113 research outputs found

    Ecotourism, Conservation Mangement, and Regional Government Autonomy

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    At the end decade of 20 th century, the rate of world tourism development was related to "nature-oriented" travelling so high. In tourism terminology, this travelling is conceived as ecotourism. Almost all countries in the world respond to this new concept of tourism enthusiastically, in particular, developing countries which rich with natural areas with regard to foreign exchange from International tourists. Unfortunatelly, those natural areas are protected areas which designated as such because of intrinsically unique, beautiful, high biodiversity, and ecologically fragile. The use of these protected areas are limited to conserve is natural conditions. This paper emphasize the need of us to guard against this new concept of tourism, review of ecotourism concept from ecological perspective; the relationship between conservation management authority and regional otonomy


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    Situ Gunung Natural Tourism area as part of Gunung Gede Pangrango Natural Park utilization zone is a popular natural tourism destination. Therefore, the assessment on objects and attraction natural tourism attraction of Situ Gunung (ODTWASG) based on the satisfaction of management as the supply and visitors as the demand is essential to identify object and nature attraction that ecologically, socially, and economically need to be improved or maintained by the managers. The assessment results data were then processed and analyzed by using conformity scale method and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The results showed that there was one unsatisfying attribute on both parties in economic scale, i.e., the making of suspension bridge. Besides, there were two attributes of economic ODTWASG that have not been managed optimally. Thus, it has not contributed to customer satisfaction, which were food and beverages prices at the food court as well as water tourism object entrance fee. Therefore, ODTWASG supply optimization could focus on these two economic attributes; first, setting and adjusting the attribute of food and beverages prices, and second, improving water tourism quality.  Key words: Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), satisfaction, supply and deman

    Implementation of The Concept of Conservation Area Buffer Zone in Indonesia

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    Conservation area buffer zones are recognized to provide ecological, social, and economic benefits in supporting conservation areas' integrity. Nevertheless, little is known hitherto about the development dynamics of conservation area buffer zones in Indonesia. Therefore, a study concerning theory, policy, and management of the conservation area buffer zones in Indonesia is necessary to analyze its performance, identify problems in its implementation, and formulate its evidence-based development policy. This study aims to identify and analyze issues in implementing the concept of conservation area buffer zone as well as recommend policy formulation to accelerate the development of conservation area buffer zones in Indonesia. This study is an exploratory research through a literature review with semi-systematic approach. It finds that there are only nine out of 530 (1.7%) conservation areas in Indonesia with a formally established buffer zone. This condition is mainly due to the absence of buffer zone institutions at the regional government levels. Meanwhile, the management of supposedly buffer zones has been conducted through various projects for strengthening the functions of buffer zones by conservation area managers, either in the form of land-based or non-land-based projects. This study results in recommendations for all interested parties to urge the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and the Ministry of Home Affairs to promulgate and renew the regulations concerning the procedures of establishing and managing conservation area buffer zones. Moreover, regarding the institutional aspect, there is a need for a particular structure in both ministries to address community empowerment issues at the site level

    Ecotourism, Conservation Mangement, and Regional Government Autonomy

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    At the end decade of 20 th century, the rate of world tourism development was related to "nature-oriented"  travelling so high. In tourism terminology, this travelling is conceived as ecotourism. Almost all countries  in the world respond to this new concept of tourism enthusiastically, in particular, developing countries which rich with natural areas with regard to foreign exchange from international tourists. Unfortunatelly, those natural areas are protected areas which designated as such because of intrinsically unique, beautiful, high biodiversity, and ecologically fragile. The use  of these protected areas are limited to conserve is natural conditions. This paper emphasize the need of us to guard against this new concept of tourism, review of ecotourism concept from ecological perspective; the relationship between conservation management authority and regional otonomy

    Manajemen Perkembangbiakan dalam Usaha Penangkaran Rusa (Cervus spp.) Ditinjau dari Aspek Perilakunya

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    The success of deer (Cems spp.) breeding in captivity requires understanding of the basic reproductive characteristics of hinds and stags and factors affecting their performance.Birth-pulse breeding season is less pronounced in tropical regions than in artic and temperate regions. However, most ungulate species in semi-arid and arid tropical regions do show seasonality in breeding (birth-pulse breeding season) and there is also evidence that certain ungulate species,especially from the family Bovidae and Cervidae, in humid tropical regions tend to have more or less distinct breeding season. For example, Cervus timorensis has a breeding season in July - September and an onset of calving in May - June with the length of gestation period of 267 - 284 days.Little is known about the reproductive characteristics of Cems unicolor, but information about Cervus elophus in New Zealand possibly can be used as a comparative reference.The management of stags at mating is a crucial factor in reproduction and much of it is related to their competitive behaviour. When more than one stag is running with a group of hinds, a hierarchy will be established and one of them, usually the largest, becomes dominant and can control a large harem. With or without antlers, stags become extremely belligerent and dangerous to handle during the rut, so it is wise to introduce them into mating groups well before mating starts. Early introduction may result in unnecessary exhaustion of stags before mating actually starts, because stags reduce their feeding activities dramatically while defending a harem

