52 research outputs found

    Effects examination of the factors affecting choice of type of furniture with data mining technique (decision tree)

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    Data mining is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into beneficial information. Data mining is a very important technique in determining customer behavior. However, the work done on this subject is limited. By analyzing customer behavior, consumer needs can be identified and satisfaction can be increased at the same time. In this study, factors (age, gender, marital status, child status) affecting the selection of the furniture type (classical and modern furniture) will be analyzed using decision tree which is one of the techniques of data mining. Our analysis is intended to guide future research and to assist in the accumulation of knowledge on the implementation of data mining techniques

    The quality comparison of particleboards produced from heartwood and sapwood of european larch

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    In this paper, the impacts of heartwood and sapwood usage on the physical, mechanical, and surface properties and formaldehyde emission of particleboard are investigated. European Larch (Larix decidua) trees are chosen as a raw material. The logs are divided into three segments: sapwood, heartwood and total wood. The highest amounts of cellulose (51.54%), and hemicelluloses (22.24%) in the sapwood, followed by total wood, and the heartwood, respectively. However, the highest amount of lignin (30.54%) was found in the heartwood. The highest extractives values are obtained from heartwood, followed by total wood, and the sapwood, respectively. While the lowest pH value (3.03) is found in heartwood, the sapwood samples provide the highest values (4.95). The highest ash (0.49%) content and amount of condensed tannin (13.89%) are extracted from heartwood, followed by total wood, and sapwood, respectively. The test panels manufactured from sapwood have the smoothest surface (7.49 µm (Ra), 48.86 µm (Ry), and 35.12 µm (Rz)) and the lowest contact angles (67.8ᵒ), while the roughest surface (14.20 µm (Ra), 68.05 µm (Ry), and 50.02 µm (Rz)) and highest contact angle (96.9ᵒ) are obtained from the panels of heartwood. The thickness swelling (19.88%) and formaldehyde emission (7.28%) values of the panels manufactured from heartwood are significantly lower than the panels manufactured from the total wood and sapwood. The highest modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE), and internal bond (IB) values are observed on sapwood, respectively, 15.60 MPa (MOR), 2201 MPa (MOE), and 0.523 MPa (IB). These mechanical strength values (MOR, MOE, and IB) are followed by total wood, and the heartwood, respectively. Surface smoothness and wettability of the particleboards manufactured from sapwood are better than those of total wood and heartwood

    Análisis comparativo del impacto, de la segregación de los datos por género, en los protocolos de investigación de fisiología reproductiva y cardio-respiratoria

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    Es un hecho conocido que el dimorfismo sexual se presenta en la mayoría de las especies animales. Las diferencias que esto conlleva, tienen una base genética que sustenta características físicas propias de machos o hembras. Conocido esto, es evidente la necesidad de determinar la incidencia genérica en el funcionamiento de cualquier organismo. Sin embargo, el presente análisis, ha permitido comprobar que, la inclusión en la segregación de los resultados por género en estudios de Bio-Medicina (clínicos y pre-clínicos) aún no es algo generalizado. Para ello, se han revisado y combinado los resultados de un conjunto de estudios (fechados entre 2011 y 2017) escogiéndose dos áreas (en cuyas fisio-patologías se acepte diferente grado de impacto del género): aparato reproductivo y el sistema cardio-respiratorio. Los resultados obtenidos confirman la necesidad de concienciar a la comunidad científica de la importancia de la inclusión de la variable “género” en este tipo de estudios.It is a known fact that sexual dimorphism occurs in most animal species. The differences that this entails have a genetic basis that supports physical characteristics of males or females. Once this is known, the need to determine the generic incidence in the functioning of any organism is evident. However, the present analysis has shown that inclusion in the segregation of results by gender in Bio-Medicine studies (clinical and pre-clinical) is not yet widespread. For that, the results of a series of studies (dated between 2011 and 2017) have been reviewed and combined, choosing two areas (in whose physio-pathologies a different degree of gender impact is accepted): reproductive system and the cardio-respiratory system. The results obtained confirm the need to make the scientific community aware of the importance of including the gender variable in this type of studies

    The influence of raw material growth region, anatomical structure and chemical composition of wood on the quality properties of particleboards

