99 research outputs found

    International trade as a channel of influence of globalization on economic development of the countries-parties of OBOR initiative

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    The paper is aimed to discuss the influence of promoting free-trade between countries participants of Belt and Road initiative. the globalization of world trade can facilitate growth, and to inhibit it. The latter is the case, if there is a fixing of specialization of developing countries in exporting raw materials. And this is a key challenge for Russia, in relation to participation in the OBOR initiative. Opportunities for mutual benefit and win-win cooperation in international trade within OBOR countries are discussed. The paper offers policy recommendations for Russia in the conditions of integration into the world economy in the framework of OBOR project

    Basket of Growth: New Export Industries in Sverdlovsk Region

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    The authors examine an export basket and reveal the new export goods for Sverdlovsk region, which might be used to transform the productive structure and upgrade export of the region. For each product, in which the region might develop its comparative advantage, the authors develop a measure of efforts, which are supposed to be made to include this good into the export basket, and a measure of the income level for the product. As a result the authors get a cluster of new and the most attractive export goods. Special methodology is used to choose the best cities to allocate the production of the new export goods.Export goods, comparative advantages, industrial cluster, production allocation

    Elastic Charge Form Factors of π\pi and K Mesons

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    The elastic charge form factors of the charged π\pi and KK mesons are calculated in modified impulse approximation using instant form of relativistic Hamiltonian dynamics. Our approach gives pion and kaon electromagnetic form factors in the large range of momentum transfer. The results are in good agreement with the available data. Relativistic effects are large at all values of momentum transfers. The pion and kaon form factors at large Q2Q^2 depend strongly on the choice of model. The experiments on pion form factor at large momentum transfer planned at CEBAF will choose between such models. In the case of kaon such a choosing may be performed only if supplemented by accurate measurements of kaon MSR.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 2 uuencoded PostScript figure

    Assessing the Quality of Managing Enterprises in the Hotel and Restaurant Sector of the Region: Sociological Approach

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    The article presents the results of studying enterprises in the hotel and restaurant sector of Kharkiv region for the purpose of achieving an aggregate picture of the quality of managing the hotel and restaurant sector in the region and developing recommendations for optimizing management mechanisms. The subject of the research is the theoretical and practical aspects of improving the process of managing enterprises in the hotel and restaurant sector in Kharkiv region. The practical significance of the research is due to the real need of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant sector for applying a management system that meets market requirements in order to ensure competitiveness of their services. The trends in the development of the hotel and restaurant sector in Kharkiv region are studied. Furthermore, using an expert survey, the effectiveness of organizational structures and management systems in enterprises is evaluated. It is determined that against the background of nationwide positive trends in the development of the hotel sector, Kharkiv region is reducing its market share, which is primarily caused by the presence of traditional types of organizational structures and the limited use of modern management techniques. There carried out a typologization of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant sector in Kharkiv region in terms of quality of management by three levels: high, medium, and low. In the context of the considered enterprises, there determined the grounds for adopting the international standards of management ISO 9001; searching for new forms and models of management; elaborating development strategies and tactics; improving the system for managerial decision-making, etc. The recommendations and conclusions of this research are of applicable nature and intended for widespread use in activities related to improvement of quality of managing enterprises in the hotel and restaurant sector at the regional level


