716 research outputs found

    Sustainability of EU public finances

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    We use a policy rule framework and focus on the response of the primary surplus to accumulated public debt to test a sufficient condition for sustainability. The evidence we report suggests that sustainability was prevalent in many EU countries before Maastricht, but also that the Maastricht impulse induced the shift towards sustainability in some of them. Additionally, although a clear distinction emerges in terms of the visibility of the Maastricht stress between the euro bloc, on the one hand, and the non-euro EU countries, the US and Japan, on the other, there is no evidence of bloc differences in terms of the long term soundness of public finances. On the basis of our analysis and results, we highlight the potential policy relevance of the reaction of the primary surplus to accumulated debt in the debate on the proper balance between fiscal stabilization and discipline in EMU.Stability and Growth Pact, public debt, sustainability, Maastricht, fiscal stabilization, accumulated debt, public finances, sustainability, Ballabriga, Martinez-Mongay


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    The development of quantitative empirical analysis in macroeconomics

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    This paper contains a schematic description of selected relevant events in the development of quantitative macroeconomics since the start of the Cowles Comission for Economic Research in 1932. It also provides a sketch of what could be a promising path for future events.quantative empirical analysis, quantative macroeconomics, Ballabriga,

    Connecting Quantum Algorithms with Quantum Games: Grover's algorithm and the Battle of the Sexes

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de FĂ­sica, Facultat de FĂ­sica, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2021, Tutor: Miquel Montero TorralboA new game is created based on the Battle of the Sexes with a quantum algorithm taking the central stage. The way it works and the impact it has on the development of the game is shown. Different versions are studied in which quantum algorithms take on different relevance and are compared in an ordinary situatio

    Waves in central fields. Scattering of alpha particles from nuclei

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de FĂ­sica, Facultat de FĂ­sica, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2020, Tutor: Francesc Salvat PujolThe quantum problem of a particle in a central field of force has been studied. A robust numerical algorithm has been utilized for solving the radial wave equation for both bound and free states. The general expression of distorted waves has been employed in calculations of elastic scattering of alpha particles from nuclei. The absorptive effect of the imaginary component of the optical-model potential has been analyze

    PsicĂČlegs de la UAB detecten trastorns emocionals en "parvulitos"

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    Molts problemes emocionals enterren les seves arrels en traumes que desenvolupem quan tenĂ­em entre 3 i 6 anys d'edat. Un grup d'investigadors de la UAB van portar a terme un estudi per a prevenir les seqĂŒeles que deixen aquests trastorns psicolĂČgics en edats posteriors. Mes de 1.000 nens en edat pre-escolar, els seus pares i els seus professors van col·laborar en aquesta investigaciĂł i els seus resultats ja estan publicats. De les seves conclusions crida l'atenciĂł que els nens que viuen en un ambient rural gaudeixen d'una major salut mental comparats amb els nens de la ciutat.Muchos problemas emocionales entierran sus raĂ­ces en traumas quedesarrollamos cuando tenĂ­amos entre 3 y 6 años de edad. Un grupo deinvestigadores de la UAB llevaron a cabo un estudio para prevenir lassecuelas que dejan estos trastornos psicolĂłgicos en edades posteriores.MĂĄs de 1.000 niños en edad preescolar, sus padres y sus profesorescolaboraron en esta investigaciĂłn y sus resultados ya estĂĄn publicados.De sus conclusiones llama la atenciĂłn que los niños que viven en unambiente rural gozan de una mayor salud mental comparados con losniños de la ciudad.Many emotional problems have their roots in trauma that developedwhen we were between 3 and 6. A group of researchers at the UAB havecarried out a study to prevent the after-effects of these psychologicaldisorders in later life. More than 1,000 children of pre-school age, theirparents and their teachers cooperated in this research, the results ofwhich have just been published. The conclusions highlight the fact thatchildren who live in a rural environment enjoy better mental healthcompared with city childre
