15 research outputs found

    Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using Modified Frequency Ratio Model in Kaski District, Nepal

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    Landslides are the most common natural hazards in Nepal especially in the mountainous terrain. The existing topographical scenario, complex geological settings followed by the heavy rainfall in monsoon has contributed to a large number of landslide events in the Kaski district. In this study, landslide susceptibility was modeled with the consideration of twelve conditioning factors to landslides like slope, aspect, elevation, Curvature, geology, land-use, soil type, precipitation, road proximity, drainage proximity, and thrust proximity. A Google-earth-based landslide inventory map of 637 landslide locations was prepared using data from Disinventar, reports, and satellite image interpretation and was randomly subdivided into a training set (70%) with 446 Points and a test set with 191 points (30%). The relationship among the landslides and the conditioning factors were statistically evaluated through the use of Modified Frequency ratio analysis. The results from the analysis gave the highest Prediction rate (PR) of 6.77 for elevation followed by PR of 6.45 for geology and PR of 6.38 for the landcover. The analysis was then validated by calculating the Area Under a Curve (AUC) and the prediction rate was found to be 68.87%. The developed landslide susceptibility map is helpful for the locals and authorities in planning and applying different intervention measures in the Kaski District

    Efficacy of chemical fungicides against the fusarium rhizome rot of Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

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    The present investigation was conducted to analyze efficacy of different commercially available fungicides against the Fusarium spp. causing rhizome rot of ginger adopting poison food technique. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 8 treatment and 3 replications. The fungicides SAAF (Carbendazim 12% WP + Mancozeb WP 63%), Nativo (Tebuconazole 50% WP + Trifloxystrobin 25% WP), Caviet (Tebuconazole 25% WP), Kingsin M (Thiophanate –methyl 70%WP), Moximate (Cymoxil 8% WP + Mancozeb 64% WP), Custodia (Azoxystrobin 11% SC + Tebuconazole 18.3% SC), Melody duo (Iprovalicarp 5.5% WP + Probineb 61.5% WP) were used as a treatment for poison food technique. The results of this study indicated that there was a highly significant difference (p≤0.001) among the treatments in mycelial growth of the pathogen and inhibition of pathogen by different fungicides. The maximum mycelial growth of pathogen was observed on control plate (79.67mm) which was followed by melody duo and Moximate with the radial mycelial growth of 57.33mm and 55.83mm, respectively. Whereas the least mycelial growth of pathogen was recorded in SAAF (0.00mm) which was followed by Nativo, Custodia, Caviet and Kingsin M with the radial mycelial growth of 10.33mm, 14.83mm, 15.50, 21.83mm, respectively. Therefore, SAAF fully inhibited the growth of pathogen and found most effective which was followed by Nativo, Custodia, and Caviet with 87.04%, 81.40%, 80.55%, respectively

    Prevalence of Hookah Smoking and Its Associated Factors among Undergraduate Engineering Students of Khwopa College of Engineering, Nepal

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    Background: Hookah smoking, also known as water pipe smoking, is an emerging trend that is gaining popularity globally, especially among youth and college students. It has been referred to as a global tobacco epidemic by public health officials and identified as an emerging threat to public health. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study with systematic sampling was conducted. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data. Collected data were entered, and analysis was done using SPSS IBM version 26. Results: The overall prevalence of hookah smoking was found to be 38.7%, with a mean age of 17.92 years. The analysis indicated that sex and faculty of respondents were significantly associated with hookah smoking. In this study, male participants were 2.44 times more likely to be involved in hookah smoking compared to female participants (OR=2.449, 95% CI=1.026–0.848). Participants in the electrical engineering faculty were 4.84 times more likely to smoke hookah than participants in the computer engineering faculty (OR=4.844, 95% CI), and participants in the civil engineering faculty were 2.58 times more likely to smoke hookah than participants in the computer engineering (OR=2.583, 95% CI). Conclusion: The cross-sectional study with systematic sampling conducted among undergraduate engineering students at Khowpa College of Engineering revealed that hookah smoking was more prevalent among male participants than female participants. Hence, an awareness program is needed to be planned and implemented among engineering students, with a special focus on male students

    Burden of Serious Bacterial Infections and Multidrug-Resistant Organisms in an Adult Population of Nepal: A Comparative Analysis of Minimally Invasive Tissue Sampling Informed Mortality Surveillance of Community and Hospital Deaths.

