18 research outputs found

    House 44

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    Import 29/09/2010Bakalářská práce „House 44“ se zabývá návrhem rodinného domu v obci Razová. Cílem bylo vytvořit minimalistický rodinný dům pro čtyřčlennou rodinu, který bude splňovat požadavky a potřeby moderního bydlení. Návrh domu plně vychází z dispozičního řešení, kde je kladen maximální důraz na jednoduchost, přehlednost a propojení exteriéru s interiérem. Bakalářská práce je rozdělena do tří částí. První část se zabývá architektonickou studií stavby, druhá část se věnuje pozemnímu stavitelství a ve třetí části je řešen architektonický detail zastřešení hlavního vstupu.Bachelor thesis „House 44“ deals with design of the family house in the village Razová. The aim was to create a minimalist family house for a family of four, which will meet the requirements and needs of modern living. Design of the house is fully based on the dispositional solution, which is placed maximum emphasis on simplicity, clarity and interconnection between exterior and interior. Bachelor thesis is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the architectonical study of the building, the second part engages in civil engineering and the third part solves the architectonical detail of the main entrance roofing.Prezenční226 - Katedra architekturyvýborn

    Aesthetical and Functional Coatings in Automotive Industries

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    Import 04/11/2015V této bakalářské práci jsou popisovány funkční a estetické povlaky používané v automobilovém průmyslu. V teoretické části jsou vysvětleny základní pojmy a popsány jednotlivé technologické procesy nanášení funkčních povlaků. Dále se v teoretické části bakalářské práce věnuji koloristice, technologii nanášení laků a kontrole kvality povlaků. Praktická část se zabývá tloušťkou, strukturou a rozsahem napadením pěti dílů. Jedná se o nášlapnou část dvou brzdových pedálů, každý s jiným povlakem, které byly vystaveny korozní zkoušce v solné mlze, dále o podlahový úchyt se svislým madlem používaný v provozu a o výplň plošiny z autobusu.In this bachelor thesis functional and aesthetic coatings used in the automotive industry are described. The theoretical part explains the basic concepts, describes individual technological processes of applying functional coatings. Furthermore, in the theoretical part of the bachelor thesis I devoted coloristics, the technology of applying paints and quality control of coatings. The practical part examines the thickness, structure and scope attacks of five parts. It is the tread part of two brake pedals, each with a different coating, which were exposed to a corrosive salt spray test, further a holder with a vertical handle used in operation anda filling of a bus platform.636 - Katedra materiálového inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    Realization or innovation company information system

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    Návrh informačního systému firmy pro elektronické obchodování. Práce objasňuje úlohu elektronického obchodování a popisuje postup vytvoření konkurenceschopného a funkčního elektronického obchodu.Realization company information system which will be use for electronic shopping.Project explain e-bussines meaning in present and is manual for doing electronic shopping succesful.

    Enhancements of SDR-based FPGA system for V2X-VLC communications

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    This pilot study focuses on a real measurements and enhancements of a software defined radio-based system for vehicle-to everything visible light communication (SDR-V2X-VLC). The presented system is based on a novel adaptive optimization of the feed-forward software defined equaliza-tion (FFSDE) methods of the least mean squares (LMS), normalized LMS (NLMS) and QR decomposition-based recursive least squares (QR-RLS) algorithms. Individual parameters of adaptive equalizations are adjusted in real-time to reach the best possible results. Experiments were carried out on a conventional LED Octavia III taillight drafted directly from production line and universal software radio peripherals (USRP) from National Instruments. The transmitting/receiving elements used multistate quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) implemented in LabVIEW programming environment. Experimental results were verified based on bit error ratio (BER), error vector magnitude (EVM) and modulation error ratio (MER). Experimental results of the pilot study unambiguously confirmed the effectiveness of the pro-posed solution (longer effective communication range, higher immunity to interference, deployment of higher state QAM modulation formats, higher transmission speeds etc.), as the adaptive equalization significantly improved BER, MER and EVM parameters. The best results were achieved using the QR-RLS algorithm. The results measured on deployed QR-RLS algorithm had significantly better Eb/N0 (improved by approx. 20 dB) and BER values (difference by up to two orders of magnitude).Web of Science6833652362

    Noise reduction in industry based on virtual instrumentation

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    This paper discusses the reduction of background noise in an industrial environment to extend human-machine-interaction. In the Industry 4.0 era, the mass development of voice control (speech recognition) in various industrial applications is possible, especially as related to augmented reality (such as hands-free control via voice commands). As Industry 4.0 relies heavily on radiofrequency technologies, some brief insight into this problem is provided, including the Internet of things (IoT) and 5G deployment. This study was carried out in cooperation with the industrial partner Brose CZ spol. s.r.o., where sound recordings were made to produce a dataset. The experimental environment comprised three workplaces with background noise above 100 dB, consisting of a laser/magnetic welder and a press. A virtual device was developed from a given dataset in order to test selected commands from a commercial speech recognizer from Microsoft. We tested a hybrid algorithm for noise reduction and its impact on voice command recognition efficiency. Using virtual devices, the study was carried out on large speakers with 20 participants (10 men and 10 women). The experiments included a large number of repetitions (100 times for each command under different noise conditions). Statistical results confirmed the efficiency of the tested algorithms. Laser welding environment efficiency was 27% before applied filtering, 76% using the least mean square (LMS) algorithm, and 79% using LMS + independent component analysis (ICA). Magnetic welding environment efficiency was 24% before applied filtering, 70% with LMS, and 75% with LMS + ICA. Press workplace environment efficiency showed no success before applied filtering, was 52% with LMS, and was 54% with LMS + ICA.Web of Science6911096107

