151 research outputs found

    Entre la cultura y la alfabetización informática

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    Este artículo describe y analiza algunos términos como son 'alfabetización visual 'y 'alfabetización informática '. Posteriormente, se hace una discusión sobre los contenidos de la cultura tecnológica e informática a incluir en el curriculum de la formación del profesorado. Finalmente se expresa que el fenómeno de la alfabetización informática puede ser contemplado no como algo educativo sino como una campaña ideológica que coincide con el refuerzo de la visión hegemónica de un futuro informatizado

    Relaciones interculturales en educación mediadas por narraciones audiovisuales Audiovisual Narrations Based on Intercultural Relationships in Education

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    En este artículo describimos el trabajo iniciado en el año 2008 en dos colegios públicos. Planteamos analizar la posible contribución de la narración de historias con lenguajes de la fotografía y del cine al conocimiento mutuo de los humanos. Pensamos que este tipo de relatos audiovisuales es más adecuado que el textual para vincular lo afectivo y lo racional en el alumnado de educación infantil y primaria que es diverso culturalmente y, muy probablemente, no todos y todas están alfabetizados en la lengua autóctona. Con tem plamos el relato de historias como la base del uso de los medios técnicos para fomentar relaciones intra e intergrupos de dicho alumnado y, consecuentemente, para facilitar el entendimiento entre ellos. Concluimos señalando que las situaciones de enseñanza configuradas por el mencionado uso de los medios tecnológicos ayudan a que los protagonistas de los relatos audiovisuales den sentido a cosas, ideas, relaciones y acontecimientos de la vida que están dispersas; a que construyan significados intersubjetivos, y a que asuman el compromiso de usar el diálogo y la negociación de significados como la mejor forma de fomentar prácticas más democráticas, igualitarias y justas. In this article, we describe a work started in 2008 and carried out in two public schools. We analyze the possible contribution of narration (photographic and film languages) to mutual human knowledge and the understanding of the events that surround group knowledge. We think that this type of audiovisual narration is more appropriate than mere texts to relate the affective and rational in Primary school children, as they are a culturally diverse population and, consequently, not all of them are literate in the native language. We envision storytelling as the basis for using of technical resources to encourage not only inter- and intra-group exchanges with these children, but also to encourage mutual understanding among them. We conclude by pointing out how teaching situations mediated by the use of technological resources help the participants to make sense of things, ideas, relationships and life events that are dispersed, as well as to build interpersonal meanings. Finally, through these methods, the protagonists of the audiovisual narrations are able to use the dialogue and the negotiation of meaning as the best way to encourage more democratic, egalitarian and fair practices

    Technology and social inequality in education in the Spanish context

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    In this article, I will analyze the possibilities that new technologies present us with both to increase and to diminish existing social inequalities. I will examine the topic from a conceptual point of view taken from preexisting models of technological development and from the primary functions attributed to technological products. The educative intervention proposed in this paper is founded on the previous explanation, mainly because we understand that a wider knowledge of technology leads to a greater independence of its users from such devices so as to reach a more thorough personal and social development.In this article, I will analyze the possibilities that new technologies present us with both to increase and to diminish existing social inequalities. I will examine the topic from a conceptual point of view taken from preexisting models of technological development and from the primary functions attributed to technological products. The educative intervention proposed in this paper is founded on the previous explanation, mainly because we understand that a wider knowledge of technology leads to a greater independence of its users from such devices so as to reach a more thorough personal and social development

