1,725 research outputs found

    Heritage education through serious games. A web-based proposal for primary schools to cope with distance learning

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    [EN] In recent years a growing amount of research has shown interest in studying how virtual reality (VR) could be relevant in many fields. In this respect, VR has gained consideration throughout many applications such as education. Among other aims for its use in education, serious games based on VR were used to promote heritage and make students experience either far or inaccessible scenarios. Until now, VR-based applications have been mainly implemented using head mounted displays (HMD), which actually reduced their circulation. This gap is particularly remarkable in the current Sars-CoV19 pandemic because students, being at home or being at school without sharing equipment, cannot exploit educational programs based on this technology. The current paper proposes a web-based platform on which VR applications could be accessed on any device, either desktop- or mobile-based. The serious game was initially set up on a computer with a specialized software using a HMD, while the process of turning it into a web-based platform is described so that the used methodology could be available to those, who would like to follow it. This project is probably also able to cope with the general aim of making inaccessible objects available to students and, thus, to make the application useful even beyond the current pandemic emergency.The VAR.HEE. project – Virtual and Augmented Reality for Heritage and art Education in school and museum Experiences – was funded by the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano with a competitive call for proposals by the Central Research Commission in 2017. The project lasts three years, started in January 2018 and will end in December 2020 (June 2021, after Covid-19 health emergency).Luigini, A.; Fanini, B.; Basso, A.; Basso, D. (2020). Heritage education through serious games. A web-based proposal for primary schools to cope with distance learning. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 5(2):73-85. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2020.14665OJS73855

    Valorização da carreira do funcionário não docente : da invisibilidade ao plano de carreira

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    Orientador : Marcos FerrazMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Curso de Especialização em Políticas EducacionaisInclui referênciasResumo : Valorização da carreira do funcionário não docente: da invisibilidade ao plano de carreira é uma pesquisa que abrange o período histórico recente da história da educação brasileira e da legislação que afeta a educação nesse período para buscarmos entender a maneira com que a educação sofreu reflexo do dinamismo da sociedade brasileira e exigiu que, dentro do seio do estado, surgisse a necessidade de um profissional especialista para dar atendimento à comunidade escolar em que a escola está inserida. O objetivo da investigação foi analisar a legislação brasileira sob a ótica de que maneira o funcionário da educação está inserido e de que maneira a invisibilidade que uma vez existiu passa a dar lugar a um profissional visível, com poder político e com a devida valorização do estado em seu dia a dia. Também tem por objetivo analisar a legislação brasileira para dar luz ao momento em que os demais funcionários da educação passam a existir dentro do texto legal brasileiro. Da existência de um profissional contratado dentro do estado através de contratos frágeis e muitas vezes refém de um sistema político, para a existência de um profissional com posição forte, com poder político mais bem definido e um profissional especialista no atendimento dado dentro dos estabelecimentos de ensino, foi buscada a maneira como que a sociedade brasileira passou por mudanças suficientes para que esse profissional passasse a existir e, também, passasse a ser reconhecido pela comunidade em que ele está inserido. Da conclusão de que a valorização profissional trazida por todo o processo de universalização permitiu que o trabalhador da educação tivesse aprovado seu plano de carreira.Abstract : Valorização da carreira do funcionário não docente: da invisibilidade ao plano de carreira is a survey covering the recent historical period in the history of Brazilian education and legislation that affects education in this period to seek to understand the way that education suffered reflection of the dynamism of the Brazilian society and demanded that, within the center of state, arose the need for a professional expert to provide service to the school community in which the school is located. The aim of the research was to analyze the Brazilian legislation from the perspective of how the educational employee is inserted and how the invisibility that once existed begins to give way to a visible professional with political power and with due appreciation of the state. Also aims to analyze the Brazilian legislation to give birth to when non-teaching professional come into existence in the Brazilian legal text. The existence of a professional within the state by weak contracts and often hostage to a political system, until the existence of a professional with a strong position, with defined political power and a professional expert in the care given within the schools it was sought the way that Brazilian society has undergone enough changes so that this professional into existence and also started to be recognized by the community in which it is inserted. The conclusion that the professional enhancement brought by the process of universalization of education allowed the worker had approved their career path

    Techno-diversity for carbon farming and climate resilience

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    A Súmula de efeito vinculante face à Reforma do Poder Judiciário