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    BACKGROUND: Bacterial diseases are the leading cause of mortality globally, and due to haphazard use of antibiotics, antimicrobial resistance has become an emerging threat. METHODS: This cross-sectional observational study utilized a minimally invasive tissue sampling procedure to determine the cause of death among an adult population. Bacterial cultures (blood, cerebrospinal fluid, lung tissue) and antibiotic susceptibility were evaluated, and the results were compared between community and hospital deaths. RESULTS: Of 100 deceased persons studied, 76 (76%) deaths occurred in the community and 24 (24%) in the hospital. At least 1 bacterial agent was cultured from 86 (86%) cases; of these, 74 (86%) had a bacterial disease attributed as the primary cause of death, with pneumonia (35, 47.3%), sepsis (33, 44.6%), and meningitis (3, 4.1%) most common. Of 154 bacterial isolates (76.6% from the community and 23.4% from the hospital) detected from 86 culture-positive cases, 26 (16.8%) were multidrug-resistant (MDR). Klebsiella species were the most common (13 of 26) MDR organisms. The odds of getting an MDR Klebsiella infection was 6-fold higher among hospital deaths compared with community deaths (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.37-26.40; P = .017) and almost 23-fold higher (CI, 2.45-213.54; P = .006) among cases with prior antibiotic use compared to those without. CONCLUSIONS: High incidence of serious bacterial infections causing death of adults in the community, with most MDR organisms isolated from hospitalized cases, calls for robust surveillance mechanisms and infection prevention activities at the community level and evidence-driven antibiotic stewardship in healthcare settings

    Disseminated cryptococcosis in a deceased with HIV-1 diagnosed by minimally invasive tissue sampling technique.

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    Minimal invasive tissue sampling (MITS) technique detected HIV infection and disseminated cryptococcosis in an adult female with sudden death. A proper autopsy is essential to diagnose the exact cause of death and MITS can suffice in natural deaths

    Wildlife assessment of the Chandragiri hills, Kathmandu: Potentiality for ecotourism

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    Wildlife assessments can provide crucial information regarding species richness, relative abundance and spatial, temporal, and ecological information on wildlife habitat associations. The assessment’s information can in turn be used for developing management policies including for establishing touristic zones. We investigated wildlife occurrences in the Chandragiri Hills, Kathmandu Nepal from 2015-2019 to provide baseline data to inform the potential sites for ecotourism. During the study period, we recorded 30 mammal species, 199 bird species, 34 herpetofauna species and 77 butterfly species. The area harbors three globally and six nationally threatened mammal species, two globally and seven nationally threatened with one endemic bird species, one globally and nationally threatened herpetofauna, and one nationally threatened butterfly species. We also explored four potential hiking routes for observing wildlife and providing scenic views of the Himalayan range and Kathmandu city. Therefore, we expect Chandragiri Hills can become one of the hot spot for tourists to observe both common and threatened wildlife species in Nepal

    Diet of the Four-horned Antelope Tetracerus quadricornis (De Blainville, 1816) in the Churia Hills of Nepal

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    The food composition of the Four-horned Antelope Tetracerus quadricornis was studied in the Churia Hills of Nepal during summer, monsoon and the winter seasons of 2012–2013.  Microhistological technique was used to determine the diet.  The Four-horned Antelope was found to be a mixed feeder feeding on trees, shrubs, forbs, grasses and climbers.  Trees and shrubs contribute the major percentage of diet in all the three seasons.  The Gramineae family is consumed in highest proportion.  Mitragyna parvifolia, Bridelia retusa, Bambusa vulgaris, Hymenodictyon sp. and Ziziphus mauritiana are major tree species while Barleria cristata, Pogostemon benghalensis, Achyranthes sp., Clerodendrum viscosum are among shrubs.  Ageratum conyzoides and Blumea virens are the main forbs Eulaliopsis binata and Imperata cylindrica are the principal grass species.  Climber Trachelospermum lucidum is consumed in a small proportion.  Grasses in monsoon were consumed distinctly at a higher percentage than during the other two seasons.  The Four-horned Antelopes are concentrated feeders and browsers with a generalized feeding strategy. Similar studies need to be conducted in other landscapes and with sympatric and potential competitor species to understand its niche overlaps and degree of competition. </div