15 research outputs found


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    The standardized phenotyping protocol for strawberries was agreed upon by the breeding team in Oregon, Michigan, New Hampshire, California and Florida and includes four trait categories: phenolgy and other flower-related traits, plant characteristics, fruit characteristics, and fruit chemistry traits. This study aims to introduce this category to the breeding programs in our country to characterize 15 cultivars of strawberries that are breeded in our country. In this context, 25 properties are evaluated. As a result, our cultivars is globose conic in respect of external fruit properties, apperance is above average, achene colour is dark, achene position is even, external colour is red, gloss is average, skin strength is soft, calyx size is above equal, calyx position is flat. In terms of fruit internal properties, firmness is soft, internal colour is light red, depth of internal coloris at 51.8% level and average level, aroma is at high level


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    This study was conducted to determine some pomological and chemical characteristics of Bilecik, Yavuz, Şebin walnut cultivars and Yerli genotype grown in Kırşehir, Turkey. Characteristics of walnut such as nut weight, kernel weight, nut width, nut hight and nut diameter and some kernel features were investigated. The results indicated that the average fruit weight ranged from 17.33 g (Yavuz) to 12.83 g (Şebin), the nut width alternated from 37.63 mm (Yavuz) to 31.33 mm (Yerli), the nut height ranged from 52.25 mm (Yavuz) to 41.07 mm (Yerli), and the kernel percentage ranged from 46.07% (Bilecik) to 49.43% (Yavuz). The highest oil content was detected in Yavuz cultivar (63.20%), while the lowest value was obtained from the Bilecik cultivar with 53.90%. Contrary to fat content, the highest protein content was detected in the Bilecik cultivar. Consequently, our data showed that the fruit properties of Yavuz and Şebin cultivars were superior than the others in Central Anatolian ecological conditions


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    The study was conducted to investigate the some morphological and pollinizer characteristics on caprifig accessions selected from five locations (Adana, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Mersin, and Osmaniye) in eastern Mediterranean region and six standard cultivars (‘Ak İlek’, ‘Armut İlek’, ‘Elma İlek’, ‘Hamza’, ‘Küçük Konkur’, and ‘Taşlık’) from Aydin location in the Aegean Region of Turkey. A total of 27 characteristics included profichi crops of caprifigs were observed in Adana (12 accessions), Hatay (37 accessions), Kahramanmaraş (17 accessions), Mersin (22 accessions), and Osmaniye (9 accessions) locations and six standard cultivars in 2014 and 2015 years. The average fruit weight per profichi crop of the cultivars (30.33 g) in Aydın location and caprifigs (27.41 g) in Hatay location were the highest compared with the caprifigs selected from Adana (23.14 g), Mersin (19.84), Kahramanmaraş (17.57 g), and Osmaniye (16.10 g) locations. The caprifigs in Mersin location had the darkness fruit skin color. The number of gall flowers was highest in cultivars (634.07), whereas the number of male flowers was found to be highest caprifigs (142.41) in Adana location. The pollen viability of caprifigs ranged between 65.76% (Mersin) and 90.51 (Cultivars). The highest of pollen number per profichi fruit were found caprifigs in Adana (824.188). The cluster analysis showed that Hatay caprifigs and standard cultivars and also Kahramanmaraş and Osmaniye caprifigs were partly similar to each other according to morphological and pollinizer characteristics

    Türkiye'nin farklı ekolojilerindeki yabanı badem genotiplerinde fenolojik, morfolojik ve pomolojik özellikler ile moleküler yapıların tanımlanması