    Stakeholder Management of Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove dan Bekantan in Tarakan City

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    Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove dan Bekantan (KKMB) is a protected area that is managed by Tarakan City Government for mangrove and proboscis monkey conservation. KKMB has a few stakeholders involved in the area. In order to create collaborative management, there must be conducted a stakeholder analysis and management. The research aimed to give stakeholder management recommendations for KKMB. Research data was collected through interviews and questionnaires. This research was also conducted to compare two methods in stakeholder analysis, Reed et al. method and Driscoll and Starik method. The result shows that Driscoll and Starik method is more objective to be used for measuring the stakeholder priority. PT Pertamina EP had to be the first priority in stakeholder management because it has great power, urgency, and legitimacy towards KKMB. In order to improve the relationship between stakeholders in KKMB there must be applied a practical strategy. This strategy strives for optimizing the area advantages for all stakeholders and also fulfill the stakeholders' needs for the area, which are facility maintenance, area sustainability improvement, and optimization of tourism activity. 


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    Increasing aquaculture is not accompanied by the sustainability of mangrove forests which are ecosystems along the coast of Indramayu. This research aims to estimate the extent of existing mangrove forest, to identify of mangrove forest utilization, to analyze the interests and influence of stakeholders involved in the management and utilization of mangrove forest in Indramayu Regency. The methods used are desk study, observation, and interview. Primary data were obtained from interviews with semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed using stakeholders analysis methods. The primary data also obtined is Landsat 8 OLI image data recorded in June 2017. Secondary data is obtained from OPD in several maps type, regulation documents and main task of OPD. Spatial analysis compares the existing land cover with forest area maps and Spatial Plan. The result of the research shows that the area of mangrove vegetation cover is 2,228,79 Ha. There are 27 stakeholders involved in mangrove forest management in Indramayu Regency. The results of stakeholder mapping indicate that there are six stakeholders in the quadrant subject (high interest, low influence), eight stakeholders in the key player quadrant (high interest, high influence), eleven in the crowd quadrant (low interest, low influence), and one stakeholder in the quadrant context setters (low interest, high influence).Keyword: interest, mangrove, utilization, influence, stakeholder

    Ketersedian Tenaga Kerja Sektor Pertanian Di Daerah Penyangga Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (Agricultures Labour Availability in the Bufferzone of Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park)

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    Ability of buffer zone in protecting conservation area depends very much on development of economic opportunity of the buffer zone area itself. The objective of this research was to provide description on economic condition of the buffer zone of Gunung Gede – Pangrango National Park (TNGP) based on economic indicators, particularly the availability of labor in agriculture sector. Method of Location Quotient (LQ) was applied to describe whether the agriculture labor in buffer zone constituted the base sector or not. Employment Surplus Index (ESI) was used to calculate surplus of agriculture labor while Shift Share Analysis (SSA) was used to show shift in labor availability in agriculture sector. Research results showed that agriculture sector labor in buffer zone of TNGP constituted the base sector and implied that agriculture sector possessed extra labor. In general, villages in buffer zone of TNGP showed very dynamic shift of labor availability in agriculture sector. Excess labors were considered as labors that serve export market. Considering that ratio of agriculture land size to number of inhabitants in buffer zone of TNGP was very small, accompanied by low level of education and skill of the inhabitants whose livelihood was limited on skill based on land and natural resources, it can be predicted that export of excess labors in buffer zone villages will go to TNGP area in the form of forest area disturbance. Therefore, one of the attempts to overcome the problem of agriculture labor surplus was seeking potency and development of farmer ability in non agriculture job

    Supply Optimization Model of Nature Tourism at Ciwidey Tourism Destination, Wets Java

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    Evaluation of tourism destinatios based on supplier and demand-side perception is very important in tourism, mainly to determinate the future policy of investment. Evaluation from the demand’s side indicates the level of satisfaction and their revisit effect of the tourist at any certain tourism object while determining the lack of supply factors can be used to optimize the future supply. This research aimed to study the supplier and demand group perception at Ciwidey nature tourism destination. Two main steps were used during the study, the first is an interview and the second is a preparation of an optimization model, which both used to analyze the recent supply factors. The results show that three variables are needed to be optimized, including the availability of information, transportation, and religious facilities. Each variable consists of components where the optimization should be done collaboratively by all stakeholders involved: government, bureau of transportation, bureau of forestry, management, and local people surrounding the tourist resort
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