23 research outputs found

    Caractérisation chimique d'huiles essentielles de Corse et du Vietnam. La RMN du carbone-13, outil d'analyse des mélanges naturels.

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    In recent years products derived from plant biomass have become increasingly popular in many industries (aromatherapy, cosmetics, food, etc.). The aim of our study was twofold. First, it was to study the chemical composition of essential oils isolated from different species from Vietnam, adapting the analytical strategy to the complexity of the mixture. Secondly, we want to contribute to a better understanding of the volatiles by two species of the type Myrtus : M. nivellei, endemic in the Sahara, the chemical composition of the essential oil had never been previously described and M. communis, through the analysis of essential oils from different sources around the Mediterranean and their aroma. The first part concerns the essential oils of 7 species from Vietnam. Among these, the essential oils of Clausena indica, C. anisum-olens, Cunninghamia konishii, Asarum glabrum, A. cordifolium et Cupressus tonkinensis (EO stems) were analysed by GC(RI), GC-MS and 13C NMR, without prior splitting. In contrast, the essential oils of C. tonkinensis (EO leaves) and Xanthocyparis vietnamensis, more complex than the preceding, required one or more fractionation steps by short open column chromatography of silica prior to analysis by GC(RI), GC-MS and 13C NMR and sometines 2D NMR. This work has contributed to a better understanding of the chemical compositions of these essential oils and has enriched our NMR spectra library « TerpĂšnes » of 8 compounds, two of which had never been identified or described in the literature: the 10-epi-nor-g-eudesmen-11-one and the 12-hydroxy-isodihydroagarofuran. The second and final part deals with essential oils of M. nivellei and of M. communis. The essential oil of leaves of M. nivellei was studied by combination of different techniques (CC, GC-MS, GC(RI), 13C NMR and 2D NMR). We identified 26 compounds representing 94.7% of the overall chemical composition, including the two major compounds are 1,8-cineole (37,5%) and limonene (25,0%). We managed to determine the structure of two new compounds: the 1-hydroxy-1-(3-methylbutoxy)-2-acetoxy-3,5,5-trimethyl-3-cyclopentene (4,3%) et le 1-hydroxy-1-(3-methyl-2-butenoxy)-2-acetoxy-3,5,5-trimethyl-3-cyclopentene (0,9%). Finally, the essential oils of M. communis (65 samples) from Corsica and other areas of the Mediterranean (Algeria, Portugal, Morocco, Tunisia and Sardinia) were analyzed by GC-MS, GC(RI) and 13C NMR, giving special importance to minority oxygenates. Four short chain esters, very rarely reported in the literature, have been systematically identified, regardless of the chemical group to which the essential oil belongs: the isobutyl isobutyrate, the isobutyl 2-mĂ©thylbutyrate, the 2-mĂ©thylbutyl isobutyrate and the 2-mĂ©thylbutyl 2-mĂ©thylbutyrate. Their individual contents vary from 0,1 to 2,2%. A sensory analysis has noted the contribution of these esters, with varying intensity, with a fruity top note from the essential oils of myrtle.Les produits issus de la biomasse vĂ©gĂ©tale connaissent depuis quelques annĂ©es un succĂšs grandissant dans de nombreuses industries (aromathĂ©rapie, cosmĂ©tique, agroalimentaire, etc.). L’objectif de notre Ă©tude Ă©tait double. D’une part, il s’agissait d’étudier la composition chimique d’huiles essentielles isolĂ©es Ă  partir de diffĂ©rentes espĂšces originaires du Vietnam, en adaptant la stratĂ©gie analytique Ă  la complexitĂ© du mĂ©lange. D’autre part, nous voulions contribuer Ă  une meilleure connaissance des volatils produits par deux espĂšces du genre Myrtus : M. nivellei, espĂšce endĂ©mique au Sahara dont la composition chimique de l’huile essentielle n’avait jamais Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crite jusqu’alors et M. communis, Ă  travers l’analyse d’huiles essentielles de diffĂ©rentes provenances du pourtour mĂ©diterranĂ©en et leur aspect olfactif. La premiĂšre partie concerne les huiles essentielles de 7 espĂšces originaires du Vietnam. Parmi celles-ci, les huiles essentielles de Clausena indica, C. anisum-olens, Cunninghamia konishii, Asarum glabrum, A. cordifolium et Cupressus tonkinensis (HE tiges) ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es par CPG(Ir), CPG-SM et RMN 13C, sans fractionnement prĂ©alable. En revanche, les huiles essentielles de C. tonkinensis (HE feuilles) et Xanthocyparis vietnamensis, plus complexes que les prĂ©cĂ©dentes, ont nĂ©cessitĂ© une ou plusieurs Ă©tapes de fractionnement par chromatographie sur colonne ouverte de silice avant analyse par CPG(Ir), CPG-SM et RMN 13C et parfois RMN 2D. Ce travail a ainsi contribuĂ© Ă  une meilleure connaissance des compositions chimiques de ces diffĂ©rentes huiles essentielles et a permis d’enrichir notre bibliothĂšque de spectres de RMN « TerpĂšnes » de 8 composĂ©s, dont deux n’avaient jamais Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s, ni dĂ©crits, dans la littĂ©rature : la 10-Ă©pi-nor-g-eudesmĂšn-11-one et le 12-hydroxy-isodihydroagarofurane. La deuxiĂšme et derniĂšre partie est consacrĂ©e aux huiles essentielles de M. nivellei et de M. communis. L’huile essentielle de feuilles de M. nivellei a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e par combinaison de diffĂ©rentes techniques (CC, CPG-SM, CPG(Ir), RMN 13C et RMN 2D). Nous avons ainsi identifiĂ© 26 composĂ©s reprĂ©sentant 94,7 % de la composition chimique globale, parmi lesquels les deux composĂ©s majoritaires sont le 1,8-cinĂ©ole (37,5 %) et le limonĂšne (25,0 %). Nous sommes parvenus Ă  dĂ©terminer la structure de deux nouveaux composĂ©s : le 1-hydroxy-1-(3-mĂ©thylbutoxy)-2-acĂ©toxy-3,5,5-trimĂ©thyl-3-cyclopentĂšne (4,3 %) et le 1-hydroxy-1-(3-mĂ©thyl-2-butĂšnoxy)-2-acĂ©toxy-3,5,5-trimĂ©thyl-3-cyclopentĂšne (0,9 %). Enfin, les huiles essentielles de M. communis (65 Ă©chantillons) provenant de Corse et d’autres localitĂ©s du bassin mĂ©diterranĂ©en (AlgĂ©rie, Portugal, Maroc, Tunisie et Sardaigne) ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es par CPG-SM, CPG(Ir) et RMN 13C, en accordant une importance particuliĂšre aux composĂ©s oxygĂ©nĂ©s minoritaires. Quatre esters Ă  chaĂźne courte, trĂšs rarement reportĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature, ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© systĂ©matiquement identifiĂ©s, quel que soit le groupe chimique auquel l’huile essentielle appartient : l’isobutyrate d’isobutyle, le 2-mĂ©thylbutyrate d’isobutyle, l’isobutyrate de 2-mĂ©thylbutyle et le 2-mĂ©thylbutyrate de 2-mĂ©thylbutyle. Leurs teneurs individuelles varient de 0,1 Ă  2,2 %. Une analyse sensorielle a permis de noter la contribution de ces esters, avec une intensitĂ© variable, Ă  la note de tĂȘte fruitĂ©e des huiles essentielles de myrte