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    TEZ6186Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2007.Kaynakça (s.294-309) var.xxvii, 309 s. : rnk. ; 29 cm.In this study, phenological, pomological and morphological characteristics of wild almond genotypes in our country's natural flora were investigated for three years. Molecular identification of them were performed by RAPD markers. Since there is not much study on the determination of these wild almond genotypes, the characteristics and the evaluation of them. In future scientific studies and in practice were investigated in this study. As a result, total 69 almond genotypes were selected. These were; 7 types from İvriz area and 7 genotypes from Ayrancı dam area in Konya-Ereğli; 11 genotypes from Open Museum area in Nevºehir and 10 genotypes from Göreme-Kayseri road; 11 genotypes in Niğde-Ulukışla area; 2 genotypes from Yukarı İncirli area and 6 genotypes from Cennet Bahçesi area in ªanlıurfa-Birecik; 8 genotypes at 15 km distance of Gaziantep-Nizip road; 2 genotypes from Küllü road area and 5 genotypes from İbrahim ªehri area in Gaziantep- Nizip. Nonpareil and Cristomorto almond cultivars and Hacı Alibey (48-5), Gülcan-1 (101- 23) local selected almond cultivars and 101-13 almond genotype were used to compare these wild almond genotypes in molecular analysis. As a result, wild almond genotypes grown naturally in Konya-Ereğli, Nevºehir- Göreme and Niğde in Middle Anatolia region were found to be similar to each other both for the morphological and molecular characteristics. On the other hand, wild almonds in Gaziantep and ªanlıurfa-Birecik in South Anatolia region were divided into two groups considering the results of morphological and molecular analysis. The plants in these groups were different from each other as well as they were different from the wild almond genotypes selected in Middle Anatolia region. In dendogram of the results of RAPD analysis, cultured almond cultivars (Prunus dulcis L.) were placed in the same group with Middle Anatolia wild almondsBu araştırmada Ülkemiz doğal florasında bulunan ve farklı özellikler gösteren yabani badem genotiplerinin fenolojik, pomolojik ve morfolojik özellikleri 3 yıl süreyle incelenmiştir. Moleküler tanımlamaları ise RAPD markırları kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışılan yabani badem genotiplerinde bu güne kadar fazla bir araştırma bulunmadığından, bu çalışmada denemeye alınan genotiplerin özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve bu özelliklerin ışığı doğrultusunda bu badem tiplerinin bilimsel çalışmalarda ve pratikte nasıl değerlendirilebileceği araştırılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda, Konya - Ereğli'de İvriz bölgesinden 7, Ayrancı Barajı bölgesinden 7; Nevşehir'den Açık Hava Müzesi içerisinden 11 ve Göreme - Kayseri yolu civarından 10; Niğde - Ulukışla bölgesinden 11; Gaziantep - Nizip yolunun 15. km'sinden 8, Küllü Yolu mevkiinden 2 ve İbrahim ªehri mevkiinden 5, ªanlıurfa - Birecik ilçesinin Yukarı İncirli Yolu mevkiinden 2 ve Cennet Bahçesi bölgesinden de 6 olmak üzere toplam 69 adet yabani badem tipi seçilmiştir. Bu tipleri moleküler analizlerde karşılaştırmak üzere kültür bademlerinden Nonpareil ve Cristomorto badem çeşitleri ile ülkemizden selekte edilen Hacı Alibey (48-5), Gülcan-1 (101-23) badem çeşitleri ve 101-13 badem tipi kullanılmıştır. Yapılan araştırma sonucunda, Konya-Ereğli, Nevşehir-Göreme ve Niğde'de doğal olarak yetişen yabani badem bitkilerinin gerek morfolojik, gerekse moleküler özellikler açısından benzer olduğu saptanmıştır. Gaziantep ve ªanlıurfa - Birecik ilçesinde bulunan yabani bademler ise morfolojik ve moleküler analizler sonucunda 2 grupta toplanmıştır. Bu iki gruba ait olan bitkiler birbirlerinden farklı olduğu gibi, her iki gruba ait bitkilerin İç Anadolu Bölgesi'nden seçilen yabani badem tiplerinden de moleküler analizler sonucunda farklı olduğu belirlenmiştir. RAPD analizleri sonucu çizilen dendogramda, kültür bademleri (Prunus dulcis L.) İç Anadolu Bölgesi'nden seçilen yabani badem tipleri ile aynı grup içerisinde yer almıştır.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No:ZF2003D1

    Fruit Quality and Phytochemical Attributes of Some Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Cultivars as Affected by Genotypes and Seasons

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    This study was conducted over two growing seasons (2010 and 2011) to evaluate effects on fruit quality and phytochemical properties of new Turkish cultivars, hybrid between Irano-Caucasian- and European eco-geographic groups, and some important apricot cultivars in the eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey. Fruit quality characteristics, sensory traits, and phytochemical parameters were investigated. The data showed that considerable variation existed in fruit quality and phytochemical properties of Turkish, and foreign apricot cultivars based on genotypes and growing seasons. The new hybrid cultivar ‘Çağataybey’ contained the highest total soluble solid content (14.6%), rich total phenolic (93.9 mg GAE 100g-1 fw), and total antioxidant capacity levels (9.8 mmol Fe2+ kg-1 fw), and >50% of blush color on the fruit peels among the cultivars. The fructose and sucrose values showed positively significant correlations with total phenolics (r = 0.55 and r = 0.69, at p< 0.05, respectively). The authors had estimated that the data will be useful for breeding studies to improve fruit quality and nutritional contents of apricot cultivars

