25 research outputs found

    Öğretmen Yetiştiren Kurumlar İçin Giriş Standartlarının Belirlenmesi: Delphi Çalışması

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    The aim of the study is to determine admittance standard fields and performance indicators for teacher training institutions using the Delphi technique. The expert group of the study consisted of 34 experts fulfilling certain criteria. Delphi technique was utilized in determination of the standards. The technique was completed in three rounds. In the analysis of the data using the Delphi process, descriptive analysis, one of the content analysis methods was conducted during Delphi I. In Delphi II and III rounds, first quarter, median, third quarter and amplitude values were utilized. At the end of the study, the standards for admittance to teacher training institutions were determined within 8 standard areas and 56 performance indicators. Thus, 19 indicators in the field of personality traits, 7 in interest, 1 in health, 3 in field knowledge, 8 in intellectual level, 8 in attitude, 9 in skills and 10 performance indicators in technology standard were determined.Çalışmanın amacı, öğretmen yetiştiren kurumlar için giriş standart alanlarının ve performans göstergelerinin delphi tekniğiyle belirlenmesidir. Araştırmanın uzman grubu belirli ölçütleri sağlayan 34 uzmandan oluşmaktadır. Standartların belirlenmesi aşamasında delphi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Teknik üç turda tamamlanmıştır. Delphi aşamasında verilerin analizinde; delphi I’de içerik analizi yaklaşımlarından betimsel analiz yapılmıştır. Delphi II ve III’ de ise birinci çeyrek, medyan, üçüncü çeyrek ve genişlik değerlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, öğretmen yetiştiren kurumlar için giriş standartları, 8 standart alanı ve 56 performans göstergesi olarak belirlenmiştir. Böylece kişilik özellikleri standart alanında 10 gösterge, ilgide 7, sağlıkta 1, alan bilgisinde 3, entelektüel düzeyde 8, tutumda 8, beceride 9 ve teknoloji standart alanında 10 performans gösterge belirlenmiştir


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    The education process in school is organized by the curriculum. Curricula aim to raise citizens in accordance with the needs and political structure of the country. Among the curricula, social studies curriculum (SSC) be shown as a curriculum that can be most affected by political foundations. Because in social studies, issues such as democracy, human rights, government style, human rights, rights and responsibilities are directly related to politics. In this study, government programs (GP) and development plans (DP) in Turkey, which are one of the main political tools that affect social studies curriculum politically, have been analyzed. In this study, the 1998, 2005 and 2018 SSCs; the 55th, 59th and 65th GPs and 7th, 8th and 10th DPs in Turkey were analyzed using the document review method. This study was designed with a case study from qualitative research methods. Content analysis method was used in analyzing the data. As a result, it is concluded that GPs and DPs affect the social SSCs in some aspects. Okulda eğitim süreci programla düzenlenir. Eğitim programları ülkenin ihtiyaçlarına ve politik yapısına uygun vatandaşlar yetiştirmeyi hedefler. Programlardan soysal bilgiler öğretim programları içerik olarak politik temellerden en fazla etkilenebilecek bir program olarak gösterilebilir. Çünkü sosyal bilgilerde içerikte demokrasi, insan hakları, yönetim biçimi, haklar ve sorumluluklar gibi konular doğrudan politika ile doğrudan ilişkilidir. Bu araştırmada sosyal bilgiler öğretim programlarını politik olarak etkileyen, temel politik araçlardan olan, hükümet programları ve kalkınma planları analiz edilmiştir. 1998, 2005 ve 2018 sosyal bilgiler öğretim programları; 55, 59 ve 65. Hükümet programları ve 7, 8 ve 10. kalkınma planları doküman incelemesi yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Bu çalışma nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum çalışması ile desenlenmiştir. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak hükümet programları ve kalkınma planlarının sosyal bilgiler öğretim programını bazı hususlarda etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.  Article visualizations