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    In the present study, the impact of raw material grown region on the physical, mechanical, surface properties and formaldehyde emission of the particleboard was investigated. Ailanthus altissima wood grown in Trabzon had longer fiber length and thicker fiber and trachea cell wall than those of the wood grown in Artvin. The highest amounts of lignin, ash, condensed tannin and solubility values were found in wood grown in Artvin. Ailanthus altissima wood grown in Trabzon had higher amounts of cellulose and hemicellulose than those of the wood grown in Artvin. Particleboards made from wood grown in Artvin had worse surface quality and mechanical strength properties than those of panels made from wood grown in Trabzon. On the other hand, the results showed that particleboards produced from wood grown in Artvin had lower thickness swelling and formaldehyde emision values than those of the panels produced from wood grown in Trabzon

    Possibilities of Using Sunflower Tray in Particleboard Industry

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    Bu çalışmada, ayçiçek üretimi sonrası tarlada atık kalan ayçiçek tablasının hammadde olarak yonga levha üretimine uygunluğu araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada belirli oranlarda kokar ağaç (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) odunu ve ayçiçek tablası içeren 5 farklı levha üretilmiştir. Aynı zamanda kullanılan hammaddelerin kimyasal özellikleri ve yonga levhaların çeşitli kalite özelliklerine de (fiziksel, mekanik, yüzey özellikleri ve formaldehit emisyonu) bakılmıştır. Son olarak da elde edilen veriler değerlendirilerek yonga levhaların çeşitli kullanım yerlerinde özellikle de mobilya ve genel kullanım için uygunluğu ilgili standartlara bakılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Kimyasal analizlerden elde edilen verilen verilerin değerlendirilmesi sonucunda tüm çözünürlük değerleri, pH ve kül değerlerinin ayçiçek tablasında kokar ağaca odununa göre daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Fakat holoselüloz, selüloz, hemizelüloz ve lignin miktarlarının ise kokar ağaç odununda ayçiçek tablasına göre daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmalardan elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmesi sonucu yonga levhaların üretiminde % 10 ayçiçek kafası kullanılması yonga levhaların teknolojik özelliklerini etkilememiştir. % 20, % 30 ve % 100 ayçiçek tablası kullanımı eğilme direnci, elastikiyet modülü ve yüzeye dik çekme direncini olumsuz yönde etkilemiştir. Buna rağmen 2 ve 24 saatlik kalınlığına şişme değerleri ve formaldehit emisyonunu ise olumlu yönde etkilemiştir. Son olarak ise levhaların yüzey özelliklerine (ortalama pürüzlülük, en büyük pürüzlülük ve on nokta pürüzlülüğü) bakıldığında ayçiçek tablası kullanım oranın artmasına paralel olarak pürüzlülük değerlerinin arttığı tespit edilmiştir.In this study, the appropriateness of the remaining sunflower tray in the field after the sunflower production as raw material to the particleboard production was investigated. In the study, 5 different particleboards were produced, which included certain amounts of wood of tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) and sunflower table. At the same time, the chemical properties of the raw materials used and the various quality characteristics of the chips (physical, mechanical, surface properties and formaldehyde emission) were examined. Finally, the obtained data were evaluated and evaluated for the suitability of the chipboards in various places of use, in particular for furniture and general use, according to relevant standards. As a result of the evaluation of the data obtained from chemical analysis, it has been determined that all the solubility values, pH and ash values are higher in the sunflower tray than the wood of tree of heaven. However, the amount of holocellulose, cellulose, hemisellulose and lignin were found to be higher in the wood of tree heaven compared to the sunflower tray. The statistical evaluation of the data obtained as a result of the studies done does not affect the technological characteristics of the chips by using 10% sunflower head in the production of the particleboards. Using 20%, 30% and 100% sunflower tray affected the bending strength, modulus of elasticity, and internal bond strenght to the surface in the negative direction. Despite this, it affected positively the thickness swelling values for 2 and 24 hour immersion and formaldehyde emission..Finally, when looking at the surface properties of the boards (average roughness, maximum roughness and ten point roughness), it was determined that the roughness values increased in parallel with the increase of sunflower tray utilization rate

    Türkiye'de Twitter verilerinden faydalanarak ahşap malzeme üzerine eğilimlerin belirlenmesi