    Türkiye’de Ceviz (Juglans regia L.) Araştırmaları

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    Ceviz kültür tarihinin eskiliği, adaptasyon kabiliyetinin üstünlüğü, genetik çeşitliliğinin fazlalığı, besin içeriği, sanayide kullanımı ve bunlara bağlı ekonomik getirisi nedeniyle üzerinde çok fazla araştırma yapılan bir tür konumundadır. Bu araştırmalar gelişen teknolojinin de kullanılmasıyla birlikte gerek dünyada ve gerekse ülkemizde çeşitlenmiş, son yıllarda da sayısal olarak artış göstermiştir. Türkiye’de cevizle ilgili ilk bilimsel içerikli çalışma 1971 yılında yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın yapıldığı yıldan günümüze kadar gerçekleştirilen tüm çalışmalar belirli dönem aralığında gruplandırılmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Yaklaşık yarım asırlık dönem içerisinde ceviz türünde 107 adet lisansüstü tez çalışması, 225 adet münferit araştırma makalesi, 57 adet derleme ve 12 adet kitap olmak üzere toplam 401 adet akademik çalışma tamamlanmıştır. Ceviz araştırmalarının %31’i 2000 yılına kadar, %69’u ise son 15 yıllık süreçte gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gerek lisansüstü tez çalışmalarında ve gerekse münferit araştırmalarda “ıslah” ve “çoğaltma” çalışmalarının ağırlıkta olduğu görülmektedir. Ayrıca diğer anabilim dallarında da cevizin besin değeri, insan sağlığındaki yeri, orman ağacı olarak ceviz ve ceviz odununun sanayide kullanımı gibi araştırmalar gerçekleştirilmiştir


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    WOS: 000298100700006There are several wild almond species in Turkey included Amygdalus orientalis (Mill.), Amygdalus turcomanica (Lincz.), Amygdalus fenzliana (Fritsch) Lipsky, Amygdalus trichamygdalus (Hand.-Mazz.) Woronow, Amygdalus arabica (Olivier), and Amygdalus webbii (Spach). These species offer a great value for the almond improvement; we studied the pollen viability, germination ratio and pollen yield for seven genotypes of A. orientalis, seven genotypes of A. turcomanica all growing under natural conditions in Southeastern Anatolia (Gaziantep and Sanliurfa provinces, Turkey). Almond cultivars (Prunus dulcis [Mill.] D. A. Webb) obtained from Pozanti Agricultural Experimental Station, Cukurova University, were also used in the experiment. The pollen viabilities of various almond genotypes were determined by 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) and fluorescein diacetate (FDA) tests. At the end, pollen germination ratios were established according to Petri dishes method in vitro conditions (1% agar + 0, 10, 15 and 20% sucrose) while pollen yield was estimated with hemacytometric methods. The results indicated that pollen viability ratios were close to each other in both methods for the genotypes A. orientalis and A. turcomanica. Pollen germination ratios were found to be dependent on the sucrose content as well as on the genotypes used. The pollen of almond cultivars showed similar germination ratios in all of the sucrose concentrations while those pollens of A. orientalis and A. turcomanica genotypes displayed higher germination ratios in 10% sucrose. The number of anthers in one flower was higher in cultivars whereas the number of pollen grains was lower in other almond species. While the number of pollen grains in one flower was relatively high in A. orientalis genotypes, pollen quality was high in all the three species under research. The results suggested that these two species, namely A. orientalis and A. turcomanica could be employed for future almond breeding programs

    Assessment of growth behaviour, yield, and quality parameters of some olive (Olea europaea) cultivars in Turkey

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    Olive (Olea europaea) is one of the oldest cultivated species in the Mediterranean basin and it is widespread throughout the Mediterranean region. In this study, we determined several phenological, morphological, and pomlogical characteristics of a number of olive cultivars when grown in Hatay province in the eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey. The 21 cultivars examined had their origins in Italy, Spain, Tunisia, and Turkey. The earliest flowering was observed in 'Gemlik' and 'Silifke yaglik' on 4 May whereas the latest flowering was in 'Memeli', 'Domat', and 'Savrani' on 10 May. 'Gemlik' and 'Manzanilla de Sevilla' produced the highest Cumulative yield over a 4-year period. The largest fruit were from 'Ascolana', averaging 6.72 g whereas 'Kilis yaglik' (2.05 g), 'Nizip yaglik' (2.33 g), and 'Meski' (2.43 g) had the smallest fruit. The flesh comprised the highest fraction of total fruit weight in Manzanilla de Sevilla.' (86.4%), 'Gemlik' (86.4%), 'Edincik su' (86.3%), 'Hojiblanca' (86.1%), and 'Halhali' (86.0%). The highest oil content was in 'Kilis yaglik' (31.2%) and 'Savrani' (29.3%). Based on our results, 'Gemlik' and 'Manzanilla de Sevilla' are suggested for table olive production in the Hatay region whereas 'Memecik', 'Kilis yaglik', and 'Sari ulak' are the most suitable for oil production

