131 research outputs found

    On 3-colorable plane graphs without 5- and 7-cycles

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    AbstractIn this note, it is proved that every plane graph without 5- and 7-cycles and without adjacent triangles is 3-colorable. This improves the result of [O.V. Borodin, A.N. Glebov, A. Raspaud, M.R. Salavatipour, Planar graphs without cycles of length from 4 to 7 are 3-colorable, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 93 (2005) 303–311], and offers a partial solution for a conjecture of Borodin and Raspaud [O.V. Borodin, A. Raspaud, A sufficient condition for planar graphs to be 3-colorable, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 88 (2003) 17–27]

    An analogue of Dirac’s theorem on circular super-critical graphs

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    AbstractA graph G is called circular super-critical if Ο‡c(Gβˆ–u)<Ο‡c(G)βˆ’1 for every vertex u of G. In this paper, analogous to a result of Dirac on chromatic critical graphs, a sharp lower bound on the vertex degree of circular super-critical graphs is proved. This lower bound provides a partial answer to a question of X.Β Zhu [The circular chromatic number of induced subgraphs, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 92 (2004) 177–181]. Some other structural properties of circular super-critical graphs are also presented

    Structure and coloring of (P7P_7, C5C_5, diamond)-free graphs

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    We use PtP_t and CtC_t to denote a path and a cycle on t vertices, respectively. A diamond consists of two triangles that share exactly one edge, a kite is a graph obtained from a diamond by adding a new vertex adjacent to a vertex of degree 2 of the diamond, a paraglider is the graph that consists of a C4C_4 plus a vertex adjacent to three vertices of the C4C_4, a paw is a graph obtained from a triangle by adding a pendant edge. A comparable pair (u,v)(u, v) consists of two nonadjacent vertices uu and vv such that N(u)βŠ†N(v)N(u)\subseteq N(v) or N(v)βŠ†N(u)N(v)\subseteq N(u). A universal clique is a clique KK such that xy∈E(G)xy \in E(G) for any two vertices x∈Kx \in K and y∈V(G)βˆ–Ky\in V (G)\setminus K. A blowup of a graph H is a graph obtained by substituting a stable set for each vertex, and correspondingly replacing each edge by a complete bipartite graph. We prove that 1) there is a unique connected imperfect (P7,C5(P_7, C_5, kite, paraglider)-free graph G with \delta(G) \geq \omega(G)+ 1 which has no clique cutsets, no comparable pairs, and no universal cliques; 2) if G is a connected imperfect (P7,C5(P_7, C_5, diamond)-free graph with \delta(G) \geq max{3, \omega(G)} and without comparable pairs, then G is isomorphic to a graph of a well defined 12 graph families; and 3) each connected imperfect (P7,C5(P_7, C_5, paw)-free graph is a blowup of C7C_7. As consequences, we show that \chi(G) \leq \omega(G)+1 if G is (P7, C5, kite, paraglider)-free, and \chi(G) \leq max{3, \omega(G)} if G is (P7,C5(P_7, C_5, H)-free with H being a diamond or a paw. We also show that \chi(G) \le

    Perfect divisibility and coloring of some fork-free graphs

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    A holehole is an induced cycle of length at least four, and an odd hole is a hole of odd length. A {\em fork} is a graph obtained from K1,3K_{1,3} by subdividing an edge once. An {\em odd balloon} is a graph obtained from an odd hole by identifying respectively two consecutive vertices with two leaves of K1,3K_{1, 3}. A {\em gem} is a graph that consists of a P4P_4 plus a vertex adjacent to all vertices of the P4P_4. A {\em butterfly} is a graph obtained from two traingles by sharing exactly one vertex. A graph GG is perfectly divisible if for each induced subgraph HH of GG, V(H)V(H) can be partitioned into AA and BB such that H[A]H[A] is perfect and Ο‰(H[B])<Ο‰(H)\omega(H[B])<\omega(H). In this paper, we show that (odd balloon, fork)-free graphs are perfectly divisible (this generalizes some results of Karthick {\em et al}). As an application, we show that Ο‡(G)≀(Ο‰(G)+12)\chi(G)\le\binom{\omega(G)+1}{2} if GG is (fork, gem)-free or (fork, butterfly)-free


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    Let GG and HH be two vertex disjoint graphs. The {\em union} GβˆͺHG\cup H is the graph with V(GβˆͺH)=V(G)βˆͺ(H)V(G\cup H)=V(G)\cup (H) and E(GβˆͺH)=E(G)βˆͺE(H)E(G\cup H)=E(G)\cup E(H). The {\em join} G+HG+H is the graph with V(G+H)=V(G)+V(H)V(G+H)=V(G)+V(H) and E(G+H)=E(G)βˆͺE(H)βˆͺ{xyβ€…β€Šβˆ£β€…β€Šx∈V(G),y∈V(H)E(G+H)=E(G)\cup E(H)\cup\{xy\;|\; x\in V(G), y\in V(H)}\}. We use PkP_k to denote a {\em path} on kk vertices, use {\em fork} to denote the graph obtained from K1,3K_{1,3} by subdividing an edge once, and use {\em crown} to denote the graph K1+K1,3K_1+K_{1,3}. In this paper, we show that (\romannumeral 1) Ο‡(G)≀32(Ο‰2(G)βˆ’Ο‰(G))\chi(G)\le\frac{3}{2}(\omega^2(G)-\omega(G)) if GG is (crown, P5P_5)-free, (\romannumeral 2) Ο‡(G)≀12(Ο‰2(G)+Ο‰(G))\chi(G)\le\frac{1}{2}(\omega^2(G)+\omega(G)) if GG is (crown, fork)-free, and (\romannumeral 3) Ο‡(G)≀12Ο‰2(G)+32Ο‰(G)+1\chi(G)\le\frac{1}{2}\omega^2(G)+\frac{3}{2}\omega(G)+1 if GG is (crown, P3βˆͺP2P_3\cup P_2)-free.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2302.0680

    A note on chromatic number and induced odd cycles

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    An odd hole is an induced odd cycle of length at least 5. Scott and Seymour confirmed a conjecture of Gyarfas and proved that if a graph G has no odd holes then chi(G) \u3c=( 2 omega(G)+2). Chudnovsky, Robertson, Seymour and Thomas showed that if G has neither K-4 nor odd holes then chi(G) \u3c= 4. In this note, we show that if a graph G has neither triangles nor quadrilaterals, and has no odd holes of length at least 7, then chi(G) \u3c= 4 and chi(G) \u3c= 3 if G has radius at most 3, and for each vertex u of G, the set of vertices of the same distance to u induces abipartite subgraph. This answers some questions in [17]

    On endo-homology of complexes of graphs

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    AbstractLet L be a subcomplex of a complex K. If the homomorphism from inclusion iβˆ—:Hq(L)β†’Hq(K) is an isomorphism for all q β©Ύ 0, then we say that L and K are endo-homologous. The clique complex of a graph G, denoted by C(G), is an abstract complex whose simplices are the cliques of G. The present paper is a generalization of Ivashchenko (1994) along several directions. For a graph G and a given subgraph F of G, some necessary and sufficient conditions for C(G) to be endo-homologous to C(F) are given. Similar theorems hold also for the independence complex I(G) of G, where I(G) βˆ’ C(Gc), the clique complex of the complement of G
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