    The effect of computational thinking skill program design developed according to interest driven creator theory on prospective teachers

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    It is likely to observe that the increase in data and the interrelated challenges in digital age complicates the problems to be encountered. Therefore, unprecedented problem-solving skills have become inevitable. Though dating back to old times, computational thinking skill is defined as a recent skill area that is required by everybody, that can be used to solve the aforementioned complex problems, and that is included in international standards and training programs. In this study, it was aimed to improve computational thinking skills of prospective teachers. In order to do this, a program design which includes contents that prospective theachers can use in daily life and professional life has been developed. This program, which consists mostly of unplugged activities, also includes computer aided and robotic activities. A total of 11 voluntary prospective teachers (7 women and 4 men), who were in their 3rd year of the 4 year education in the 2017–2018 fall semester and did not attend to any programming or computational thinking education training before, participated in the study. In the first application, a 40-h program was carried out with five prospective teachers, while in the second application, an updated 52-h program was carried out with six prospective teachers. A skill test was developed, and applied to measure prospective teachers’ computational thinking skills before and after the prepared program. Moreover, at the end of the training, they were asked to preapare graduation projects and their perspectives on education were examined. It has been observed that the program applied to prospective primary education teachers, who did not take any lessons like programming etc. before, was effective according to the computational thinking related skill tests and their graduation projects. It has been also observed in prospective primary education teachers that their thinking skills such as problem solving and questioning were improved and they could reflect their acquired knowledge and skills to their daily and professional life. © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Developing a Scale on “Factors Regarding Curriculum Alignment”

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    “Curriculum alignment” is the compatibility between a country’s centralized curriculum determined by the ministry of education and what teachers do during the teaching process. However, it is observed that teachers do not exactly implement the curriculum. The purpose of this study is to develop a scale that will determine the factors that influence the curriculum alignment. Validity and reliability analyses were carried out to improve the scale. A draft of the scale consisting of 76 items at the end of interviews and literature review was conducted to 573 teachers working in primary and secondary schools. The first sample size was found suitable in terms of such analyses as correlation, anti-image values, linearity, normality and reliability. On a further phase, exploratory factor analysis was carried out for validity examination. After the analyses, a four-dimension-structure that explained 49.5% of the total variance was carried out. The ranges of the items varied from .35 to .62 and the factor loads varied from .450 to .767. At the a-end of the analysis, the four dimensions were called “teacher, curriculum, education system, and school. A scientifically significant correlation was calculated among variables. The general reliability co-efficiency of the scale was calculated as .94. As a result, it can be said that this scale is efficiently valid and reliable enough to determine the factors that influence curriculum alignment

    İşbirliği süreci ölçeği (İSÖ) geliştirilmesi

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    One of the most important components of social constructivist learning environment is that learners are in co-operation. Effectiveness of cooperative learning process also depends on implementing the requirements of cooperative learning by the learners. The key components of cooperative learning are those positive dependence, personal responsibility, face-to-face supportive interaction, group process, interpersonal social skills. The purpose of this study has taken place to determine the psychometric properties of the measurement tool that was developed to examine effectiveness of cooperative learning process. The study was carried out on 177 students at the Gaziantep University, Faculty of Education. Learning environment was instructed under the social constructivist approach and the students have done their assigned tasks in cooperation with. 48-item test was applied to students. Factor analysis was implemented to the obtained data. Results of the study indicated that measurement tool should be used to measure process of cooperative learning.Sosyal yapılandırmacı öğrenme ortamının en önemli bileşenlerinden biri öğrenenlerin işbirliği içerisinde olmalarıdır. İşbirlikli öğrenme sürecinin etkililiği bu süreçte öğrenenlerin işbirlikli öğrenmenin gerekliliklerini yerine getirmelerini de bağlıdır. İşbirlikli öğrenmenin anahtar bileşenleri, olumlu bağlılık, bireysel sorumluluk, yüz yüze destekleyici etkileşim, grup süreci, kişiler arası sosyal becerilerdir.  Bu çalışmanın amacı, işbirlikli öğrenmedeki, bu sürecin gerçekleşip gerçekleşmediğini belirlemeye yönelik geliştirilen ölçme aracının psikometrik özelliklerini incelemektir. Çalışma Gaziantep Üniversitesi Gaziantep Eğitim Fakültesi’nde “Öğretim ilke ve yöntemleri” dersine devam eden 177 öğretmen adayı üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında sosyal yapılandırmacı yaklaşıma dayalı öğrenme ortamları oluşturulmuştur ve öğretmen adayları kendilerine verilen görevleri işbirliği içerisinde gerçekleştirmişlerdir. 48 maddelik deneme formu öğrenenlere uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler üzerinde faktör analizi uygulanmıştır. Bulgular geliştirilen ölçme aracının işbirlikli öğrenme sürecinin olması gerektiği gibi gerçekleşip gerçekleşmediğini belirlemeye yönelik olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir. Ayrıca ölçme aracı tek ve beş boyutlu olarak kullanılabilmektedir

