232 research outputs found


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    Karya-karya tulisan masa lampau merupakan peninggalan yang mampu menginformasikan buah pikiran, buah perasaan, dan informasi mengenai berbagai segi kehidupan yang pernah ada. Karya-karya dengan kandungan informasi mengenai masa lampau itu tercipta dari latar sosial budaya yang mungkin tidak ada lagi atau yang tidak sama dengan latar sosial budaya masyarakat pembaca masa kini. Oleh karena itu, peninggalan tulisan yang berasal dari kurun waktu beberapa tahun yang lalu pada saat ini dalam kondisi yang sudah mengalami kerusakan atau berwujud sebagai hasil dari suatu proses penyalinan yang telah berjalan dalam kurun waktu yang lama. Di samping itu, sebagai produk masa lampau, bahan yang berupa kertas dan tinta serta bentuk tulisan, dalam perjalanan waktu telah mengalami kerusakan atau perubahan, baik karena faktor waktu maupun karena faktor kesengajaan dari penyalinnya. Gejala demikian terbaca pada munculnya variasi bacaan dalam karya tulisan masa lamapu. Variasi teks tersebut muncul juga dalam teks Yaasiin terbitan Amelia dan menara kudus. Dengan mengunakan metode landasan kedua teks tersebut akan coba dikaji dalam keilmuan filologi. Kata kunci: analisis perbandingan teks, terbitan amelia dan menara kudus, metode landasa


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan karakteristik tradisi mitoni yang terdapat di Jawa Tengah sebagai salah satu jenis sastra lisan. Karakteristik dalam tradisi mitoni yang ada di Jawa Tengah tersebut dapat diuraikan dan dianalisis dengan teori sastra lisan Ruth Finnegan yang berkaitan dengan komponen dalam sebuah pertunjukan sastra lisan. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat membuat karakterisasi budaya dan mengangkat kembali tradisi mitoni yang selama ini mungkin semakin terasingkan oleh masyarakatnya sendiri sebagai salah satu dampak dari globalisasi dan modernisasi. Hal yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah komponen-komponen dalam tradisi mitoni berupa: penutur, properti, partisipan, dan bacaan atau doa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara sedangkan analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif sintesis.   Kata kunci: karakteristik mitoni, tradisi mitoni di Jawa Tengah, komponen sastra lisa

    RELIGIOUS MODERATION: Building Tolerance and Harmony in Diversity

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    Religious moderation in diversity in Indonesia is very important to maintain social harmony. Indonesia is a country that has various religious beliefs, races, languages, tribes, traditions and so on. In such a multicultural society, tensions and conflicts often occur between cultural groups and have an impact on the harmony of life. The purpose of this paper is to discuss religious moderation in diversity, the role of the government in realizing religious moderation in Indonesia and the Challenges in Implementing Religious Moderation. The method used is library research. The conclusion of this study is that religious moderation plays a very important role in maintaining harmony and tolerance in a pluralistic Indonesian society. Integration of moderation values ​​in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) is the key to creating a generation that is able to appreciate differences, reject extremism, and promote peac


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    Karya sastra tidak dapat dipahami dan diteliti terlepas dari dunia pembaca karena karya sastra merupakan salah satu wujud realisasi diri seorang pembaca yang memberikan konkretisasi terhadap ruang-ruang kosong yang terdapat dalam karya sastra itu sendiri. Konkretisasi terhadap karya sastra tersebut dapat diejawantahkan melalui tanggapan, baik aktif maupun pasif oleh pembaca karya sastra. Tanggapan pembaca menjadi suatu hal pokok dalam kajian resepsi sastra sebagai paradigma pendekatan ekstrinsik dalam sastra yang menekankan pada hubungan antara karya sastra dengan pembaca. Resepsi Hermawan Aksan sebagai pembaca  ̶ yang dalam hal ini juga berperan sebagai seorang penulis− terhadap cerita perang bubat  ̶ yang dalam hal ini terdapat dalam novel Niskala ̶  dapat dikaji dengan menggunakan toeri resepsi sastra. Resepsi terhadap cerita perang bubat tersebut dapat ditafsirkan berbeda, tergantung dari posisi dan tendensi seorang pembaca yang sekaligus menjadi seorang penulis dalam memberikan penafsiran terhadap suatu permasalan.Kata kunci: Resepsi, Perang Bubat, Novel Niskala

    Development of a novel integrated value engineering and risk assessment (VENRA) framework for shipyard performance measurement

