32 research outputs found

    Ruelle's probability cascades seen as a fragmentation process

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    In this paper, we study Ruelle's probability cascades in the framework of time-inhomogeneous fragmentation processes. We describe Ruelle's cascades mechanism exhibiting a family of measures (Îœt,t∈[0,1[)(\nu_t,t\in [0,1[) that characterizes its infinitesimal evolution. To this end, we will first extend the time-homogeneous fragmentation theory to the inhomogeneous case. In the last section, we will study the behavior for small and large times of Ruelle's fragmentation process

    On the equivalence of some eternal additive coalescents

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    In this paper, we study additive coalescents. Using their representation as fragmentation processes, we prove that the law of a large class of eternal additive coalescents is absolutely continuous with respect to the law of the standard additive coalescent on any bounded time interval

    Fragmentation of compositions and intervals

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    The fragmentation processes of exchangeable partitions have already been studied by several authors. In this paper, we examine rather fragmentation of exchangeable compositions, that means partitions of N\mathbb{N} where the order of the blocks counts. We will prove that such a fragmentation is bijectively associated to an interval fragmentation. Using this correspondence, we then calculate the Hausdorff dimension of certain random closed set that arise in interval fragmentations and we study Ruelle's interval fragmentation

    Asymptotics of the allele frequency spectrum associated with the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent

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    We work in the context of the infinitely many alleles model. The allelic partition associated with a coalescent process started from n individuals is obtained by placing mutations along the skeleton of the coalescent tree; for each individual, we trace back to the most recent mutation affecting it and group together individuals whose most recent mutations are the same. The number of blocks of each of the different possible sizes in this partition is the allele frequency spectrum. The celebrated Ewens sampling formula gives precise probabilities for the allele frequency spectrum associated with Kingman's coalescent. This (and the degenerate star-shaped coalescent) are the only Lambda coalescents for which explicit probabilities are known, although they are known to satisfy a recursion due to Moehle. Recently, Berestycki, Berestycki and Schweinsberg have proved asymptotic results for the allele frequency spectra of the Beta(2-alpha,alpha) coalescents with alpha in (1,2). In this paper, we prove full asymptotics for the case of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figur

    Continuous-time vertex reinforced jump processes on Galton-Watson trees

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    We consider a continuous-time vertex reinforced jump process on a supercritical Galton-Watson tree. This process takes values in the set of vertices of the tree and jumps to a neighboring vertex with rate proportional to the local time at that vertex plus a constant cc. The walk is either transient or recurrent depending on this parameter cc. In this paper, we complete results previously obtained by Davis and Volkov [Probab. Theory Related Fields 123 (2002) 281-300, Probab. Theory Related Fields 128 (2004) 42-62] and Collevecchio [Ann. Probab. 34 (2006) 870-878, Electron. J. Probab. 14 (2009) 1936-1962] by proving that there is a unique (explicit) positive ccritc_{\mathrm{crit}} such that the walk is recurrent for c≀ccritc\leq c_{\mathrm{crit}} and transient for c>ccritc>c_{\mathrm{crit}}.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AAP811 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    On the speed of a cookie random walk

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    We consider the model of the one-dimensional cookie random walk when the initial cookie distribution is spatially uniform and the number of cookies per site is finite. We give a criterion to decide whether the limiting speed of the walk is non-zero. In particular, we show that a positive speed may be obtained for just 3 cookies per site. We also prove a result on the continuity of the speed with respect to the initial cookie distribution

    Rate of growth of a transient cookie random walk

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    We consider a one-dimensional transient cookie random walk. It is known from a previous paper that a cookie random walk (Xn)(X_n) has positive or zero speed according to some positive parameter α>1\alpha >1 or ≀1\le 1. In this article, we give the exact rate of growth of (Xn)(X_n) in the zero speed regime, namely: for 0<α<10<\alpha <1, Xn/nα+12X_n/n^{\frac{\alpha+1}{2}} converges in law to a Mittag-Leffler distribution whereas for α=1\alpha=1, Xn(log⁥n)/nX_n(\log n)/n converges in probability to some positive constant

    Distances in the highly supercritical percolation cluster

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    On the supercritical percolation cluster with parameter p, the distances between two distant points of the axis are asymptotically increased by a factor 1+(1-p)/2+o(1-p) with respect to the usual distance. The proof is based on an apparently new connection with the TASEP (totally asymmetric simple exclusion process).Comment: 15 page