    Belief scale towards learning : Study of validity and reliability

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    The aim of this research was to develop a measurement tool for determining teachers’ beliefs towards learning and also to examine the psychometric properties of the scale. The study group of research consists of 233 teachers who work at primary school in the city centre of Gaziantep during the First Semester of 2011-2012 Academic Year. Content validity of the scale was provided via expert judgment. Exploratory Factor Analyses were done for construct validity. Exploratory Factor Analysis showed that there were 34 items in the scales loaded under 4 factors. Identified factors were named as “Social constructivism”, “Traditional”, “Cognitive Constructivism” and “Radical constructivism”. As for in the scope of reliability study for Belief Scale towards Learning, the reliability coefficient that is obtained by Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficient and split-half method has been examined. As a result of reliability analysis, the internal coefficient is determined as .86 for “Traditional Constructivist” subscale, .85 for “Social constructivist” subscale, .74 for “Cognitive constructivist” subscale and .73 for “Radical constructivist” subscale. 85. The reliability coefficients for subscales assessed by the way of split-half method are .77 for social constructivist subscale, .84 for traditional subscale, .66 for cognitive constructivist subscale, and .67 for radical constructivist subscale. These results indicate Belief Scale towards Learning is at the level of sufficient reliability. Corrected item-total correlations ranged .27 to .68, and according to t-test results differences between each item’s means of upper 27% and lower 27% points were significant. Based on these results, it can be concluded that belief scale towards learning can be used as a valid and reliable tool for determining the beliefs of teachers towards learning