    RĂ©sonances d’objets Ă©lastiques en gĂ©omĂ©tries elliptique et sphĂ©roĂŻdale; symĂ©trie et levĂ©e de dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence

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    Resonances for the interior problem in elastodynamics and the acoustic scattering problem are considered in elliptical and spheroidal geometries. Interest is focused on the splitting up of resonances which occurs when the symmetry is broken in the transition from the circular disc to the elliptical one (2D), and from the sphere to the spheroid (3D). From the theoretical point of view, this physical phenomenon is studied and interpreted taking into account the symmetries of the object with the help of group theory. This approach is completed by a numerical modeling and an experimental part.As far as the two dimensional problems are concerned, the interior problem for an elliptical elastic disc (study of resonant modes) and the acoustic scattering problem for infinite elliptical elastic cylinders are studied combining modal formalism and group theory in the vectorial context of elastodynamics. The splitting up of resonances due to the circular symmetry breaking is not only theoretically observed but also experimentally for the scattering problem. The method significantly simplifies the numerical treatment of the problems studied, provides a full classification of resonances over the 4 irreducible representations of the symmetry group C2v (associated with the elliptical geometry) and gives a physical interpretation of the splitting up in terms of symmetry breaking of the symmetry group O(2) (invariance under rotation).An experimental part based on ultrasonic spectroscopy complements the theoretical study of the scattering problem. A series of tank experiments is carried out in the case of aluminum elliptical cylinders immersed in water, in the frequency range 0 ≀ kr ≀ 50, where kr is the reduced wave number in the fluid. The experimental results provide a very good agreement with the theoretical ones, the splitting up is observed on experimental form functions and the split resonant modes are identified on angular diagrams.The interior problem in 3D is studied by means of an experimental approach based on the optical generation and detection of elastic waves. A series of experiments is performed on three-dimensional objects in aluminium. These objects (sphere, prolate and oblate spheroids of various eccentricity) are excited by laser impacts, and the velocity and frequency measurements are carried out by laser vibrometry. Theory and experiments are qualitatively compared. The measurements are performed in both the frequency and time domains to highlight the splitting up of resonances on one hand, and the Rayleigh wave propagating on the surface of the objects on the other hand. We emphasize two paths for this surface wave in spheroidal geometry: a circular one in the equatorial plane and an elliptical one in the meridian plane.Finally, in the context of the interior problems in 2D and 3D, a physical interpretation of resonances in terms of geometrical paths is provided. Mode conversion is highlighted and the Rayleigh wave is identified on the periodic orbits lengths spectrum.In addition to the bifurcations of some periodic orbits, a phenomenon, new to our knowledge, appears. The orbits with mode conversion of the circular disc split in two orbits when the transition to the elliptic disc occurs. The lengths of these orbits are associated with the minimal and maximal travel paths. This observation is interpreted from Fermat's theorem.For the spheroid, orbits of the circular disc and those of the elliptical disc are recovered in the equatorial and meridian planes respectively. We also emphasize the peaks associated with the travel paths of Rayleigh wave in spheroidal geometry appearing on the periodic orbits spectrum.Le thĂšme central de cette thĂšse est l'Ă©tude des rĂ©sonances pour le problĂšme intĂ©rieur en Ă©lastodynamique (gĂ©omĂ©tries elliptique et sphĂ©roĂŻdale), et pour le