2,658 research outputs found

    Iodine status in schoolchildren and pregnant women of Lazio, a central Region of Italy

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    The inhabitants of Lazio, similarly to those of other Italian regions, have been historically exposed to the detrimental effects of an inadequate intake of iodine. The latter is a micronutrient essential for the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones (TH). Iodine deficiency is responsible for a number of adverse effects on human health known as iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), the most common of which worldwide are goiter and hypothyroidism. In order to reduce IDD, a national salt iodination program was started in Italy in 2005. In this article we reviewed the available data regarding iodine intake in the Lazio population before and after the introduction of the national salt iodination program, in order to evaluate its efficacy and the eventual problem(s) limiting its success. On the whole, the information acquired indicates that, following the introduction of the program, the dietary iodine intake in the Lazio population is improved. There is, however, still much work ahead to ameliorate the iodine prophylaxis in this region. In fact, although a generally adequate iodine intake in school-age children has been observed, there are still areas where a mild iodine insufficiency is present. Moreover, two independent epidemiological surveys on pregnant women evidenced a low urinary iodine concentration with respect to the reference range conceived by the World Health Organization. These findings demonstrate the need for greater attention to the iodine prophylaxis by health care providers (i.e., obstetricians, gynecologists, pediatricians, etc.), and the implementation of effective advertising campaigns aimed at increasing the knowledge and awareness of the favorable effects of iodine supplementation on population health

    Analisi agli elementi finiti di un tronco di fusoliera di un velivolo PrandtlPlane sottoposto a carichi limite di pressurizzazione e di massa.

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    Nel presente lavoro di tesi viene analizzato, mediante analisi agli elementi finiti, il tronco di fusoliera di un velivolo Prandtplane da 250 posti compreso tra l’ala anteriore e quella posteriore, sottoposto a carichi di pressurizzazione e di massa. In una prima fase e' stato analizzata una sezione avente caratteristiche geometriche degli elementi strutturali reperite da tesi precedentemente svolte sull’argomento, utile ad avere una prima valutazione delle tensioni presenti. Successivamente e' stato realizzato un modello di fusoliera Prandtlplane di confronto, sulla base degli elementi costituenti un pannello di fusoliera di un velivolo Airbus A340, sottoposto alle medesime condizioni di carico del modello iniziale, stabilendo quale sia la condizione piu' critica e verificando che le tensioni presenti siano inferiori alla ternsione massima ammissibile del materiale. Infine, e' stata condotta una stima preliminare del peso di una sezione caratteristica della fusoliera e in percentuale di ogni singolo componente, facendone poi un confronto con gli analoghi componenti di velivoli aventi la stessa capacita' di carico passeggeri

    Atypical antipsychotics and metabolic syndrome : from molecular mechanisms to clinical differences

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    Atypical antipsychotics (AAPs) are commonly prescribed medications to treat schizophre-nia, bipolar disorders and other psychotic disorders. However, they might cause metabolic syndrome (MetS) in terms of weight gain, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes (T2D), and high blood pressure, which are responsible for reduced life expectancy and poor adherence. Importantly, there is clear evidence that early metabolic disturbances can precede weight gain, even if the latter still remains the hallmark of AAPs use. In fact, AAPs interfere profoundly with glucose and lipid homeostasis acting mostly on hypothalamus, liver, pancreatic β-cells, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle. Their ac-tions on hypothalamic centers via dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, and histamine receptors affect neuropeptides and 5′ AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity, thus producing a supra-physiological sympathetic outflow augmenting levels of glucagon and hepatic glucose production. In addition, altered insulin secretion, dyslipidemia, fat deposition in the liver and adipose tissues, and insulin resistance become aggravating factors for MetS. In clinical practice, among AAPs, olan-zapine and clozapine are associated with the highest risk of MetS, whereas quetiapine, risperidone, asenapine and amisulpride cause moderate alterations. The new AAPs such as ziprasidone, lurasi-done and the partial agonist aripiprazole seem more tolerable on the metabolic profile. However, these aspects must be considered together with the differences among AAPs in terms of their efficacy, where clozapine still remains the most effective. Intriguingly, there seems to be a correlation between AAP’s higher clinical efficacy and increase risk of metabolic alterations. Finally, a multidisciplinary approach combining psychoeducation and therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is proposed as a first-line strategy to avoid the MetS. In addition, pharmacological treatments are discussed as well.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Yield and Quality of Essential Oils in Hemp Varieties in Different Environments

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    Due to its possible utilization in cosmetics, medicine and crop protection, as a valuable alternative to petrochemical-derived products, hemp essential oil is now considered a product with high value added and a promising marketing potential. This experiment was conducted with the aim of evaluating the effect of four different locations of Northern Italy during two years (four environments) and three hemp monoecious varieties on the production and quality of essential oils (EOs) obtained by inflorescences harvested at full flowering of female flowers. The highest inflorescence yield was obtained at Maiano 2017, where a superficial groundwater layer (1.5 m) was present, with values that ranged from 1.69 of Fedora to 2.06 t ha 121 of Futura. EOs production ranged between 3.4 and 4.9 L ha 121 , affected mainly by the variety effect. The terpene in EOs, very similar between varieties and environments, was mainly composed of sesquiterpenes (caryophillene and humulene, as the most abundant) rather than monoterpenes (\u3b1-pinene, \u3b2-myrcene and trans-\u3b2-ocimene, in particular). Phytocannabinoids, and in particular cannabidiol (CBD), were not removed from tissues by the steam during hydrodistillation, and if this is confirmed by further experiments, the residual biomass, now considered as waste, could assume significant importance as a source for further utilization