    Istraživanje o uvjerenjima što ih učitelji imaju o učenju

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    The aim of this study was to investigate teachers’ beliefs about learning. So, we investigated the level of teachers’ beliefs about the traditional and constructivist approach (cognitive, social and radical). Further, it was questioned how teachers developed qualifications needed for the constructivist approach. The study was conducted on 233 teachers working in the city centre of Gaziantep in Turkey during 2011-2012 school year. “Beliefs about Learning Scale”, developed by the researchers, was used for data collection. The results revealed that the teachers adopted the constructivist approach at a higher level than the traditional approach. Speaking about the constructivist approach dimensions, the teachers adopted the social constructivist approach at a higher level than cognitive and radical constructivist approaches.  According to the gender variable, the extent to which the female teachers adopted the constructivist approach was higher in comparison with the male teachers. Moreover, it was found that the level of classroom teachers’ beliefs about the traditional approach was higher than that of subject teachers’ beliefs according to seniority. Another finding was that the increase in seniority increased the teachers’ beliefs about the traditional approach. The findings indicated that the teachers adopted qualifications for the constructivist approach mostly during their undergraduate and post-graduate education.Cilj je ovog istraživanja odrediti uvjerenja koja učitelji imaju o učenju. Istražili smo stoga razinu njihovih uvjerenja o tradicionalnim i konstruktivističkim pristupima (kognitivni, društveni i radikalni). Štoviše, tražili smo odgovor na pitanje kako učitelji razvijaju kompetencije potrebne za konstruktivistički pristup. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 233 učitelja koji poučavaju u središtu turskog grada Gaziantepa tijekom šk. godine 2011./2012. Ljestvica za utvrđivanje uvjerenja o učenju, koju su izradili sami autori, korištena je za prikupljanje podataka. Rezultati su otkrili da učitelji usvajaju konstruktivistički pristup na višoj razini u odnosu na tradicionalni pristup. Kada je riječ o dimenzijama konstruktivističkog pristup, učitelji usvajaju društveni konstruktivizam na višoj razini nego kognitivni ili radikalni konstruktivizam. S obzirom na rod kao varijablu, učiteljice usvajaju konstruktivistički pristup na višoj razini od učitelja. Pokazalo se, štoviše, da je razina uvjerenja što ih razredni učitelji imaju o tradicionalnom pristupu viša nego u slučaju predmetnih učitelja kada se promatraju godine staža. S porastom godina staža rastu i uvjerenja učitelja o tradicionalnom pristupu. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da učitelji usvajaju kompetencije potrebne za konstruktivistički pristup uglavnom tijekom dodiplomskog i poslijediplomskog obrazovanja

    Öğretmen yetiştiren kurumlara öğrenci seçiminde kullanılacak giriş standartlarının nasıl ölçülebileceği üzerine bir araştırma

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    Araştırmanın amacı, Kahramanoğlu (2014) tarafından belirlenen giriş standart alanlarında yer alan performans göstergelerinin nasıl ölçülebileceğini belirlemektir. Bu performans göstergelerin çalışma için kullanılmasındaki amaç, öğretmen yetiştiren kurumlara öğrenci seçiminde kullanılabilecek düzeyde kabul edildiği içindir. Belirli kriterleri taşıyan 34 uzman araştırmanın örneklemini oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplama aracı olarak "Performans Göstergelerinin Nasıl Ölçülebileceğinin Belirlenmesi Formu" kullanılmıştır. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde yüzde ve sıklıktan yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, araştırmaya katılan öğretim elamanlarının büyük çoğunluğu kişisel özellik standart alanında yer alan performans göstergelerinin kişilik testleri, mülakat sınavı ve öğretmen gözlem raporları ile ölçülebileceğini ifade etmişlerdir. İlgi standart alanında yer alan performans göstergelerinin ölçülmesinde mülakat sınavı ve ilgi envanteri ön plana çıkarken, sağlık standart alanında psikolojik testler ön plana çıkmıştır. Alan bilgisi standart alanında yer alan performans göstergelerinin ölçülmesinde ise ön plana çıkan uygulama başarı testleridir. Entelektüel düzey standart alanında mülakat sınavı; tutumda, beceride ve teknoloji standart alanında ise öğretmen gözlem raporları ön plana çıkan alternatif uygulamadırThe purpose of the study was to determine how to measure the performance indicators in admission standards developed by Kahramanoğlu (2014). These performance indicators were utilized in the study, since they were accepted as fit for use in student selection for teacher education institutions.. Sample of the research consisted of 34 specialists who have some certain criteria. A survey form to determine how Performance Indicators could be measured was used as data collection tool. Percentage and frequencies were used in data analysis. As a result of research, a majority of teaching professionals participating in the study has stated that the performance indicators designated for personality traits standard area could be measured via personality tests, interviews and teacher observation reports. While interviews and interest inventory were considered as significant in measuring the performance indicators designated for the interest standard area, psychological tests came into prominence in the health standard area. The most prominent implementation in measuring the performance indicators for the field knowledge standard area, however, was that of achievement tests. Other prominent alternative implementations were interviews in the intellectual level standard area, and teacher observation reports in the attitude, skills and technology standard areas, respectivel