problĂšme de diffusion en acoustique (gĂ©omĂ©trie elliptique). On s'intĂ©resse en particulier Ă  la levĂ©e de dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence des rĂ©sonances liĂ©e Ă  la brisure de symĂ©trie de l'objet lors de la transition du disque circulaire vers le disque elliptique (2D), et de la sphĂšre vers le sphĂ©roĂŻde (3D). Ce phĂ©nomĂšne est Ă©tudiĂ© et interprĂ©tĂ© d'un point de vue thĂ©orique en prenant en compte les symĂ©tries de l'objet Ă  l'aide de la thĂ©orie des groupes. Cette approche est complĂ©tĂ©e par une modĂ©lisation numĂ©rique et une partie expĂ©rimentale.En 2D, nous Ă©tudions le problĂšme intĂ©rieur pour un disque elliptique Ă©lastique (Ă©tude des modes rĂ©sonants) et le problĂšme de la diffusion acoustique par des cylindres elliptiques Ă©lastiques. Ils sont traitĂ©s Ă  partir du formalisme modal combinĂ© Ă  la thĂ©orie des groupes dans le contexte vectoriel de l'Ă©lastodynamique. La levĂ©e de dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence est observĂ©e thĂ©oriquement mais aussi expĂ©rimentalement en diffusion. La mĂ©thode simplifie considĂ©rablement le traitement numĂ©rique des problĂšmes Ă©tudiĂ©s, fournit une classification des rĂ©sonances selon les 4 reprĂ©sentations irrĂ©ductibles du groupe de symĂ©trie C2v (associĂ© Ă  la gĂ©omĂ©trie elliptique) et donne une interprĂ©tation physique de la levĂ©e de dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence en termes de brisure de symĂ©trie.Une partie expĂ©rimentale en spectroscopie ultrasonore vient complĂ©ter l'Ă©tude thĂ©orique du problĂšme de diffusion. Une sĂ©rie d'expĂ©riences en cuve est menĂ©e dans le cas de cylindres elliptiques de diffĂ©rentes excentricitĂ©s en aluminium immergĂ©s dans l'eau, dans la bande de frĂ©quence 0 ≀ kr ≀ 50, oĂč kr est le nombre d'onde rĂ©duit dans le fluide. Les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux prĂ©sentent un trĂšs bon accord avec les rĂ©sultats thĂ©oriques, la levĂ©e de dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence est observĂ©e expĂ©rimentalement sur des fonctions de forme et mise en Ă©vidence sur des diagrammes angulaires. Le problĂšme intĂ©rieur en 3D est traitĂ© expĂ©rimentalement Ă  partir de la gĂ©nĂ©ration et la dĂ©tection optiques d'ondes Ă©lastiques. Une sĂ©rie d'expĂ©rimentations sur des objets tridimensionnels (sphĂšre, sphĂ©roĂŻdes oblates et prolates de diffĂ©rentes excentricitĂ©s) en aluminium est rĂ©alisĂ©e. Ils sont mis en vibration par impacts laser et les mesures de vitesse et de frĂ©quence s'effectuent par vibromĂ©trie laser. On rĂ©alise ainsi une comparaison qualitative entre la thĂ©orie 2D et l'expĂ©rience 3D. Les mesures sont menĂ©es Ă  la fois dans les domaines temporel et frĂ©quentiel pour mettre en Ă©vidence la levĂ©e de dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence d'une part, et l'onde de Rayleigh qui se propage sur la surface des objets d'autre part. Nous identifions deux trajets pour cette onde en gĂ©omĂ©trie sphĂ©roĂŻdale, l'un circulaire et l'autre elliptique.Enfin, dans le cadre des problĂšmes intĂ©rieurs 2D et 3D, on donne une interprĂ©tation en termes de rayons Ă  travers la dualitĂ© entre le spectre des rĂ©sonances et le spectre des longueurs des orbites pĂ©riodiques (OPs), avec la mise en Ă©vidence du phĂ©nomĂšne de conversion de mode et l'identification de l'onde de Rayleigh. Un phĂ©nomĂšne, nouveau Ă  notre connaissance, vient s'ajouter au phĂ©nomĂšne de bifurcation de certaines orbites. Au cours de la dĂ©formation vers le disque elliptique, les orbites avec conversion de mode du disque circulaire se sĂ©parent en deux orbites dont les longueurs sont associĂ©es aux trajets minimal et maximal qu'elles parcourent. Cette observation s'interprĂšte comme une consĂ©quence du thĂ©orĂšme de Fermat. Dans le cas du sphĂ©roĂŻde, on retrouve les orbites du disque circulaire dans le plan Ă©quatorial et celles du disque elliptique dans le plan mĂ©ridien. Nous mettons Ă©galement en Ă©vidence les pics associĂ©s aux deux trajets parcourus par l'onde de Rayleigh sur le spectre des OPs