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    The shipyard is a key facility determining the quality and performance of ships in the shipbuilding industry. A well-designed ship requires skilled shipbuilders who can deliver on parameters such as quality, timeline, budget, and environmental considerations. Evaluating shipyard performance, including shipbuilding, ship repair, and ship conversion, is crucial for strategic advancement. This thesis proposes a new performance measurement framework, the integrated Value Engineering and Risk Assessment (VENRA), to enhance shipyard performance. The framework introduces a conceptual and multi-dimensional criteria framework that considers criteria prioritisation and the evaluated shipyard conditions score. It suggests integrating five criteria groups, namely Technical, Business, External, Personnel Safety, and Environment, which include a number of criteria and sub-criteria. These criteria are intended to be used for shipyard assessment and identifying areas for improvement. In order to achieve the above framework, fuzzy Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)-Weighting Evaluation Technique (WET) and fuzzy DEMATEL-Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods are employed. These methodologies assess the VENRA criteria by analysing interrelationships and assigning weight rankings to criteria and sub-criteria. An objective grading system is developed with fuzzy multi-attribute group decision-making (FMAGDM) approach to evaluate the shipyard’s condition score based on the VENRA criteria framework. By integrating criteria analysis and the shipyard score, a comprehensive analysis is conducted to determine the prioritisation of criteria, considering causal relationships, weight rankings, and the shipyard’s assessment score. The proposed framework has been applied and tested in case studies involving three different shipyards: a small shipyard specialising in aluminium ship production, a medium-sized shipyard focused on merchant ship production and a shipyard specialising in cruise ship production. The outcomes of this study include identifying the most influential criteria and sub-criteria, analysing shipyard performance measurements, prioritising enhancement tasks, and providing specific recommendations to improve shipyard performance.The shipyard is a key facility determining the quality and performance of ships in the shipbuilding industry. A well-designed ship requires skilled shipbuilders who can deliver on parameters such as quality, timeline, budget, and environmental considerations. Evaluating shipyard performance, including shipbuilding, ship repair, and ship conversion, is crucial for strategic advancement. This thesis proposes a new performance measurement framework, the integrated Value Engineering and Risk Assessment (VENRA), to enhance shipyard performance. The framework introduces a conceptual and multi-dimensional criteria framework that considers criteria prioritisation and the evaluated shipyard conditions score. It suggests integrating five criteria groups, namely Technical, Business, External, Personnel Safety, and Environment, which include a number of criteria and sub-criteria. These criteria are intended to be used for shipyard assessment and identifying areas for improvement. In order to achieve the above framework, fuzzy Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)-Weighting Evaluation Technique (WET) and fuzzy DEMATEL-Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods are employed. These methodologies assess the VENRA criteria by analysing interrelationships and assigning weight rankings to criteria and sub-criteria. An objective grading system is developed with fuzzy multi-attribute group decision-making (FMAGDM) approach to evaluate the shipyard’s condition score based on the VENRA criteria framework. By integrating criteria analysis and the shipyard score, a comprehensive analysis is conducted to determine the prioritisation of criteria, considering causal relationships, weight rankings, and the shipyard’s assessment score. The proposed framework has been applied and tested in case studies involving three different shipyards: a small shipyard specialising in aluminium ship production, a medium-sized shipyard focused on merchant ship production and a shipyard specialising in cruise ship production. The outcomes of this study include identifying the most influential criteria and sub-criteria, analysing shipyard performance measurements, prioritising enhancement tasks, and providing specific recommendations to improve shipyard performance

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Bermain Drama dengan Metode Role Playing pada Kelompok Teater Kenes SMPN 4 YOGYAKARTA

