649 research outputs found

    A brief questionnaire measure of multidimensional schizotypy predicts interview-rated symptoms and impairment

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    The present study employed structured diagnostic interviews to assess the construct validity of the brief version of the Multidimensional Schizotypy Scale (MSS-B), which was developed to assess positive, negative, and disorganized dimensions of schizotypy. It was hypothesized that the MSS-B subscales would be associated with differential patterns of symptoms and impairment, comparable to findings for the full-length MSS. A total of 177 young adults completed structured diagnostic interviews assessing symptoms and impairment. As hypothesized, MSS-B positive schizotypy was significantly associated with interview ratings of positive (psychotic-like) symptoms, as well as schizotypal and paranoid personality disorder traits. MSS-B negative schizotypy was associated with interview ratings of negative symptoms, as well as schizoid, paranoid, and schizotypal traits. Furthermore, negative schizotypy predicted Cluster A personality disorder diagnoses. MSS-B disorganized schizotypy was associated with interview ratings of disorganized symptoms. All three schizotypy dimensions were associated with impaired functioning. This was the first study to evaluate the validity of the MSS-B using interview measures, and the pattern of findings for each MSS-B subscale was closely comparable to the findings for the full-length MSS. Contrary to our hypothesis, cannabis use was largely unassociated with psychotic-like symptoms and did not moderate the expression of the schizotypy dimensions. The MSS-B has good psychometric properties, high concordance with the full-length MSS, and good construct validity. Thus, it appears to be a promising brief alternative to traditional schizotypy measures

    Determination of the availability of payment for conservation and improvement activities of wetlands ecosystem of the Huaraz City, Peru

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Economía y PlanificaciónEl Método de Valoración Contingente (MVC) fue utilizado con el propósito de determinar la intención de pago (IDP) de los ciudadanos en la ciudad de Huaraz - Perú (Región Ancash) con el fin de estimar un financiamiento para subsidiar el diseño e implementación de las actividades de conservación y restauración de un ecosistema de humedales. Para estimar la IDP, se usó el modelo probabilístico LOGIT; el cual es base de las proposiciones teóricas de Bishop-Heberlein. Los resultados indicaron que las variables más influenciables en la (IDP), son una serie de variables de “apreciación” (de los ciudadanos) respecto a la importancia ecológica de los humedales en la región. Sin embargo, las variables socioeconómicas, como los ingresos, la edad, educación, etc., no fueron muy significativos en explicar la variación en la intención de pago. El mejor indicador estadístico para medir la IDP fue la media, que se estimó al 1.05USD/familia/mes,revelandoquelaRegioˊnAncash(Peruˊ)podrıˊaerigirseanualmenteporunestimadode1.05 USD/familia/mes, revelando que la Región Ancash (Perú) podría erigirse anualmente por un estimado de 312,266 USD. Una importante conclusión es que la valoración económica es la llave para diseñar e implementar actividades de conservación y mejoramiento de los humedales, este sería el comienzo de un proceso que terminaría exitosamente si son completados algunos escalones pendientes.Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) was used with the purpose of determining the willingness to pay (WTP) of the citizens of Huaraz city - Peru (Ancash Region) in order to estimate a financial to subsidize the design and implementation of conservation and restoration activities of the wetland ecosystem. To estimate the WTP, a LOGIT probabilistic model was use; which is base on the theoretical proposal of Bishop-Heberlein. Results indicate that the most influential variables in the WTP, are a set of variables of "appreciation" (of te citizen´s) regarding the ecological importance of the wetlands in their region. However, socioeconomic variables, such as income, age, education, etc., were not significant in explaining the WTP variation. The best statistical indicator for measuring the WTP was the median, which was estimated at 1.05USD/family/month,revealingthatinAncashregion(Peru)itcouldraiseannuallybyanestimatedof1.05 USD/family/month, revealing that in Ancash region (Peru) it could raise annually by an estimated of 312,266 USD. An important conclusion is that economic valuation is key to design and implement activities of conservation and improvement of the wetlands, this being the beginning of a process that will end successfully if some remaining steps are completed

    Understanding herbivore-plant-soil feedbacks to improve grazing management on Mediterranean mountain grasslands

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    The surface of many European mountain grasslands is decreasing due to global change and extensive grazing stands out as a key tool for their conservation. Sound knowledge of grassland ecosystem functioning and its feedback processes is required to implement sustainable grazing management. This study aimed to understand the effect of different grazing intensities on herbivore-plant-soil feedbacks in Mediterranean mountain grasslands. We estimated spatial distribution of sheep grazing intensity using GPS technology in order to assess the effect of grazing pressure on vegetation and soil properties measured throughout the study area. Our results showed that grazing intensity ranged from 0.06 to 2.85 livestock units / ha, corresponding to a gradient of pasture utilisation rates varying from 2.38% to 45.60% of annual productivity from pasture. Increasing grazing pressure was associated with smaller relative cover and species richness of non-leguminous forbs, while the opposite trends were observed for graminoids. Forage had a greater concentration of N and smaller C:N ratio in more heavily grazed areas. Increasing grazing intensity was also associated with higher values of total soil N, NO3-, NH4+, soil organic carbon, microbial biomass C and activity of ß-glucosidase. Higher litter quality was the main factor explaining greater content of soil organic matter, which favoured both soil microbes and plant productivity. Grazing induced changes in the plant community triggered positive hervibore-plant-soil feedbacks, as they ultimately improved forage quality and productivity, which significantly influenced the pasture preference of free-ranging domestic grazers. Our work showed that grazing management aiming pasture utilisation rates of around 45% is critical in sustaining positive herbivore-plant-soil feedbacks and preserving or enhancing the whole ecosystem functioning in the Mediterranean mountain grasslands studied. © 2021 The Author

    Transhumant GPS tracked sheep flocks from lowlands to highlands in Spain: grazing resources use and difficulties of walking/herding

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    The need for preserving walking/herding transhumance drove roads on the Iberian Peninsula hasbeen widely recognized, as they provide a wide range of ecosystem services. In spite of the decline of walkingtranshumance in Spain, some drove roads are being reactivated due mainly to the high price of lorrytransport and feeds for livestock. The objectives of this work were: (i) develop a method to track the transhumantflocks in order to know the route followed and detail the type of pastures that the sheep use during thetrip; (ii) know the main difficulties of the activity, either technical, economic or social. Collars with GPS wereinstalled around the neck of some animals of five transhumant flocks. The data provided by GPS were analyzedby a GIS and overlapped with pastures/vegetation maps. For each flock, interviews with the farmersprovided data in terms of difficulties for the activity to be continued. The method provided highly accurate dataof the routes. The main types of vegetation used by sheep and main difficulties perceived by the farmers tocontinue the activity are summarized

    Análisis comparativo de explotaciones de vacuno de leche especializadas y mixtas en Aragón.

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    publishedTomo I . Sección: Sistemas Ganaderos-Economía y Gestión. Sesión: Producción de leche. Ponencia nº 2

    Avaliação do ciclo de vida da produção de algodão em dois sistemas de rotação de culturas.

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    Resumo: Os nanomateriais, por suas propriedades físico-químicas únicas, podem estabelecer interações imprevistas com substâncias naturalmente presentes nos componentes ambientais, fazendo-se indispensável a avaliação dos seus potenciais impactos ambientais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a contribuição da fase agrícola da produção de algodão - matéria-prima para obtenção de nanomateriais ? no desempenho ambiental desta tecnologia. Consideraram-se dois sistemas de produção de algodão por plantio direto: em rotação com o milheto e em rotação com soja e capim Mombaça. O método adotado foi a Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV). Para ambos os sistemas, a fase mais impactante foi a produção agrícola de algodão, de modo que para o sistema em rotação com o milheto, maiores efeitos foram encontrados nas categorias de impacto de mudanças climáticas; ecotoxicidade aquática e terrestre; e toxicidade humana. Para o sistema em rotação com soja e capim, os impactos ambientais mais relevantes foram eutrofização de água doce e mudanças climáticas. Notou-se ainda que a soja, pelo fato de ser uma cultura beneficiada pelas bactérias fixadoras de nitrogênio, diminui o aporte de fertilizantes nitrogenados, reduzindo os impactos ambientais decorrentes da sua produção

    Análise de viabilidade econômica de um sistema de produção modal de eucalipto para lenha na região de Itapeva, SP.

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