12 research outputs found

    Factores asociados a la adicción a redes sociales en universitarios: una revisión sistemática y metaanálisis

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    Addiction to social networks has increased throughout the COVID-19 outbreak, especially within the university context, due to its continuous use for socialization, entertainment, education, and work. The study aimed to carry out a systematic review and meta-analysis of the factors associated with addiction to social networks in university students. A search in the Scielo, Eric, PubMed, and Science Direct databases found 31 articles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and analyzed a total sample of 13 028 university students. The articles presented 91 variables associated with addiction to social networks; these were grouped into nine categories to perform the meta-analysis, which revealed six categories with a direct relationship (online factors = .41, cognitive factors = .41, negative symptomatology = .30, addiction and cell phone use = .29, network use = .21, social factors = .29), one with an inverse relationship (positive emotions = -.14) and two that do not have significant values (academic factors = .01 and personal skills = .06). The study concludes that there is a stronger relationship between online factors and cognitive factors with addiction to social networks.La adicción a las redes sociales se ha incrementado a lo largo del brote del COVID-19, en especial dentro del contexto universitario, debido al uso continuo de estas como medio de socialización, entretenimiento, educación y trabajo. El estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar una revisión sistemática y metaanálisis de los factores asociados a la adicción a redes sociales en universitarios. Se revisaron las bases de datos de Scielo, Eric, PubMed y ScienceDirect, donde se encontraron 31 artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión en una muestra total de 13 028 universitarios. Existieron 91 variables asociadas a la adicción a las redes sociales, las cuales fueron agrupadas dentro de nueve categorías para realizar el metaanálisis. Existieron seis categorías con relación directa (factores en línea = .41, factores cognitivos = .41, sintomatología negativa = .30, adicción y uso de celular = .29, uso de redes = .21, factores sociales = .29), una con relación inversa (emociones positivas = -.14) y dos que no cuentan con valores significativos (factores académicos = .01 y competencias personales = .06). Se concluye que existe mayor fuerza de relación entre los factores en línea y los factores cognitivos con la adicción a las redes sociales

    Medición de la procrastinación académica: análisis psicométrico de una versión breve como una ECAD

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     The study had the objective of analyzing the psychometric properties of the Brief Academic Procrastination Scale (EBPA-16). The sample was non-probabilistic and intentional, represented by 478 university students (59.8% women and 40.2% men) from Lima Sur, aged between 18 and 33 years. The study was of the instrumental type, where the EBPA-16 was constructed and applied, made up of 16 items distributed in two dimensions, with a Lickert-type response scale with 5 response options. The results demonstrated the presence of content validity due to Aiken’s V values greater than .80. Homogeneity indices were found in the items (ritc >.20) and multicollinearity was rejected (ritc <.95). For the analysis of the validity based on the internal structure, the existence of a two-dimensional model was demonstrated by means of the AFE with a Pearson correlation matrix and a dimensionality by parallel analysis, which demonstrated a VEA of 38.2% and factor loadings greater than . 30 represented parsimoniously in both factors. Reliability was high due to estimator values greater than .70. The existence of adequate evidence for the validity and reliability of the EBPA-16 was concluded. El estudio contó con el objetivo de analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala Breve de Procrastinación Académica (EBPA-16). La muestra fue no probabilista e intencionada, representada por 478 universitarios (59.8% mujeres y 40.2% varones) de Lima Sur, con edades entre los 18 y 33 años. El estudio fue de tipo instrumental, donde se construyó y aplicó la EBPA-16, conformado por 16 ítems distribuidos en dos dimensiones, con una escala de respuesta de tipo Lickert con 5 opciones de respuesta. Los resultados demostraron la presencia de validez de contenido debido a valores de V de Aiken superiores al .80. Se encontró índices de homogeneidad en los ítems (ritc >.20) y se rechazó la multicolinealidad (ritc <.95). Para el análisis de la validez basada en la estructura interna se demostró la existencia de un modelo bidimensional por medio del AFE con una matriz de correlación de Pearson y una dimensionalidad por análisis paralelo, que demostró un VEA de 38.2% y cargas factoriales superiores al .30 representadas de forma parsimoniosa en ambos factores. La fiabilidad fue alta debido a valores de los estimadores superiores al .70. Se concluyó la existencia de una adecuada evidencia para la validez y fiabilidad de la EBPA-16

