2,390 research outputs found

    Learning Counterfactual Representations for Estimating Individual Dose-Response Curves

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    Estimating what would be an individual's potential response to varying levels of exposure to a treatment is of high practical relevance for several important fields, such as healthcare, economics and public policy. However, existing methods for learning to estimate counterfactual outcomes from observational data are either focused on estimating average dose-response curves, or limited to settings with only two treatments that do not have an associated dosage parameter. Here, we present a novel machine-learning approach towards learning counterfactual representations for estimating individual dose-response curves for any number of treatments with continuous dosage parameters with neural networks. Building on the established potential outcomes framework, we introduce performance metrics, model selection criteria, model architectures, and open benchmarks for estimating individual dose-response curves. Our experiments show that the methods developed in this work set a new state-of-the-art in estimating individual dose-response

    ATP binding to bovine serum albumin

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    AbstractSpecific binding or ATP to bovine serum albumin (BSA) is demonstrated employing ATP derivatives spin-labeled at either N6 or C8 of adenine ring or at the ribose moiety. Based on a 1:1 stoichiometry binding constants are in the 50–100 ÎŒM range. Binding is largely competitive with ATP or stearic acid. A small fraction of the labeled nucleotides could not be liberated by these ligands. Binding of AMP is in the millimolar range, only

    Die pĂ€dagogische Beziehung. Neurowissenschaften und PĂ€dagogik im Dialog. Ein Überblick unter besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung der Vorschulzeit

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    Soziale Erfahrungen werden vom Gehirn evaluiert, mit biologischen Reaktionen beantwortet und formen das kindliche Gehirn. Dieser Prozess hat beim Eintritt eines Kindes in die Schule bereits ĂŒber Jahre hinweg stattgefunden und Tatsachen geschaffen. Daher sollte die vorschulische Entwicklung des Kindes stĂ€rker in den Blickpunkt der SchulpĂ€dagogik rĂŒcken. Aus neurowissenschaftlicher Perspektive lassen sich zwei Phasen der KleinkindpĂ€dagogik unterscheiden. Der Autor beschreibt, unter welchen Voraussetzungen sich in den ersten zwei Lebensjahren ein „Selbst“ bildet und wie sich dessen neurobiologische Korrelate formieren. Die Zeit vom dritten bis sechsten Lebensjahr steht in einem Spannungsfeld von Individuation einerseits und der Notwendigkeit andrerseits, soziale Regeln zu verinnerlichen. Entscheidend fĂŒr die Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen ist die pĂ€dagogische Beziehung. Instrumente wie Spiegelung, Resonanz und Anleitung zur Selbststeuerung, deren sich die PĂ€dagogik bereits in den vorschulischen Jahren bedienen muss, bleiben auch in der SchulpĂ€dagogik bestimmend. (DIPF/Orig.

