83 research outputs found

    Assessment of the status, development and diversification of fisheries-dependent communities: Urk Case Study Report

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    This case study about Urk shows which social and economic challenges this traditional fishing community faces due to its specialization on just a few stocks, the increasing independence of a processing sector no longer reliant on it to supply locally caught fish, and culturally preferences in the way of life and ways of doing things, and the additional hardship of limited TACs, forced decommissioning, low stock prices, and high fixed costs (fuel costs)

    Economic instruments and waste policies in the Netherlands - Inventory and options for extended use

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    In recent years, the interest in the use of economic instruments in environmental policy has been growing, reflecting increasing awareness of their potential cost-effectiveness as well as the need to diversify the ‘policy toolbox’. Waste policy is no exception to this tendency. The present study explores the opportunities for extended use of economic instruments for waste policy in the Netherlands, focusing on waste from households and the trade, services and government secto

    Visserij in cijfers 2008

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    Deze jaarlijkse rapportage over de Nederlandse visserij bevat gegevens over de bedrijfsresultaten en financiële positie van de kottervisserij in 2007 met ramingen voor 2008, en met vergelijkende cijfers van voorgaande jaren. Naast de bedrijfseconomische gegevens van de kottervisserij, wordt ook ingegaan op re-sultaten van de grote zeevisserij, de mosselcultuur, de oestersector en daar-naast ook ontwikkelingen in de handel in visproducten met het buitenland. Over de visteeltsector wordt niet gerapporteerd vanwege gebrek aan actuele gege-vens. This annual report on Dutch fisheries contains data on the business results and the financial position of cutter fishing in 2007 and an outlook for 2008, with comparative figures from previous years. Alongside the economic data of cutter fishing, results of large-scale high sea fishing, mollusc culture, oyster culture and developments in foreign trade of fishery products are also examined. The aquaculture sector is not examined due to lack of information about the sector

    Economic importance of the dutch non-commercial small-scale fleet

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    This paper describes the characteristics, costs and revenues of the so-called noncommercial small-scale fleet based on a survey sent to all the skippers owning a vessel that according to the LEI definition falls within the category of non-commercial small-scale fisheries. With this data the economic importance of this part of the fleet can be determined

    Visserij in cijfers 2009

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    Deze jaarlijkse rapportage over de Nederlandse visserij bevat gegevens over de bedrijfsresultaten en financiële positie van de kottervisserij in 2008 met ramingen voor 2009, en met vergelijkende cijfers van voorgaande jaren. Naast de bedrijfseconomische gegevens van de kottervisserij wordt ook ingegaan op uitkomsten van de overige kleine zeevisserijvloot, op resultaten van de grote zeevisserij, de mosselcultuur en de oestersector en daarnaast ook op ontwikkelingen in de handel in visproducten met het buitenland. Over de visteeltsector wordt niet gerapporteerd vanwege gebrek aan actuele gegevens. This annual report about Dutch fisheries contains data about the business results and financial position of cutter fisheries in 2008, with estimates for 2009 and comparative figures from previous years. Besides economic data relating to cutter fisheries, the report also studies the net results of the other small high seas fishing fleet, the results of large high seas fisheries, mussel farming and the oyster sector, as well as developments in international trade in fish products. The report does not address the fish farming sector due to lack of current data

    Intracardiac anatomical relationships and potential for streaming in double inlet left ventricles.

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    The aim of this study was to gain better understanding of the variable anatomical features of double inlet left ventricle hearts without cavopulmonary connection that would potentially facilitate favorable streaming. Thirty-nine post-mortem specimens of double inlet left ventricle without cavopulmonary connection were investigated. The focus was on anatomical characteristics that could influence the flow and separation of deoxygenated and oxygenated blood in the ventricles. Elements of interest were the ventriculoarterial connection, the spatial relationship of the ventricles, the position and size of the great arteries, the ventricular septal defect, the presence of relative outflow tract stenosis and the relationship of the inflow and outflow tracts. The most common anatomy was a discordant ventriculoarterial connection with an anatomically left-sided morphologically right ventricle (n = 12, 31%). When looking at the pulmonary trunk/aorta ratio, 21 (72%) hearts showed no pulmonary stenosis relative to the aorta. The ventricular septal defect created a relative subpulmonary or subaortic stenosis in 13 (41%) cases. Sixteen (41%) hearts had a parallel relationship of the inflow and outflow tracts, facilitating separation of deoxygenated and oxygenated blood streams. On the other end of the spectrum were 10 (25%) hearts with a perpendicular relationship, which might lead to maximum mixing of the blood streams. The relationship of the inflow and outflow tracts as well as the presence of (sub-) pulmonary stenosis might play a crucial role in the distribution of blood in double inlet left ventricle hearts. Additional in vivo studies will be necessary to confirm this postulation

    Fishing activities on the Dogger Bank 2006-2011

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    In 2008, the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality notified four proposed Sites of Community In-terest (pSCIs) to the European Commission (for protection as Special Conservation Areas (SCAs) under the Habitats Directive). These areas are the Dogger Bank, Cleaver Bank, the Coastal Zone and the Vlakte van de Raan. The areas have been chosen, based on their specific habitats and ecological values. The objective of the current project is to give insight into the trends of the fishing activities of the Dutch and important foreign fleets (Belgian, German and UK) in the area of the Dogger Bank in the period 2006-2011. In the analyses attention is given to developments in effort, landings and economic value of the landings
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