    Structure and factorial invariance of a brief version of the Eating Attitudes Test in Peruvian university students

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    Background: University students often experience significant changes in their eating habits, which can increase the risk of developing eating disorders (ED). This situation calls for the creation of brief assessment tools to identify college students who may be most at risk. The aim of the study was to determine the psychometric properties of the Eating Attitudes Test-8 (EAT-8) in a Peruvian university population; additionally, the possible differences in the scores of the instrument according to sociodemographic variables, such as gender and age, were examined. Methods: A psychometric study was conducted on 610 participants (M =  24.3, SD  =  2.16, and 61.5% female), aged 19 to 31 years, belonging to four universities of different professional careers. Results: The unidimensional eight-item model was found to have fit indices that confirm acceptable factorial validity (X2 /df  =  3.23, CFI  =  0.984, TLI  =  0.977, RMSEA  =  0.061, SRMR  =  0.049) and an internal consistency of 0.833 for the Cronbach's alpha coefficient and 0.838 for the McDonald's omega coefficient. In addition, the EAT-8 was reported to be invariant according to gender and age; likewise, there were no significant differences in the age and gender categories. Conclusion: The EAT-8 has solid psychometric properties, including validity, reliability, and invariance, in the Peruvian university population, which supports its ability to assess the risk of developing ED in this specific group

    Medición del clima laboral: una propuesta de evaluación para el psicólogo profesional en el área industrial-organizacional

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     The purpose of this paper is to build and review the psychometric properties of the Brief Work Climate Scale (EBCL), therefore, an instrument comprised of 15 items in its initial version was designed, which had a Likert-type response scale with 5 alternatives, of which only 13 items had content-based validity evidence due to an Aiken’s V greater than .80, with probability of statistical significance (p < .05). The final version was applied to two sample groups (n1 = 121; n2 = 126) of employees at the operational level of two companies related to the grocery sales sector in Metropolitan Lima. In the first sample, the exploratory factorial analysis was reviewed with a Pearson correlation matrix, demonstrating the existence of two well-defined models (two oblique factor model and one-dimensional model), the first factor explained 55.4% of the accumulated variance and the second 49.1%. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed with the second sample group, in such a way that the two models mentioned above and a bifactor model were compared, identifying that the goodness-of-fit indices were not satisfactory to confirm any predominant model; however, there is adequate reliability in the reaction-effect dimension of the worker (α = .91, ω = .90) and company factors (α = .82, ω = .86); as well as for the one-dimensional model (α = .92, ω = .94). The results show that the EBCL Scale has adequate evidence of psychometric properties.El presente trabajo tiene por finalidad la construcción y revisión de las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala breve de clima laboral (EBCL); por ello, se diseñó un instrumento comprendido en su versión inicial por 15 ítems que contaron con una escala de respuesta tipo Lickert con 5 alternativas, de las cuales solo 13 ítems contaron con evidencia de validez basada en el contenido debido a una V de Aiken superior al .80, con probabilidad de significancia estadística (p < .05). La versión final se aplicó en dos grupos muestrales (n1 = 121; n2 = 126) de colaboradores del nivel operativo de dos empresas relacionadas con el rubro de venta de abarrotes de Lima Metropolitana. En la primera muestra, se revisó el análisis factorial exploratorio con una matriz de correlación de Pearson, que demostró la existencia de dos modelos bien definidos (modelo de dos factores oblicuos y modelo unidimensional), el primer factor explicó el 55.4% de la varianza acumulada y, el segundo, el 49.1%. El análisis factorial confirmatorio fue realizado con el segundo grupo muestral, de tal forma que se compararon los dos modelos mencionados con anterioridad y un modelo bifactor, y se identificó que los índices de bondad de ajuste no fueron satisfactorios y no se pudo confirmar ningún modelo que sea predominante; sin embargo, existe adecuada fiabilidad en la dimensión reacción-efecto del trabajador (α = .91, ω = .90) y factores de la empresa (α = .82, ω = .86); así como, para el modelo unidimensional (α = .92, ω = .94). Los resultados demuestran que la Escala EBCL cuenta con una adecuada evidencia de propiedades psicométricas

    Una medida breve de la ansiedad hospitalaria: diseño y análisis psicométrico preliminar de una escala