    Product Video Impact on eCommerce platforms: A case study on DemoUp

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    The objective of this qualitative case-study thesis was to gather data and demonstrate the impact that product videos have on online shops, specifically focusing on the topics of conversion rate and SEO ranking. In order to tackle this, two hypotheses were established which we attempted to prove or nullify throughout the thesis with data. The procedure followed to gather this data was via an internal tool developed by the company which enabled us to track our most crucial data points: change in conversion rate and video views including its derivates (view rate and average percentage watched). With these results and the aid of the available literature on the topic, we set out to demonstrate the validity of our hypotheses. Firstly we present a 5C situation analysis in order to familiarize the reader with the company and its operating environment, discussing the current situation and potential improvements. Afterwards, we present the data gathered and proceed to make our analysis, reading results as well as determining the potential limitations of them. The results gathered demonstrated that our hypotheses were correct, this said we must take into consideration that there were limitations throughout the case studies which could be considered to hinder its reliability. In spite of that, we do not consider the limitations to be a total objectivity loss throughout our results but must mention its existence. All being said, the following thesis managed to prove the importance of video content, not only for the eCommerce industry, but also for all the stakeholders throughout the operating environment (Marketing managers, consumers, eCommerce platforms, content syndicators, brands, etc.) It will be extremely important to have videos on demand for consumers right on their point of purchase. Acknowledging this, there must be further research on the topic that will determine the tangible factors that will ultimately be involved in deciding the purchasing intention of customers. More research regarding negative conversion rate in some recorded instances should be done to clarify the reason behind this as well

    Resonances of elastic objects in elliptical and spheroidal geometry; lifting of degeneracy and symmetry