    Determining of chilling requirements of some persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) species and cultivars

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    Çalışma, 2003-2004 ve 2004-2005 yılları arasında, Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümüne ait Araştırma ve Uygulama Bahçesinde bulunan Diospyros virginiana L. ve Diospyros lotus L. türleri ile Diospyros kaki L. türünden Hachiya, O’Gosho, Shakoku, Kaki Tipo, Fuji, Nishimura Wase, Suruga, Jiro, Saijo, Kawabata O’Gosho, Shogatsu, Giboshi, Kirakaki, Amankaki (İtalya), Akoumankaki, Kourokuma, Hyakume, Hiratanenashi, Mizushima Gosho, Giant Fuyu (İsrail), Triumph ve Fujiwara Gosho çeşitleri ve ülkemizden selekte edilen Yeşil Hurma, Şirin Hurma, Tuzcu, Sarı Yenen ve Fatsa-1 genotipleri üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Tür ve çeşitlerin soğuklama gereksinimleri standart ve soğuk birimi yöntemlerine göre saptanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, tür ve çeşitlerin soğuklama gereksinimleri yıllar arasında önemli farklılıklar göstermiştir. 2003-2004 yılı soğuklama gereksinimi Tuzcu ve Sarı Yenen çeşitlerinde en düşük (106 s ve 95 sb), Fuji çeşidi ve Diospyros virginiana türünde ise en yüksek (250 s ve 208 sb) olarak saptanmıştır. 2004-2005 yılı sonuçları bir önceki yıl sonuçları ile paralellik gösterse de, çeşitlerin soğuklama süreleri daha yüksek saptanmıştır. Buna göre, 2004-2005 yılı soğuklama süresi en düşük Tuzcu genotipinde (252 s ve 188 sb) ve Triumph çeşidinde (270 s ve 190 sb), en yüksek ise Yeşil Hurma ve Şirin Hurma genotiplerinde (357 s ve 271 sb) belirlenmiştir. Her iki yöntemden de elde edilen sonuçlar birbiri ile uyumlu bulunmuştur. Gerek soğuk birimi yöntemi ve gerekse standart yöntemle çeşitlerin soğuklama gereksinimlerindeki farklılıklar benzer olurken, her iki yöntemden elde edilen sonuçların etkinliği de aynı olmuştur. Sonuç olarak, tüm çeşitler aldıkları soğuk toplamlarına göre 2003-2004 yılında 2 Ocak ile 22 Ocak, 2004-2005 yılında ise 27 Aralık ile 19 Ocak tarihleri arasında dinlenmelerini tamamlamışlardır.This study was carried out on Diospyros virginiana L., Diospyros lotus L. and Diospyros kaki L. species and cultivars of Hachiya, O'Gosho, Shakoku, Kaki Tipo, Fuji, Nishimura Wase, Suruga, Jiro, Saijo, Kawabata O'Gosho, Shogatsu, Giboshi, Kirakaki, Amankaki (Italy), Akoumankaki, Kourokuma, Hyakume, Hiratanenashi, Mizushima Gosho, Giant Fuyu (Israel), Triumph and Fujiwara Gosho, and Yeşil Hurma, Şirin Hurma, Tuzcu, Sarı Yenen and Fatsa-1 which are selected Turkish cultivars at the research and implementation orchards at the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Cukurova, in Adana/Turkey during 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 years. The chilling requirements of the species and cultivars were determined using both standard and chill unit methods. The results indicated that the chilling requirements of the species and cultivars significantly varied according to the years. The chilling requirements of Tuzcu and Sarı Yenen cultivars were the lowest (106 h and 95 cu) while those of Fuji cultivar and Diospyros virginiana species were the highest (250 h and 208 cu) during 2003-2004 winter period. Despite the results of 2004-2005 were similar to those of the previous year, the chilling durations of the cultivars were found to be higher than the previous year. Thus, in 2004-2005, the lowest chilling duration was determined in Tuzcu genotype (252 h and 188 cu) and Triumph cultivar (270 h and 190 cu) whereas the highest duration were obtained from Yeşil Hurma and Şirin Hurma genotypes (357 h and 271 cu). The both standard and chill unit methods gave similar results and the efficiency of the results was found to be same. In conclusion, all cultivars completed their dormancy according to the chilling periods that they received between 2 January and 22 January during 2003-2004 winters and 27 December and 19 January during 2004-2005 winters