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    Objective: Objective: To establish a preliminary psychometric analysis of a brief hospital anxiety scale. Method: Non-experimental study of instrumental design, with a unit of analysis of 60 participants, who were nurses and physicians from a hospital in Metropolitan Lima. Main results: The final version was reduced to 9 items, obtaining adequate evidence of content validity by the criterion of expert judges (V > .80). The evidence of construct validity showed a unidimensional model that explains 72.5% of the variance, with factor loadings greater than .30 (.773 to .939). The reliability found was for internal consistency with acceptable values (α=.958; ω=.959; θ=.957). General conclusion: The EAH-9 constitutes a preliminary alternative with evidence of validity and reliability for the analysis of anxiety in hospital professionals.Objetivo: Establecer un análisis psicométrico preliminar de una escala breve de ansiedad hospitalaria. Método: Estudio no experimental de diseño instrumental, con una unidad de análisis de 60 participantes, quienes eran enfermeros y médicos de un hospital de Lima Metropolitana. Resultados principales: Se reduciría la versión final a 9 reactivos, obteniendo adecuadas evidencias en validez de contenido por el criterio de jueces expertos (V > .80). La evidencia de validez de constructo demostró un modelo unidimensional que explica el 72.5% de la varianza, con cargas factoriales mayores al .30 (.773 a .939). La confiabilidad hallada fue por consistencia interna con valores aceptables (α=.958; ω=.959; θ=.957). Conclusión general: el EAH-9 constituye una alternativa preliminar con evidencias de validez y fiabilidad para el análisis de la ansiedad en profesionales hospitalarios

    Viciado na internet e pensamentos automáticos em alunos secundários de uma instituição pública de Villa El Salvador

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre la adicción al internet y los pensamientos automáticos en estudiantes de secundaria de una institución educativa pública de Villa El Salvador. La población del estudio fue de 758 estudiantes del nivel secundario, quedando una muestra de 313 estudiantes entre 12 y 18 años. Fue una investigación no experimental transversal de tipo correlacional. Se utilizó el Test de Adicción al internet de Young (TAI) y el Inventario de Pensamientos Automáticos de Ruiz y Lujan (IPA) para identificar los objetivos del estudio. Se evidencia que existe una correlación altamente significativa entre la adicción al internet y los pensamientos automáticos (p < .001), con una correlación de Spearman (rho) moderada y directa (r = .673), asimismo, existe una correlación directa altamente significativa (p< .001) entre dimensión de tolerancia, uso excesivo, retirada o abstinencia y consecuencias negativos, con los pensamientos automáticos. Se concluye que los estudiantes de primero de secundaria presentan mayores niveles de adicción al internet y pensamientos automáticos negativos que los de grados superiores, prevaleciendo los varones que las mujeres. Encontrando que los estudiantes que mantienen dificultades para el control del uso del internet presentan una mayor prevalencia de pensamientos automáticos negativos

    Factorial and network structure of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale (RADS-2) in Peruvian adolescents.

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    Depression in young people is considered a public health problem, given that it affects their personal, social, and academic lives; therefore, early detection of depressive symptoms is of importance for a favorable prognosis. This study aimed to estimate the psychometric properties of the second edition of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale (RADS-2) in Peruvian adolescents. The sample was composed of 917 Peruvian adolescents, aged 13 to 18 years (M = 15,241, SD = 1,020), who were selected from two public educational institutions in Metropolitan Lima. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the 25-item model with the four-dimensional structure and its overall and interdimensional reliability. This structure was found to be gender invariant. Finally, network analysis was performed to assess the relationships and centralities of the depressive symptoms of the validated version of the RADS-2. The results show that the RADS-2 measure is a consistent and reliable test that yields valid results in the Peruvian adolescent context

    Network analysis of anxiety and depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic in older adults in the United Kingdom