    Technological development and teacher education curriculum in Spain

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    The purpose of this article is to present questions and reflections to justify a proposal for technological contents to be included in a teacher education curriculum. Technological development is the central topic of subject matters, because technological development at any given time is really the memory of all the roads taken by technology through recent centuries up to the present. Specifically, three thematic points must be included: the economic-labour, political and cultural dimensions of the development of new computer products. These three groups of subject matters are historically justified because they have antecedents and because their inclusion in mandatory university courses responds, in part, to the need to compensate for the social and labour imbalance created with the expropriation of the artisan’s knowledge in past centuries.The purpose of this article is to present questions and reflections to justify a proposal for technological contents to be included in a teacher education curriculum. Technological development is the central topic of subject matters, because technological development at any given time is really the memory of all the roads taken by technology through recent centuries up to the present. Specifically, three thematic points must be included: the economic-labour, political and cultural dimensions of the development of new computer products. These three groups of subject matters are historically justified because they have antecedents and because their inclusion in mandatory university courses responds, in part, to the need to compensate for the social and labour imbalance created with the expropriation of the artisan’s knowledge in past centuries

    Calidad de la educación en la sociedad de la información

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    Se analiza la relación entre el uso de la tecnología digital en la enseñanza y la mejora de la calidad de la educación. Se contemplan las vertientes instructiva, formativa, curricular o cultural en la utilización de los medios tecnológicos como dimensiones necesarias para que la ciudadanía afronte los retos que presenta la actual sociedad de la información y de la comunicación. Dichas dimensiones, a su vez, son consideradas indicadores de la mejora de la calidad de la educación pues llevan a contemplar dichas herramientas como soportes de lenguajes artísticos. Asimismo, en este artículo, se ilustra el anterior planteamiento sobre calidad educativa con la exposición de la conformación de una comunidad de práctica en un colegio de primaria que usa dichos medios para producir y narrar historias sobre temas relevantes de su contexto local

    Technology and social inequality in education in the Spanish context

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    In this article, I will analyze the possibilities that new technologies present us with both to increase and to diminish existing social inequalities. I will examine the topic from a conceptual point of view taken from preexisting models of technological development and from the primary functions attributed to technological products. The educative intervention proposed in this paper is founded on the previous explanation, mainly because we understand that a wider knowledge of technology leads to a greater independence of its users from such devices so as to reach a more thorough personal and social development.In this article, I will analyze the possibilities that new technologies present us with both to increase and to diminish existing social inequalities. I will examine the topic from a conceptual point of view taken from preexisting models of technological development and from the primary functions attributed to technological products. The educative intervention proposed in this paper is founded on the previous explanation, mainly because we understand that a wider knowledge of technology leads to a greater independence of its users from such devices so as to reach a more thorough personal and social development

    Technological development and teacher education curriculum in Spain

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    The purpose of this article is to present questions and reflections to justify a proposal for technological contents to be included in a teacher education curriculum. Technological development is the central topic of subject matters, because technological development at any given time is really the memory of all the roads taken by technology through recent centuries up to the present. Specifically, three thematic points must be included: the economic-labour, political and cultural dimensions of the development of new computer products. These three groups of subject matters are historically justified because they have antecedents and because their inclusion in mandatory university courses responds, in part, to the need to compensate for the social and labour imbalance created with the expropriation of the artisan’s knowledge in past centuries.The purpose of this article is to present questions and reflections to justify a proposal for technological contents to be included in a teacher education curriculum. Technological development is the central topic of subject matters, because technological development at any given time is really the memory of all the roads taken by technology through recent centuries up to the present. Specifically, three thematic points must be included: the economic-labour, political and cultural dimensions of the development of new computer products. These three groups of subject matters are historically justified because they have antecedents and because their inclusion in mandatory university courses responds, in part, to the need to compensate for the social and labour imbalance created with the expropriation of the artisan’s knowledge in past centuries

    Communication and guidance of teachers preservice through virtual campus

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    La investigación que presentamos en este artículo es parte de un estudio sobre las posibilidades que ofrece el campus virtual de la Universidad Complutense en el desarrollo del practicum de futuros Licenciados en Pedagogía. Se encuadra dentro del análisis de las posibilidades que ofrecen al campo de la educación las redes de comunicación soportadas por herramientas informáticas (TIC).In this article we pretend to illustrate this opportunities of educative innovation with part of a research on the possibility the virtual campus of UCM to development the practicum of school pedagogy by means to analyse of the use in education of communication networks and ICT