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    One of the promising directions of tourism development as an industry-multiplier of economic development is recreational activity. Recreation is a complex concept, which includes many subspecies of tourism, aimed at providing recreation and recreation for tourists. The article investigates the problems of development of recreational potential in order to increase the efficiency of tourism business, especially eco-tourism, to ensure the financial stability of the regions, as it is known that the tourism industry is profitable and does not require high primary expenses. The country's recreational potential is quite large, but its implementation is hampered by the lack of effective state mechanisms for the implementation of recreational development programs, the lack of conditions for attracting external and internal investment and the need for the development of tourist infrastructure, which is often morally and physically worn out. One of the types of recreation is ecological tourism, which is developing rapidly in the countries of the European Union, the United States, and other world leaders in the tourist industry. The theoretical definition of the concept of ecological tourism, which is characterized as a type of tourism, connected with preservation and ordering to nature, is given. The task of the study is to assess the potential of recreational development of tourist destinations. As a result of the analysis, an integrated criterion was developed for determining the recreational potential of the region and a methodology for analyzing the level of potential and level of its use was developed. On the basis of the proposed methodology, a ranking of the regions of Ukraine was conducted. The obtained results of the assessment and the SWOT analysis allowed to develop a number of directions for the enhancement of the development of ecological tourism in order to ensure the financial stability of the territories of Ukraine. Thus, the article proposes mechanisms for assessing and realizing the recreational potential of tourist destinations, taking into account the specifics of different regions of Ukraine, the prospects for the further development of recreational tourism, including eco-tourism, which gained significant popularity and can provide high profitability indicators for the industry and economy of the country as a wholeИсследованы проблемы развития рекреационного потенциала с целью повышения эффективности ведения туристского бизнеса, особенно эко-туризма, для обеспечения финансовой устойчивости регионов. Предоставлено теоретическое определение понятию экологического туризма. Разработан интегральный критерий для определения рекреационного потенциала региона и разработана методика анализа уровня потенциала и уровня его использования. Проведено ранжирование регионов Украины по предложенной методике.Одним із перспективних напрямів розвитку туризму як галузі-мультиплакатору економічного розвитку є рекреаційна діяльність. Рекреація – це комплексне поняття, яке включає багато підвидів туризму, спрямованих на забезпечення оздоровлення та відпочинку туристів. У статті досліджено проблеми розвитку рекреаційного потенціалу з метою підвищення ефективності ведення туристського бізнесу, особливо еко-туризму, для забезпечення фінансової стійкості регіонів, оскільки відомо, що галузь туризму є прибутковою та не потребує великих первинних витрат. Рекреаційний потенціал країни є досить великим, проте його реалізація гальмується через відсутність ефективних державних механізмів реалізації програм рекреаційного розвитку, відсутності умов для залучення зовнішніх та внутрішніх  інвестицій та необхідності розвитку туристської інфраструктури, яка зачасту є морально та фізично зношеною. Одним із видів рекреації є екологічний туризм, який бурхливо розвивається у країнах Європейського Союзу, Сполучених Шататах Америки та інших світових лідерах туристської індустрії. Надане теоретичне визначення поняттю екологічного туризму, який характеризується як вид туризму, що пов'язаний із збереженням та дорученням до природи. У роботі поставлене завдання щодо проведення оцінки потенціалу рекреаційного розвитку туристських дестинацій. У результаті проведеного аналізу розроблено інтегральний критерій для визначення рекреаційного потенціалу регіону та розроблено методику аналізу рівня потенціалу та рівня його використання. На основі запропонованої методики проведено ранжування регіонів України. Отримані результати оцінки та проведений SWOT-аналіз дозволили розробити ряд напрямів щодо активізації розвитку екологічного туризму для забезпечення фінансової стійкості територій України. Отже, у статті запропоновані механізми оцінки та реалізації рекреаційного потенціалу туристських дестинацій із врахуванням специфіки різних регіонів України, визначено перспективи подальшого розвитку рекреаційного туризму, в тому числі еко-туризму, який набирає суттєвої популярності та може забезпечити високі показники прибутковості для галузі та економіки країни в цілому


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    Aim. To evaluate by modelling the economic benefits of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) regression in patients with arterial hypertension (HT) due to therapy with fixed combination of valsartan/amlodipine.  Material and methods. 20 patients (15 females and 5 males, aged 18 to 70 years) with essential HT accompanied by metabolic syndrome with a history of previous ineffective antihypertensive therapy were included into the study. All patients were treated with fixed combination of amlodipine/valsartan in doses of 5/160 and 10/160 mg depending on blood pressure (BP) level. Treatment duration was 24 weeks. Changes in BP level, LVH regression were assessed. Economic evaluation was performed on the basis of modelling with the specialized software Decision Tree 4.xla. Results. Effect of fixed amlodipine/valsartan combination therapy on LVH was used to estimate treatment effectiveness and to build the model. Patients were distributed according to left ventricular (LV) mass (at baseline and after 24 weeks of therapy). Significant decrease in LV mass from 205.8±50.4 to 181.9±45.1 g (p<0.05) was revealed. The model took into account economic and frequency factors for 10 year prognosis: this therapy prevents 36 deaths, 6 strokes, 24 myocardial infarction per 1000 patients. Absence of need in treatment of these prevented events can save 2 516 772.42 RUR for every 1 000 patients. It would reduce the total costs per patient during 10 years. Conclusion. Treatment with amlodipine/valsartan single pill combination has not only clinical advantages, but also pharmacoeconomic benefits. This combination reduces risk of acute myocardial infarction and death more effectively. Treatment with fixed valsartan/amlodipine combination saves maximum years of life with less cost during 10 years. Despite of higher pharmacotherapy costs, fixed valsartan/amlodipine combination reduces total costs due to prevention of fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular events