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    Abstract The health crisis caused by COVID-19 in the United Kingdom and the confinement measures that were subsequently implemented had unprecedented effects on the mental health of older adults, leading to the emergence and exacerbation of different comorbid symptoms including depression and anxiety. This study examined and compared depression and anxiety symptom networks in two specific quarantine periods (June–July and November–December) in the older adult population in the United Kingdom. We used the database of the English Longitudinal Study of Aging COVID-19 Substudy, consisting of 5797 participants in the first stage (54% women) and 6512 participants in the second stage (56% women), all over 50 years of age. The symptoms with the highest centrality in both times were: “Nervousness (A1)” and “Inability to relax (A4)” in expected influence and predictability, and “depressed mood (D1”; bridging expected influence). The latter measure along with "Irritability (A6)" overlapped in both depression and anxiety clusters in both networks. In addition, a the cross-lagged panel network model was examined in which a more significant influence on the direction of the symptom "Nervousness (A1)" by the depressive symptoms of "Anhedonia (D6)", "Hopelessness (D7)", and "Sleep problems (D3)" was observed; the latter measure has the highest predictive capability of the network. The results report which symptoms had a higher degree of centrality and transdiagnostic overlap in the cross-sectional networks (invariants) and the cross-lagged panel network model of anxious and depressive symptomatology

    Escala de Comunicación Suicida: Desarrollo y análisis psicométrico en una muestra de adolescentes peruanos: Suicidal Communication Scale: Development and psychometric analysis in a sample of Peruvian adolescents

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    Suicide is a public health problem that affects adults and young people. Communicating suicidal thoughts contributes to suicide prevention. The objective of this research was to develop the Suicidal Communication Scale. A sample of 308 adolescents (Mage = 14.6, 53.9% women) was used. The confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated the existence of three factors: verbal suicidal communication, nonverbal suicidal communication, and virtual suicidal communication, with adequate fit indexes (χ2/gl = 2.43, CFI = .926, TLI = .912, SRMR = .074, RMSEA [90% CI] = .068 [.058, .079]) and adequate reliability (ω = .72, .70, and .80, for each factor). No differences were found in the scale between men and women, the instrument being invariant across gender. It is concluded that the instrument has adequate psychometric properties that support its use in future research.El suicidio es un problema de salud pública que afecta a adultos y jóvenes. La comunicación de los pensamientos suicidas contribuye a la prevención del suicidio. El objetivo de la investigación fue construir la Escala de comunicación suicida. Se utilizó una muestra de 308 adolescentes (Medad = 14.6, 53.9% mujeres). El análisis factorial confirmatorio demostró la existencia de tres factores: comunicación suicida verbal, comunicación suicida no verbal y comunicación suicida virtual, con adecuadosíndices de ajuste (χ2/gl = 2.43, CFI = .926, TLI = .912, SRMR = .074, RMSEA [IC 90%] = .068 [.058, .079]) y adecuada confiabilidad (ω = .72, .70 y .80, para cada dimensión). No se encontraron diferencias en la escala entre hombres y mujeres, siendo su estructura invariante a través del género. Se concluye que el instrumento cuenta con adecuadas propiedades psicométricas que avalan su uso en futuras investigaciones

    Bifactor SEM and MIRT Structure of a 12-Item Human Immunodeficiency Virus Stigma Scale in Peruvian Adults

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    Background: The stigma associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can lead to prejudice and discrimination against people who have been infected by this virus, consequently, it is important to have a validated tool to measure this phenomenon. However, there is only 1 national precedent that has validated the scores of this instrument in its 21-item version. Therefore, this study examined the bifactor structural equation method (SEM) and multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) structure of a 12-item human immunodeficiency virus stigma scale in Peruvian adults. Methods: We evaluated 342 patients (57.6% female and 42.45% male) diagnosed with HIV receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) from a hospital located in East Lima, aged 18 to 45 years ( M  = 31.4, SD = 9.79). A SEM was used to test 2 measurement models, a 4-factor correlated oblique model and a bifactor model due to high interfactor relationships. Results: Acceptable fit indices were identified for the oblique model (χ 2 /df = 1.26, SRMR = 0.044, RMSEA [90% CI] = 0.028 [0.000-0.047], CFI = 0.996, TLI = 0.994). In the same way, similar results were evident for the bifactor model (χ 2 /df = 1.14, SRMR = 0.039, RMSEA [90% CI] = 0.020 [0.000-0.044], CFI = 0.998, TLI = 0.997), however, in the latter it showed a greater explanation for the unidimensional model ( H  = 0.87, PUC = 0.82, LCA = 0.70), which was also evidenced by the bifactor MIRT analysis. Conclusion: It is concluded that the 12-item HIV Stigma Scale meets the psychometric properties of internal structure and unifactorial reliability