    Il contributo del "Neuroscienze sociali" alla comprensione della psiche

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    Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag verdeutlicht die Bedeutung von wechselseitigen dyadischen Spiegelungs- und Resonanzprozessen zwischen SĂ€ugling und Bezugsperson fĂŒr die Entstehung eines frĂŒhkindlichen Selbst. Die neurobiologische Basis interpersoneller Spiegelungs- und Resonanzprozesse, deren Bedeutung sich nicht nur auf die frĂŒhe Kindheit erstreckt, bildet das System der Spiegelneurone („Mirror Neuron System“), wobei dem von William Hutchison entdeckten limbischen Spiegelsystem („Limbic Mirror System“) eine besondere Bedeutung zukommt. Jenseits der frĂŒhen Kindheit bedienen sich Menschen, um sich gegenseitig intuitiv zu verstehen, des Systems der Spiegelneurone. Neurobiologische Grundlage fĂŒr die FĂ€higkeit des Menschen zum bewussten Perspektivwechsel sind im Stirnhirn, also im prĂ€frontalen Cortex beheimatete Strukturen, welche innere Vorstellungen sowohl des Selbst als auch signifikanter Anderer kodieren. Wenn Menschen sich bewusst bemĂŒhen, die innere Welt Anderer zu verstehen, werden immer auch Netzwerke aktiviert, die das innere Bild der eigenen Person gespeichert haben, ein als „Self-Projection“ bezeichneter Mechanismus. Das Stirnhirn beheimatet – neben den genannten Strukturen – neuronale Netzwerke, die als innerer Selbst-Beobachter fungieren und eine wesentliche Rolle fĂŒr gute SelbstfĂŒrsorge spielen. FĂŒr die psychotherapeutische Arbeit von Bedeutung sind Spiegelungs- und Resonanzprozesse zwischen Therapeut und Patient. Ebenso bedeutsam sind die Kommunikation des Therapeuten mit dem inneren Selbstbeobachter des Patienten, die Ermutigung zu guter SelbstfĂŒrsorge und die StĂ€rkung des Selbst.SchlĂŒsselwörter: Soziale Neurowissenschaften, Selbst, Spiegelneurone, Self-Projection, Mirroring (Spiegelung), Verstehen, Theory of Mind, Psyche, Psychotherapie, Social Brain, Resonanz, SelbstheilungskrĂ€fteSummary: This contribution clarifies the meaning of reciprocal dyadic mirroring and resonance processes between the infant and caretaker in the emergence of an infantile Self. The neuro-biological basis of interpersonal mirroring and resonance processes, whose significance extends beyond early childhood, gives rise to the Mirror Neuron System (“Mirror Neuron System”), whereby William Hutchison’s discovery of the Limbic Mirror System (“Limbic Mirror System”) is of special significance. Beyond early childhood the Mirror Neuron System allows people to understand each other intuitively. The neuro-biological basis for people’s ability to consciously change perspective is in the frontal lobe, that is; located in the prefrontal cortex structures, where the inner conceptualization of the Self as well as significant others are coded. When people consciously make an effort to understand the inner world of the other, networks are always activated, where the inner image of their own person has been stored, and is referred to as a “Self-Projection” mechanism. The frontal cortex is the location –in addition to the so-called structural neuronal networks that function as inner self-observer and play a significant role for good self-welfare. Mirroring and resonance processes between the therapist and patient are of relevance for psychotherapeutic work. Likewise of equal importance is the communication of the therapist with the inner self-observer of the patient, the encouragement of good self-care and strengthening the Self.Keywords: Social neurosciences, the Self, mirror neurons, self-projection, mirroring, understanding, Theory of Mind, psyche, psychotherapy, social brain, resonance, self-healing forcesRiassunto: Il contributo spiega il significato dei processi dinamici e reciproci di rispecchiamento e di risonanza tra il lattante e la persona di riferimento nella formazione del sĂ© della prima infanzia. La base neurobiologica dei processi di rispecchiamento e di risonanza interpersonali, il cui significato non si estende esclusivamente alla prima infanzia, Ăš costituita dal sistema dei neuroni specchio ("Mirror Neuron System") all'interno del quale acquisisce particolare importanza il sistema di rispecchiamento limbico ("Limbic Mirror System"), scoperto da William Hutchison. Oltre che della prima infanzia, per capirsi reciprocamente in modo intuitivo gli esseri umani si servono del sistema dei neuroni specchio. La base neurobiologica per la capacitĂ  dell'uomo di cambiare prospettiva coscientemente si trova nel lobo frontale, dunque in strutture situate nella corteccia prefrontale, in grado di codificare le rappresentazioni interne sia del sĂ© sia dell'altro significativo. Quando le persone si sforzano coscientemente di comprendere il mondo interiore degli altri, si attivano sempre anche reti nelle quali Ăš memorizzata l'immagine interiore della propria persona, un meccanismo definito "Self-Projection". Il lobo frontale, oltre alle strutture citate, ospita reti neuronali che fungono da auto osservatore interno e svolgono un ruolo essenziale per una buona cura del sĂ©. Per il lavoro psicoterapeutico sono significativi i processi di rispecchiamento e di risonanza tra terapeuta e paziente. Altrettanto importanti sono la comunicazione del terapeuta con l'auto osservatore interno del paziente, l'incoraggiamento a una buona cura del sĂ© e il rafforzamento del sĂ©.Parole chiave: Neuroscienze sociali, SĂ©, Neuroni specchio, Self-Projection, Mirroring (rispecchiamento), Comprensione, Theory of Mind, Psiche, Psicoterapia, social brain, Risonanza, Forze di autoguarigion

    Sea Rover Data Report I: North Atlantic Summer 1981 - NOA '81

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    Local and Global Well-posedness of the fractional order EPDiff equation on Rd\mathbb{R}^{d}

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    Of concern is the study of fractional order Sobolev--type metrics on the group of H∞H^{\infty}-diffeomorphism of Rd\mathbb{R}^{d} and on its Sobolev completions Dq(Rd)\mathcal{D}^{q}(\mathbb{R}^{d}). It is shown that the HsH^{s}-Sobolev metric induces a strong and smooth Riemannian metric on the Banach manifolds Ds(Rd)\mathcal{D}^{s}(\mathbb{R}^{d}) for s>1+d2s >1 + \frac{d}{2}. As a consequence a global well-posedness result of the corresponding geodesic equations, both on the Banach manifold Ds(Rd)\mathcal{D}^{s}(\mathbb{R}^{d}) and on the smooth regular Fr\'echet-Lie group of all H∞H^{\infty}-diffeomorphisms is obtained. In addition a local existence result for the geodesic equation for metrics of order 12≀s<1+d/2\frac{1}{2} \leq s < 1 + d/2 is derived.Comment: 37 page