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    Due to examination of animal breeding workers at the Irkutsk Region a case of human leptospirosis was identified. at the cattle farm of Tugutuy settlement. Due to epizootological-epidemiological study a mixed, leptospirosis focus in Ekhirit-Bulagat district was established, the agent circulation among commensal and wild, small mammals was demonstrated. Continuous pathogenic Leptospira DNA detection during the second, half of 2011, as well as the positive tularemia laboratory results require further study of the focus


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    Objective: to reveal early changes in the hemostatic system during warfarin therapy in cardiac surgical patients, by comprehensively evaluating their hemostatic status.Subjects and methods. Seventyfive patients receiving cardiac surgical treatment were examined. All the patients took warfarin for 5±1.5 days. Laboratory studies involving the determination of routine coagulogram readings and thrombodynamic indicators (lag time (Tlag) and rate (Vs) of clot growth, and concentrations of individual Factors II, VI, IX, and X) were used to evaluate the patients' hemostatic status.Results. 28% of the patients were found to have an international normalized ratio (INR) of above 3.0. There was a correlation of Tlag with INR (R2=0.66). Both indicators were  comparatively highly correlated with Factor II and Factor X concentrations (R2=0.50 and 0.40 for Tlag; R2=0.53 and 0.48 for INR) and were uncorrelated with Factor IX levels (R2=0.20 for Tlag and 0.34 for INR). However, there was a difference in Factor VII concentrations: no correlation for Tlag (R2=0.20) whereas it for INR was rather high (R2=0.42). The index Vs was uncorrelated with INR (R2=0.24) and the concentration of blood coagulation factors (R2<0.1). There was a high correlation between Factor II and Factor X concentrations (R2=0.87); the correlation between the concentrations of all other pairs of coagulation factors was substantially lower (R20.45). The lack of correlation of a thrombodynamic indicator, such as clot growth rate, with the concentration of coagulation factors points to the fact that warfarin acts mainly on the phase of coagulation activation rather than that of clot propagation.Conclusion. The weak correlation between coagulation factors (except that of a pair of Factor II and Factor X) is indicative of the individual response of the patients to warfarin treatment and the need to monitor the hemostatic status by global hemostatic tests rather than by individual proteins. The thrombodynamic indicator Tlag reflects the effect of warfarin in proportion to INR. Warfarin virtually fails to affect the rate of clot growth so this indicator may be used to evaluate the patient's procoagulant status uncompensated for with warfarin intake. Цель работы. Выявление ранних изменений в системе гемостаза при терапии варфарином у кардиохирургических больных путем комплексной оценки гемостатического статуса пациентов.Материалы и методы. Исследовано 75 пациентов, проходивших кардиохирургическое лечение. Все пациенты получали варфарин (продолжительность лечения больных — 5±1,5 суток). Для оценки гемостатического статуса больных использовали лабораторные методы, включающие определение рутинных показателей коагулограммы, тромбодинамики (время задержки Tlag и скорости роста сгустка (Vs), исследования концентрации II, VII, IX, X факторов).Результаты. Установлено, что у 28%больных показатель МНО находился в области свыше 3.0. Установлена корреляция Tlag с  MНО (R2=0,66). Оба показателя имеют сравнительно высокую корреляцию с концентрацией FII и FX (R2=0,50 и 0,40 для Tlag, R2=0,53 и 0,48 для МНО) и не коррелируют с концентрацией FIX (R2=0,20 для Tlag и 0,34 для МНО). Однако наблюдается расхождение в случае концентрации FVII: корреляция для Tlag отсутствует (R2=0,20), тогда как для МНО она достаточно высока (R2=0,42). Параметр Vs не коррелирует с МНО (R2=0,24) и концентрацией факторов свертывания (R2<0,1). Обнаружена высокая корреляция между концентрациями факторов FII и FX (R2=0,87), корреляция между концентрациями всех других пар факторов свертывания существенно ниже (R20,45). Отсутствие корреляции такого показателя тромбодинамики как скорость роста сгустка от концентрации факторов указывает на то, что варфарин действует преимущественно на фазу активации свертывания, но не на фазу распространения сгустка.Заключение. Слабая корреляция факторов свертывания между собой (за исключением пары фактор II — фактор X) указывает на индивидуальный ответ больных на лечение варфарином и необходимость мониторинга состояния гемостаза не по отдельным белкам, а глобальными тестами. Параметр Tlag в тромбодинамике отражает эффект варфарина пропорционально МНО. Варфарин практически не влияет на скорость роста сгустка Vs, поэтому данный параметр можно использовать для оценки прокоагулянтного состояния пациента, не компенсируемого приемом варфарина