    Development of "Learner Roles in Constructive Learning Environment" Scale

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    Abstract Introduction. This study aims to develop a scale to determine learner roles in constructiv

    Elaboración de la Escala "Papeles del aprendiz en un entorno de aprendizaje constructivista"

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    Vincent Bradel, Freude und Leid der Stadt-Kartographie. Die Rekonstruktion eines Stadtplans zu den verschiedenen geschichtlichen Epochen ist eins der wichtigsten Instrumente der Stadthistoriker. Diese Wiederherstellung kann nicht ohne Ruckgriff auf Archivdokumente erfolgen, das heisst Bilddokumente wie beispielsweise Plane und Karten, aber auch aus Fiskus-und Notariats-Archiven stammend. In einigen grossen französischen Stâdten sind «Atlanten» in Vorbereitung, deren nach einheitlichen Richtlinien erstellten Plane die kompletten Daten bezuglich eines Viertels oder einer ganzen Stadt zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten synthetisieren. Mit Hilfe der Informatik, die ein wertvolles Hilfsmittel bei Rekonstruktionen geworden ist, sind derlei Plane dank synthetischer Bilder anschaulicher und nicht so statisch wie Druckveröffentlichungen. Aufgrund dieser Technik ermöglichte dreidimensionelle Darstellungen erfordern jedoch mehr und akkuratere Informationen als herkömmlich erstellte Plane, insbesondere hinsichtlich der Volumen, Materialien und Farben der Bauwerke : in diesem Fall muss der Historiker auf Schlussfolgerungen basierende Rekonstruktionen vornehmen, die eher seiner Intuition als den zur Verfugung stehenden Quellen entspringen.Vincent Bradel, Joys and pains of town cartography. Reconstituting the map of a town at various moments of its history is one of the essential tools for the historian of town development. This can be done only by recourse to the documents in the archives, that is, not only to the «figurative» documents such as maps or plans, but also to fiscal and notarial records. In several big cities of France, such historical «Atlases» are in preparation, where maps, drawn according to uniform specifications, will synthetize ail the information which is collected on a quarter of the town or on its whole, at given periods. ADP is a precious help for these reconstitutions, as it can, thanks to the «synthetic images», create pictures which are less static and more vivid than printed maps. But these three-dimensional representations of the urban space, such as are made possible by this technique, need more precise and numerous information than the mere drawing of plans, especially as concerns the architecture, the materials, and the colours of the buildings. The historian is therefore obliged to attempt conjectural reconstitutions, which are a product more of his intuition than of the actual data available in the documents.Vincent Bradel, Alegrias y penas de la cartografia urbana. La reconstitución de la mapa de una ciudad a varios momentos de su historia es una de las herramientas esenciales de los historiadores del urbanismo. Esa reconstitución no puede hacerse sin recurrir a los documentos de archivos, es decir, no sólo a los documentos figurativos tal como mapas y pianos, sino también a los documentos fiscales y a los protócolos notariales. En varias grandes ciudades de Francia, tales «Atlases históricos» están en preparación, cuyas mapas, disenadas según convenciones uniformes, sintetizarán toda la información recogida sobre un barrio o sobre la entera ciudad a varios periodos. La informática es un auxiliar precioso para esas reconstituciones, ya que puede, gracias a las «imágenes de sintesis», hacerlas menos estáticas y más «elocuentes » que mapas impresas. Pero las representaciones tri-dimensionales de un paisaje urbano, tal como las hace posible esa técnica, necesitan informaciones más précisas y numerosas que el simple trazar de pianos, especialmente para lo que concierne la arquitectura, los materiales y los colores de los edificios. El historiador entonces tiene que lanzarse en reconstituciones conjecturales, que procieden más de su intuición que de los documentos que ha utilizado.Bradel Vincent. Les joies et les peines de la cartographie urbaine. In: La Gazette des archives, n°162, 1993. pp. 205-215