973 research outputs found

    Real-cases of electromagnetic immunity and reliability in embedded electronics architectures

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    This papers concerns works about electromagnetic immunity and reliability investigations on electronics devices, combined with different physical impacts as temperature

    Bruit électromagnétique et susceptibilité des architectures électroniques en présence d'environnement thermique agressif

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    Ce papier présente une synthèse d'études, principalement expérimentales, menées au LabCEEM-IUT de Tarbes autour des interactions thermique-électromagnétiques dans des architectures électroniques sensibles. Une première partie présente les développements de méthodes et de bancs associés visant à qualifier le comportement CEM : émission, immunité, de cartes électroniques en fonction de la température locale ou ambiante. Des résultats et leurs analyses sur des démonstrateurs électroniques reproduisant des commandes de type numérique et modulables (PWM) sont présentés. Cette synthèse démontre quelques conclusions importantes quant à l'origine et les conséquences de la modification des performances CEM dues à la température

    Thermal-electromagnetic susceptibility behaviors of PWM patterns used in control electronic circuit

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    with constraints for high-level integration of electronics, new EMC behaviors have to be considered to prevent real electromagnetic compliance. Especially, in embedded and on-board device's context, environmental temperature has an influence on the circuit behavior and EMC figures. This paper deals with susceptibility studies combined with temperature effects on electronic devices used to control power and transmissions. Specific dual thermal-electromagnetic test set-up developed for this are presented. Main results of an experimental campaign on digital PCB dedicated for generation of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) patterns are presented. Temperature dependant susceptibility and sensitivity of the PWM parameters are compared and analyzed

    Contribution to the study of the frenic nerves in opossum. I. Sistemtization of the terminal branches. II. Distribution of the terminal branches

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    Com base na dissecção de 30 diafragmas de Didelphis aurita (gambá), adultos, 19 machos e 11 fêmeas, os AA. estudam a divisão do nervo frênico e o endereçamento dos ramos dela resultantes às pars lumbalis, pars costalis e pars sternalis. Anastomoses mereceram igualmente registro.Based on the dissection of 30 diaphragms of Didelphis aurita (opossum), adults, 19 males and 11 females, the AA. study the division of the frenic nerve and the distribution of the resulting branches to the pars lumbalis, pars costalis and pars sternalis. Anastomosis have been observed

    Investigations multi physiques et expérimentations virtuelles des cas de bruits électromagnétiques et d'interactions champ proche dans les systèmes mobiles et mécatroniques.

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    Ce papier présente les études CEM menées sur des architectures électroniques mobiles et mécatroniques. Une première partie présente une synthèse de comportement électromagnétique a la fois sur les émissions de modules de puissance et sur l'immunité des modules de contrôle et commande associés. Les perspectives et études en cours sur les impacts CEM issus de la montée en fréquence de convertisseurs, actionneurs, et du rapprochement des signaux de commande dans le système sont présentées

    The behavior-analytic approach to emotional self-control

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     Some psychological approaches distinguish behavioral self-control from emotional self-control, the latter being approached with the reference to inside events controlled by the individual himself. This paper offers some directions to a behavior-analytic approach of what has been referred to as emotional self-control. According to Behavior Analysis, no new process is found in emotional self-control, but components that are additional to those found in behavioral self-control, which require appropriate treatment. The paper highlights some determinants of behavioral repertoires taken as instances of emotional self-control: the social context in which self-control is produced and maintained; the conflicts between consequences for the individual and for the group; and the degree of participation of the motor apparatus in the emission of emotional responses. Keywords: emotional self-control; emotional responses; inner world; behavior analysis.  Algumas abordagens psicológicas diferenciam autocontrole comportamental e autocontrole emocional, este último abordado com a referência a eventos controlados no interior do indivíduo. No presente artigo, discutem-se algumas direções para a interpretação analítico-comportamental do que em outros contextos é referido como autocontrole emocional. Para a Análise do Comportamento, no autocontrole emocional tem-se não um processo diferente do autocontrole comportamental, mas componentes adicionais nos fenômenos investigados, que requerem um tratamento adequado. O artigo destaca alguns determinantes do padrão de comportamento definido como autocontrole emocional: o contexto social de produção e ocorrência do autocontrole, os conflitos entre consequências para o indivíduo e para o grupo e o grau de participação do aparelho motor na emissão de respostas emocionais. Palavras-chave: autocontrole emocional; respostas emocionais; mundo interno; análise do comportamento.

    Análisis y caracterización de señales eléctricas del cerebro utilizando interfaz cerebro computador

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    Different processes of cerebral activity can be perceived as electrical signals. Some of them can generate potentials over the scalp. These potentials can be captured through an electroencephalogram (EEG) system. In case it’s motor activity (related to arm, legs and other limb movements), regions associated with motor and sensorial tasks present a variation in activity, called sensorimotor rhythms (SMR), and is observed in the mu (8 – 12 Hz) and part of Beta (18 – 30 Hz) band frequencies, even if it’s only the movement imagination. The next article looks for the differentiation and identification of the movement intention (motorimagination), in base to the changes in energy of the bands previously mentioned and topographical analysis, to establish if this electrical activity is viable to generate outputs in control systems.Los diferentes procesos de la actividad cerebral pueden percibirse como señales eléctricas. Algunas de ellas pueden generar potenciales en el cuero cabelludo. Estos potenciales pueden ser captados mediante un sistema de Electroencefalograma (EEG). En el caso de actividad motora (relacionada a movimientos de brazos, piernas y otros) se presenta actividad en las regiones motoras y sensoriales conocidas como ritmos sensoriomotores (SMR) en las bandas de frecuencia mu (8 a 12 Hz) y de una parte de la banda Beta (de 18 a 30 Hz), incluso, si es solo la imaginación del movimiento. Con esto en cuenta, el siguiente artículo busca ladiferenciación e identificación de la intención del movimiento (imaginación motora), en base a los cambios de energía en las bandas de energía previamente mencionados y análisis topográfico, para establecer si esta actividad eléctrica es viable para generar outputs en sistemas de control a partir de ella
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