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    This research aims to improve the skills of Teater Kenes SMPN 4 Yogyakarta in performing the drama with the “Role Playing” method. This method is one of the various methods used in the study of Drama Performance. One of the advantages of utilizing this method is to help students in solving their personal problems. Role Playing provides the opportunity for students to determine their personal problems, then do some experiment in various ways to resolve the problems when it occurs.This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subject of the research is Teater Kenes, SMPN 4 Yogyakarta involving 10 students. This study consists of two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques are questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation of the learning activities. Analyses are performed with a qualitative descriptive technique that is supported by quantitative data. The validity of the data obtained through validity (processes, products, democratic, and dialogue) and reliability.The results shown that the method of Role Playing can improve playing skills in Teater Kenes SMPN 4 Yogyakarta. The ability of the students in role-play before their implementation of measures categorized is considered as Below Average Category. However, after the implementation of the action during the two cycles, the ability of the students in the drama belongs to Good Category. It is based on the observation of students from Pre-Action with the arithmetic mean value of 17.6 (29.33%), the first cycle of 21.1 (35.17%), and the second cycle the average value of count to 37, 6 (62.67%). The ability to play drama of the students from Pre-Action to the second cycle is increased by 20 (33.34%). Moreover, the process of learning to play the drama is also increased. Prior to the implementation of the action, the students were not stimulated to play a role, less active, and were hesitate to make a move so that the target is less than standard. After the implementation of the action, students become more daring, active in learning, and they are not hesitate to make a move, even they are able to improvise. It can be seen from the observation during the learning process of Pre-Action with the arithmetic mean value of 7.6 (38%), the first cycle of 9.6 (48%), and the second cycle the average value of count to 17, 2 (86%). Thus, the process of learning to play the drama of Pre-Action to the second cycle is increased by 9.6 (48%)

    Resepsi Cerita Perang Bubat Dalam Novel Niskala Karya Hermawan Aksan

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    Karya sastra tidak dapat dipahami dan diteliti terlepas dari dunia pembaca karena karya sastra merupakan salah satu wujud realisasi diri seorang pembaca yang memberikan konkretisasi terhadap ruang-ruang kosong yang terdapat dalam karya sastra itu sendiri. Konkretisasi terhadap karya sastra tersebut dapat diejawantahkan melalui tanggapan, baik aktif maupun pasif oleh pembaca karya sastra. Tanggapan pembaca menjadi suatu hal pokok dalam kajian resepsi sastra sebagai paradigma pendekatan ekstrinsik dalam sastra yang menekankan pada hubungan antara karya sastra dengan pembaca. Resepsi Hermawan Aksan sebagai pembaca ̶ yang dalam hal ini juga berperan sebagai seorang penulisâˆ\u27 terhadap cerita perang bubat ̶ yang dalam hal ini terdapat dalam novel Niskala ̶ dapat dikaji dengan menggunakan toeri resepsi sastra. Resepsi terhadap cerita perang bubat tersebut dapat ditafsirkan berbeda, tergantung dari posisi dan tendensi seorang pembaca yang sekaligus menjadi seorang penulis dalam memberikan penafsiran terhadap suatu permasalan

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap Pelaksanaan Pidana Kurungan bagi Anak Nakal di Rutan Anak Blitar

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    Among the criminal problem that are faced by society today is children crimes and violations, which legally referred to as "child crime". Consequently, they must be held accountable through a judicial process that can lead to imprisonment. In Indonesia, one of the places for child incarceration is in the Children's Correction Center (LPA) of Blitar. The study aims to determine the implementation of imprisonment policy for children in LPA Blitar and the Islamic criminal law's perspective. The results of this study concluded that the criminal justice process for children criminals in LPA Blitar prevails under the current law. As for the efforts of the Blitar LPA in its implementation of the policy is to provide guidance and education in a best and fair manner tailored with the evolution of children's psychology. In Islamic law, there is no prohibition about children's punishment as long as the child has passed the age of baligh, but must prioritize the education and mental development of the child. It is in line with sharia law and relevant law in Indonesi

    Budidaya Ikan Lele (Clarias SP) Dengan Sistim Kolam Bioflok Pada Pokdakan Tanah Berongga-Sido Urep

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    The proposed community service (PKM) aims to develop a biofloc system in catfish farming at Pokdakan Tanah Berongga- Sido Urep. The goal of the activity is  providing new knowledge about catfish cultivation with a biofloc system. The target of this program is Pokdakan Tanah Berongga-Sido Urep. The main problem faced by the group is the catfish activities are still carried out conventionally using ground and stone ponds. These activities like affected to on environmental distruction especially the soil structure that has been eroded by the cultivation activities.  The activities  carried out such as: 1) Socialization of catfish culture with a biofloc  system, 2) Provision of tools and materials for the manufacture of biofloc ponds, 3) Training for making biofloc ponds, 4) Distribution of catfish seedlings in biofloc ponds, 5) Catfish enlargement in biofloc ponds and 6) Harvesting catfish. The PKM team will also provide assistance during the activity. At the end of the activity, an evaluation and follow-up action plan (RTL) will be carried out so that the business carried out by partners can continue so that an independent business group can be realize
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