    Review of fundamental active current extraction techniques for SAPF

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    The field of advanced digital signal processing methods is one of the fastest developing scientific and technical disciplines, and is important in the field of Shunt Active Power Filter control methods. Shunt active power filters are highly desirable to minimize losses due to the increase in the number of nonlinear loads (deformed power). Currently, there is rapid development in new adaptive, non-adaptive, and especially hybrid methods of digital signal processing. Nowadays, modern methods of digital signal processing maintain a key role in research and industrial applications. Many of the best practices that have been used to control shunt active power in industrial practice for decades are now being surpassed in favor of new progressive approaches. This systematic research review classifies the importance of using advanced signal processing methods in the field of shunt active power filter control methods and summarizes the extant harmonic extraction methods, from the conventional approach to new progressive methods using genetic algorithms, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Synchronization techniques are described and compared as well.Web of Science2220art. no. 798

    Advanced signal processing methods for condition monitoring

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    Condition monitoring of induction motors (IM) among with the predictive maintenance concept are currently among the most promising research topics of manufacturing industry. Production efficiency is an important parameter of every manufacturing plant since it directly influences the final price of products. This research article presents a comprehensive overview of conditional monitoring techniques, along with classification techniques and advanced signal processing techniques. Compared methods are either based on measurement of electrical quantities or nonelectrical quantities that are processed by advanced signal processing techniques. This article briefly compares individual techniques and summarize results achieved by different research teams. Our own testbed is briefly introduced in the discussion section along with plans for future dataset creation. According to the comparison, Wavelet Transform (WT) along with Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Park's Vector Approach (PVA) provides the most interesting results for real deployment and could be used for future experiments.Web of Scienc

    System Sensor Based on Virtual Instrumentation

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    Tato diplomová práce se věnuje návrhu a realizaci systému pro správu testovacího polygonu technologie BroadbandLIGHT. Práce se zaměřuje na centralizovaný sběr dat z různých senzorických systémů, jejich ukládání, vizualizaci a základní zpracování dat. Cílem této práce je realizace virtuálního přístroje pro měření a vizualizaci vybraných parametrů (kvalita elektrické energie, rušení, meteorologická data) v rámci testovacího polygonu na bázi parkoviště nové budovy Fakulty elektrotechniky a informatiky.This diploma thesis deals with the design and implementation of sensorics system for administration of testing polygon for BroadbandLIGHT technology. Thesis is focused on centralized data acquisition from various sensorics systems, saving, visualization and basic elaboration of these data. The main goal of the thesis is to realize virtual instrument for measuring and visualization of various quantities (power quality measurement, noise measurement, meteorological data) within the testing polygon based on parking lot near the new building of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Improvement in the Material Loading in the Industrial Company

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na identifikaci problémových faktorů procesu dopravy materiálu do výroby. Cílem práce je identifikovat úzká místa a nedostatky jak v samotném procesu zavážení materiálů do výroby, tak vypozorované na pracovišti. Práce začíná obecnou charakteristikou dané problematiky z různých úhlů pohledu. Následuje analýza současného stavu, která se zaměřuje z počátku na organizační strukturu společnosti a její zaměstnance. Dále je zde uveden layout haly, využívaná dopravní technika a popis průtoku materiálem a v neposlední řadě samotné analýzy manipulantů. Zde jsou uvedena vypozorované a naměřená data, sloužící k následné analýze problémových faktorů. Po vyhodnocení analýz následuje samostatné řešení problémů a zhodnocení jejich proveditelnosti.The bachelor’s thesis is focused on identifying problematic factors in the process of transporting materials to production. The aim of the thesis is to identify bottlenecks and deficiencies both in the process of material delivery to production and those observed on site. The thesis starts with a general overview of the given issue from different perspectives. This is followed by an analysis of the current state, which initially focuses on the organizational structure of the company and its employees. Additionally, the layout of the hall, the transportation technology used, and the description of material flow are presented, and last but not least, the analysis of operators is conducted. After the evaluation of the analyses, independent solutions to the problems and an assessment of their feasibility follow. In the conclusion of the thesis, the contribution of the bachelor’s thesis is evaluated, and acknowledgments are given.345 - Katedra mechanické technologievýborn

    Autonomous Tonal Analysis of Sound Signal and Musical Instruments Detection

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    Import 03/11/2016Bakalářská práce pojednává o problematice detekce hudebního nástroje a rozpoznání hraného tónu pomocí různých metod. V této práci je udělán výtah možných řešení této problematiky a následně je pomocí těchto řešení navrhnut vlastní systém pro autonomní tonální analýzu hudebních nástrojů a rozpoznání hudebního nástroje pomocí spektrální a korelační analýzy. Systém byl realizován v prostředí LabVIEW.This bachelor thesis deals with issues that are linked with detection of fundamental frequency of played tone and recognition of musical instrument using various methods. In this thesis there is made a compendium of usable methods and then subsequently is made system based on these methods. System was made using LabVIEW software.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn