente bajos; variaron de 0.52 a 0.77. Por otro lado, la mayoría de los coeficientes de determinación para las ecuaciones del número de vainas verdes y de secas fueron cercanos a 0.9, lo que indica que tanto el número de vainas verdes como el de vainas secas podían ser buenos indicadores de madurez fisiológica. La madurez fisiológica de L-227 ocurrió cuando a las plantas les quedaban de 1 a 2 vainas verdes y tenían de 12 a 14 vainas secas. La madurez fisiológica de RAB 205 ocurrió cuando las plantas tenían 2 vainas verdes y 8 vainas secas. Estos resultados indican que el número de vainas verdes, en condiciones de campo, podría ser un mejor indicador de la madurez fisiológica que el número de vainas secas, no solamente porque habrá menos vainas verdes que contar, sino porque las verdes estarían en la parte superior de la planta

    Research Notes: Effect of grafting date and maturity of the stock on the flowering behavior of soybean scions

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    Many crosses made by midwestern U.S. soybean breeders are made between adapted genotypes and genotypes of later maturity. Due to a short growing season, soybean breeders in the northern U. S. are often unable to sufficiently delay planting of adapted genotypes to synchronize flowering with genotypes of later maturity. Photoperiod chambers are expensive and covering plants is time consuming and often produces cleistogamous flowers

    Producción de habichuelas verdes en Puerto Rico en distintas épocas de siembra

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    Field experiments were conducted at the Isabela and Fortuna substations during a 4-year period to measure the whole pod and green-shell yields of five white-seeded bean genotypes planted at different dates. Results from this study show that green-shell beans can be produced in Puerto Rico over a wide range of planting dates. The greatest yields were produced when beans were planted from October to December. Results from a yield stability analysis show that whole pod yields tended to be lower and more variable when beans were planted during the warm and humid summer months. However, higher prices during the summer help to offset the greater risk associated with green-shell bean production during this time of year. The variety Arroyo Loro had the greatest overall yield and the most yield stability. Early maturity and disease susceptibility contributed to the poor yield stability of the variety Cuarentena. Since whole pod yield was positively and highly correlated with green-shell yield, whole pod yields can be used by bean researchers to predict green-shell yield.Durante 4 años se hicieron experimentos de campo en las subestaciones de Isabela y Fortuna para medir el rendimiento de vainas enteras y granos frescos de cinco genotipos de habichuela blanca sembrados en diferentes épocas. Los resultados indican que en Puerto Rico se puede producir habichuelas en una amplia gama de épocas de siembra. Los mayores rendimientos se obtuvieron cuando las habichuelas se sembraron entre octubre y diciembre. El análisis de estabilidad de rendimiento mostró que los rendimientos de las vainas enteras fueron más bajas y variables cuando se sembró en el verano, los meses más cálidos y húmedos. Sin embargo, los precios de la habichuela verde son mayores durante el verano. La variedad Arroyo Loro produjo los rendimientos más altos y los más estables. La precocidad y susceptibilidad a las enfermedades redujo la estabilidad del rendimiento de la variedad Cuarentena. Hubo una correlación positiva y alta entre los rendimientos de vainas enteras y los rendimientos de habichuelas frescas. Esto les permite a los investigadores en habichuela utilizar el rendimiento de vainas enteras para predecir el rendimiento de vainas frescas


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    Genotype-by-environment (GE) interaction can be analyzed using different approaches. Among these, the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction model yields useful interpretations and can be applied successfully to plant breeding programs. In this paper we review fitting strategies for this model and show how to combine the capabilities of the Mixed and IML procedures in SAS to fit this model. This permits straightforward use of likelihood-based inference in standard and non standard situations like complex experimental designs. The proposed procedures were applied to data from red mottled bean variety trials conducted in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico in 9 environments with 30 lines (15 with indeterminate and 15 with determinate growth habit)


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    Resistencia de la habichuela a la pudrición carbonosa del tallo

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    Experiments were conducted to determine the effectiveness of two inoculation methods in the field evaluation of beans for resistance to ashy stem blight. Seed inoculation resulted in lower germination and greater infection by Macrophomina phaseolina than that in nontreated plots. Stem inoculation did not significantly differ from the control in percentage disease. Least significant differences among genotypes were smaller toward the end of the growing season. Therefore, bean genotypes should be evaluated for ashy stem blight infection near senescence. Spearman rank correlations between percentage germination and percentage infection near senescence were significant in 2 years. Seed inoculation combined with germination tests may be useful in the preliminary screening of bean genotypes for resistance to ashy stem blight.Se realizaron experimentos de campo para determinar la efectividad de dos métodos de inoculación para evaluar la resistencia de la habichuela a la pudrición carbonosa del tallo. Al comparar las parcelas tratados con las sin tratar, el método de inocular la semilla resultó en una germinación más baja y una infección de Macrophomina phaseolina más alta. No hubo diferencias significativas para el porcentaje de infección al inocular el tallo en parcelas tratados en relación con las sin tratar. La diferencia mínima significativa entre los genotipos de habichuela podrían evaluarse para la pudrición carbonosa del tallo cerca de la senescencia de las plantas. Las correlaciones de rango de Spearman entre el porcentaje de germinación y el porcentaje de infección cerca de la senescencia fueron significativas en ambos años. La inoculación de la semilla combinada con las pruebas de germinación debe ser útil en selecciones preliminares de genotipos de habichuela resistentes a la pudrición carbonosa del tallo

    Comparing hospital and telephone follow-up after treatment for breast cancer: randomised equivalence trial

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    Objective To compare traditional hospital follow-up with telephone follow-up by specialist nurses after treatment for breast cancer. Design A two centre randomised equivalence trial in which women remained in the study for a mean of 24 months. Setting Outpatient clinics in two NHS hospital trusts in the north west of England Participants 374 women treated for breast cancer who were at low to moderate risk of recurrence. Interventions Participants were randomised to traditional hospital follow-up (consultation, clinical examination, and mammography as per hospital policy) or telephone follow-up by specialist nurses (consultation with structured intervention and mammography according to hospital policy). Main outcome measures Psychological morbidity (state-trait anxiety inventory, general health questionnaire (GHQ-12)), participants’ needs for information, participants’ satisfaction, clinical investigations ordered, and time to detection of recurrent disease. Results The 95% confidence interval for difference in mean state-trait scores adjusted for treatment received (−3.33 to 2.07) was within the predefined equivalence region (−3.5 to 3.5). The women in the telephone group were no more anxious as a result of foregoing clinic examinations and face-to-face consultations and reported higher levels of satisfaction than those attending hospital clinics (intention to treat P<0.001). The numbers of clinical investigations ordered did not differ between groups. Recurrences were few (4.5%), with no differences between groups for time to detection (median 60.5 (range 37-131) days in hospital group v 39.0 (10-152) days in telephone group; P=0.228). Conclusions Telephone follow-up was well received by participants, with no physical or psychological disadvantage. It is suitable for women at low to moderate risk of recurrence and those with long travelling distances or mobility problems and decreases the burden on busy hospital clinics
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