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    Le thĂšme central de cette thĂšse est l'Ă©tude des rĂ©sonances pour le problĂšme intĂ©rieur en Ă©lastodynamique (gĂ©omĂ©tries elliptique et sphĂ©roĂŻdale), et pour le problĂšme de diffusion en acoustique (gĂ©omĂ©trie elliptique). On s'intĂ©resse en particulier Ă  la levĂ©e de dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence des rĂ©sonances liĂ©e Ă  la brisure de symĂ©trie de l'objet lors de la transition du disque circulaire vers le disque elliptique (2D), et de la sphĂšre vers le sphĂ©roĂŻde (3D). Ce phĂ©nomĂšne est Ă©tudiĂ© et interprĂ©tĂ© d'un point de vue thĂ©orique en prenant en compte les symĂ©tries de l'objet Ă  l'aide de la thĂ©orie des groupes. Cette approche est complĂ©tĂ©e par une modĂ©lisation numĂ©rique et une partie expĂ©rimentale. En 2D, nous Ă©tudions le problĂšme intĂ©rieur pour un disque elliptique Ă©lastique (Ă©tude des modes rĂ©sonants) et le problĂšme de la diffusion acoustique par des cylindres elliptiques Ă©lastiques. Ils sont traitĂ©s Ă  partir du formalisme modal combinĂ© Ă  la thĂ©orie des groupes dans le contexte vectoriel de l'Ă©lastodynamique. La levĂ©e de dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence est observĂ©e thĂ©oriquement mais aussi expĂ©rimentalement en diffusion. La mĂ©thode simplifie considĂ©rablement le traitement numĂ©rique des problĂšmes Ă©tudiĂ©s, fournit une classification des rĂ©sonances selon les 4 reprĂ©sentations irrĂ©ductibles du groupe de symĂ©trie C2v (associĂ© Ă  la gĂ©omĂ©trie elliptique) et donne une interprĂ©tation physique de la levĂ©e de dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence en termes de brisure de symĂ©trie. Une partie expĂ©rimentale en spectroscopie ultrasonore vient complĂ©ter l'Ă©tude thĂ©orique du problĂšme de diffusion. Une sĂ©rie d'expĂ©riences en cuve est menĂ©e dans le cas de cylindres elliptiques de diffĂ©rentes excentricitĂ©s en aluminium immergĂ©s dans l'eau, dans la bande de frĂ©quence 0 ≀ kr ≀ 50, oĂč kr est le nombre d'onde rĂ©duit dans le fluide. Les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux prĂ©sentent un trĂšs bon accord avec les rĂ©sultats thĂ©oriques, la levĂ©e de dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence est observĂ©e expĂ©rimentalement sur des fonctions de forme et mise en Ă©vidence sur des diagrammes angulaires. Le problĂšme intĂ©rieur en 3D est traitĂ© expĂ©rimentalement Ă  partir de la gĂ©nĂ©ration et la dĂ©tection optiques d'ondes Ă©lastiques. Une sĂ©rie d'expĂ©rimentations sur des objets tridimensionnels (sphĂšre, sphĂ©roĂŻdes oblates et prolates de diffĂ©rentes excentricitĂ©s) en aluminium est rĂ©alisĂ©e. Ils sont mis en vibration par impacts laser et les mesures de vitesse et de frĂ©quence s'effectuent par vibromĂ©trie laser. On rĂ©alise ainsi une comparaison qualitative entre la thĂ©orie 2D et l'expĂ©rience 3D. Les mesures sont menĂ©es Ă  la fois dans les domaines temporel et frĂ©quentiel pour mettre en Ă©vidence la levĂ©e de dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence d'une part, et l'onde de Rayleigh qui se propage sur la surface des objets d'autre part. Nous identifions deux trajets pour cette onde en gĂ©omĂ©trie sphĂ©roĂŻdale, l'un circulaire et l'autre elliptique.Enfin, dans le cadre des problĂšmes intĂ©rieurs 2D et 3D, on donne une interprĂ©tation en termes de rayons Ă  travers la dualitĂ© entre le spectre des rĂ©sonances et le spectre des longueurs des orbites pĂ©riodiques (OPs), avec la mise en Ă©vidence du phĂ©nomĂšne de conversion de mode et l'identification de l'onde de Rayleigh. Un phĂ©nomĂšne, nouveau Ă  notre connaissance, vient s'ajouter au phĂ©nomĂšne de bifurcation de certaines orbites. Au cours de la dĂ©formation vers le disque elliptique, les orbites avec conversion de mode du disque circulaire se sĂ©parent en deux orbites dont les longueurs sont associĂ©es aux trajets minimal et maximal qu'elles parcourent. Cette observation s'interprĂšte comme une consĂ©quence du thĂ©orĂšme de Fermat. Dans le cas du sphĂ©roĂŻde, on retrouve les orbites du disque circulaire dans le plan Ă©quatorial et celles du disque elliptique dans le plan mĂ©ridien. Nous mettons Ă©galement en Ă©vidence les pics associĂ©s aux deux trajets parcourus par l'onde de Rayleigh sur le spectre des OPs.Resonances for the interior problem in elastodynamics and the acoustic scattering problem are considered in elliptical and spheroidal geometries. Interest is focused on the splitting up of resonances which occurs when the symmetry is broken in the transition from the circular disc to the elliptical one (2D), and from the sphere to the spheroid (3D). From the theoretical point of view, this physical phenomenon is studied and interpreted taking into account the symmetries of the object with the help of group theory. This approach is completed by a numerical modeling and an experimental part. As far as the two dimensional problems are concerned, the interior problem for an elliptical elastic disc (study of resonant modes) and the acoustic scattering problem for infinite elliptical elastic cylinders are studied combining modal formalism and group theory in the vectorial context of elastodynamics. The splitting up of resonances due to the circular symmetry breaking is not only theoretically observed but also experimentally for the scattering problem. The method significantly simplifies the numerical treatment of the problems studied, provides a full classification of resonances over the 4 irreducible representations of the symmetry group C2v (associated with the elliptical geometry) and gives a physical interpretation of the splitting up in terms of symmetry breaking of the symmetry group O(2) (invariance under rotation). An experimental part based on ultrasonic spectroscopy complements the theoretical study of the scattering problem. A series of tank experiments is carried out in the case of aluminum elliptical cylinders immersed in water, in the frequency range 0 ≀ kr ≀ 50, where kr is the reduced wave number in the fluid. The experimental results provide a very good agreement with the theoretical ones, the splitting up is observed on experimental form functions and the split resonant modes are identified on angular diagrams. The interior problem in 3D is studied by means of an experimental approach based on the optical generation and detection of elastic waves. A series of experiments is performed on three-dimensional objects in aluminium. These objects (sphere, prolate and oblate spheroids of various eccentricity) are excited by laser impacts, and the velocity and frequency measurements are carried out by laser vibrometry. Theory and experiments are qualitatively compared. The measurements are performed in both the frequency and time domains to highlight the splitting up of resonances on one hand, and the Rayleigh wave propagating on the surface of the objects on the other hand. We emphasize two paths for this surface wave in spheroidal geometry: a circular one in the equatorial plane and an elliptical one in the meridian plane. Finally, in the context of the interior problems in 2D and 3D, a physical interpretation of resonances in terms of geometrical paths is provided. Mode conversion is highlighted and the Rayleigh wave is identified on the periodic orbits lengths spectrum.In addition to the bifurcations of some periodic orbits, a phenomenon, new to our knowledge, appears. The orbits with mode conversion of the circular disc split in two orbits when the transition to the elliptic disc occurs. The lengths of these orbits are associated with the minimal and maximal travel paths. This observation is interpreted from Fermat's theorem.For the spheroid, orbits of the circular disc and those of the elliptical disc are recovered in the equatorial and meridian planes respectively. We also emphasize the peaks associated with the travel paths of Rayleigh wave in spheroidal geometry appearing on the periodic orbits spectrum

