4,623 research outputs found

    Pitch angle distributions of 35-1000 keV protons at quasi-perpendicular interplanetary shocks

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    The characteristic features of the scatter-free acceleration process near perpendicular shocks are examined in the upstream and downstream pitch angle distributions of 35 to 1000 keV protons. Reasonable quantitative agreement is found between theoretical predictions and observations. The role played by bottle geometries, leading to enhanced acceleration, is highlighted

    Solar magnetic field reversal as seen at Ulysses

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    The rapid motion of the Ulysses spacecraft from high southern to high northern latitudes in 2000–2001 provided an excellent opportunity to make inferences regarding the solar magnetic dipole's behaviour around solar maximum. A simple dipole model is fitted to Ulysses measurements of the polarity of the heliospheric magnetic field mapped back to the solar wind source surface. Although higher order components of the field are ignored, the gradual reversal in orientation of the dipole field component can be followed during solar maximum, with the dipole axis crossing the solar equator during early 2000–early 2001. The dipole appears to exhibit a rotation at a slower rate than the Carrington frame of reference, similar to previous measurements made around solar maximum in the solar equatorial regions

    Star formation activity of intermediate redshift cluster galaxies out to the infall regions

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    We present a spectroscopic analysis of two galaxy clusters out to ~4Mpc at z~0.2. The two clusters VMF73 and VMF74 identified by Vikhlinin et al. (1998) were observed with MOSCA at the Calar Alto 3.5m telescope. Both clusters lie in the ROSAT PSPC field R285 and were selected from the X-ray Dark Cluster Survey (Gilbank et al. 2004) that provides optical V- and I-band data. VMF73 and VMF74 are located at respective redshifts of z=0.25 and z=0.18 with velocity dispersions of 671 km/s and 442 km/s, respectively. The spectroscopic observations reach out to ~2.5 virial radii. Line strength measurements of the emission lines H_alpha and [OII]3727 are used to assess the star formation activity of cluster galaxies which show radial and density dependences. The mean and median of both line strength distributions as well as the fraction of star forming galaxies increase with increasing clustercentric distance and decreasing local galaxy density. Except for two galaxies with strong H_alpha and [OII] emission, all of the cluster galaxies are normal star forming or passive galaxies. Our results are consistent with other studies that show the truncation in star formation occurs far from the cluster centre.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures. A&A in pres

    Pre-Heated Isentropic Gas in Groups of Galaxies

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    We confirm that the standard assumption of isothermal, shock-heated gas in cluster potentials is unable to reproduce the observed X-ray luminosity- temperature relation of groups of galaxies. As an alternative, we construct a physically motivated model for the adiabatic collapse of pre-heated gas into an isothermal potential that improves upon the original work of Kaiser (1991). The luminosity and temperature of the gas is calculated, assuming an appropriate distribution of halo formation times and radiation due to both bremsstrahlung and recombination processes. This model successfully reproduces the slope and dispersion of the luminosity-temperature relation of galaxy groups. We also present calculations of the temperature and luminosity functions for galaxy groups under the prescription of this model. This model makes two strong predictions for haloes with total masses M<10^13 M_sun, which are not yet testable with current data: (1) the gas mass fraction will increase in direct proportion to the halo mass; (2) the gas temperature will be larger than the virial temperature of the mass. The second effect is strong enough that group masses determined from gas temperatures will be overestimated by about an order of magnitude if it is assumed that the gas temperature is the virial temperature. The entropy required to match observations can be obtained by heating the gas at the turnaround time, for example, to about 3 X 10^6 K at z=1, which is too high to be generated by a normal rate of supernova explosions. This model breaks down on the scale of low mass clusters, but this is an acceptable limitation, as we expect accretion shocks to contribute significantly to the entropy of the gas in such objects.Comment: Final, refereed version, accepted by MNRAS. One new figure and several clarifying statements have been added. Uses mn.a4.sty (hacked mn.sty). Also available from http://astrowww.phys.uvic.ca/~balogh/entropy.ps.g

    Magnetic and Transport Properties of Fe-Ag granular multilayers

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    Results of magnetization, magnetotransport and Mossbauer spectroscopy measurements of sequentially evaporated Fe-Ag granular composites are presented. The strong magnetic scattering of the conduction electrons is reflected in the sublinear temperature dependence of the resistance and in the large negative magnetoresistance. The simultaneous analysis of the magnetic properties and the transport behavior suggests a bimodal grain size distribution. A detailed quantitative description of the unusual features observed in the transport properties is given

    Cluster electron observations of the separatrix layer during traveling compression regions

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    [ 1] We present Cluster 4-point observations of electrons during traveling compression regions ( TCRs) on 19 September 2001. The electron and \B\ signatures vary with distance from the plasma sheet, confirming that transient plasma sheet bulges propagate past Cluster. TCRs with \B\ increases have either no electron signature, or unidirectional similar to1 keV electrons at the plasma sheet edge. However, spacecraft initially near the plasma sheet edge are engulfed within the bulge and observe a diamagnetic reduction in \B\. In cases where the underlying plasma sheet bulge moves earthward, electrons at the plasma sheet edge stream tailward. We suggest this represents either a remote observation of electrons closing the Hall current system in an ion diffusion region located farther tailward, or the outflow jets along the separatrix formed by a second neutral line located farther earthward of the spacecraft. The latter case implies the simultaneous action of multiple X-lines in the near-Earth tail
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