    Structural optimization of automotive chassis: theory, set up, design

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    Improvements in structural components design are often achieved on a trial-and-error basis guided by the designer know-how. Despite the designer experience must remain a fundamental aspect in design, such an approach is likely to allow only marginal product enhancements. A different turn of mind that could boost structural design is needed and could be given by structural optimization methods linked with finite elements analyses. These methods are here briefly introduced, and some applications are presented and discussed with the aim of showing their potential. A particular focus is given to weight reduction in automotive chassis design applications following the experience matured at MilleChili Lab

    Novedades para las aráceas costarricenses (Araceae) con notas nomenclaturales

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    Background and Aims: Araceae is a worldwide family of herbaceous plants, most notable for its striking morphological diversity and broad habitat diversity. It comprises eight subfamilies, 143 genera, and 3667 species. The Central American region has about 780 species, of which 262 are distributed in Costa Rica. In this contribution, we include four new aroid records for the Costa Rican flora belonging to the genera Anthurium, Philodendron, and Spathiphyllum. In addition, nomenclatural aspects of A. myosuroides are discussed. Methods: The new records resulted from fieldwork on Fila Anguciana, Cerro Turrubares, and Volcán Miravalles. The correct taxonomic identity of the species was confirmed based on literature and comparison with herbarium specimens, especially type specimens from the herbaria of the Universidad de Panama (PMA) and the Missouri Botanical Garden (MO), as well as consultation of the JSTOR Global Plants database and the collections of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris (P) online. Descriptions, taxonomic discussions, and figures of the morphological characteristics of the new records are provided. Key results: We present Anthurium roseospadix, A. myosuroides, Philodendron pseudauriculatum and Spathiphyllum dressleri as new records for the Costa Rican flora. Moreover, lectotypification for Pothos myosuroides is proposed. Conclusions: Considering the new records presented in this work, the aroid flora of Costa Rica now comprises 266 species, and the total species numbers for Anthurium, Philodendron, and Spathiphyllum increased to 94, 63, and 10, respectively.Antecedentes y Objetivos: Araceae es una familia de plantas herbáceas ampliamente distribuida en el mundo, es notable por su sorprendente diversidad morfológica y su vasta variedad de hábitats. La familia comprende ocho subfamilias, 143 géneros y 3667 especies. La región centroamericana posee alrededor de 780 especies, de las cuales 262 se encuentran en Costa Rica. En esta contribución, incluimos cuatro nuevos registros de aráceas para la flora de Costa Rica, pertenecientes a los géneros Anthurium, Philodendron y Spathiphyllum. Adicionalmente, se discuten aspectos nomenclaturales de A. myosuroides. Métodos: Los nuevos registros se realizaron mediante trabajo de campo en Fila Anguciana, Cerros Turrubares y Volcán Miravalles. La correcta identidad taxonómica de las especies se confirmó mediante la revisión de literatura y por comparación con especímenes de herbario, especialmente los ejemplares tipo provistos por los herbarios de la Universidad de Panamá (PMA) y el Jardín Botánico de Missouri (MO). También se consultó, en línea, la base de datos de JSTOR Global Plants y la colección del Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de París (P). Se proporcionan descripciones, discusiones taxonómicas e ilustraciones de las características morfológicas de los nuevos registros. Resultados clave: Se presentan Anthurium roseospadix, A. myosuroides, Philodendron pseudauriculatum y Spathiphyllum dressleri como nuevos registros para la flora de Costa Rica. Además, se propone una lectotipificación para Pothos myosuroides. Conclusiones: Considerando los nuevos registros presentados en este trabajo, la flora de aráceas de Costa Rica ahora comprende 266 especies, donde la diversidad de Anthurium, Philodendron y Spathiphyllum aumentó a 94, 63 y 10 especies, respectivamente

    An Experimental Evaluation of the GNSS Jamming Threat

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    Jamming is the act of intentionally directing a disturbing electromagnetic wave towards a communication system in order to disrupt or prevent signal reception. Jamming is becoming a serious threat for several services including Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) where it is used to prevent the computation of the user position. This paper describes the joint efforts of the European Commission (EC) Joint Research Centre (JRC) and of the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport of the University of Ljubljana to experimentally evaluate the GNSS jamming threat. In particular several experiments have been conducted in order to build a library of scenarios for the evaluation of jamming detection and mitigation techniques. Data containing jamming signals have been collected in the JRC anechoic chamber and different approaches have been compared for the detection of jamming signals. The analysis shows a good coherence among the different detection metrics considered.JRC.G.5-Security technology assessmen
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