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    Dünyadaki veri miktarı büyük bir hızla artmaktadır. Günümüzde veriler bilim insanları tarafından en değerli hammadde olarak düşünülmektedir. Veri madenciliği çalışmaları gelişmiş ülkeler için kritik bir konudur. Bu nedenle her alanda veri çalışmalarına büyük yatırımlar yapılmaktadır. Twitter ülkemizde oldukça popular ve büyük miktarda verinin saklandığı bir sosyal medya ağıdır. Bu ağ kullanıcılarının belli başlıkları ne sıklıkta bahsettikleri farklı konulara olan ilgisini göstermektedir. Twitter verilerinin analizi ile toplumların fikir değişimleri belirlenebilmektedir. Aynı zamanda firmalar sosyal medyaya markalaşmak için giderek ilgi göstermektedir. Veriler tüketicilerin beklentilerini ve şikayetlerini anlamak için değerli bir kaynaktır. Anketler ile veri toplamak ve gerçek düşüncelere ulaşmak genellikle zordur. Bu durumda sosyal medya ağlarındaki kullanıcı verileri iyi bir alternatiftir. Bu çalışmada içinde ahşap kelimesi geçen tweetlerin coğrafi bölgelere göre dağılımı belirlenmiştir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda düzenli olarak tweetlerin paylaşıldığı koordinat verileri toplanmıştır. Çalışmada dünyada yaygın olarak kullanılan Rapidminer yazılımından faydalanılmıştır. Rapidminer güçlü bir veri madenciliği ve analiz platformudur. Çalışma sonucunda, twitter kullanıcılarının hangi coğrafik bölgelerde daha yoğun ahşap malzemeye ilgi duyulduğu belirlenmiştir

    Moisture content prediction of wood drying process using fuzzy logic

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    The abstract of the studies was published electronically in the Proceeding Book of the International Forestry Symposium organized between December 7–10, 2016 in Kastamonu, TurkeyThe fuzzy logic method might be used with various applications, for example, timber production, air conditioners, washing machines, and molecular biology. Fuzzy logic systems are trusted. At the same time easy to use and flexible. Temperatures and relative humidity vary depending on the room where the wood is used. Moisture in wood-based products is one of the key points. Because it directly affects the usage area and production. In the present study, the effects of temperature and drying time on moisture content were modeled and predicted in the wood drying process. For this purpose, the wood test materials were prepared, and their moisture contents were measured. The fuzzy logic model was established by taking references of the observed values. With this fuzzy logic model, the moisture contents of the wood were predicted in relation to drying temperature and time. Then, experimental results were compared with modeling data. 97.16% accuracy was observed with the fuzzy logic model

    The quality comparison of particleboards produced from heartwood and sapwood of european larch

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    In this paper, the impacts of heartwood and sapwood usage on the physical, mechanical, and surface properties and formaldehyde emission of particleboard are investigated. European Larch (Larix decidua) trees are chosen as a raw material. The logs are divided into three segments: sapwood, heartwood and total wood. The highest amounts of cellulose (51.54%), and hemicelluloses (22.24%) in the sapwood, followed by total wood, and the heartwood, respectively. However, the highest amount of lignin (30.54%) was found in the heartwood. The highest extractives values are obtained from heartwood, followed by total wood, and the sapwood, respectively. While the lowest pH value (3.03) is found in heartwood, the sapwood samples provide the highest values (4.95). The highest ash (0.49%) content and amount of condensed tannin (13.89%) are extracted from heartwood, followed by total wood, and sapwood, respectively. The test panels manufactured from sapwood have the smoothest surface (7.49 µm (Ra), 48.86 µm (Ry), and 35.12 µm (Rz)) and the lowest contact angles (67.8ᵒ), while the roughest surface (14.20 µm (Ra), 68.05 µm (Ry), and 50.02 µm (Rz)) and highest contact angle (96.9ᵒ) are obtained from the panels of heartwood. The thickness swelling (19.88%) and formaldehyde emission (7.28%) values of the panels manufactured from heartwood are significantly lower than the panels manufactured from the total wood and sapwood. The highest modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE), and internal bond (IB) values are observed on sapwood, respectively, 15.60 MPa (MOR), 2201 MPa (MOE), and 0.523 MPa (IB). These mechanical strength values (MOR, MOE, and IB) are followed by total wood, and the heartwood, respectively. Surface smoothness and wettability of the particleboards manufactured from sapwood are better than those of total wood and heartwood

    Prediction of Wood Density by Using Red-Green-Blue (RGB) Color and Fuzzy Logic Techniques

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    Density is an important wood property since it correlates to mechanical properties of wood. Fuzzy logic, among the various available Artificial Intelligence techniques, emerges as a good technique in predicting. Digital image analysis is an powerful tool to obtain meaningful data out of an image. In this study, digital image processing based on a red-green-blue (RGB) color examination was practiced to measure the intensity of wood color. Densities of the test samples were measured. Then, a new fuzzy logic model was developed based on these measured values and RGB color intensity of wood. Afterwards, the experimental and modeling data results were compared. 98.17\% accuracy was observed between the measurement and the fuzzy logic model. Consequently, Fuzzy logic is visable method for the prediction of the wood density