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.O presente trabalho monográfico analisa o instituto jurídico da Súmula de efeito vinculante sob o enfoque da Reforma do Poder Judiciário (Emenda Constitucional nº 45, de 8 de dezembro de 2004). Nesse contexto, trazem-se à baila inúmeros temas que por si só poderiam ser alvos de estudos mais aprofundados, tais como os principais entraves ao livre acesso à Justiça, a utilização do stare decisis no sistema jurídico da common law e do direito jurisprudencial na civil law. De qualquer sorte, procurar-se-á demonstrar que a Súmula de efeito vinculante é uma das tentativas de solução de uma parte da crise do Poder Judiciário, tendo por base o princípio da segurança jurídica e o da isonomia, refutando, por conseguinte, a tese de violação ao princípio da separação dos Poderes, eis que se apresenta como ato típico da função jurisdicional

    Steaming effects on selected wood properties of Turkey oak by spectral analysis

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    Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) is characterized by some technological and aesthetical factors limiting its market value from its great potential. In this study, the effect of direct and indirect steaming on reduction in equilibrium moisture content (EMC) and colour variations was evaluated using a hyperspectral radiometer. Steaming treatments were carried out at 80C for 48 h, and 120C for 18 and 24 h, showing a reduction in EMC in the order of 8.1, 28.5 and 13.5, respectively, as well as very significant lightness (L*) and hue (h) modifications in comparison with untreated specimens. The spectral signature analysis confirmed that hydrothermal treatments modify wood sensibility to the light source in the entire spectrum range. The study supports the validity of hydrothermal treatments for improving technological and aesthetical properties of Turkey oak

    Plant emergence and maize (Zea mays L.) yield across multiple farmers’ fields

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    Context: Uneven crop stands result from natural variation in emergence time that is related to soil moisture and temperature, and variation of within-row plant-to-plant distance caused during planting operations. Understanding the effect of the spatial and temporal variation of plant emergence on crop yield can help farmers make improved management decisions about planting. Objective: The objectives of this work were to i) compare the timing of maize plant emergence across and within sub-field yield stability zones, ii) evaluate the impact of delayed emergence on crop yield and yield components by yield stability zone, and iii) compare the effect of spatial and temporal variability of plant emergence on crop yield and yield components. Methods: Ten experiments were conducted in farmers’ maize fields in Springport (Michigan, US), Portland (Michigan, US), and Parana (Entre Rios, Argentina). Several years of yield monitored data for each field were used to delimitate yield stability zones (YSZ). Individual plant emergence was recorded daily, across yield stability zones. Emerged plants were tagged and the distance between plants within the row was recorded and used to calculate plant growing space (cm2 plant−1), and to classify them within plant stand as uniform, double or skips. Tagged plants were hand harvested to analyze the individual plant yield, number and weight of grains, and total crop yield. Results: Individual plant emergence time ranged from 3 to 31 days after planting (DAP). The variation in timing of plant emergence had a greater impact than the variation of within-row plant spacing on crop yield and yield components. In general, the impact was larger in stable low yield areas. On average, plant yield was reduced by 7 %, grain number by 6 %, and final crop yield by 8.5 % per day of emergence delay after planting. The greater variation in the days of emergence delay when compared to within-row plant spacing variation can be related to the small overall spatial variability within the rows. Conclusions: Plant emergence temporal variability had a higher impact than within-row plant spatial variability on crop yield and its components. The decrease in maize yield caused by the delay in emergence was not statistically related to yield stability zones. However, a trend of a more negative impact of delayed emergence in the low yield stability zones was observed. Implications: Understanding factors affecting the spatial and temporal plant emergence patterns of crops can help farmers optimize their planting operation and may help them with decisions on using more precise and tailored inputs (such as seed rate and nitrogen fertilizer) on different sub-field yield stability zones. Incorporating emergence data and information into crop models will also help improve yield simulation results.EEA ParanáFil: Albarenque, Susana. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Paraná; ArgentinaFil: Albarenque, Susana. Michigan State University. Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences; Estados UnidosFil: Basso, Bruno. Michigan State University. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences; Estados UnidosFil: Basso, Bruno. Michigan State University. W.K. Kellogg Biological Station; Estados UnidosFil: Davidson, O. Environmental Protection Agency; Estados UnidosFil: Maestrini, B. Wageningen University & Research. Agrosystems Research Group; Países BajosFil: Melchiori, Ricardo Jose. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Paraná; Argentin

    Advanced JavaScript Tracking and Analytics Solution

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    A maior parte do código JavaScript desenvolvido para a web é executado no lado do cliente. Isto apresenta um problema para os programadores de JavaScript, uma vez que não têm acesso a informação de como e por quem o seu código está a ser executado. A popularidade de soluções de analytics está em rápido crescimento como forma de obter dados de interação e perfil dos utilizadores de uma aplicação ou website, com o objectivo de a\/o melhorar e otimizar. Com o mesmo objectivo, o trabalho realizado no contexto desta dissertação consiste num sistema de tracking e analytics para aplicações JavaScript que sejam executadas no lado do cliente. Programadores podem então analizar métricas retiradas das suas aplicações, como dados dos utilizadores, erros e fluxo de execução. Isto dá acesso a uma vantagem sobre os competidores, através do fornecimento de informação que permite a deteção e localização detalhada de errors e problemas de performance, através da monitorização, recolha e comunicação de dados a partir do código executado no lado do cliente, que pode levar a correções e lançamentos de novas versões mais rapidamente. O tracking é feito através da coleção de dados quando a aplicação JavaScript é executada, o código da mesma é previamente instrumentado automaticamente de modo a incluír as técnincas de tracking desenvolvidas nesta dissertação. Os dados recolhidos são então enviados para um \textit{web service} onde são processados e guardados. Numa interface web, o programador pode então analisar os dados guardados no sistema, que contêm informação acerca dos seus utilizadores e de como a sua aplicação está a correr para estes.JavaScript code developed for the web is executed in the clients' side. This presents a problem for JavaScript developers since they get no insight in how their code is running, and no information of who is using it. Analytics solutions are growing in popularity as a way of getting insight from an application or web site's users interaction and profiling, with the objective of improving and optimizing. With the same objective, this dissertation's work consists in a tracking and analytics system for JavaScript applications that run in the client side. Developers can then analyze their JavaScript applications' usage and execution run time data such as: errors and execution flow. This provides an advantage from competitors by enabling the detection and localization of errors and performance issues from the data collected from the users' machines, which can lead to faster corrections and updates to JavaScript applications. The tracking is made by collecting run time data from the developer's application, which is automatically instrumented to include the tracking techniques developed in this dissertation. Data is sent to a web service where it is processed and stored. In a web interface, developer can then analyze the data stored in the system, providing information about his/her users and insights on how the application is running

    Drop Ejection Phenomenon: the case of a macromolecular fluid

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    El tema de la formación de “spray” es de interés tanto industrial como desde el punto de vista de la física no lineal. Requiere un detallado conocimiento de las condiciones en que se forman las gotas del “spray” debido a la necesidad de controlar el tamaño de las mismas y las condiciones de eyección El objeto de este trabajo experimental, es la caracterización del fenómeno de eyección de gotas de un fluido macromolecular. El polímero seleccionado POE, tiene la particular propiedad de reducción de la tensión superficial cuando se aumenta su concentración. Se analizó el proceso a partir de una capa liquida depositada en una celda vibrante. La aceleración a la cual se produce la eyección de gotas (umbral de eyección) se determino para soluciones con diferentes concentraciones de POE y en un rango relativamente bajo de frecuencias. En particular, se analizó el comportamiento de las soluciones de Polyoxietileno (POE) poniendo en evidencia la influencia de las propiedades reológicas del fluido en la etapa estudiada. Un aspecto de interés, es el control del tamaño de gota. Se puso en evidencia cuales eran los factores físicos (viscosidad y/o tensión superficial) que pesan mas en la respuesta de las soluciones estudiadas. Al mismo tiempo, se analizaron críticamente los modelos de eyección y tamaño de gota, de manera de poder identificar los factores que condicionan el comportamiento del polímero eyectado desde una celda vibrante.Spray formation is not only of industrial interest, it is also important from non linear physics perspective. It requires detailed knowledge of the droplets creation in order to control their size, as well as the ejection conditions. This experimental work addressed the macromolecular characterization of some fluids ejection phenomena. The fluids selected were Poliethylene (POE) liquid solutions, which exhibit decreasing surface tension with increasing concentration. Droplets production was investigated from a liquid layer laid on a vibrating cell; control parameters were acceleration and frequency. The acceleration which induces ejection was measured for solutions of different POE concentrations. Ejection threshold occurred at a relative low frequency range. Evidence was found out of the influence of the rheological properties on the ejection behavior and the resulting droplets size. The relative importance of physical properties, such as viscosity or surface tension, on liquid response was established.Fil: Rosen, Marta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Basso, Bruno E.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentin