323 research outputs found

    The fragility of decentralised trustless socio-technical systems

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    The blockchain technology promises to transform finance, money and even governments. However, analyses of blockchain applicability and robustness typically focus on isolated systems whose actors contribute mainly by running the consensus algorithm. Here, we highlight the importance of considering trustless platforms within the broader ecosystem that includes social and communication networks. As an example, we analyse the flash-crash observed on 21st June 2017 in the Ethereum platform and show that a major phenomenon of social coordination led to a catastrophic cascade of events across several interconnected systems. We propose the concept of “emergent centralisation” to describe situations where a single system becomes critically important for the functioning of the whole ecosystem, and argue that such situations are likely to become more and more frequent in interconnected socio-technical systems. We anticipate that the systemic approach we propose will have implications for future assessments of trustless systems and call for the attention of policy-makers on the fragility of our interconnected and rapidly changing world

    Antiglycation activity and HT-29 cellular uptake of aloe-emodin, aloin, and aloe arborescens leaf extracts

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    Aloe arborescens is a relevant species largely used in traditional medicine of several countries. In particular, the decoction of leaves is prepared for various medicinal purposes including antidiabetic care. The aim of this research was the study of the antiglycation activity of two A. arborescens leaf extracts and isolated compounds: aloin and aloe-emodin. These phytoconstituents were quantitatively assessed in methanolic and hydroalcoholic extracts using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. In addition, the total phenolic and flavonoid contents were detected. In order to study their potential use in diabetic conditions, the antiglycation and antiradical properties of the two extracts and aloin and aloe-emodin were investigated by means of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazil (DPPH) assays; further, their cytotoxicity in HT-29 human colon adenocarcinoma cells was evaluated by 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Furthermore, the ability of aloin and aloe-emodin to permeate the cellular membranes of HT-29 cells was determined in order to estimate their potential in vivo absorption. This assessment indicated that aloe-emodin can substantially pass through cell membranes (~20%), whereas aloin did not permeate into HT-29 cells. Overall, the data show that both the methanolic and the hydroalcoholic A. arborescens extracts determine significant inhibition of glycation and free-radical persistence, without any cytotoxic activity. The data also show that the antiglycation and the antiradical activities of aloin and aloe-emodin are lower than those of the two extracts. In relation to the permeability study, only aloe-emodin is able to cross HT-29 cellular membranes, showing the attitude to pass through the intestinal layer. Overall, the present data surely support the traditional use of A. arborescens leaf extracts against hyperglycemic conditions, while aloin and aloe-emodin as potential drugs need further study

    Non-equilibrium phase transition in negotiation dynamics

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    We introduce a model of negotiation dynamics whose aim is that of mimicking the mechanisms leading to opinion and convention formation in a population of individuals. The negotiation process, as opposed to ``herding-like'' or ``bounded confidence'' driven processes, is based on a microscopic dynamics where memory and feedback play a central role. Our model displays a non-equilibrium phase transition from an absorbing state in which all agents reach a consensus to an active stationary state characterized either by polarization or fragmentation in clusters of agents with different opinions. We show the exystence of at least two different universality classes, one for the case with two possible opinions and one for the case with an unlimited number of opinions. The phase transition is studied analytically and numerically for various topologies of the agents' interaction network. In both cases the universality classes do not seem to depend on the specific interaction topology, the only relevant feature being the total number of different opinions ever present in the system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Modeling the emergence of a new language: Naming Game with hybridization

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    In recent times, the research field of language dynamics has focused on the investigation of language evolution, dividing the work in three evolutive steps, according to the level of complexity: lexicon, categories and grammar. The Naming Game is a simple model capable of accounting for the emergence of a lexicon, intended as the set of words through which objects are named. We introduce a stochastic modification of the Naming Game model with the aim of characterizing the emergence of a new language as the result of the interaction of agents. We fix the initial phase by splitting the population in two sets speaking either language A or B. Whenever the result of the interaction of two individuals results in an agent able to speak both A and B, we introduce a finite probability that this state turns into a new idiom C, so to mimic a sort of hybridization process. We study the system in the space of parameters defining the interaction, and show that the proposed model displays a rich variety of behaviours, despite the simple mean field topology of interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, presented at IWSOS 2013 Palma de Mallorca, the final publication will be available at LNCS http://www.springer.com/lnc

    In-depth analysis of the Naming Game dynamics: the homogeneous mixing case

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    Language emergence and evolution has recently gained growing attention through multi-agent models and mathematical frameworks to study their behavior. Here we investigate further the Naming Game, a model able to account for the emergence of a shared vocabulary of form-meaning associations through social/cultural learning. Due to the simplicity of both the structure of the agents and their interaction rules, the dynamics of this model can be analyzed in great detail using numerical simulations and analytical arguments. This paper first reviews some existing results and then presents a new overall understanding.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figures (few in reduced definition). In press in IJMP

    Bio-linguistic transition and Baldwin effect in an evolutionary naming-game model

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    We examine an evolutionary naming-game model where communicating agents are equipped with an evolutionarily selected learning ability. Such a coupling of biological and linguistic ingredients results in an abrupt transition: upon a small change of a model control parameter a poorly communicating group of linguistically unskilled agents transforms into almost perfectly communicating group with large learning abilities. When learning ability is kept fixed, the transition appears to be continuous. Genetic imprinting of the learning abilities proceeds via Baldwin effect: initially unskilled communicating agents learn a language and that creates a niche in which there is an evolutionary pressure for the increase of learning ability.Our model suggests that when linguistic (or cultural) processes became intensive enough, a transition took place where both linguistic performance and biological endowment of our species experienced an abrupt change that perhaps triggered the rapid expansion of human civilization.Comment: 7 pages, minor changes, accepted in Int.J.Mod.Phys.C, proceedings of Max Born Symp. Wroclaw (Poland), Sept. 2007. Java applet is available at http://spin.amu.edu.pl/~lipowski/biolin.html or http://www.amu.edu.pl/~lipowski/biolin.htm

    Random walks on complex trees

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    We study the properties of random walks on complex trees. We observe that the absence of loops is reflected in physical observables showing large differences with respect to their looped counterparts. First, both the vertex discovery rate and the mean topological displacement from the origin present a considerable slowing down in the tree case. Second, the mean first passage time (MFPT) displays a logarithmic degree dependence, in contrast to the inverse degree shape exhibited in looped networks. This deviation can be ascribed to the dominance of source-target topological distance in trees. To show this, we study the distance dependence of a symmetrized MFPT and derive its logarithmic profile, obtaining good agreement with simulation results. These unique properties shed light on the recently reported anomalies observed in diffusive dynamical systems on trees
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