97 research outputs found

    Lumbosacral column arthtodesis with a system's implant

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    Lumbosacral column arthrodesis with bone graft and metallic fixation (A-Systems implant) was carried out in 40 patients with spondylolisthesis and lumbosacral instability of the following types: isthmic-lytic in 13, degenerative in 19, traumatic in 2, pathological in 1, and surgical in 5. Preoperative, immediate postoperative, and late postoperative clinical and radiological evaluation was carried out. Clinical follow-up ranged from 10 to 46 months (mean follow-up: 11 months). Patient's and Physician's overall evaluation showed the following results: good results in 36 (39%) patients; improvement as compared to preoperative condition in 3 (7.5%); unchanged condition in 1 (2.5%); normalized labor capability in 29 (72.5%) patients; improvement of 75% in labor capability in 9 (22.5%) patients; and improvement of 50% in 2 (5%) patients. As for the Prolo rate, an increase to 9-10 (excellent) was seen in 21 (52.5%) patients; an increase to 7 and 8 (good) was seen in 14 (35%); an increase to 5 to 6 (moderate) was found in 5 (12.5%) patients. No patient had a Prolo rate of 2, 3, or 4 (poor). Mean time until return to normal activities ranged from 3 to 12 months (mean: 7 months). As compared to similar methods reported in literature, the implant has been shown to be equaally effective, with the following advantages: simplicity, use at different levels; rigidity following assembly.Foram avaliados 40 pacientes com espondilolistese e instabilidade lombossacra: 13 pacientes do tipo ístmica-lítica, 19 do tipo degenerativa, 2 pacientes do tipo traumática, 1 tipo do patológica, e 5 do tipo cirúrgica, nos quais foram realizadas 40 artrodeses da coluna lombossacra com enxerto ósseo e fixação metálica com o implante A-Systems. A avaliação dos pacientes foi realizada clínica e radiograficamente, nos períodos pré-operatório, pós-operatório imediato e pós-operatório tardio. O tempo de acompanhamento clínico máximo foi de 46 meses, o mínimo de 10 meses, obtendo-se um acompanhamento médio de 11 meses. A avaliação global tanto do ponto vista do paciente como da equipe médica mostrou que: 36 (90%) dos pacientes obtiveram bom resultado; três pacientes (7,5%) apresentaram melhora em relação ao pré-operatório e um paciente (2,5%) não obteve melhora. Vinte e nove pacientes (72,5%) tiveram sua capacidade de trabalho normalizada, nove (22,5%) pacientes tiveram sua capacidade melhorada em 75% e dois (5%) pacientes tiveram a capacidade melhorada em 50%. Vinte e um pacientes (52,5%) tiveram o índice de Prolo aumentado entre 9 e 10 (excelente); 14 (35%) tiveram índice de Prolo aumentado para 7 e 8 (bom); em 5 (12,5%) o índice ficou entre 5 e 6 (regular) e nenhum paciente teve índice 2, 3 ou 4 (mau). O tempo médio de retorno para as atividades normais variou de três a doze meses, com uma média de sete meses. Em comparação com métodos similares relatados pela literatura, o implante mostrou-se tão eficiente quanto eles, com as vantagens da simplicidade, da possibilidade de ser usado em vários níveis e da rigidez após montado.Pontíficia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul Hospital São Lucas Serviço de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaSciEL

    Effects of ganglioside G(M1) and erythropoietin on spinal cord lesions in rats: functional and histological evaluations

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the functional and histological effects of ganglioside G(M1) and erythropoietin after experimental spinal cord contusion injury. METHODS: Fifty male Wistar rats underwent experimental spinal cord lesioning using an NYU-Impactor device and were randomly divided into the following groups, which received treatment intraperitoneally. The G(M1) group received ganglioside G(M1) (30 mg/kg); the erythropoietin group received erythropoietin (1000 IU/kg); the combined group received both drugs; and the saline group received saline (0.9%) as a control. A fifth group was the laminectomy group, in which the animals were subjected to laminectomy alone, without spinal lesioning or treatment. The animals were evaluated according to the Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan (BBB) scale, motor evoked potential recordings and, after euthanasia, histological analysis of spinal cord tissue. RESULTS: The erythropoietin group had higher BBB scores than the G(M1) group. The combined group had the highest BBB scores, and the saline group had the lowest BBB scores. No significant difference in latency was observed between the three groups that underwent spinal cord lesioning and intervention. However, the combined group showed a significantly higher signal amplitude than the other treatment groups or the saline group (

    Evaluation of the effect of intrathecal GM1 in 24, 48, and 72 hours after acute spinal cord injury in rats

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the best timing and feasibility of intrathecal application of sodium monosialoganglioside (GM1) after spinal cord contusion in Wistar rats as an experimental model. Methods: Forty Wistar rats were submitted to contusion spinal cord injury after laminectomy. The animals were randomized and divided into four groups: Group 1 – Intrathecal application of GM1 24 hours after contusion; Group 2 – Intrathecal application of GM1 48 hours after contusion; Group 3 – intrathecal application of GM1 72 hours after contusion; Group 4 – Sham, with laminectomy and intrathecal application of 0.5 mL of 0.9% saline solution, without contusion. The recovery of locomotor function was evaluated at seven different moments by the Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan (BBB) test. They were also assessed by the horizontal ladder, with sensory-motor behavioral assessment criteria, pre-and postoperatively. Results: This experimental study showed better functional scores in the group submitted to the application of GM1, with statistically significant results, showing a mean increase when evaluated on known motor tests like the horizontal ladder and BBB, at all times of evaluation (p < 0.05), especially in group 2 (48 hours after spinal cord injury). Also, fewer mistakes and slips over the horizontal ladder were observed, and many points were achieved at the BBB scale analysis. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that the intrathecal application of GM1 after spinal cord contusion in Wistar rats is feasible. The application 48 hours after the injury presented the best functional results

    Análise biomecânica das fixações atlantoaxiais: estudo experimental

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    Introdução: o tratamento cirúrgico de pacientes com fraturas do processo odontoide tem sido controverso. As principais técnicas cirúrgicas para o segmento C1-C2 incluem além da artrodese cervical (aramagem tipo Gallie, parafusos transarticulares e aramagem tipo 88), a fixação direta com parafuso no processo odontoide. Objetivo: comparar a estabilidade mecânica destes quatro tipos de osteossínteses do segmento atlantoaxial (C1-C2). Metodologia: vinte segmentos atlantoaxiais de cadáveres humanos adultos forampreparados com fraturas do tipo 2 de Anderson e D’Alonso e divididos em quatro grupos: aramagem tipo Gallie (aG); parafusos transarticulares (pT); parafuso no processo odontoide (pD); aramagem tipo 88 (a88). Os corpos de prova foram submetidos a esforçosde flexocompressão em máquina universal de ensaios mecânicos para análise de resistência, elasticidade e deformações. Resultados: na fase de acomodação, os parafusos no processo odontoide apresentaram pouquíssima mobilidade com cargas baixas. Na fase deelasticidade, não houve diferença significativa entre as construções testadas. Com relação à resistência máxima suportada pelas construções, houve uma diferença estatisticamente significativa a favor da aramagem tipo Gallie. Conclusão: nossos testes mostraramque em relação à acomodação houve diferença significativa entre a aramagem tipo Gallie e o parafuso no processo odontoide; e quanto à resistência máxima, entre a aramagem tipo Gallie e o parafuso transarticular

    Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Combined with Methylprednisolone Improves Functional Outcomes in Rats with Experimental Acute Spinal Cord Injury

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of combined treatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and methylprednisolone in rats subjected to experimental spinal cord injury. METHODS: Forty Wistar rats received a moderate spinal cord injury and were divided into four groups: control (no treatment); G-CSF (G-CSF at the time of injury and daily over the next five days); methylprednisolone (methylprednisolone for 24 h); and G-CSF/Methylprednisolone (methylprednisolone for 24 h and G-CSF at the time of injury and daily over the next five days). Functional evaluation was performed using the Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan score on days 2, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 following injury. Motor-evoked potentials were evaluated. Histological examination of the spinal cord lesion was performed immediately after euthanasia on day 42. RESULTS: Eight animals were excluded (2 from each group) due to infection, a normal Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan score at their first evaluation, or autophagy, and 32 were evaluated. The combination of methylprednisolone and G-CSF promoted greater functional improvement than methylprednisolone or G-CSF alone (

    Evaluation of the effects of erythropoietin and interleukin-6 in rats submitted to acute spinal cord injury

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and erythropoietin (EPO) in experimental acute spinal cord injury (SCI) in rats. METHODS: Using standardized equipment, namely, a New York University (NYU) Impactor, a SCI was produced in 50 Wistar rats using a 10-g weight drop from a 12.5-mm height. The rats were divided into the following 5 groups of 10 animals each: ‘‘Group EPO’’, treated with erythropoietin only; ‘‘Group EPO + IL-6’’, treated with both substances; ‘‘Group IL-6’’, receiving IL-6 administration only; ‘‘Group Placebo’’, receiving a placebo solution; and ‘‘Group Sham’’, submitted to an incomplete procedure (only laminectomy, without SCI). All drugs and the placebo solution were administered intraperitoneally for three weeks. The animals were followed up for 42 days. Functional motor recovery was monitored by the Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan (BBB) scale on days 2, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42. Motor-evoked potential tests were performed on the 42nd day. Histological analysis was performed after euthanasia. RESULTS: The group receiving EPO exhibited superior functional motor results on the BBB scale. IL-6 administration alone was not superior to the placebo treatment, and the IL-6 combination with EPO yielded worse results than did EPO alone. CONCLUSIONS: Using EPO after acute SCI in rats yielded benefits in functional recovery. The combination of EPO and IL-6 showed benefits, but with inferior results compared to those of isolated EPO; moreover, isolated use of IL-6 resulted in no benefit

    Standardization of a spinal cord lesion model and neurologic evaluation using mice

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    OBJECTIVE: To standardize a spinal cord lesion mouse model. METHODS: Thirty BALB/c mice were divided into five groups: four experimental groups and one control group (sham). The experimental groups were subjected to spinal cord lesion by a weight drop from different heights after laminectomy whereas the sham group only underwent laminectomy. Mice were observed for six weeks, and functional behavior scales were applied. The mice were then euthanized, and histological investigations were performed to confirm and score spinal cord lesion. The findings were evaluated to prove whether the method of administering spinal cord lesion was effective and different among the groups. Additionally, we correlated the results of the functional scales with the results from the histology evaluations to identify which scale is more reliable. RESULTS: One mouse presented autophagia, and six mice died during the experiment. Because four of the mice that died were in Group 5, Group 5 was excluded from the study. All the functional scales assessed proved to be significantly different from each other, and mice presented functional evolution during the experiment. Spinal cord lesion was confirmed by histology, and the results showed a high correlation between the Basso, Beattie, Bresnahan Locomotor Rating Scale and the Basso Mouse Scale. The mouse function scale showed a moderate to high correlation with the histological findings, and the horizontal ladder test had a high correlation with neurologic degeneration but no correlation with the other histological parameters evaluated. CONCLUSION: This spinal cord lesion mouse model proved to be effective and reliable with exception of lesions caused by a 10-g drop from 50 mm, which resulted in unacceptable mortality. The Basso, Beattie, Bresnahan Locomotor Rating Scale and Basso Mouse Scale are the most reliable functional assessments, and but the horizontal ladder test is not recommended

    Análisis retrospectivo de los resultados de la utilización de las fracturas craneales halo dislocaciones subaxiales