    Chemical characterization of essential oils of Corsica and Vietnam. Carbon-13 NMR, a tool for analyzing natural mixtures

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    Les produits issus de la biomasse vĂ©gĂ©tale connaissent depuis quelques annĂ©es un succĂšs grandissant dans de nombreuses industries (aromathĂ©rapie, cosmĂ©tique, agroalimentaire, etc.). L’objectif de notre Ă©tude Ă©tait double. D’une part, il s’agissait d’étudier la composition chimique d’huiles essentielles isolĂ©es Ă  partir de diffĂ©rentes espĂšces originaires du Vietnam, en adaptant la stratĂ©gie analytique Ă  la complexitĂ© du mĂ©lange. D’autre part, nous voulions contribuer Ă  une meilleure connaissance des volatils produits par deux espĂšces du genre Myrtus : M. nivellei, espĂšce endĂ©mique au Sahara dont la composition chimique de l’huile essentielle n’avait jamais Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crite jusqu’alors et M. communis, Ă  travers l’analyse d’huiles essentielles de diffĂ©rentes provenances du pourtour mĂ©diterranĂ©en et leur aspect olfactif.La premiĂšre partie concerne les huiles essentielles de 7 espĂšces originaires du Vietnam. Parmi celles-ci, les huiles essentielles de Clausena indica, C. anisum-olens, Cunninghamia konishii, Asarum glabrum, A. cordifolium et Cupressus tonkinensis (HE tiges) ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es par CPG(Ir), CPG-SM et RMN 13C, sans fractionnement prĂ©alable. En revanche, les huiles essentielles de C. tonkinensis (HE feuilles) et Xanthocyparis vietnamensis, plus complexes que les prĂ©cĂ©dentes, ont nĂ©cessitĂ© une ou plusieurs Ă©tapes de fractionnement par chromatographie sur colonne ouverte de silice avant analyse par CPG(Ir), CPG-SM et RMN 13C et parfois RMN 2D. Ce travail a ainsi contribuĂ© Ă  une meilleure connaissance des compositions chimiques de ces diffĂ©rentes huiles essentielles et a permis d’enrichir notre bibliothĂšque de spectres de RMN « TerpĂšnes » de 10 composĂ©s, dont deux n’avaient jamais Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s, ni dĂ©crits, dans la littĂ©rature : la 10-Ă©pi-nor--eudesm-11-one et le 12-hydroxy-isodihydroagarofurane.La deuxiĂšme et derniĂšre partie est consacrĂ©e aux huiles essentielles de M. nivellei et de M. communis. L’huile essentielle de feuilles de M. nivellei a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e par combinaison de diffĂ©rentes techniques (CC, CPG-SM, CPG(Ir), RMN 13C et RMN 2D). Nous avons ainsi identifiĂ© 26 composĂ©s reprĂ©sentant 94,7 % de la composition chimique globale, parmi lesquels les deux composĂ©s majoritaires sont le 1,8-cinĂ©ole (37,5 %) et le limonĂšne (25,0 %). Nous sommes parvenus Ă  dĂ©terminer la structure de deux nouveaux composĂ©s : le 1-hydroxy-1-(3-mĂ©thylbutoxy)-2-acĂ©toxy-3,5,5-trimĂ©thyl-3-cyclopentĂšne (4,3 %) et le 1-hydroxy-1-(3-mĂ©thyl-2-butĂšnoxy)-2-acĂ©toxy-3,5,5-trimĂ©thyl-3-cyclopentĂšne (0,9 %). Enfin, les huiles essentielles de M. communis (65 Ă©chantillons) provenant de Corse et d’autres localitĂ©s du bassin mĂ©diterranĂ©en (AlgĂ©rie, Portugal, Maroc, Tunisie et Sardaigne) ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es par CPG-SM, CPG(Ir) et RMN 13C, en accordant une importance particuliĂšre aux composĂ©s oxygĂ©nĂ©s minoritaires. Quatre esters Ă  chaĂźne courte, trĂšs rarement reportĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature, ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© systĂ©matiquement identifiĂ©s, quel que soit le groupe chimique auquel l’huile essentielle appartient : l’isobutyrate d’isobutyle, le 2-mĂ©thylbutyrate d’isobutyle, l’isobutyrate de 2-mĂ©thylbutyle et le 2-mĂ©thylbutyrate de 2-mĂ©thylbutyle. Leurs teneurs individuelles varient de 0,1 Ă  2,2 %. Une analyse sensorielle a permis de noter la contribution de ces esters, avec une intensitĂ© variable, Ă  la note de tĂȘte fruitĂ©e des huiles essentielles de myrte.In recent years products derived from plant biomass have become increasingly popular in many industries (aromatherapy, cosmetics, food, etc.). The aim of our study was twofold. First, it was to study the chemical composition of essential oils isolated from different species from Vietnam, adapting the analytical strategy to the complexity of the mixture. Secondly, we want to contribute to a better understanding of the volatiles by two species of the type Myrtus : M. nivellei, endemic in the Sahara, the chemical composition of the essential oil had never been previously described and M. communis, through the analysis of essential oils from different sources around the Mediterranean and their aroma.The first part concerns the essential oils of 7 species from Vietnam. Among these, the essential oils of Clausena indica, C. anisum-olens, Cunninghamia konishii, Asarum glabrum, A. cordifolium et Cupressus tonkinensis (EO stems) were analysed by GC(RI), GC-MS and 13C NMR, without prior splitting. In contrast, the essential oils of C. tonkinensis (EO leaves) and Xanthocyparis vietnamensis, more complex than the preceding, required one or more fractionation steps by short open column chromatography of silica prior to analysis by GC(RI), GC-MS and 13C NMR and sometines 2D NMR. This work has contributed to a better understanding of the chemical compositions of these essential oils and has enriched our NMR spectra library « TerpĂšnes » of 10 compounds, two of which had never been identified or described in the literature: the 10-epi-nor--eudesm-11-one and the 12-hydroxy-isodihydroagarofuran.The second and final part deals with essential oils of M. nivellei and of M. communis. The essential oil of leaves of M. nivellei was studied by combination of different techniques (CC, GC-MS, GC(RI), 13C NMR and 2D NMR). We identified 26 compounds representing 94.7% of the overall chemical composition, including the two major compounds are 1,8-cineole (37,5%) and limonene (25,0%). We managed to determine the structure of two new compounds: the 1-hydroxy-1-(3-methylbutoxy)-2-acetoxy-3,5,5-trimethyl-3-cyclopentene (4,3%) et le 1-hydroxy-1-(3-methyl-2-butenoxy)-2-acetoxy-3,5,5-trimethyl-3-cyclopentene (0,9%). Finally, the essential oils of M. communis (65 samples) from Corsica and other areas of the Mediterranean (Algeria, Portugal, Morocco, Tunisia and Sardinia) were analyzed by GC-MS, GC(RI) and 13C NMR, giving special importance to minority oxygenates. Four short chain esters, very rarely reported in the literature, have been systematically identified, regardless of the chemical group to which the essential oil belongs: the isobutyl isobutyrate, the isobutyl 2-mĂ©thylbutyrate, the 2-mĂ©thylbutyl isobutyrate and the 2-mĂ©thylbutyl 2-mĂ©thylbutyrate. Their individual contents vary from 0,1 to 2,2%. A sensory analysis has noted the contribution of these esters, with varying intensity, with a fruity top note from the essential oils of myrtle

    Un'applicazione mobile di guida turistica context-aware basata su linked open data

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    In questo elaborato viene presentata Semantic City Guide, un'applicazione mobile di guida turistica basata su Linked Open Data. Si vogliono presentare i principali vantaggi e svantaggi derivati dall'interazione tra sviluppo nativo di applicazioni mobili e tecnologie del Semantic Web. Il tutto verrĂ  contestualizzato esaminando alcuni progetti di aziende ed enti statali operativi nel settore turistico e dell'informatica

    Progettazione e sviluppo di una soluzione di Business Intelligence in un'azienda Automotive