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    OBJETIVO: avaliar o emprego do halo craniano em fraturas e luxações cervicais no atendimento inicial, relacionado com a taxa de sucesso na redução fechada de lesões cervicais nos diferentes tipos de fraturas. MÉTODOS: investigação retrospectiva de prontuários de pacientes atendidos e tratados de Janeiro de 2004 até Março de 2009, em um total de 222 pacientes, categorizando as lesões encontradas de acordo com a classificação AO. RESULTADOS: encontramos alta taxa de sucesso de redução fechada em pacientes com lesões cervicais por compressão axial (AO tipo A) no emprego do halo craniano; em lesões por distração (AO tipo B) e movimento rotacional (AO tipo C) observamos aproximadamente 50% de redução fechada da luxação; além disso, lesões em níveis mais craniais apresentam maior taxa de sucesso na redução. CONCLUSÃO: o emprego do halo craniano é encorajado, pois, além de realizar um papel imobilizador no atendimento inicial, apresenta resultados satisfatórios na tentativa de redução fechada da lesão cervical, melhorando o conforto do paciente, facilitando a abordagem cirúrgica posterior e o cuidado da equipe de enfermagem.OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the use of cranial halo cervical fractures and dislocations in the initial care related to the rate of successful closed reduction of cervical lesions in different types of fractures. METHODS: retrospective investigation of reports of patients admitted and treated from January 2004 to March 2009, a total of 222 patients. The lesions were categorized according to the AO classification. RESULTS: a high success rate of closed reduction in patients with cervical lesions by axial compression (AO type A) in the use of cranial halo; in distraction injuries (AO type B) and rotational motion (AO type C) we observed approximately 50% of closed reduction of dislocation; furthermore, lesions in more cranial levels have a higher success rate in reducing. CONCLUSION: the use of cranial halo is encouraged because, in addition to performing a immobilizing role in the initial care, it produces satisfactory results in the attempt of closed reduction of cervical injury, improving patient's comfort, facilitating the surgical approach and subsequent care of the nursing team.OBJETIVO: evaluar el uso de halo craneal en fracturas cervicales y luxaciones de los cuidados iniciales, en relación con el porcentaje de reducción cerrada con éxito de las lesiones cervicales en los diferentes tipos de fracturas. MÉTODOS: investigación retrospectiva de los informes de los pacientes ingresados y tratados desde enero de 2004 hasta marzo de 2009, en un total de 222 pacientes, las lesiones se clasificaron según la clasificación AO. RESULTADOS: se encontró un alto porcentaje de éxito de la reducción cerrada en pacientes con lesiones cervicales por compresión axial (AO tipo A), en el uso de halo craneal; en las lesiones por distracción (AO tipo B) y el movimiento de rotación (AO tipo C) se observó aproximadamente el 50% de la reducción cerrada de la luxación. Por otra parte, las lesiones en los niveles más craneales tienen una tasa de éxito mayor en su reducción. CONCLUSIÓN: el uso del halo craneal es alentado porque, además de realizar un papel en la atención inicial inmovilizador, produce resultados satisfactorios en el intento de reducción cerrada de la lesión cervical, mejorando la comodidad del paciente, facilitando el abordaje quirúrgico y los cuidados posteriores del equipo de enfermería

    Effects of ganglioside GM1 and erythropoietin on spinal cord injury in mice: Functional and immunohistochemical assessments

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    Objectives: To evaluate the functional and immunohistochemical effects of ganglioside GM1 and erythropoietin following experimental spinal cord injury. Methods: Thirty-two male BALB/c mice were subjected to experimental spinal cord injury using the NYU Impactor device and were randomly divided into the following groups: GM1 group, receiving standard ganglioside GM1 (30 mg/kg); erythropoietin group, receiving erythropoietin (1000 IU/kg); combination group, receiving both drugs; and control group, receiving saline (0.9%). Animals were evaluated according to the Basso Mouse Scale (BMS) and Hindlimb Mouse Function Score (MFS). After euthanasia, the immunohistochemistry of the medullary tissue of mice was analyzed. All animals received intraperitoneal treatment. Results: The GM1 group had higher BMS and MFS scores at the end of the experiment when compared to all other groups. The combination group had higher BMS and MFS scores than the erythropoietin and control groups. The erythropoietin group had higher BMS and MFS scores than the control group. Immunohistochemical tissue analysis showed a significant difference among groups. There was a significant increase in myelinated axons and in the myelinated axon length in the erythropoietin group when compared to the other intervention groups (p < 0.01). Conclusions: Erythropoietin and GM1 have therapeutic effects on axonal regeneration in mice subjected to experimental spinal cord injury, and administration of GM1 alone had the highest scores on the BMS and MFS scales
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