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    Il presente elaborato Ăš frutto della mia esperienza di tirocinio curricolare svolto presso l’azienda KPMG Advisory S.p.a., azienda di consulenza che fornisce servi-zi di Finanza d’impresa, Risk Consulting, Digital Strategy e IT Transformation,Operations e Internazionalizzazione. Lo stage si `e svolto presso gli uffici dell’azienda cliente, un’importante casa motociclistica italiana del bolognese.Il presente studio ha lo scopo di fornire al lettore gli strumenti per la comprensione del progetto Business Analytics, un progetto di Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence e Performance Management che ha consentito al cliente di realizzare la reportistica per il monitoraggio delle seguenti cinque aree di business:Ordinato;Service, inteso come analisi delle attivazioni di garanzia e dei costi di rimborsato;Market Share, per il monitoraggio della distribuzione delle quote di mercato rispetto ai competitor, e di due servizi web, il Pre Owned, sito di annunci per la compravendita dell’usato, e il Web Configurator, strumento per la personalizzazione delle moto.Nel corso del tirocinio ho partecipato alla realizzazione di cinque Data Mart chehanno alimentato il giĂ  esistente Enterprise Data Warehouse secondo una metodo-logia di sviluppo per stream (ambiti di business) definiti a monte da una Roadmap di progetto con orizzonte temporale quadriennale, organizzata per cicli di sviluppo del software iterativi ed incrementali. Dato l’elevato grado di standardizzazione del processo evolutivo e la complessitĂ  del progetto, si `e deciso di esaminare nel detta-glio lo stream relativo al Service Claim, analisi dei costi di rimborsato in garanzia sostenuti dall'azienda cliente. MostrerĂČ l’intero ciclo di sviluppo del progetto Business Analytics, partendo dallo studio funzionale preventivo, fino alla consegna finale del sistema di reportistica al cliente. Nell'ambito della tesi documenterĂČ le procedure di estrazione dei dati dai sistemi sorgente verso l’area di staging del DWH, le elaborazioni ETL per la certificazione del dato, la modellazione delle business rules e la costruzione dei KPI calcolati, la progettazione concettuale e logicadei Data Mart e lo sviluppo della reportistica front-end. Per completezza mostrerĂČ la metodologia di sviluppo dei cubi multidimensionali in Analysis Services per la pubblicazione dei dati verso il front-end. L’obiettivo della tesi `e di caratterizzare l'intero processo di progettazione e sviluppo di una soluzione di Business Intelligence in un ambiente produttivo aziendale. A corollario della relazione si forniscono i concetti teorici utili alla comprensione dell’attivitĂ  svolta e le riflessioni sulle scelte architetturali e dei vendor, con particolare focus sugli strumenti software utilizzati per la realizzazione del progetto

    Atomic force microscopy: a powerful tool for surface defect and morphology inspection in semiconductor industry

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    The industrial use of instruments based on Atomic Force Microscopy that started in the mid 1990's has seen a wide spectrum of applications for product and process controls in semiconductor industry where the continuous effort of smaller and smaller size defect reduction is a driving force of the technological development. The paper will examine a subsection of this world, the electronic grade silicon wafer manufacturing and product development. In this area, the technique is applied to the measurement of surface defect geometry down to a size of a few angstroms and a surface micro-roughness at various areas of inspection from 1E-10 cm2 to 1E-4 cm2. First, a brief description of the measurement principle is given in order to discuss aspects related to accuracy and stability of the technique when micro-roughness values are considered. Then, a few examples involving the inspection of crystal related defects detectable on the silicon wafer surface as well as different textures following various surface-finishing processes will be discussed. Finally, examples of the use of Atomic Force Microscopy on Silicon On Insulator and strained silicon materials will give an insight about the relevance of this technique in the field of New Materials development in the electronics industry

    Elastodynamics and resonances in elliptical geometry

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    International audienceThe resonant modes of two-dimensional elastic elliptical objects are studied from a modal formalism by emphasizing the role of the symmetries of the objects. More precisely, as the symmetry is broken in the transition from the circular disc to the elliptical one, splitting up of resonances and level crossings are observed. From the mathematical point of view, this observation can be explained by the broken invariance of the continuous symmetry group O(2) associated to the circular disc. The elliptical disc is however invariant under the finite group C 2v and the resonances are classified and associated with a given irreducible representation of this group. The main difficulty stands in the application of the group theory in elastodynamics where the vectorial formalism is used to express the physical quantities (elastic displacement and stress) involved in the boundary conditions. However, this method significantly simplifies the numerical treatment of the problem which is uncoupled over the four irreducible representations of C 2v. This provides a full classification of the resonances. They are tagged and tracked as the eccentricity of the elliptical disc increases. Then, the splitting up of resonances, which occurs in the transition from the circular disc to the elliptic one, is emphasized. The computation of vibrational normal modes displacement also highlights mode splittings. A physical interpretation of resonances in terms of geometrical paths is provided